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Vtr 1000 F


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Asadar, cu crashpaduri arata misto :)


Placutele sunt calumea, franele sunt ceva mai ferme, se simt ca musca mai tare din discuri. In schimb, desi s-a umblat la pompa de frana, daca strang tare de ea si e setata pe 2-3, imi prinde degetele intre maneta si manson. Trebuie sa merg cu ea setata la 6 - asta pentru cine are manete de frana din alea scurte.

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si mie mi se pare molicica dar nici chiar ca la tine, eu tin la jumate maneta si cand strang mai raman cam 2-2.5 cm pana la maner...oricum nu-i stres, strangi mai tare daca e....


CB500-ele soatei are frane mai bune ca VTRul :crack: ...adica desi are un singur disc, maneta e tare si ferma si musca al dracu de bine...DAR, e CB500 d-ala de "Made in Italy" si are frane Brembo pe ea.


pune si tu o poza cu capecele alea

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bah frate, la mine franele au fost cele mai injurate din tot ce am mesterit la mobra; da' stiu ca rup discu' numai daca le antrenez nitel. Pana la jumatea cursei e deja "la blana"

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Frana e la fel... chiar si dupa ce au fost desfacuti etrierii si curatati calumea. Nu am stat sa vad cum se miscau pistonasele, dar nu s-a simtit mare lucru. Ar mai fi de umblat la garniturile de la etrieri.

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Cand ai servisat etrierii,ai verificat fiecare pistonas in parte?Cum se miscau?


Pai si ce ma-sa le-ai facut?

:) servisat = desfacut tot (pompe frana si ambreaj, etrieri, furtune). curatat interior pompe, scos pistonase, curatat depuneri, curatat orificiile de alimentare/presiune/comunicante, verificat simeringuri, sters pistonase sa-ti faci freza-n ele, uns cu DOT4 si reasamblat.

Durerea mare la pompele alea este ca-s gandite cu cooru' si se aerisesc greu, sau tre sa le amorsezi pana sa le repui pe motor (eu cel putin nu pot gasi o alta cale)

Editat de Roni
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Si acum ma oftic.. am avut o pompa de frana de R1 completa, cu tot cu bidonas si maneta - o pusesem pe Fazer mai demult -, si i-am dat-o cuiva, ca o tineam de pomana prin acasa... Cred ca o sa fac artificiul asta cat de curand.

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ca idee, din ce m-am mai uitat pe net, Brembo is gandite cel mai interesant (nu doar ca sunt un nume mare pe piata)

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CB500-ele soatei are frane mai bune ca VTRul :crack: ......... are frane Brembo pe ea.


Eu n-am zis degeaba :P


Are frane brembo, cu un singur disc pe fata, placute goldfren si e la fel de grea....dar am impresia cel putin daca nu asa e, ca musca mult mai bine. Franele pe ea n-au fost servisate complet niciodata, doar lilchid nou, aerisire si placute.

Nu mai zic comparat de Bandit, care avea frana si mai slaba ca VTR-ul, dar se stie ca inafara de GSXR, franele pe Suzuki-s mediocre.

» Post actualizat in 21 May 2015 08:47

pai si ce rost mai au capacele?


de unde le-ai luat cat a durat si cat au fost??? buloanele nu capacele...


tot ce am gasit eu sare de 130-150 de euro...

Editat de MotoRocker
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Nu au fost scumpe, nu mai stiu, 200 de lei, 200 si umpic, cu tot cu tija de prindere. Mi le-a facut repede, in nici o saptamana. De montat, le-a montat Patrick.

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Interesant la modul de bine sau rau? :)

Interesant in sensul bun: simple si eficiente.

Capacele alea de motor (cele din carbon) nu tin caldura mai mult decat trebuie? Arata foarte calumea si mascheaza si logo-ul honda :))

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Roni, ca sa-ti treaca de Honda, ia-ti un CB500, consum mic, manevrabila, fiabila in draci si usor de surubarit (schimbi filtrul de aer si bujiile in 5 min, si nu exagerez) dar e ca si cum ai merge cu juma de VTR :P

» Post actualizat in 21 May 2015 12:34

PS: Voi cat aer bagati in gume? cat scrie pe bascula?

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nu-i cam moale?


eu la drum lung pun 2.3-2.4 fata si 2.7-2.8 spatele, mai ales ca de obicei e si mandra in spate (pe bascula aparatoarea la lant scrie 2.5 fata si 2.9 spatele)


poate d-aia scot eu consumul ala de 5.5 - 6.6 :crack: ca fac gumele tzeava


eu am si Michelin PP-uri si astea au carcasa moale si elastica fata de Dunlop si Pireli

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moaaamaaa..... :baubau: :duel: stai sa iesim impreuna sa dam o linitua, de preferat serpuita


mi s-a mai spus ca din cauza mersului scot consumul mic, dar nu de batranica, ci ca merg " cu viteza dar prea liniar si constant" :-L

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Pai asa mi-a scos si mie 6 - am tinut toata autostrada spre mare numai cu 110-120. Era noapte, era liber si aveam si limitatorul de viteza-n spate. In schimb, la intoarcere a fost prapad, sub 200 n-am lasat-o :))))

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Chiar 110-120 pe A nu, dar nici peste 200 constant :P si nici sacadat/bruscat (eu, colegii cam da)



VTR - 6/100 km

TL - 6.5/100 km

SVN - 6.8/100 km

SVS - 7/100 km.


Ca viteze 140-150 constant pe A3, cu sprinturi pe la 180-240. Pe DN1 pana pe la Comarnic 120-140, in localitati maxim 90. Pe curbe (pana ruta Comarnic-Predeal- Bran-Campunlung) gumele la cap.

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Roni, ca sa-ti treaca de Honda, ia-ti un CB500, consum mic, manevrabila, fiabila in draci si usor de surubarit (schimbi filtrul de aer si bujiile in 5 min, si nu exagerez) dar e ca si cum ai merge cu juma de VTR :P

clar, o fi si CB500 ala facut de suzuki ceva :))

In alta ordine de idei, peste 3 saptamani e Seawolves party. Va bagati careva la o pletoseala, somn la cort, roackereala si bere?

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Mi-a ajus o viata intreaga de rockereala si betivaneala :))


Eu duminica as vrea sa dau o tura pana la mare, la dus pe drumul vechi si intoarcere pe autostrada. Daca nu se leaga marea, bag un Targoviste-Rucar-Bran-Paraul Rece-Valea Prahovei

» Post actualizat in 25 May 2015 11:13

De weekendul asta.


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ma...culorile alea nu-s cam suprasaturate?



pt GBV


For the year 2001, the VTR receives a host of improvements intended to broaden its range of enjoyment and provide better adaptability to longer riding distances and more touring-oriented applications.

Increased Fuel Capacity

Since its 1997 debut, Honda’s VTR1000F Sport Touring model has carved a strong reputation amongst weekday commuters, weekend scratchers and holiday tourers. Alas, it’s Achilles heel for touring riders has been its fuel range, ideal for day to day riding but limiting for some longer distances. To broaden the Firestorm’s range of long-distance riding enjoyment, several fundamental changes were made to its design to improve its level of comfort and touring convenience. First among these was a major increase in the fuel tank’s size. Now able to hold 19 litres of fuel—an increase of three litres and a slightly larger profile —the Firestorm offers a greatly extended range of riding distance between fuel stops.

New riding position

Complementing the Firestorm’s extended range, a more relaxed riding position for increased comfort on long-distance and around town riding has been adopted. The clip-on style handlebars have been raised by 15.6mm and angled upward approximately 7 degrees for a slightly more upright posture, better for long hours on the road.

Slender looks

The new Firestorm also features a compact and stylish new set of multi-reflector indicators that provide a high visibility flash while featuring a smaller, new angular design that distinctively complements its sporty good looks.

Engine tweaks

The VTR1000F Firestorm’s high-powered 90-degree V-twin engine has won instant renown for providing strong, exhilarating performance coupled with superb reliability. For 2001, the engine received a detailed inspection of all the components that factor into its performance equation, which resulted in small but significant modifications made to such points as its carburettor and ignition settings in the interests of smoother, more responsive performance.

New colour and graphics

The Firestorm’s graphics have been completely changed for 2001, with a prominent Honda Wing mark now installed proudly on its fuel tank. Its VTR mark and Firestorm name now appear together on both sides of its sleekly designed half-fairing, and the Honda logo is now prominently displayed at the rear of its tail cowl. Its lightweight, sportily designed triple-spoke wheels now feature a glistening new black finish to beautifully complement the Firestorm’s brilliant colours. Carrying over from the previous year are the same bright red that has defined the Firestorm’s high-spirited performance since its first debut, and a light and pearlescent yellow. The new addition for the year is a deeply exotic metallic Lapis blue that shimmers like an evening sky to temp one with a beckoning call to ride, and ride

Sharper handling

To ensure the Firestorm delivers top handling and performance over the widest range of riding conditions, its front forks were modified slightly to provide smoother damping operation at initial compression for more precise control.

Lightweight New Instrument Panel

One of the biggest changes to the new Firestorm can be seen the instant one sits down to ride. Its slim and stylish new instrument panel features a new tachometer and speedometer layout, with a white-face tachometer prominently positioned at the top of the compact unit, and a black-face speedometer appearing to be partially hidden under its dial. To the right is a large, all-new liquid crystal display (LCD) that provides instant readout of such information as the time, coolant temperature, fuel reserve, odometer and dual-setting trip meter. Positioned for easy view are the usual indicator lights in a row under this new display.

New Honda Ignition Security System (H.I.S.S.)

One of Honda’s most recent innovations in the fight against motorcycle theft—and now included on the new 2001 VTR1000F Firestorm—is the Honda Ignition Security System, or H.I.S.S. for short. This advanced anti-theft ignition system features a special electronic interlock that prevents the engine from being started by any other key than the two originally supplied with the motorcycle, each of which features a special coded chip implanted in its plastic grip. When the coil antenna built into the ring surrounding the upper edge of the ignition switch detects the presence of an encoded key, it transmits the key’s unique code number to the ignition system’s electronic control unit (ECU), which instantly checks the number against either of the two codes it is programmed to recognise. If the code matches, as indicated by the lighting of a corresponding LED built into the Firestorm’s new meter panel, the engine can be started normally. However, if the key code does not match the ECU’s programmed code number, even if the key is otherwise identical and turns the switch, the ignition remains disabled and the engine cannot be started. Since the engine is disabled at the heart of its ignition system, it cannot be bypassed by either hot-wiring the ignition or exchanging the ignition switch module.

H.I.S.S. Indicator Light Operation

The H.I.S.S. system is instantly engaged when the ignition key is switched off and removed, and its panel-mounted indicator light continues to blink once every 5 seconds for a period of 24 hours to visually ward off potential thieves, After this period, the light automatically switches off, although the system remains fully active.

While the Firestorm’s anti-theft ignition system cannot protect the motorcycle against every possibility of theft, it does effectively prevent the motorcycle from being ridden away—one of the most common occurrences—thus making it more difficult and time-consuming to attempt to steal. A bright yellow diamond-shaped H.I.S.S. sticker placed on top of the Firestorm’s fuel tank clearly indicates to potential thieves and joy-riders the presence of this highly effective new system, and will hopefully convince them to give up and look elsewhere.

Compact New Battery

The Firestorm’s powerful, maintenance-free (MF) battery has also been changed to a new ‘wet-type’ that not only provides strong, reliable output for its small and lighter size, but also holds its charge longer than the ‘dry-type’ battery that it replaces.

The VTR1000F continues in it’s fine tradition of providing a superb torquey V-Twin heart in a chassis designed to answer a sport-touring rider’s every need from day to day commuting, to the occasion track day as well as long distance touring. In contrast to the increasing trend toward uncompromising sheer sports machines, the new 2001 VTR1000F expands and satisfies the meaning of the true universal motorcycle.


Engine Liquid-cooled 4-stroke 8-valve DOHC 90˚ V-twin

Bore 180; Stroke 98 180; 66mm

Displacement 996cm3

Compression Ratio 9.4 : 1

Carburettors 48mm slanted flat-slide CV-type x 2

Max. Power Output 110PS/9,000rpm (95/1/EC) (81kW/9,000min-1)

Max. Torque 9.9kg-m/7,000rpm (95/1/EC) (97Nm/7,000min-1)

Ignition Computer-controlled digital transistorised with electronic advance

Starter Electric

Transmission 6-speed

Final Drive ‘O’-ring sealed chain

Dimensions (L180; W180; H) 2,050 180; 710 180; 1,155mm

Wheelbase 1,430mm

Seat Height 810mm

Ground Clearance 135mm

Fuel Capacity 19 litres (including 3.5-litre LCD reserve)

Wheels Front/Rear Hollow-section triple-spoke cast aluminium

Tyres Front 120/70 ZR17 (58W) (Radial)

Rear 180/55 ZR17 (73W) (Radial)

Suspension Front 41mm H.M.A.S. cartridge-type fork with adjustable spring

preload and rebound damping, 109mm axle travel

Rear Pro-Link with preload and rebound damping-adjustable

gas-charged H.M.A.S. damper, 124mm axle travel

Brakes Front 296 180; 4.5mm dual hydraulic disc with 4-piston callipers

and sintered metal pads

Rear 220 180; 5mm hydraulic disc with single-piston calliper and

sintered metal pads

Dry Weight 193kg

Colours Bright Red

Pearlescent Yellow

Metallic Lapis Blue

Available Expected February 2001

Editat de MotoRocker
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