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Orice postat de ioio_viola

  1. dupa cele 11/12 ture ambii erau unde erau in turul 2. in Sprint FB a fost pe 5 in turul 2, a terminat pe 5. JM era pe 8 in turul 2 in cursa, in turul 12 era tot pe 8 (startul prost l-a afectat mai mult decat cum s-a comportat guma pana in turul ala). La final JM a mai pierdut cateva locuri din cauza uzurii gumei in dublu de tururi.
  2. Diferenta dintre cei doi o expune cel mai bine Oxley Bagnaia was all serenity, like he has Valium running through his veins. After the sprint he told us he’d had a dud tyre without telling us he’d had a dud tyre. “As soon as I opened the throttle I was sliding a lot, spinning a lot – it was different to the rest of the weekend,” he said. “It can happen, we were unlucky it happened in a race.” Martin was much less diplomatic after the grand prix. And understandably, because while Bagnaia lost a potential extra seven points in the sprint, Martin lost a potential extra 17 in the GP. “You saw at the start I had a big spin, so you can understand what happened – the rear tyre wasn’t working OK,” said the former Moto3 world champion, who got so sideways when he dumped the clutch that he nearly lost control. “I’m really disappointed the championship is being decided by a bad tyre. I struggled a lot: I couldn’t stop the bike, I couldn’t turn, I couldn’t open the throttle, it was like riding in wet conditions.”
  3. ca ne tot intrebam pe ce bani merge MM la Gresini “Getting back to giving up so much money, I'm in a different position right now. “During these years, I have been lucky that everything has gone well for me in all aspects and for me it is no longer a priority. “Although next year, I tell you, I will continue to be one of the highest paid on the grid.” Asked about whether his lucrative sponsors would follow him into the Gresini garage, Marquez said: “Right now I am investing in my sports career, to be happy, to smile again under the helmet and to continue it for many more years. “For me this is an investment.”
  4. CATEGORY - LAPS - TOTAL DISTANCE - FINISH IN CASE OF RED FLAG MotoGP™ - 27 - 108.14 Km / 67.19 Miles - 20 Moto2™ - 22 - 88.11 Km / 54.75 Miles - 17 Moto3™ - 20 - 80.1 Km / 49.77 Miles - 15 Vineri 24.11 11:45-12:30 MotoGP™ Free Practice Nr. 1 16:00-17:00 MotoGP™ Practice Sambata 25.11 11:10-11:40 MotoGP™ Free Practice Nr. 2 11:50-12:05 MotoGP™ Qualifying Nr. 1 12:15-12:30 MotoGP™ Qualifying Nr. 2 14:15-14:30 Moto3™ Qualifying Nr. 2 15:10-15:25 Moto2™ Qualifying Nr. 2 16:00-16:45 MotoGP™13 Laps Tissot Sprint Duminica 26.11 11:40-11:50 MotoGP™ Warm Up 13:00-13:35 Moto3™20 Laps Race 14:15-14:55 Moto2™22 Laps Race 16:00-16:50 MotoGP™27 Laps Race 21:15-23:00 MotoGP™ FIM MotoGP™ Awards
  5. Morbidelli a semnat pe doar 1 an cu Pramac? anul viitor o sa fie nebunie pe piata transferurilor. Fermin Aldeguer, the teenage Moto2 talent, was VR46’s first-choice to replace Luca Marini, who is set to go to Repsol Honda. But negotiations with Aldeguer have been tough and haven’t yet resulted in a breakthrough. Luca Boscoscura, owner of the Moto2 Speed Up team, wants to keep Aldeguer. And the young Spaniard has an offer to join Pramac Ducati in 2025 if he stays in Moto2 for another season.
  6. eu zic ca a fost mai mult pentru show in alta ordine de idei, conflictul spanioli-italieni e foarte evident in paddock: “If you only see the final part, I deserve that sanction, I'm not going to argue with it, it's very ugly. “And I already know that I'm going to eat a lot of hate now, because what I did is very ugly, I admit it. “But it's a bit unfair because Franco has been walking around the circuits for a year and a half, each race bothers one or the other. “I almost fell twice because he was walking, and when I tried to enter again he acted like a bully, not letting me enter. “And I lost my nerve there. “Last week he called Marc like a dog with his hand... “Yes, I was very wrong with my reaction, I feel very bad for myself, for my team, for my family, but it's not worth it, I think, to just look at the last part.”
  7. 8 terminate pe podium, 8 in afara + 3 DNF sa fie matematica clara, dar ma bucur ca s-a inteles ce am vrut sa zic
  8. nu chiar, FB1 a luat podium in toate cursele (cele cu puncte multe, nu sprint) in care a terminat in afara de Argentina (cursa 2) pe cand JM89 are mai mult de jumate in afara podiumului. pana la urma constanta pe podium in cursele de Duminica pare ca a decis campionatul
  9. Bestia aterminat in fata lui JM si cu fastest lap. Merita sa ramana la factory inca un an sa arate ce poate un sezon intreg.
  10. De la academie mai e doar Vieti care inca nu confirma, cu Digi pare ca nu au legaturi prea apropiate si cred ca de aia cauta un tanar foarte talentat pe care sa-l cizeleze. Dpmdv as merge pe unul cat mai tanar sau Dixon ca nu mai sunt britanici la clasa mare
  11. Cam putin.. @aleixespargaro will start six places lower on the grid tomorrow as well as being given a monetary fine by the FIM #MotoGP Stewards for his part in the incident with @frankymorbido
  12. E cazul ca Aleix sa se retraga. Tigan mai mare ca el nu e decat MM, dar ala e cu ciobaneala pe pista ...
  13. sa i se retraga titlul lui MM93 din 2013!!! am zis!!!!
  14. bun o sa ma uit la cursele din 2013 pana atunci referitor la cometul ca, cursa de anul asta a fost plictisitoare m-am uitat rapid la datele celor doua sezoane si cel putin la primii 3 nu par mari diferente intre cele doua sezoane: sper ca in cursa din 2013 sa fi fost mai mult suspans decat in cea din 2023 si m-am mai uitat si la sezon la general. Pare ca s-au batut tot trei piloti, doar ca doi erau de la Honda si unul de Yamaha. Putem zice ca erau de la echipe diferite:
  15. cred ca de multe ori nu luam in calcul si natura circuitului. de aia am zis sa-mi ziceti un sezon in care au fost depasiri/spectacol aproape in toate cursele sa vad daca nu cumva si in sezonul ala erau cateva circuite pe care era spectacol si in rest nu prea. si acum e spectacol pe cateva circuite gen Silverstone, Phillip Island, Assen... poate si faptul ca acum sunt mai multe curse ne face sa zicem uite domnule nu e spectacol ca si in trecut.
  16. Pana acum ati zis in mare cateva curse. Eu vreau sa iau un sezon cap coada si sa ma uit la toate cursele sa vad acel spectacol de care ziceti ca nu mai e astazi.
  17. cum sunt mai nou in alte Mgp-ului spune-mi un sezon care il consideri foarte misto
  18. CATEGORY - LAPS TOTAL DISTANCE FINISH IN CASE OF RED FLAG MotoGP™ - 22 118.36 Km / 73.55 Miles 17 Moto2™ 20 107.6 Km / 66.86 Miles 15 Moto3™ 18 96.84 Km / 60.17 Miles 14 Vineri 17.11 14:45-15:30 MotoGP™ Free Practice Nr. 1 19:00-20:00 MotoGP™ Practice Sambata 18.11 14:00-14:30 MotoGP™ Free Practice Nr. 2 14:40-14:55 MotoGP™ Qualifying Nr. 1 15:05-15:20 MotoGP™ Qualifying Nr. 2 17:15-17:30 Moto3™ Qualifying Nr. 2 18:10-18:25 Moto2™ Qualifying Nr. 2 19:00-19:45 MotoGP™11 Laps Tissot Sprint Duminica 19.11 14:40-14:50 MotoGP™ Warm Up 16:00-16:35 Moto3™18 Laps Race 17:15-17:55 Moto2™20 Laps Race 19:00-19:50 MotoGP™22 Laps Race
  19. Smecher Jack cu intrebarea
  20. Victorii sigur ia, inca nu-mi dau seama daca mai are "rabdarea" si psihicul necesar sa se bata la campionat. Dar o sa vedem dupa 5-6 curse cum sta treaba in 2024...
  21. Sa vina inapoi cursele cand castiga doar MM sau VR. Asa cand poate castiga oricine de la Ducati e nasol. Merge merge de rupe
  22. CATEGORY - LAPS - TOTAL DISTANCE - FINISH IN CASE OF RED FLAG MotoGP™ - 20 - 110.86 Km / 68.89 Miles - 15 Moto2™ - 17 - 94.23 Km / 58.55 Miles - 13 Moto3™ - 15 - 83.15 Km / 51.66 Miles - 11 Vineri 10.11: 04:45-05:30 MotoGP™ Free Practice Nr. 1 09:00-10:00 MotoGP™ Practice Samabta 11.11: 04:10-04:40 MotoGP™ Free Practice Nr. 2 04:50-05:05 MotoGP™ Qualifying Nr. 1 05:15-05:30 MotoGP™ Qualifying Nr. 2 07:15-07:30 Moto3™ Qualifying Nr. 2 08:10-08:25 Moto2™ Qualifying Nr. 2 09:00-09:45 MotoGP™ 10 Laps Tissot Sprint Duminica 12.11: 04:40-04:50 MotoGP™ Warm Up 06:00-06:35 Moto3™ 15 Laps Race 07:15-07:55 Moto2™ 17 Laps Race 09:00-09:50 MotoGP™ 20 Laps Race
  23. Morbi nu a mai performat pe Yamaha de cand a avut accidentarea aia urata. De acolo spuneam ca e saritul din lac in put cu cei doi.
  24. cred tot mai convins ca Yamaha au sarit din lac in put: Iker Lecuona to replace Alex Rins at the Grand Prix of Malaysia and Qatar. The Spanish rider will substitute compatriot Rins, who is still recovering. Iker previously helped the team at the Silverstone, at the Red Bull Ring and at the Circuit of Barcelona
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