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am adunat de pe toate siteurile din romania, cate am shtiut, toate customurile facute de romani shi le-am postat pe club chopper:





oh yeah, dead man...throw them up here, this is the place!


nice pics thanks for sharing


the pics are cool! Post some more....Thanks.


Eyes still light up at the sight of a two wheeled time machine no matter where you are. Thanks for the pics!


shit, you guys are chopping everything on two wheels arent you?

it is becoming like that here...very nice



:crack: :crack: :moron: :wink: :friends:







daca mai shtitzi siteuri cu choppere romaneshti va rog sa-mi spunetzi shi mie!!!!


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Vezi ca duci lumea in eroare. :lol: Motorul lui Basty e Nipru rat custom nu Simson rat custom :friends:




vai ce interesant!!! in loc sa observi cat am muncit ca sa adun toate pozele alea shi sa le postez acolo, ai observat repede ca, din cauza oboselii, am scris simson in loc de dnepr :lol: :crack: :crack: :moron:

noi sa fim sanatoshi!!!




cat am cautat nipranul ala!!! mersi!!! :wink:



cel mai mishto reply de pe e asta:


it's awesome to see what you guys are coming up with.

Makes me appreciate how readily available cool parts ar e for us lazy Americans!






avand in vedere ca nu pot sa pun decat un post la 15 minute, itzi raspund aici!!

daca mai ai, normal ca vreau!!!!! :friends:

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Dmw, încearcă nene să iei poze de pe aici.


ÂŞi dacă ți-e greu mai poți lua poze Âşi de aici.

ÂŞi mai postează Âşi motocicletele făcute de Bic Âşi "Angel", Harleyul care a fost la Bacău.


Am shi io o gramada de poze cu choppere romaneshti.. sper sa nu ma injuratzi daca pozele astea se mai gasesc shi altundeva pe site... :wink:


.. shi inca 4 poze shi gata... :friends:



multzumesc!!! :crack: :crack: :moron:

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inca 2 replyuri pe clubchopper:


Those are some very innovative choppers, Dead Man. Thanks for sharing them with us. You guys are true chopper builders. Most Americans don't know what it is like to chop bikes like you guys do, anymore. It's too easy for them, they just buy ready made parts off the shelf these days. Someone else has already done the engineering for them. They don't know what they are missing. Keep up the good work, and thanks for sharing the pictures with us. I never knew Romanians were into building choppers.




Is it just me or does someone need to bring this guy over here and turn him loose with a basket case Harley and see what he does?


Sounds like good TV to me!



am terminat de pus ce am gasit pe siteuri romaneshti shi de pe unde mi-atzi indicat voi :) :eek: :P


multzumiri lu' Axa pentru detaliile pe care nu aveam de unde sa le shtiu shi pe care le-a postat acolo!!!!

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Am vazut! Tu esti Zoli din Petrosani care vroia sa o cumpere pe Maritza?


Eu sunt ala Lupule :) Tare mi-a placut Maritza. Acum tin mult la Eliminatorul meu, da' Maritza a fost prima care mi-a cazut cu tronc.

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