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Orice postat de The Flying Dutchman
Stai la rând, suntem mulți care visăm la ea! Fixed! Nu am date exacte despre când a încetat fabricația acestui model. Am avut cândva N86, iar în 2016 am cumpărat N87. Poate vânzătorul a cumpărat-o săptămâna trecută (deși mă îndoiesc că a dat gata capitonajul atât de repede), dar când a fost fabricat ceaunul ăsta pus la vânzare? De cel puțin 9-10 ani. Ambele căști Nolan pe care le-am avut au fost negru mat, niciuna nu a avut culoarea asta la interior. @ENEOSUnele lucruri chiar trebuie aruncate la un moment dat.
Pentru un N86 folosit? Folosit la greu, vreau sa spun, daca a fost nevoie de schimbarea interiorului. Nu e nici culoarea potrivita. Nicio casca N86 nu a avut culorile astea la interior de noua.
topic a răspuns lui The Flying Dutchman în The Flying Dutchmanul MOTOCICLISM.ro for English-speaking bikers
An Irishman and an Englishman walk into a bakery. The Englishman steals 3 buns and puts them into his pockets and leaves. He says to the Irishman, “That took great skill and guile to steal those buns. The owner didn't even see me.” The Irishman replied, “That's just simple thievery, I'll show you how to do it the honest way and get the same results.” The Irishman then proceeded to call out the owner of the bakery and says, “Sir, I want to show you a magic trick.” The owner was intrigued so he came over to see the magic trick. The Irishman asked him for a bun and then he proceeded to eat it. He asked for two more buns, and after eating them again, the owner says, “Okay my friend, where's the magic trick?” The Irishman then said, “Look in the Englishman's pockets.” -
topic a răspuns lui The Flying Dutchman în The Flying Dutchmanul MOTOCICLISM.ro for English-speaking bikers
A mother sees her son watching television and says, "Jimmy! I thought I told you to do the dishes after you do your homework! Why are you watching television?" Jimmy replies, "It's okay, Mom! I haven't done my homework yet." -
topic a răspuns lui The Flying Dutchman în The Flying Dutchmanul MOTOCICLISM.ro for English-speaking bikers
A man walking along a road in the countryside comes across a shepherd and a huge flock of sheep. Stopping to rest, he tells the shepherd, “I will bet you $100 against one of your sheep that I can tell you the exact number in this flock.” The shepherd thinks it over. It's a big flock, so he takes the bet. “973,” says the man. The shepherd is astonished, because that is exactly right. The shepherd says “OK, I'm a man of my word, take an animal.” The man picks one up and begins to walk away. “Wait,” cries the shepherd, “let me have a chance to get even. Double or nothing that I can guess your exact occupation.” The man agrees. “You are an accountant for the government,” says the shepherd. “Amazing!” responds the man. “You are exactly right! But tell me: how did you deduce that?” “Well,” says the shepherd, “put down my dog and I will tell you.” -
topic a răspuns lui The Flying Dutchman în The Flying Dutchmanul MOTOCICLISM.ro for English-speaking bikers
While showing off his new apartment to friends one night, a drunk man led the way to his bedroom where there was a huge clock on the wall with a big brass gong. “What's that brass gong for?” asked one of the guests. “Why, that's the talking clock,” the man replied. “How does it work?” asked a second friend. “Watch,” the man said, giving it an ear-shattering pound with a hammer. Suddenly, someone on the other side of the wall screamed, “For heaven's sake, you jerk, it's 2 a.m. in the morning!” -
topic a răspuns lui The Flying Dutchman în The Flying Dutchmanul MOTOCICLISM.ro for English-speaking bikers
A Midwest farmer was describing his lifestyle to a touring group of city folks. “One of the benefits of this profession,” he explained, “is that we have built-in weather predictions.” “What do you mean by that?” asked one inquisitive visitor. “When the cows are standing,” the farmer explained, “it means no rain is likely for the next twenty-four hours. When they're lying down, it means it's going to rain.” “On our bus trip,” another visitor piped in, “I saw half the herd standing and the other half lying down. What does that mean?” The farmer flashed a smile and answered, “That means half of them are wrong.” -
topic a răspuns lui The Flying Dutchman în The Flying Dutchmanul MOTOCICLISM.ro for English-speaking bikers
A professor, a CEO, and a janitor are in a forest when they discover a magic fairy. The fairy says “I will give you what you most desire if you do someone else's job for a day.” The professor says “I'll be an elementary school teacher. What can be so hard about teaching a bunch of 6-year-olds how to read?” so he is teleported into a classroom. After a few minutes, all the kids' screaming gets to his nerves, so he throws all his supplies and gives up. The C.E.O says “I'll be a waiter. All you do is carry food back and forth. This'll be a breeze” so he is teleported to a restaurant. After about an hour, all the annoying customers drive him insane, so he smashes his plates on the ground and gives up. The janitor says “I'll be an artist” so he is transported to an art facility. He glues all the classroom supplies and shattered plates to a canvas, then sells it for a billion dollars. The fairy asks the janitor how he was so clever. The janitor says “I got a masters degree in art.” -
Problema carburator
topic a răspuns lui The Flying Dutchman în andriul Service si intretinere curenta
Nu totdeauna. Depinde de carbelitor. Uite un exemplu găsit la repezeală și care explică mai bine decât aș face-o eu: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T97eZZiojIY -
topic a răspuns lui The Flying Dutchman în The Flying Dutchmanul MOTOCICLISM.ro for English-speaking bikers
Sam, an old man was a witness in a burglary trial. The defense lawyer asks Sam, “Did you see my client commit this burglary?” “Yes,” said Sam, “I saw him plainly take the goods.” The lawyer asks Sam again, “Sam, this happened at night. Are you sure you saw my client commit this crime?” “Yes,” says Sam, “I saw him do it.” Then the lawyer asks Sam, “Sam listen, you are 80 years old and your eyesight probably is bad. Just how far can you see at night?” Sam says, “I can see the moon, how far is that?” -
topic a răspuns lui The Flying Dutchman în The Flying Dutchmanul MOTOCICLISM.ro for English-speaking bikers
topic a răspuns lui The Flying Dutchman în The Flying Dutchmanul MOTOCICLISM.ro for English-speaking bikers
topic a răspuns lui The Flying Dutchman în The Flying Dutchmanul MOTOCICLISM.ro for English-speaking bikers
Suzuki RV 125 Van Van, an 2016
topic a răspuns lui The Flying Dutchman în Kristianul Motociclete intre 50 si 249 cm cubi
"Daca" este cuvantul potrivit. Inca o data, @Kristian, nu o vinde pe nimic, e pacat. -
topic a răspuns lui The Flying Dutchman în The Flying Dutchmanul MOTOCICLISM.ro for English-speaking bikers
A guy comes home from work and he is quite upset. His wife looks worried and asks him what's wrong. He shakes his head and refuses to say anything. Later, during dinner, he's just pushing his food around on his plate and staring out the window. “Honey, what is it? I've never seen you like this before”, the wife says. “It's nothing,” he says. “I can't burden you with my problems. It wouldn't be fair.” “Your problems?” the wife says. “We are partners. We face everything together. Your problem is my problem. There is no I, just we. Now please, tell me, what is it?” “Well,” he says, looking up at her glumly, “we got our secretary pregnant and now she's suing us for support.” He's an idiot! -
Suzuki RV 125 Van Van, an 2016
topic a răspuns lui The Flying Dutchman în Kristianul Motociclete intre 50 si 249 cm cubi
Greu de crezut ca o sa vina ynvatatorul si ynventatorul. Nu are autostrada de la Bucuresti la Cluj Napoca. Pacat de motor, e ceva de colectie. -
topic a răspuns lui The Flying Dutchman în The Flying Dutchmanul MOTOCICLISM.ro for English-speaking bikers
A couple returns from their honeymoon refusing to speak to each other. The groom's best friend takes him aside and asks what's wrong. “Well,” replies the man, “when we finished making love on the first night, I put a $50 bill on the pillow without thinking.” “Oh, you shouldn't worry about that too much,” says his friend. “I'm sure your wife will get over it soon enough. She can't expect you to have been saving yourself all these years.” “That's not the problem,” the groom says. “She gave me $20 change!” He's an idiot! -
Fum albastru Hornet 600 PC 36
topic a răspuns lui The Flying Dutchman în Laur25ul Service si intretinere curenta
Sigur! Impreuna cu alimentarea, aprinderea si altele. -
Fum albastru Hornet 600 PC 36
topic a răspuns lui The Flying Dutchman în Laur25ul Service si intretinere curenta
Sper ca realizezi ca esti impotriva curentului si urinezi contra vantului. Rezervorul trebuie golit, demontat, eventual inlocuit cu unul nou in primavara, bateria tinuta pe calorifer, iar noaptea sa fie acoperita cu plapuma. -
Scule de calitate - de unde le cumparam?
topic a răspuns lui The Flying Dutchman în mavetzul Service si intretinere curenta
Și mai groasă! -
topic a răspuns lui The Flying Dutchman în The Flying Dutchmanul MOTOCICLISM.ro for English-speaking bikers
A Jewish man sees a strange Italian funeral with two coffins. A black hearse was followed by a second black hearse about 50 feet behind the first one. Behind the second hearse was a solitary Italian man walking a dog on a leash. Behind him, a short distance back, were about 200 men walking in single file. The Jewish man raised his eyebrows. He'd never seen anything like it – two hearses and hundreds of men walking in line – and after a while his curiosity got the better of him. He respectfully approached the Italian man walking the dog and said, “I am so sorry for your loss, and this may be a bad time to disturb you, but I've never seen an Italian funeral like this. Whose funeral is it?” “My wife's.” “I see, my condolences. What happened to her?” “She yelled at me, and suddenly my dog attacked and killed her.” He inquired further, “Ah. And who is in the second hearse?” “My mother-in-law. She came to help my wife and the dog turned on her and killed her also.” It was a very poignant and touching moment of Jewish and Italian brotherhood. Silence passed between the two men. The Jewish man then asked, “Can I borrow the dog?” The Italian man replied, “Get in line.”