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Orice postat de TheFatBob

  1. well,teoretic da...practic,cine stie? oricum,pe site la HA World nu apare nimic... asemanator e si la RH....apare chapter in romania,dar la contact....nimic.
  2. TheFatBob

  3. TheFatBob

    suicide shifter

    si final-ul: "A suicide clutch was usually a rocker clutch pedal assembly that had its anbility to stay in the disengaged position disabled. When the foot was removed from the pedal the clutch would engage like a car.So if you tried to stop on a hill NO FRONT BRAKE,your left leg would be holding the bike up and your right foot would be on the brake pedal.If the hill was steep it would be impossible to take your foot off the brake pedal.You were stuck. Most chopper riders showed"class"by running a suicide clutch and jockey shift;it meant they were tatally macho.But back in the good old days,HD motorcycles were not making 100+ hp either."... si un link cu suicide clutch si jockey shift de vinzare:
  4. TheFatBob

    Yamaha VIRAGO ZONE

    vad ca iesti din Arad,ia legatura cu Gim de la BurnoutMC....te rezolva el.
  5. e intr-adevar firma oficiala care produce gume pt HD,dar nu cred ca influenteaza decit garantia...dupaia,pui ce gume vrei.
  6. TheFatBob

    suicide shifter

    continui cu editorilaul lui Buck Lovell: "So here's the deal,if your motorcycles is hand shifted with the shift lever mounted on the tank,it's called "tank shift".if your motorcycle is hand shifted with the shift lever mounted directly on top of the transmission,it's called"jockey shift". horse riding jockeys hold a whip in their left hand down low to strike the horse to go faster,that's where the jockey shift name originated.if the shift lever is anywhere else,it's called something else,period. Now,for the suicide clutch,in the good old days(pre foot shift days)choppers were built by stripping a motorcycle down to its bare essentials.Most,if not all american motorcycles were hand shifted, and foot clutched.Pre-foot shift Indian and HD motorcycles have what is termed a "rocker clutch".Indian style is "toe down"disengaged,Harley style is "heel down" disengaged.These clutch pedals could be "rocked" to their disengaged position as needed so the rider could put the left foot down to hold the bike up when applying the rear brake with the right foot.They would also be applying the front brake with the right hand.With a little riding practice,a rider could "rock" the clutch to its disengaged position and stop and start the bike on a hill using the front brake to keep it from rolling"....
  7. oricum,se pare ca nici la ei nu e inca limpede treaba... odata in USA,ca au reaparut fostii membrii pe care ei nu-i recunosc ca RH. in afara USA,se pare ca chapterele sint constituite ca MB si nu MC.
  8. din ce vad eu pe site la lituanieni,vad ca au poze din 2008,deci e fie link-urile la oha? vad ca si americanii scriu pe site-ul lor despre chapter Romania.
  9. TheFatBob

    Kawasaki Vulcan

    e complet?un pret estimativ?
  10. TheFatBob

    suicide shifter

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The jockey shifter is a gear shifting device used on motorcycles before the use of a foot-operated shift lever. A jockey shifter also known as a slap shifter gets its name from the location of the motorcycle rider's hand when shifting gears, it is under his seat like the position of a jockey's hand while using his riding crop on his horse. This hand shifter lever is directly mounted to the transmission and is just long enough to clear the primary drive cover or belt drive. A motorcycle equipped with this type of shifter requires the use of a foot clutch. The foot clutch comes in one of two configurations; either a rocker foot clutch which was stock on many early motorcycles, or a suicide foot clutch which was never available on production motorcycles but was manufactured by daring motorcycle enthusiasts. The rocker foot clutch is easier to use than the suicide foot clutch because it can be rocked into a position where the clutch is either engaged or disengaged - leaving the rider's foot free to be put down, at a stop, to steady the motorcycle. Sometimes a tank shifter is referred to as a Jockey Shifter, but this isn't technically correct due to the rider's hand position being in front of him, not behind him like for a horse jockey. The earliest known use of a foot clutch and hand shifter on motorcycles was with the first multi-geared transmission on the 1915 Harley Davidson.[1] It is a mechanical linkage that is typically mounted to the left side of the motorbike's fuel tank and is held in place by a slotted piece of metal welded to the frame or the tank.[2] Through a series of linkages it is connected to the transmission shift selection lever. In terms comparable to a motorcycle of current construction it is simply a way to relocate the shift lever from the front foot controls to the side of the gas tank. Early motorcycle customizers who were trying to reduce their motorcycle's weight so as to increase its power to weight ratio would sometimes replace their stock rocker foot clutch with a hand fabricated suicide foot clutch, and remove the tank shifter's linkage and instead attach a shifter arm directly to the transmission. This reduced weight would not only make their bike accelerate better, but they would have bragging rights of riding a motorcycle which required more skill to operate. Suicide clutch The suicide clutch is sometimes referred to as a suicide shifter, which is a common mistake. The suicide clutch is a foot-operated clutch that is mounted on the left side of the motorcycle's forward foot controls.[2] The suicide clutch moniker has derived from difficulties in operating this form of clutch and shifter. On a motorcycle equipped with a conventional hand clutch and foot shifter, the rider places the left foot on the ground when stopped and holds the motorcycle in place with pressure on the rear brake pedal with the right foot, while engaging the clutch with the left hand. On a motorcycle equipped with a suicide clutch, the clutch is held in with the left foot, requiring the right foot to hold the bike in place, with the right hand applying pressure to the front brake. Many riders have experienced difficulties transitioning from a conventional hand clutch motorcycle to a foot clutch, often stalling the engine when releasing the clutch at a stop.
  11. TheFatBob

    Kawasaki Vulcan

    90/90-21"....sau merge si 100/90-21".
  12. TheFatBob

    suicide shifter

    nu cred ca e vorba atit despre dezechilibru cit despre imposibilitate de a opri/pleca in intersectii.... ia utati ce zice Buck Lovell-editor la American Cycle: "I keep hearing the term"suicide shifter"spoken by bike owners who have a hand shift or tank shift installed on their motorcycle.Im here to say theres no such thing as suicide shifter.The corect terminology for a hand shifted transmission is either tank shift or jockey shift,but the "suicide"label is reserved for motorcycles that have a non-rocker clutch,hand shift(tank or jockey),and no front brake. That combination of equipment was and still is referred to as a "suicide clutch". When riding a motorcycle so equipped,riders would run a stop sign or stop light located on a steep hill because they couldn't activate both the brake pedal and the clutch pedal,and still have a foot to hold the motorcycle up.When going through the stop light or stop sign,many times cross traffic would hit the motorcycle and many deaths occurred as a result,particulary in SanFrancisco."...
  13. TheFatBob

    suicide shifter

    well,daca intereseaza pe cineva acest subiect: citeam un articol despre asta,si am inteles ca e cam fortat acest termen"suicide shifter",ca de fapt este vorba despre "suicide clutch" si ca nu orice motor cu schimbator la mina sau pe rezervor poate fi numit asa. am sa incerc sa reproduc si articolul,ca sa vedem ce se intelege de acolo. TFB
  15. revin,daca constructorii nu posteaza poze cu lucrarea pina la 1 mai,indiferent in ce faza se afla ea,asa dupa cum am stabilit cu ceva timp in urma(si vad ca pina acum nimeni nu s-a tinut de reguli)eu ies din treaba ca ar conta f mult participarea mea,dar m-am saturat de neseriozitate...
  16. anuntati-ma si pe mine daca se mai tine concursula vad ca participantii nu ne prea baga in seama.
  17. read and keep in mind:
  18. Catalin acum e in vacanta,dar am sa-i cer detalii dupa ce revine...probabil e unul dintre kit-urile pe care le aduc ei.
  19. TheFatBob

    Yamaha Dragstar

    best of=3, oras maxim 5%. in rest,asa e cum zice bykerkes
  20. se vede ca nu ai mers pe motor alaturi de pletosi....hehehe punem pariu ca e Catalin?
  21. hmmm,sint 2 moto diferite(e diferit nu numai nr de inmatric,dar si ghidonul si lampa stop),dar f asemanatoare... riderul cu casca 777 de pe B38HOG cred ca e Catalin de la DaytonaTwins.
  22. dar daca se merge la han in Dumbrava si joia,e vre-o problema?
  23. TheFatBob

    Kawasaki Vulcan

    motorul e in garantie? se pare ca UM este importator oficial,dar nu cred ca are exclusivitate....cred ca poti face revizia si in Brasov: Motto Brasov Showroom Addr: b-dul Iuliu Maniu 33 Tel: 0268 / 474 055 Email: Service Addr: Str. Scolii 8
  24. TheFatBob

    Accidente Sibiu

    am inteles ca pe Cosmin l-au lasat la"vatra" si se recupereaza bine....Vera cum e? ce se mai aude despre ancheta?
  25. pai se pare ca tot Tequial ramine pt inca vre-o 1-2 sapt,pt ca ceilalti nu au deschis terasele(am verificat).
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