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Orice postat de Calin

  1. Calin

    F800s De La Bmw

    Sa o stapanesti sanatos.
  2. Sensei, K 1200 R este varianta naked a K1200S, cu cateva mici modificari: rapoarte mai scurte ale cutiei de viteze, ghidon inaltat, o nesemnificativa diferenta de putere. Tinand cont de aceste lucruri, pot sa-ti spun cate ceva despre cum se comporta S-ul: -motorul este puternic, cuplul mare, nu trebuie turata mult pentru a face o depasire rapida -pozitia de pilotaj destul de comoda -este confortabil, sistem de suspensii reglabile absolut fenomenal -franele sunt putin cam brutale, dar foarte eficiente datorita sistemului partial integral + ABS -desi ma plimb foarte putin in oras, am observat ca nu este foarte manevrabila datorita ampatamentului mare. In orice caz, nu este varianta ideala cu care sa te strecori prin aglomeratie. Comportamentul la drum lung este o combinatie dintre un touring si o supersportiva, cu un confort decent si o protectie foarte buna la vant datorita carenajului complet.
  3. Am un K 1200S din primavara si sunt extrem de multumit de el. Ma bucur sa vad ca exista acest grup si sper sa ne si intalnim in 2007. Va salut pe toti....
  4. Chiar ar trebui sa existe o zi a motociclistilor iar propunerea cu "prima sambata din iunie" mi se pare foarte buna.
  5. Chiar daca aproape toate drive-testele sunt traduceri, revista este buna datorita accesului la informatiile de ultima ora iar testarea este obiectiva si realizata de catre profesionisti. Foarte buna mi se pare si rubrica de consiliere second-hand. Pagina de benzi desenate nu mi-a placut la niciunul dintre numerele revistei. Rubrica Posta Redactiei nu cred ca ar mai trebui sa publice scrisori de genul " Am cumparat fiecare numar al fiecare luna astept cu nerabdare sa o cumpar.....felicitari pentru revista....sunteti cei mai buni....tineti-o tot asa....." Acestea sunt mesaje care se justifica doar dupa primele doua, trei numere. Asa cum este si cazul revistei Motorrad, aceasta rubrica trebuie sa contina reactiile cititorilor, pro sau contra,la parerile personale ale pilotilor care efectueaza testele, la anumite articole din revista.... O usoara schimbare in bine s-a observat la ultimul numar.
  6. Calin

    RaceR, ultima plimbare

    Odihneasca-se in pace.
  7. Calin

    Noul R1200ST

    Mai multe detalii aici:
  8. Simpla participare la acest raid este ceva extraordinar, iar daca veti reusi sa-l terminati cu bine va fi o adevarata victorie. Mult succes
  9. Din pacate acelea sunt cele mai slabe pagini ale revistei.....
  10. Calin

    Ce toba!

    O sa am nevoie de ceva timp sa ma obisnuiesc cu designul tobei . In rest e super tare
  11. Calin

    BMW K1200S

    Uite si parerea celor de la Superbike K1200S launch report Through wind and rain... Our man in central Europe, Jon Pearson, battled through heavy thunderstorms and high humidity across southern Germany and Austria to bring you first word from the launch of BMW's new K1200S. You're not going to believe it, hell I didn't either, but this bike works. I know one of the major assets you can always level at a BMW is its functionality but this one works in a way no other Beemer has before - like a Japanese inline-four. BMW's first foray into the sports bike market, the K1200S, sits alongside the Suzuki Hayabusa, Kawasaki ZX-12R and Honda Blackbird in the hyper sports market. In the face of that kind of opposition the K1200S stands up exceptionally well. The chassis hides the inherent weight problems of the class well behind a tight and positive front end (complete with a fancy Duolever twin wishbone front fork set-up) and electronically adjustable damping control. You can adjust the ride quality according to how you're riding or how much load you're carrying with, get this, a button on the bars. Unnerving Austrian Alpine roads proved the front end is very responsive and adept at holding tight lines (something you could never say about the Blackbird). The bike also feels smaller (that a Blackbird say), dishing a surprisingly comfortable riding position behind ample protection from the screen at all speeds. The all-new, inline-four 1,157cc motor is difficult to judge. Without a doubt it is fucking fast, as it should be with a claimed 167bhp. Thankfully the autobahns south of Munich, towards Austria, remain speed-limit-free and there's no question this thing tramps along very, very quickly. That said I never quite topped it out - 270kph (167mph) being the max I managed before needing to brake for a car or corner with revs still to go. It doesn't have the low down surge you associate with the Busa or Blackbird but needs revving more like the ZX-12R to get the best from it (judged by sports 600 levels of torque this sentence is nonsense of course). A number of other testers present on the launch bemoaned an inconsistent fuel injection and throttle delivery, especially at low speeds through towns. It may have been the hot weather but I didn't find the same problems although felt it worth noting. The flip side is there's no over-sensitivity that you find from a Honda throttle. UK bikes will come without or with ABS fitted for ÂŁ9,750 and ÂŁ10,545 respectively. The only downers are the bike won't be available until mid-September, having been launched early to the press, plus the colours available will make you look like either a copper or a giant bumble bee (giant bumble bee pictured).
  12. Calin

    BMW K1200S

    In general nu sunt un fan al motocicletelor BMW, dar asta chiar imi place. Vedeti ca e prezentata in Univers Moto din august, si va fi testata in numarul viitor.
  13. Calin

    Inca Unul Cazut ...

    Fie-i tarana usoara.
  14. Calin

    Motorul Lui Radu

    Am o presimtire ca va iesi un motor tare de tot. Spor la lucru baieti, pana nu trece vara !!!
  15. Cu siguranta trebuie fara plumb. Doar e 2001
  16. Super motoru' tau. Sa-l stapanesti sanatos !
  17. Sa o stapanesti sanatos
  18. Sa o stapanesti sanatos si fara alte incidente. Bafta
  19. Calin

    My Baby

    Sa stapanesti sanatos craioveanca ta (de fapt acum e brasoveanca). E super. Asfalt uscat
  20. E o facatura destul de slaba. Am vazut si altele mai bune
  21. Dumnezeu sa-l odihneasca in pace !
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