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Orice postat de TheFatBob

  1. TheFatBob


    va invit sa scrieti aici ,cu decenta,ceea ce va intereseaza despre rezervoare.
  2. TheFatBob


    peanut este si cel de sporster,inca de cind a aparut prima data...dar hai sa nu mai continuam ,in acest topic ,despre rezervoare...
  3. TheFatBob


    deci,se pare ca mai multe modele au aceeasi denumire.
  4. TheFatBob


    japonezii intra-adevar au multe rezeroare modificate,adica peanut micsorate... anyway,fac treba faina baietii. scuze,dar pt mas oyama,vreau sa-mi argumentez afirmatia:
  5. apropos de sportster-uri,eu stiu inca vre-o 2 de vinzare la jan-medias,si 1 la emil-sibiu....preturi f bune. poate va bagati la unul dintre ele si le customizati.succes.
  6. TheFatBob


    bine ai venit...aa,cu mine vorbesti?...pai pune poze.
  7. TheFatBob


    daca vorbim de poza asta....daca nu e peanut,ce e?
  8. TheFatBob


    din ce stiu eu,rezervorul "peanut" are 9L....destul pt maxim 150km si iti mai ramine ceva rezerva,asta la condus normal. o fi si model de 12L?atunci poti face linistit 200km. in oras insa,nu stiu daca faci 100km cu "peanut"...dar,mai conteza?hehe
  9. TheFatBob


    foarte faina furca asta.
  10. preluind un link de la Roadkill,am gasit ceva interesant: Stinger's version: The short answer to the question "what's a biker?" A biker is not just one who owns a motorcycle. There are numerous people who own multiple bikes, but never ride them. A biker is someone who owns and rides a motorcycle, and not merely as a means of transportation. Being a biker means taking a motorcycle on long journeys, day and night, rain or shine. And a biker shares a certain rapport with his/her motorcycle. A biker loves being on the road and the heightened sense of their surroundings. A biker respects nature, being so close to it so often. A true biker cares less what you ride and more that you ride. A biker is an adventurer, one who transcends normal life, welcomes the freedom of open motion, and the ecstasy and peace of mind gleaned from it. A biker is a generous and respectful person, who helps those in need and believes in "live and let live". And a biker is driven by spiritual, rather than material needs. Want the long answer? Big Ben's version: The best definition I ever heard was this: You know a biker by the look in the eyes as you pass each other and wave, a look that says "You ride too, and you know what I'm smiling about." As far as I'm concerned, if you understand what I'm talking about, you're a biker, end of story. And for you posers out there too blinded by brand loyalties to see that it's all about FREEDOM, baby, remember what my brother Carl Whitecrow said when some loser told him his CB 750 was Jap Crap: "It sure as hell beats walking, don't it?"
  11. eu cind am spus de sa,am tinut cont ca ai pasager,dar ca design,ar merge putin modificata,sa curga dupa linia rezervorului.
  12. TheFatBob

    Yamaha VIRAGO ZONE

    vi-sa explicat mai sus: cel de sus,nr 24,este supapa,nu ai ce umbla la ea...surubul din lateral e cel de umplere/vizitare iar cel de jos e pt golire. capisci? TFB
  13. bravo calaresti sanatos! ps:fa ceva cu saua aia...stiu ca e pt 2pers,dar mai ajusteaz-o un pic.
  14. e un custom ok...recomanda-io baiatului din craiova,care vroia dragstar sau ceva pe acolo...
  15. pt iubitorii de muzica populara americano-romineasca:
  16. super. intrebare:nu cumva AB/CD aia, cinta piesele AC/DC in ungureste?
  17. din punctul meu de vedere,ar trebui sa participe DOAR builderii din Romania. pentru ei este acest concurs. TFB
  18. TheFatBob

    Yamaha Dragstar

    atunci ia un virago 250cc...e mai slabut(18cp?),numa buna pt inceput,e pe la 2000eur,si e destul de lung,daca-i pui comenzi avansate. nu ziceam de 118000km,ci poate la dat inapoi de la 50.000km sau 40.000km....
  19. TheFatBob

    Yamaha Dragstar

    merge si din Italia,doar daca e verificata asa cum spui,cu acte in regula. prob e ca italienii le mai forjeaza,plus ca umbla mai mult cu ele/ nu fie dat kilometrajul peste cap... apropos de inaltimea ta,si cu comenzi avansate dragstarul e mic/scurt...ti-ar fi mai bun ceva mai mare,gen VN800....gasesti VN800 la vre-o 3500€ adusa in tara,la medias....succes.
  20. ii rog pe cei care incep munca,sa prezinte proiectul pe scurt.10x.
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