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Orice postat de cmd

  1. merg si 2CT`uri pt forja stradala ,putin LOW PREASURE pt roata spate si se rezolva problema
  2. nu se misca nimic cu vanzare aladin ?
  3. cmd

    Honda Rc51

    ce-ti cumperi dupa vanzare? te salut
  4. vizionarea se face pe landscape,n1
  5. NU SUNTETI SANATOSI )=)) TARE DE TOT BRAVO ce tare ! mie mi-e frica numai cand ma uit ... felicitari
  6. va dau un copy/paste de pe un site al detinatorilor de s1000rr,baietii vorbesc mult/bine/fara arogante si nu stiu de problema $ + testeaza frecvent diferite cauciucuri atat pe pista cat si pe strada ,parerea mea ca le spun pe bune "I tried the Power One on the road and I think it is one of the best tires for the road.I tested them on the track and they are simple OK.They are sticky for the road but grease for the track.I also tried the Power One Dot (A front/B rear).They are better than the street compound but not as good as the D211 GP Ntec.I also tried Pirelli Superbike SC2/SC3 and Pirelli Superbike Pro which are also good (SC compounds are better) but still D211 GP Ntec are better in my opinion.So since tires are a matter of personal preference my conclusions are: Track 1.Dunlop D211 GP Ntec 2.Pirelli Superbike SC slick 3.Michelin Power One DOT (A/B) 4.Pirelli SuperBike Pro 5.Metzeler Racetec Interact K3 6.Michelin Power One (road) Road Exactly the opposite and this is common sense: 1.Michelin Power One (road) 2.Metzeler Racetec Interact K3 3.Pirelli SuperBike Pro 4.Michelin Power One DOT (A/B) 5.Pirelli Superbike SC slick (silly but yeap I tried them on the road) 6.Dunlop D211 GP Ntec Actually the D211 GP is the only tire that I had cold tear on the ROAD on a really cold day. Track tires and road tires operate at very different temperature ranges, and as such, they typically far better at one then the other."
  7. va dau un copy/paste de pe un site al detinatorilor de s1000rr,baietii vorbesc mult/bine/fara arogante si nu stiu de problema $ + testeaza frecvent diferite cauciucuri atat pe pista cat si pe strada ,parerea mea ca le spun pe bune "I tried the Power One on the road and I think it is one of the best tires for the road.I tested them on the track and they are simple OK.They are sticky for the road but grease for the track.I also tried the Power One Dot (A front/B rear).They are better than the street compound but not as good as the D211 GP Ntec.I also tried Pirelli Superbike SC2/SC3 and Pirelli Superbike Pro which are also good (SC compounds are better) but still D211 GP Ntec are better in my opinion.So since tires are a matter of personal preference my conclusions are: Track 1.Dunlop D211 GP Ntec 2.Pirelli Superbike SC slick 3.Michelin Power One DOT (A/B) 4.Pirelli SuperBike Pro 5.Metzeler Racetec Interact K3 6.Michelin Power One (road) Road Exactly the opposite and this is common sense: 1.Michelin Power One (road) 2.Metzeler Racetec Interact K3 3.Pirelli SuperBike Pro 4.Michelin Power One DOT (A/B) 5.Pirelli Superbike SC slick (silly but yeap I tried them on the road) 6.Dunlop D211 GP Ntec Actually the D211 GP is the only tire that I had cold tear on the ROAD on a really cold day. Track tires and road tires operate at very different temperature ranges, and as such, they typically far better at one then the other."
  8. bogdan daca de atatea ori te-am criticat da-mi voie sa te si laud numai bine ,Doamne ajuta ><
  9. a iesit bine theos ,bravo ,e frumoasa
  10. am vazut asta , e dementiala . Tare de tot
  11. "Conducătorul unei motociclete, un bărbat de 27 de ani, din BucureÂşti, a intrat în depăÂşire, moment în care din sens invers circula regulamentar un autoturism marca Wolswagen" contrar cu postul nr 1
  12. daca se organiza duminica mergeam si eu pana pe transfagarasan si dupa aceea ma intorceam pe acelasi drum ,am inteles ca partea "curtea de arges" e rupta asfalt uscat asteptam pozele voastre si impresiile din calatorie
  13. cmd

    Honda Rc51

    vezi ca e un sp2 in ro 2002 an parca 3400e stoc
  14. inainte sa-mi cumpar gsx-r`ul eram cu mintea sa-mi cumpar un naked un z750 sau z1000 ma gandeam sa schimb categoria,bine am facut ca nu mi-am luat ,am mers in poiana cu 2 nakeduri un gsr`u si un sv,am zis ca nu-mi mai trebuie naked sau cel putin astea 2 sigur nu cine stie alexe poate o sa fie cu noroc si o sa ramai pe enduro ,dar nu cred distractie placuta pe coclauri
  15. felicitari pt ex,mi se pare ca sunteti "prea organizati " felicitari
  16. butoanele low mid high de pe pc3 nu sunt functionale,mai ai nevoie de inca o "dracie" dynojet autotune parca-i zice
  17. ai grija ,mergi la doctor cu ea ca cine stie ce se intampla,ce-ti cauzeaza pe viitor,eu cred ca ai mai multe erori,nu numai una
  18. extraordinar , nota 10 , felicitari
  19. cmd

    Honda Rc51

    ce se mai intampla pe aici ?
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