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Orice postat de sadr1an1

  1. Da, cred ca asa e, intrebarea e daca se face arc electric in rezervor, in benzina, teoretic nu ar trebui sa se aprinda nu?
  2. Am gasit urmatorul tutorial: " This is for bikes with a strip-type sending unit, not floats. My bike is a 2005 K1200S. The whole thing took about 1-1/2 hours. Apparently, the fuel sensing strip is prone to cracking, leading to an open circuit. This fix sends a high voltage charge through the strip which fuses the break back together. I bought a BBQ grill ignitor at Home Depot for $13. It comes with a wire to the ignitor and a ground wire. I cut off the ignitor and spliced on a female spade connector. I heat-shrinked them to prevent any arcing. 1. Fill'r up! Gasoline must be vaporized and it needs air to burn. And we de-efinitely don't want that. Fill the fuel tank to ensure the fuel strip is submerged to minimize the chance of anything ..uh.. bad happening. 2. Remove the seat, side fairings, and fuel tank side covers. You'll see in the photos that I took off the center part of the the fuel tank cover, but that is not necessary. Either way, I kept the fuel cap tightly fastened. I'm not a big fan of explosive vapors in my garage. I also disconnected the battery. 3. Remove the two large bolts that hold on the fuel tank. 4. Lift the tank up and out so you can gain room to get to the fuel pump. 5. Here's your target. Unclip the connector on the right side and pull the connector out. 6. Now you have access to the pins you are looking for - the center two pins, pins 2 & 3. You can see the pins in my mechanic's mirror. 7. Connect the BBQ grill ignitor to pins 2 & 3. The female spade connectors were small enough hold onto the pins. Here they are (they white wires) connected and ready to go. 8. Take a deep breath and know that many have done this before (I rolled mine out into the driveway anyway, lol). Click the ignitor 5 or 6 times. 9. Snap the fuel gauge connector back in and connect the battery. Turn the ignition switch to on and wait 90 seconds for the bike to go through its checks. 10. Take a step back and realize you are awesome! Laugh that you are surprised. 11. Put the bike back together and you are good to go. " Voiam sa va intreb daca a mai facut cineva asa ceva, si daca nu vi se pare putin cam periculos, chiar si cu rezervorul plin.
  3. Unde e intalnirea si la ce ora?
  4. super tura, cel putin jumatatea pe care am mers si eu sper sa fi ajuns/sa ajunga toata lumea teafara acasa
  5. loc intalnire petromul de la podul Constanta, spre DN1, la 19:30. Eu aduc un cort de 2 pt mine si Thot
  6. Propunere: Plecare azi, 4 iunie in jur de 19, innoptare la Rasnov in camping, maine Cheile Bicazului, poimaine intoarcere. Doritori ceva?
  7. pai cel care a deschis topicul nu a mai scris nimic de la inceput, asta inseamna ca nici nu s-a hotarat locatia, sau ca nu il mai intereseaza oricum. Din cate vad acest topic a avut destul de multe vizite, daca cel ce a deschis topicul nu mai zice nimic, propun sa hotarasca altcineva ca sunt destui musterii care vor plimbare maine.
  8. la mine se aude un pacanit asa metalic (zici ca e un diesel in pasaj) cand sunt in jur de 1500-2000 ture, cred ca este de la intinzatorul de distributie, ma duc diseara sa vad ce are.
  9. nu e vorba de 2008 sau nu vad eu bine?
  10. Ce ma enervati, daca toate marcile ar avea sustinatori asa infocati ca voi ar fi ceva... Drum uscat si multa distractie
  11. Tocmai am vazut la tv in direct, la Mamaia ploooo
  12. Eu am facut ITP-ul undeva in pipera, a costat ~= 70 RON. Trebuie sa ai toate actele la tine inclusiv cartea de identitate si se rezolva in 15 minute. In principiu ITP-ul il poti face oriunde se face ITP si la motoare. Eu stiu unul si undeva in Bucurestii noi, cand te hotarasti da-mi un pm si iti pot da cateva numere de tel.
  13. Am vazut postul tau si cred ca am si eu sunetul din filmuletul de pe youtube dar nu la relanti, doar pe la 2500 de ture. A mai avut careva problema asta si daca da cum a reparat-o?
  14. E prea frig, aveti dreptate, ar fi chinuiala mai mult. M-am uitat si pe net , o sa fie cam frig si ploaie acolo.
  15. Merci de raspuns, intre timp am fost la mecanic si am shimbat uleiul, am pus Motul 5100 15x50, dupa cum a recomdat cineva aici pe forum si am intrebat si de "problema" mea. Se pare ca sunt doua circuite de apa, unul care merge la motor si radiatoare si unul mai mic cu vasul de apa. Se pare ca din vasul cu apa se ia decat cand este nevoie... deci imi faceam griji degeaba.
  16. Cu hotelurile eu am fost la ei direct asa si am gasit mai ieftin decat era pe net, asa ca daca nu a vb nimeni la telefon tot aia e, mai pierdem vreo juma de ora cu cautatul dar daca e statiune sigur gasim. Eu o sa vin pe la Apasu pe la 7-8 asa si o incep sa caut pe KTA si nox1300, eventual unul dintre ei daca imi da un nr de tel pe private sa vb inainte.
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