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Orice postat de P T R

  1. am atasat aici un fisier pdf cu exercitii de refacere pt umar.(coif rotator)
  2. Un antrenament HIT sigur te face sa transpiri in 20 de minute. In timpul postului energia o iei din carbo ca de obicei,la proteine trebuie sa te gandesti. Eu nu tin post,desi ar trebui sa fac o cura de detoxifiere macar o data pe an.
  3. pai ia zi tu sergiu, baga tu un diagnostic .sa vedem dr haus
  4. Interviu Jeremy Burgess februarie 25, 2014 The four-hour drive from Valencia to Barcelona givesa man plenty of time to put34 years of his life back into perspective.As Jeremy Burgess poweredalong the Spanish toll-road alonein his rental Renault Megane onNovember 11, 2013, he quietly analyzed the tumultuous eventsof the past few days. “This wasn’t quite how I’d envisaged leaving Europe,” he says three months later, sipping a Cooper’s Pale Ale beer in a quiet corner of his local pub in the hills behind Adelaide in Australia. “I’d been preparing mentally for my retirement for years and have said before, never to fear the moment because we all know from the first day we walk into a job that one day we’ll walk out for good.” However, it was a forced retirement for a man who first went to Europe on a whim in 1980 “to see the world,” then became an integral part of Grand Prix racing’smost successful teams.The ink had only just dried on a Burgess one-year contract with Yamaha for 2014 when Valentino Rossi fired him as crew chief. Rather than attending the post-race testing sessions for the 2014 season he was on his way to catch a final flight back to Australia, closing the curtain on his amazingly long career on the world stage of motorcycle racing. “To me, as much as I wouldn’t have made such a call, the fact that the call has been made leaves me very much at ease,” Burgess says. “Having the one-year contract continue is not a bad thing. The more I get used to it [a year on full pay with no immediate responsibility] the more comfortable I become about it all.” MotoGP’s final round at Valencia caught the motorcycle world’s imagination. Spanish teenager Marc Marquez was poised to become an unlikely World Champion in his rookie year. While defending champion Jorge Lorenzo was planning desperate last-ditch defense. But the big news was MotoGP folk hero Valentino Rossi’s very public divorce from “JB,” the straight-shooting crew chief who had guided him to seven of his nine World Championship titles. From the outside it seemed like a spur-ofthe- moment decision handled in an embarrassingly clumsy way. Burgess sees it differently. “Certainly I was blindsided by the timing of the decision, as I said at the time, but there was a basic difference between the way Valentino and I intended to continue on in MotoGP,” he says. “He was keen to continue to perhaps 2016-2017 and we discussed this, but I was not prepared to commit so far ahead. “I was more than happy with a year-by-year contract so he probably felt a lack of commitment. I thought that for me it was the honest way to go forward.” Rumors had been swirling around the Italian media in the lead-up to Valencia, forcing Rossi into making the announcement no one wanted to believe on the Thursday before the race. Surely that made the last MotoGP a bittersweet occasion for Burgess? “Not at all,” he says. “It would have been terrible to have run that last race and then had Valentino call me aside and say, ‘thanks, but I’ll see you later.’ ” Burgess says he called the press conference after Rossi’s Thursday’s statement to clear the air. “I didn’t want a trail of reporters tapping on the back of the shed all weekend to get my side of things,” he says. That left Burgess free to concentrate on his last race with Rossi. Sadly, it pretty much summed up the season. “When Lorenzo slowed the race down I hoped Valentino would be able to seize the chance and add another dimension by providing Marquez with a challenge he wasn’t expecting,” says Burgess. But Rossi was unable to help his teammate defend his points tally and remained stuck in a tight little group of Honda Gresini’s Alvaro Bautista and Marquez’s Honda teammate Dani Pedrosa. When Pedrosa dispatched Rossi and Bautista, Lorenzo realized he was on his own and no one could stop Marquez cruising to a world title as the youngestever champion and the first rookie winner since Kenny Roberts in 1978. Burgess elaborates on another major difference that had developed between him and Rossi. “Valentino loves the whole process of going racing and enjoys the riding almost as much as winning,” he says. “To me it’s all about winning so to stay there in MotoGP to go through that experience of not winning is a vastly different world to what I’ve lived in for the past 34 years. “My attitude has always been if you are not going to win, stay home. During our time with Ducati I often felt we weren’t even in the same race as the top three. A lot of European MotoGP technicians consider racing as a job, but to me and all the other Aussies I know who work over there the motivation is winning. “If I just wanted to be involved in racing I wouldn’t have to leave South Australia. I could go out to Mallala and watch a rider go around in a local event. The skills level might be different, but it all equals itself out and even at a lower level than MotoGP it’s still great racing to watch. “No, there are a lot of people who race and enjoy it but for me it’s all about winning.” So why doesn’t Burgess stay on and work with another young rider, such as Pol Espargaro, the Moto2 World Champion tipped to have a huge future? Again, Burgess answers the question in a way you know it’s a subject he’s been pondering. “Once I was a father figure to a young rider, now I’m more like a grandfather figure,” he says. “Look, after 34 years I’m very comfortable with where I am and what I’ve achieved. The journey [with a rookie MotoGP rider] can be long, maybe five to seven years.” What obligations does Burgess have to Yamaha, who have him on ice this season? “I’ve received no indication that either Yamaha Europe or Yamaha Japan want me to do anything,” he says. “You never know. I may get the call to plug a hole as the season unfolds, but any role offered would have to be something both Yamaha and I agree upon.”So how does it feel inthe early days of retirement? “This time of the year feels like every other since I first starting doing this job. Nothing happens until the first week of February [preseason testing],” he says. “The only difference is that moment of dread that we all get when we know we have to head off again to work, is absent. Actually, I used to enjoy the huge amount of air travel. I found all those years up the front of the plane reading books for hour after hour quite calming. “I’ll miss being around the technology of MotoGP, but I’m not sure if I’m even going to watch it live on television. I’ll probably tune into qualifying and then watch the race afterwards at my leisure. Actually, I am a little apprehensive about winter as I haven’t lived through one since 1979. I’ve always been in the northern and then southern summers.” So how does a MotoGP workaholic fill in his early days of retirement? “There are plenty of little jobs around the place [he lives on a small rural property] that I never got around to finishing, but I start every day with a long dawn walk,” he says. “Every Friday I play a round of golf – just for fun as I haven’t played for over 10 years. On Saturday I play tennis for a few hours and on Sunday I rest. “Oh, I’m planning to spend more time at my local motorcycle club and people have been pestering me to get a road motorcycle. Then there’s the classic cars. The Mk II Jaguar is pretty much finished, but the Triumph TR4 needs going over now. It’s also great just spending more time with the kids [his daughters are teenagers now] and Claudine [his wife].” Burgess drains his beer and prepares to head off home in his early ‘90s Land Cruiser that he describes as “the last of the real 4WDs.” Unlike that last drive out of Europe, today JB’s got simpler issues on his mind. Chief among them is where he’s going to fit the new bushfire hose reel tohis shed and how he’s going to plumb up the hydrant.
  5. Deci optim ar fi vitamine si deca 10 sapt? Eu doar o grupa pe zi faceam.asa am avut rezultate intereseaza sa fac febra care tine 2-4 zile. Probabil am sa incerc si eu cura cu deca. ce ma intereseaza pe mine e sa se vindece si nu doar sa o mascheze. multumesc pt info. cand imi revin fac un filmulet cum arat acum si cum voi progresa.interesul meu e sa fiu fit.
  6. Nu mai dureri de fel?indiferent de greutate? am mai auzit care au luat pt recuperare.dar eu vreau sa ma refac natural,am eu chestia asta in cap. deocamdata am terminat fizioterapia si acum astept sa imi revin.fac miscari de extensie,rotatie etc. dar mai am pana sa pot incepe sa ma antrenez cu ceva greutati Inca mai am rabdare,o iau ca o provocare.
  8. Eu zic sa ii dati un user si parola la nu aveti probleme pe viitor.cel mai simplu.
  9. Deci doar pe dolce exclusiv? Sau si digisport va transmite? Nu ii inteleg pe cei de la digi.vor pierde clienti daca continua asa. Sd tot laudau ca spectacolul,exclusivitate etc si acum .... ciuciu.
  10. oare cum se foot astia? cu ochi inchisi,striga glorie la climax, si dupa aleluia.... i am just asking...
  11. referitor la dureri de umeri, eu azi am terminat fizioterapia dupa 10 sedinte. am cazut la schi si mi-ar rupt partial tendonul supraspinos.acum sunt mai bine practic azi am facut primul antrenament la sala dupa 2 luni. dupa o incalzire a coifului rotator am inceput sa fac fluturari incet fara repaus cu banda elastic vre-o 6 minute exerciti simple unde nu am simtit durere,incep incet incet,ramane de vazut cat timp va dura pana voi reveni la forma de varf.
  12. La multi ani campionule La multi ani campionule
  13. ce chef simplu a facut ... nimic fancy ... acest om sigur nu e snob. jos palaria.
  15. La multi ani cu sanatate si cat mai multe curse (castigate) in gp
  16. P   T   R

    AGV - Discutii Generale

    aduce cineva viziera fumurie pentru modelul agv corsa? ma intereseaza viziera argintie. ms referitor la modelul acesta e intradevar zgomotos, dar e confortabila. dar nu e pentru strada ci pentru pista.din cauza asta e mai slab antifonata ,sa auzi si sa apreciezi cat de aproape e cel de langa tine. mi-am comandat de pe mi-a sosit in cateva zile.arata bestial cu iridium silver
  17. Bravo zic ca daca continui sa te antrenezi in continuare normal si cu o alimentatie sanatoasa vei avea rezultate fara sa iei suplimente.trebuie rabdare. schimba-ti antrenamentul la 2luni,nu doar exercitile ci atat viteza cat si intensitatea cu care faci.vei observa singur diferentele. in rest bafta si sanatate. eu acum sunt in recuperare cu umarul dupa un accident la schi.saptamana asta am inceput fizioterapia.sper ca intr-o luna sa pot incepe cu greutatiil mici -medii.deja tampesc sa fac doar picioare si ca am fost putin deprimat ca am stat pe tusa imediat de 2 luni. am invatat sa apreciez sanatatea mai mult. ps:m-am ingrasat 2kg.
  18. Pe 16 feb e ziua lui Rossi ...face 35 mosu
  19. Conteaza foarte mult cum reusesti sa constientizezi si sa izolezi contractia muschiului. daca reusesti sa faci concentrat poti face sa cresti in masa musculara cat de cat si fara greutati,doar cu greutatea corpului. conteaza mult si ce mananci.
  20. daca ti regim alimentar si ai somn bun dupa 60 de zile se vede sigur diferenta.vorbim de cazuri in care te ti cu adevarat de antrenament si nu freci menta. noi vorbim aici de un stil de viata, nu de aceea ora de antrenament pe pe parcursul zilei trebuie sa fi activ.lasa masina si liftul.vrei sa arti bine?munceste si lasa lenea pentru altii.
  21. ideea care o tot subliniaza majoritatea este ca,e mai bine sa fi fit ,decat pachet de doar un exterior frumos ci si un interior sanatos. sa aibe si utilitate nu doar sa arate bine. si eu consider ca e mai important asa.Daca reusesti sa fi estetic,armonios si fit, e totul perfect. E cam de porc sa vezi un om musculos, care da impresia de putere,iar daca se pune sa alerge ii crapa inima in piept si da sa cada pe jos dupa un 1km alergat. Varianta cea mai buna e sa duci o viata echilibrata,si din punct de vedere sportiv.Fa sala cu greutati, iesi la alergat,baga inot macar de 5 ori pe luna,fa circuite in aer liber,baga ture lungi cu bicicleta,fa enduro etc. Eu ma gandesc in felul urmator...Cum vreau sa arat la 50 de ani?La fel.Fit.Cum vreau sa ma simt la 50 de ani?Sanatos si viguros. Nu e usor, dar doar incercand poti ajunge la ceea ce iti doresti. Daca ar fi usor nu ar mai exista provocarea.The more hard it is the more challenging! avem noroc cu internetul in ziua de azi, ne ofera tone de informatii totusi suntel lenesi
  22. deja au scos dvd'u il gasiti si pe racing4me daca aveti cont
  23. Pai vine ziua lui...a primit in avans cadoul ca sa fie fit pt testele din 26 feb
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