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Orice postat de high_dive_eagle

  1. De juma de ora ma uit la shoarecu' ala. A scapat sau a turbat?
  2. La ce tehnologie avem la dispozitie merge si un radio?
  3. Nu-mi trebuie decat sa vaz bine si sa nu bata vantu 'bre. Ca de-o fi sa dau tare cu mecla de ceva sigur cedeaza cervicalu sau e ceva ascutit si trece prin a mai a dracu' carapace. Parerea mea o gasesti in ultima fraza din semnatura:"Casca buna o porti pentru familia ta, sa-si recunoasca eroul si sa nu-ti reconstruiasca si fata la inbalsamare." tot tre' sa crapam din ceva, nu? .
  4. Zece din cat, reprezentand maxima?
  5. BMW de doispe sute clar, ca sa poti impinge linistit aerul peste 120 cu un tourer(v. suprafete mari expuse) avand si pasager si bagaje cu tine. Ai prestanta, este indestructibil, dispui de o mare rezerva de putere, vezi de sus si... se incadreaza in pret.
  6. Nu lua Dakrul ca etalon, acolo-s alte avioane in dedesubturile fenomenului. Mai bine da si tu niste indicatii despre ce vrei sa faci cu troaca aia, daca meri cu pasager, daca obisnuiesti sa iei bagaj mult sau doar cardul cu tine, daca vrei viteza sau putere, daca te coafeaza iesirile de pe asfalt si pana unde, daca te tine fizicul sa meri in scarite cu monocilindru, in ce suma te incadrezi cu investitia. Hai succes in cautare!
  7. Lone Survivor mi-a dat un sentiment tembel de dejavu ca o misiune pierduta jucand Delta Force (ultimele versiuni). Poate doar grafica e superioara ca-n rest si Sergiu Nicolaescu facea cascadorii mai realistice. Consider ca este un film slab iar despre subiect.. e repetitiv. Singurul lucru "interesant" ca de data asta "binili invinge" e cu susu-n jos. Si-or fi dat si ei seama ca ca pute scenariul cu "miezu care rupe tot" si le afecteaza audienta.
  8. Pentru o vechitura de RF200 mai gasesc undeva "ciob" fumuriu? Se poate face din alt model? tare bine m-am inteles cu modelul ala.
  9. Adica ai cumparat o furaciune si vrei sa te ajutam sa o dai a fi legalitate, sau ce vrei sa spui defapt?
  10. In conditiile in care cumparam din aceleasi magazine zemurile de racire/ antiinghet iaca situatiune: By "" Fill 'Er Up How about just pouring orange antifreeze into every cooling system, say, yours? Sorry, but it's not that simple. The new organic acid antifreezes may be used only if the cooling system has an aluminum radiator (rather than copper-and-brass). However, let's assume the reason you're thinking of a coolant change is because you're changing a cooling system part (pump, radiator, heater, thermostat housing) on a system with a conventional coolant, not an organic acid orange or pink. In that case, don't change to organic acid orange, even if the part you're installing is aluminum. Use a fresh fill of familiar U.S. yellow/gold or green silicated antifreeze. The two orange extended-life antifreezes are compatible with each other, with what's factory-fill in GM ca rs and the '99 Mercury Cougar, and with the pink in VW/Audi cars. However, they're not compatible with a special orange antifreeze in 1998-99 Chrysler L/H cars (Dodge Intrepid/Chrysler Concorde and 300M), a special "hybrid" mix of organic acids and silicates. The green in most Japanese cars contains no silicates, so it's not the same as the green in the parts store. The yellow in some European cars contains some silicates, but it's very different from yellow Prestone, the top-selling U.S. brand. And then there is red antifreeze used by Toyota, and blue used on some European and Korean cars. Freshen Up That Cup For You, Sir? What about just topping up a system that's low? What kind should you use? If the system (except for Chrysler L/H) has orange or pink, use Prestone or Havoline orange for top-up. All you have on hand is regular U.S. yellow/gold or green? Well, if you're desperate, use what you've got, because it's better than running low o n coolant and possibly overheating. But the mixture is shortening the life of the antifreeze. By how much? It would take lab tests to tell, so the best deal is to do the equivalent of a "retrofit." Can you retrofit all systems? Sorry, the answer is no. What about draining green or yellow/gold from the radiator and refilling with orange? Is that considered a "retrofit"? No, and you'd better not try that, either. What if the system has Japanese green, Toyota red, Korean or European blue, or European yellow? As we noted, European and Korean formulas have silicates, so U.S. green or yellow/gold is all right, but it slightly compromises the extended life formulas some have. Typically all that means is: Change at 30,000 instead of 36,000 miles. The Japanese green and red antifreezes have no silicates, but they are very different from U.S. orange. If you really drain out the old antifreeze from any of these systems (thoroughly rinse the system with fresh water), you certainly can refill with a U.S. yellow/gold or green silicated antifreeze. Now let's look at "retrofit" and "drain and fill" and explain what you can and can't do safely, and a bit of why. If a vehicle has a copper-and-brass radiator, forget a retrofit, says General Motors, because the organic acid (orange) antifreeze may not provide adequate protection for the lead solder in that radiator. The Chrysler orange hybrid combination of silicates and organic acids is meant to provide special protection for the water pump. Sorry, you can buy it only at a Chrysler-brand dealer. Prestone believes you can retrofit to its organic acid orange almost any vehicle with an aluminum radiator and cooling system that has been well-maintained and is in good condition, if you do it right. H owever, the antifreeze maker recognizes the possibility of a problem with Dodge truck 5.9-liter V8 water pumps, for which green or yellow/gold U.S. antifreeze is recommended–if you don't get Chrysler's specific orange. Iar in conditiile in care pe un singur raft gasesti producatori de pe toate continentele.. ai din ce alege. Inuitii or face si ei antigel ecologic din slana de foca?
  11. Razi tu dar ne dai idei Are cineva un tractor vechi de vanzare? Flex avem, o cheie de treispe si doi patenti gasim...
  12. Dureaza ceva vreme.. Oricum cam toti de pe au cont si aici iar daca ai rabdare (sa nu uiti parola pana atunci) contul va fi activat. Nu vei primi reply-uri cu aceeasi viteza ca aici dar acolo macar stii cu cine stai de vorba. Acolo toti are honde d-astea de touring, mai mici, mai mari, dupa posibilitati si necesitati ce deh si ei e oameni.
  13. Muhahaaa! Artilerist in toata regula. Ce-i mai frumos ca-n ultima poza se verifica ecoul salvelor la radio erevan, care emite evident din localitatea vecina de peste deal.
  14. Pe vremea cand atarnam la ciordaci pentru un bidon cat de mic de etilen-glicol pur, pe la un gard din dosul unei fabrici, surprinzator dar era galben ca mierea de tei. Nu chiar lafel de vascos dar cu acea culoare. Sunt ani buni de atunci nu zic dar tot etilen-glicol a ramas. Intre timp mi-a explicat un electrician ca asa cum la ei firele au coduri de culoare si etilen-glicolul primeste coloranti, inainte de ambalare catre rafturile magazinelor, in functie de adaosurile ulterioare peste substanta de baza. Pun pariu pe-o bere ca ce se fabrica in RO are doar colorantul. Are cineva o sursa buna sa dea aci un tabel cu codurile alea de culoare in functie de inhibitori si alte up-uri specifice sau o zmotocim ca specialistii de tastatura? PS
  15. La multi si frumosi Kilometri in urmatorul an tuturor transalpistilor!
  16. Alooo nenea, va cam faceti de cap bag-sama, la sectiunea de poze va rog!!!
  17. E bine de tinut seama de faptul ca modificarea raportului de transmisie influenteaza direct fiabilitatea masinariei. Poate la o vitezana de marca serioasa sa furi 2-3 dinti pe foaie pentru o naveta de autostrada mai ieftina sau la un tourer s-adaugi similar pentru mai multa forta-n mud merge, dar ce te faci cu pemveu de doispe' sute c-ala-si invarte raportu' de transmisie pi cardan.
  18. Poti folosi si unde gasesti moca o gramada de topicuri despre maruntaiele masinariei. Asta in cazul in care ai un pic de curaj sa te dai la ea cu un minim necesar de scule. Sau poti cauta un posesor de ceva similar care se si pricepe sa-si faca singur reparatiile ori la randul sau are un prieten doctor care nu-i rupe capul cu platile. Si uite asa iti faci si prieteni noi in zona.
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