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  1. dupa Wiki, cam asta a fost in 1989, in Japonia: Race 15: Japan[edit] Then the Formula One circus arrived at Suzuka, Japan near Nagoya for the now infamous penultimate round for the championship. Prost said he would not leave the door open for his teammate, who he felt had made far too many risky moves on him.[35] Senna took pole, but Prost beat him away from the grid and led by 1.4 seconds by the end of the first lap. By lap 15, however, Senna was all over the back of Prost's McLaren after moving through both Williams and Benettons. He whittled down Prost's 5 second lead to just under a second by lap 30, but the latter pulled a few seconds ahead by the 35th lap. By the end of lap 46, with 7 to go, the gap was just over a second. Senna, further back than he had been earlier in the race, made a move on Prost in the chicane before the start-finish straight. True to his word, Prost closed the gap and the two skidded into the escape road and both engines stalled.[citation needed] Prost jumped from his car. Senna, however, got a push from the marshals to restart his dead engine and returned to the track. After pitting for repairs, Senna worked his way past both Williams and the Benettons to take a three-second victory. However, his altercation with Prost seven laps earlier meant he had missed the chicane and, according to FIA and FISA president Jean Marie Balestre, had not completed the lap. It is worth noting that many drivers in previous races had used the escape roads near chicanes after on-track incidents, as is customary, without receiving penalties. A penalty could have been given for restarting his stalled engine, which is technically illegal, but the stewards only considered the shortcut for the penalty. He was disqualified and Nannini revelled in his first Grand Prix victory. The new Williams FW13s of Patrese and Boutsen finished second and third, putting them five points ahead of the Ferrari team in the race for second. Piquet, Brundle and Warwick clinched the remaining point-paying positions. McLaren went on to appeal the decision. With the matter hanging in the air, Senna went on record saying it was a plot and conspiracy against him by Balestre, who he said favoured Prost. Senna would comment again on the matter after sealing his 1991 championship, reiterating his belief that he had been unfairly treated. yepp, cam asa
  2. totul a inceput din 1989 in penultima etapa, din Japonia, cand Prost l-a scos pe Senna si acesta a pierdut titlul mondial... in anul urmator Senna i-a intors polita... PS. in fine, e istorie deja....
  3. as zice ca atunci Wax ar fi descalificat pentru tot sezunul, cum a patit si M Sch in 1997 dupa acrosajul intentionat cu Villeneuve....
  4. pana la urma urmei Wax a iesit destul de bine pe locul doi.... daca nu se intrerupea cursa cu primul steag rosu, (unde a castigat un schimb de pneuri gratis...), era mult si in urma lui Bottas..., pe care in conditii normale la cum au mers Mertz-urile nu prea cred ca-l putea depasi....
  5. ghinionist tipu' cu geaca verde s-a aflat in locul nepotrivit in momentul nepotrivit, hahahaha
  6. cam tarziu colegule...., tarziu.....
  7. ca si pilot o fi cu 3 clase peste Vettel, (bine, asta ne va arata timpul), dar ca si caracter e DEJA muuuult sub el....
  8. mai ales daca atunci in 2018 Vettel acasa in Germania nu o trantea de gard....
  9. da, sunt monitorizate distantele, timpii, vitezele hai sa ramanem acolo ca a fost campion hai, unul bunicel, treaca de la mine
  10. 6. e ca si cand bagi cainele si nevasta in portbagaj, iesi la padure pe drum forestier, si cand deschizi portbagajul oare care din ei se bucura cand te vede
  11. Michael Schumacher reincarnat pe SC clasic toti se aliniaza frumos dupa safety car si merg in acel ritm pe VSC toti reduc viteza cu aprox 40% , dar raman ecarturile dintre masini, deci teoretic daca ti-ai construit un avans de X secunde, pe VSC nu le pierzi, cum le-ai pierde pe SC clasic, unde se formeaza plutonul dupa safety car
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