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Orice postat de Bogus

  1. Nu te despagubeste nici o firma ce fabrica casti daca ai accident si nu te protejeaza acea casca. Eu de ex. la ambele casti am un disclamer in interior care imi spune ca acest sport este intrinsec periculos si ca nici o casca sau echipament de protectie nu te poate proteja de toate tipurile de accident. Asadar firma producatoare nu este responsabila pentru tartacuta motociclistilor.
  2. A mea face 55mpg (em pi gi) si merg lejer cu numai 190-200 kmh. la 240 cand ma grabesc dar nu prea tare consuma putinel mai simte la buzunar de la 300 in sus ... dar ce sa faci pfff ...R1 nu-i!
  3. Hornet S da! Bandit da! GSX-F da! VFR poate! R6 si GSX-R NU!
  4. Pe material am dat in jur de 270 de lei parca, aproape 3 metri patrati de la un tip din Brasov care vindea si pe Eu am colantat codita, iar la carena m-a ajutat cineva( din nefericire nu poti singur). cred ca am folosit numai 2 metri din material dar trebuie sa ai f mare grija , fiind destul de greu de realizat colantarea. Gasesti si ateliere specializate pe asa ceva, dar te va costa manopera (te rezolva si cu materialul tau). Totusi daca nu ai ceva experienta cu colantari nu iti recomand sa faci tu personal. Risti sa strici tot materialul.
  5. FZS 600 an 2002 colantat cu 3M carbon!
  6. Poate nu e normal pentru o tara europeana, dar dute tu in America de sud, Mexic, toata Africa, mare parte din Asia inclusiv Rusia, ba chiar in anumite cazuri si in State se mai intampla ca criminal sa scape pe o chichitza de sistem. Noi Paizanii nu o sa avem niciodata drepturi ca cei bogati si influneti. Asa a fost decand lumea si asa va fi si de acum inainte. Plus daca nu ne convine tara asta de ce nu plecam, sau de ce nu ii dam foc sau de ce nu le dam foc celor care ne supara??? Pt ca ne tragem din Iobagi deaia, si o luam peste fata cu pofta ca ultima curva penala!
  7. Te contrazic cu vehementa! Un ss decarenat arata fix ca dreaq cu toate chestiile la vedere!
  8. Bogus

    Offroaderi Si Poze Cu Ei

    Daca aveti kef de companie la iesirile pe teren accidentat sunt mai mult decat disponibil . Id-ul meu este 'jackwolfskin21'. Ms!
  9. Apropo de plimbari ... se intrevede ceva pentru weekendul 26-27 martie ?
  10. @Obeapaul 1. Headess are FZ6 din 2004 care vine din fabrica cu 120 pe fata si 180 pe spate. Trecerea la 190 pentru el nu este mare lucru, incadrandu-se in limitele maxime admise de producator (desi este biscutabil si aici) 2. Tu ai FZS 600 modelul produs pana in 2003 care vine cu 110 pe fata si 160 pe spate. Tu ai trecut de la 160 la 180. 3. Merci ai confirmat ce zicem si eu si articolele dupa net ...citez "aiureli,trebe sa te inveti nitel " ..daca erau niste prosti inginerii de la Yamaha .si tu un expert trebuia sa "te inveti, nitel" mergea de la 160mm la 180mm si atat!
  11. Ceva poze cu guma aia de 190 pe de alta dar sunt foarte curios de aspect!
  12. Bogus

    Offroaderi Si Poze Cu Ei

    Ceva enduristi dar cu motoare gen: Exc, WR, DRZ, YZ se afla prin Ploiesti?
  13. TDU2 este ok ....O combinatie de TDU2 si GT5 ar fi super tare!
  14. Nu e bine! 110 mm latime cauciuc, dimensiune profil 80 mm, v indice de viteza (max 240km/h)si raza de 17 inch. Daca pui de profil mai mic iti va indica vitezometrul mai putin decat ai in realitate!
  15. Salut Posesorilor de Yama WR. De ieri sunt si eu posesorul unei astfel de motociclete. As vrea sa stiu, voi la cate ore de functionare schimbati uleiul? In manualul de service scrie ca ar trebui schimbat dupa fiecare cursa, Ideea este ca eu nu concurez, vreau doar sa fac ceva enduro la sfarsit de saptamana! Multumesc!
  16. Nu este vorba de tine...dar cu ocazia asta am adus argumente celor care se gandesc sa faca ce ai facut tu..dar care vor sa afle si aspectele tehnice sau mai bine zis, consecintele pe care le aduce trecerea pe o masura de cauciuc mai mare decat recomandarea producatorul.
  17. Dunlop: "This is possible in some cases, but again, it should only be done with the approval of the motorcycle or tire manufacturer. When considering wider tires, you must factor in clearance for both width and diameter, the effect on stability and handling, along with whether your rim is wide enough. If wider tires are approved for a motorcycle, it is usually permissible to increase by only one size designation. When fitting a larger tire, always allow for some tire growth from the new to used situation. All tires increase in size after they have been inflated and are run for a few hudred miles." ehow facts : "Wide Rear A wide rear tire means more tread on the road, making the motorcycle want to push through turns instead of go around them. This can lead to a dangerous understeer condition. Read more: What Effect Do Wide Tires Have on Motorcycle Handling? |" ''I want to put bigger tires on my motorcycle. How can I tell what will fit? No, you probably don’t want to put bigger tires on your motorcycle. They will probably make it handle worse, not better. To some people, bigger tires may look better, but to those in the know, they make the bike look like the owner doesn’t know anything about motorcycle suspension and steering. Do you think you know more about suspension and steering than the engineers who designed your motorcycle? " Mesaj completat Does Size Matter Squeezing a wide tire onto a narrow rim can be a big mistake. Here's why. From the February, 2009 issue of Sport Rider By Andrew Trevitt Share | | Those low-profile 190-series tires sure look gnarly on the back of a sportbike, and we've seen them pinched onto all sizes of rims. But in reality, a 190/50-17 fits properly only on a 6.0-inch rim, and cramming it onto anything smaller severely changes its profile. As an experiment, we mounted a 190-series Metzeler Rennsport onto our F4i's 5.5-inch rear wheel and took some measurements. Compared to the correctly sized tire on the same rim, the 190's profile closely matches the 180's near the edges of the tread, but is much lower in the center area-equivalent to about a 6mm change in ride height. Effectively, the wider tire will give more rake and trail when the bike is vertical, while keeping close to the original geometry when the bike is leaned over. Accounting for one (by changing ride height) will unduly affect the other. Following our test with the Metzeler Sportecs, we slipped a 190/50 rear Sportec onto the F4i and rode a portion of the test loop for a practical comparison. With no changes to suspension or geometry, the F4i felt substantially different with the wider tire. With the bike straight up and down, steering was slightly sluggish in comparison, but just off vertical, the F4i was quite tippy and darted into corners. The light, neutral steering of the Sportecs was completely changed and the bike lost its balanced feel. The sensation was very much like riding on a tire squared off from too many freeway miles. At higher lean angles, performance was less affected, although making transitions from side to side was unpredictable. And, contrary to the popular myth that the wider tire puts down a bigger footprint and gives more traction, we felt no improvement in that department from the properly sized tire. We've experienced similar changes with a 180-series tire on a 5.0-inch rim meant for a 170-series bun. Tire engineers work hard to design and match front and rear profiles for characteristics that we sometimes take for granted. Upsetting that balance is surprisingly easy and you should think twice before sacrificing your tire's performance for appearance's sake. Daca mai vrei mai am!!!
  18. In afara de aspectul estetic nu vad de ce ai pune o guma de 180 pe o pereche de michelin pilot pure 2ct de 160 ma pot inclina pana ating cu scarita... Japonezii aia nu sunt prosti...dar nu cred ca are rost sa iti explic tie de ce!
  19. La o scapare usoara de pe cric cam duce vopseaua de pe baia de ulei, dar nu mult. In rest este ok se rup semnalizatoare nu se zgaraie carena! la o tranta mai serioasa se poate rupe ghidonul si atunci se duce si rezervor infundat si codita zgaraiata etc. cam astea sunt defectele ce pot aparea la o tranta! Vb din experienta!
  20. Pune si tu niste poze, sa vedem si noi cun arata cu gume de 180!
  21. Aaaaaa si daca tot esti la capitolul asta, de ce nu iti pui de 130 sau 140 si pe la 110(mica rau la 110 ...nici nu stiu cum se uita fetele fara sa chicoteasca cand vad un cauciuc asa de .......slab dotat) cat are acum ..pun pariu ca ar arata si mai bestial!
  22. Cred ca in review se refera la modelul de fazer pana in 2001, care arata ceva mai naspa decat cel dupa 2001 si pana in 2003. ma refer aici la foxeyes sau RJ02! Oricum beauty is in the eyes of the beholder! Mie mi se pare FZS-ul RJ02 este una dintre cele mai frumoase motociclete (parere personala asa ca nu imi sariti in cap)!
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