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Orice postat de UncleFester

  1. Se mută la "Motociclete de stradă". Şi puneţi fraţilor titluri mai inteligente la topicuri, auzi tu.... "DILEMĂ"
  2. Păi chiar mă gândeam că seamănă
  3. Mică, dar există. Gândeşte-te ce "urări de bine" ai în gând la adresa şoferului când întâlneşti o maşină fără becuri pe frână. Acum, inversează situaţia.
  4. E eficient, dar e o soluţie temporară. Vedeţi că sunt şi multe făcături pe piaţă (gen "DW 40" ). Mai bine cureţi de rugină şi dai cu spray de crom (sau recromezi integral tobele... dar e mai complicat).
  5. UncleFester

    SMAEB 2005

    Cine-i Anju ăsta şi ce motocicletă are ?
  6. UncleFester

    SMAEB 2005

    Ptiu, ai stricat surpriza
  7. ce nasol trebuie să fie Totuşi, bine că eşti zdravăn, fierul se repară.
  8. Aia de lângă Sala Palatului, unde a glăsuit Bush amu' vreo 2 ani
  9. UncleFester

    ARE CD!

    Până ajunge revista la chioşc, ziceţi şi voi ce e pe cdul ăla
  10. UncleFester

    SMAEB 2005

    A fost o greşeală, s-a corectat.
  11. Cielo e o excepţie, au greşit când au montat-o în fabrică, bara aia de spate e de fapt de tanc
  12. Prin tutorialele de "winterizare" scrie s-o iei în casă pe perioada iernii. Din ce-am citit eu pe diverse alte siteuri, nu scrie nimic de temperaturi joase, dar scrie să n-o expui la temperaturi foarte înalte (de exemplu să n-o laşi în bătaia soarelui). Teoretic, ai avea dreptate, dar de exemplu iarna în frig bateria la mobil ţine mai puţin decât la temperaturi normale. @andreigin: mulţumesc pentru info.
  13. Mda, din fericire am o baterie de generaţie veche Pe la ce preţ se învârte un încărcător din ăsta inteligent ?
  14. Mda, deci toată treaba asta cu U=RI este foarte frumoasă în teorie, practica ne omoară Am găsit rezistenţe ceramice de 9W, am legat 2 în serie, dar cred că asta e puterea la 220 V... urmare: curentul băgat de redresor era pe la 0,05 amperi. După care m-am dus la benzinărie şi mi-am luat becuri de 5W şi 21W, la 12 V. Cu 2 becuri de 5 W în serie, aveam curent de între 0,08-0,1 amperi. Cu un bec de 5 W, băga 0,15 amperi. Soluţia a fost becul de 21W, cu care acum bagă 0,6 amperi şi tensiunea la borne creşte-creşte
  15. UncleFester

    SMAEB 2005

    Da, aşa e în afară.
  16. Domnilor, vă certaţi fără dovezi ? Regulament aplicare cod rutier SUBCATEGORIA A1: motocicleta usoara cu o capacitate care nu depaseste 125 cm3 si o putere care nu depaseste 11 kW; Art. 127. - (1) Conducatorii si pasagerii motocicletelor si ciclomotoarelor sunt obligati sa poarte în timpul circulatiei pe drumurile publice casti de protectie omologate. Noul cod rutier 17. motocicleta - autovehiculul cu doua sau trei roti, al carui motor are o capacitate cilindrica mai mare de 50 cm3, cu sau fara atas si/sau o viteza maxima, prin constructie, mai mare de 50 km/h, a carui masa proprie nu depaseste 400 kg; 18. ciclomotor - vehiculul cu doua sau trei roti, care este prevazut cu un motor cu ardere interna, având o capacitate cilindrica de cel mult 50 cm3, care pastreaza caracteristicile generale ale bicicletei, putând fi pus în miscare si cu ajutorul pedalelor, si a carui viteza de deplasare, prin constructie, nu depaseste 50 km/h; Art. 12. - (1) Pentru a circula pe drumurile publice vehiculele, cu exceptia bicicletelor, ciclomotoarelor si a celor trase sau împinse cu mâna, trebuie sa fie înmatriculate ori înregistrate, dupa caz, si sa poarte placute de înmatriculare sau de înregistrare, ale caror forme si dimensiuni se stabilesc prin regulamentul de aplicare a prezentei ordonante de urgenta, denumit în continuare regulament. -------- Aşadar: 0 cm cubi < ciclomotor fără permis < 50 cm cubi < motocicletă cu A1 < 125 cm cubi < motocicletă cu A Concluzia: RS 50 are până în 50 cm cubi, intră la categoria ciclomotor chiar dacă nu are pedale, nu trebuie înmatriculată, dar trebuie ca cel din şa să poarte cască. Nu există termenul de "moped" în Codul Rutier !
  17. Să înţeleg că toată lumea îşi cumpără baterii noi primăvara ? Am găsit exact ce trebuie: , problema e cum obţinem aşa ceva în .ro ?
  18. De la Hey, not everyone digs the Teutuls. "American Chopper" may well be the biggest thing The Discovery Channel ever spoon fed the unintelligentsia, but it represents what most pisses myself, and several others I know, completely off about the current state of motorcycling. Wanna be know-nothings and the dipshits who idiolize them. I've ranted, raved, and threatened violent insurrection over this bullshit prime time soap opera and it's thespian cast of mental midgets. But now I've had it. When their mechanical ineptitude and familial drama spill over into my shop; that's it. I'll say my piece and let the rest of the world decide. Don't go into someone else's shop and ask them, "Should that axle go in so easy? I saw them drive them in on American Chopper. I think you've got something wrong there ..." Oh, motherfucker. Get away from the tool box lest ye be smitten with the ball pein. These assbags are not bike builders. In fact they're not bikers. They are, at best, bike decorators. At worst they are a pox on the nation and destined for history's dustbin as a footnote no more impressive or nostalgic than mulletts and moon pies. Okay, I'm done. For now. All I really want is an awareness of the fact not everyone who rides a motorsickle, much less a harley, finds inspiration and comraderie with the drama queens of Orange County. Personally, I'd know better than to perch my puckered ass on one of their trailer worthy contraptions. Just a heads up: axle shafts should never - repeat NEVER - be hammered into place. From there the mechanical and aesthetic faux pas run amuck. Like the ulcers in my lacerated innards these fucktards do nothing but piss me off. This medical annoyance, and the copious profanities I've screamed at the tube while these asshats fumble through their toolbox, has led my wife to make yet another of her great suggestions; "Hey, dumbass, why don't you change the channel."
  19. De la The safety nazis. They're out there trying desperately to nanny you and me. You remember them; the people convinced you're not smart enough to look after yourself. The ones who have given you more warning labels than instructions on everything from toasters to canned peas. They're the folks who think Ralph Nader is the second coming and you'll refrain from using that top step if there's a black and yellow sticker on it. [...] But the ones most threatening to me, personally, are the helmet law fanatics. The mad mothers of a different stripe. The pointy-headed sycophants who've never boarded a two wheeled instrument of death. The ER physicians and EMTs with a book of gruesome second-hand stories and ‘donorcycle' quips. The legislators and politicos driven by polls rather than individual freedom. They all have two things in common. They don't ride and they make a more aesthetically pleasing spokesperson than the rest of us. [...] I have yet to meet a fellow rider of any brand loyalty who will lecture me on the merits of a mandatory helmet law. Even my friends who prefer their helmet, I have a few, agree it is a matter of choice. In my experience people who ride are either reluctant to tell someone to wear a lid or honestly feel it is a matter of personal preference. I've never held a grudge against anyone in a helmet and can mount as many arguments against as those who argue for. Anecdotal tidbits, physics and physiology, warped statistics from DOT, vision and hearing, fatigue and perception ... Regardless one's bent on the issue of helmets one thing holds: we feel strongly but refuse to legislate what is a matter of choice. I would never suggest a law preventing helmet use and don't expect my fellow two-wheeled compadres to impose their theories on me. [...] And as pointed out by my father at the time, "Had he died in the airplane everyone would have said, ‘Oh, those airplanes are dangerous' and had he died on his motorcycle they'd have all said, ‘Oh, those motorcycles are dangerous' but he died in a car - and we'll all drive to the funeral." [...] Hey, if the pro-helmet clan can claim they save lives I can claim they kill. Neat thing is - we're both right. There are a million different scenarios where helmets save, or contribute to the end of, a life. Moms are a terrific tool of the helmet nazis. Politicians have known the power of a weeping mother for years. One watery-eyed mom pleading into a television camera about how a helmet may have saved her promising son negates any facts about him powering a sportbike into the back of an F-150 at speeds jet aircraft consider takeoff velocity. No argument about proper bike power and size relative to experience can trump a mother's sorrow. Even if that mother bought, or helped to buy, an incredibly powerful motorcycle for an inexperienced young rider. And regardless if that son was videotaped doing 120 mph wheelies on broad thoroughfares in the wee hours of a school night, her appearance will always look better than the leather-clad hoodlum with 30 years in a saddle and 10 years growth on his face. AARP voters and loafer-wearing white collars will not be swayed by a guy named Bear, regardless how much sense he makes, when he is placed counter to a distraught parent. It's not right, and it's discriminatory - but it is our reality. I discount no mother's grief. I've seen it. And everyone seeks a cause in the face of tragedy. The easiest target in the case of motorcycle accidents is a helmet. No one demands better riding training or sensible purchasing decisions. Helmets are easy. Helmets sound good. Helmets are a panacea. Helmets make perfect sense to the non-riding masses.
  20. Cum păstraţi bateria încărcată pe perioada iernii ? Unii zic că trebuie pusă periodic la încărcat, alţii că trebuie conectată permanent la un charger care să-i dea un curent foarte mic (de "menţinere"). După tot felul de discuţii pe tema asta, n-a ieşit nimic concret. Cu charger de maşină nu merge, se reglează singur şi bagă prea mult curent decât trebuie (instrucţiunile bateriei spun maxim 1.4 amperi curent de încărcare - regula generală este un curent de 10% din capacitatea bateriei exprimată în amperi-oră, iar chargerul de maşină bagă de la început 2.5 amperi). Prin magazine nu am găsit nici un utilaj pentru motociclete, ca atare am început să construiesc ceea ce am găsit aici:
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