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Orice postat de ioio_viola

  1. se pot schimba pilotii asa de pe o zi pe alta? MotoGP Japan: Alex Rins declared unfit after 'painful' Friday return Rins, who required surgery after fracturing his tibia and fibula at Mugello, completed 16 laps in the morning but just 6 in the longer, one-hour, afternoon practice. LCR Honda then confirmed that the Spaniard ‘has been declared unfit due to the pain he’s felt today on the right leg while testing on track.’ "If it’s painful then it won’t make sense to continue riding. “I’m still not 100% recovered but it’s going step by step. The next step is to try the MotoGP bike. “It’s been one month without trying any bike. Let’s see what the reception is like on the bike." HRC test rider Stefan Bradl, who was again due to replace Rins before the Spaniard's last-minute trip to Motegi, will now take over the RCV on Saturday.
  2. Deocamdata Ducati nu are nevoie de MM, dar MM are nevoie de Ducati. Eu zic ca la factory nu mai prinde loc cat timp FB1, JM89 si MB72 nu se rup grav.
  3. eu stiu ca doar cei de la uzina si Pramac au contract cu Ducati. restul parca sunt platiti de echipele de client. sa nu uitam cine mai concureaza in Japonia :
  4. La India ma refer ca au fost probleme logistice si de natura financiara. In rest circuitul pare fain ca si layout. Interesant de vazut cum merge pustiul cu Triumph-ul de la Moto2
  5. Talentat da, nebun sa-si atinga scopurile da. Inteligent si simpatic nu prea a dat dovada. Poate de curand cand nu-i mai ies din glezna condusul si castigurile.
  6. 22... multe Kazahstan sau Ungaria (parca ar fi fain sa fie vecinii nostri mai ales ca Kazahstan nu e Europa...) Interesant ca India e subject of contract. Se pare ca nu au mers tocmai bine anul asta treburile acolo. Iar 4 etape in Spania...
  7. cum zicea si MM, toata lumea speculeaza cate o varianta si pana la urma unul tot nimereste ce o sa se intample
  8. Jocurile alea le facea pentru ca simtea ca FQ poate deveni un pericol. Atunci nu ii era frica de el, dar tot jucanduse cu el a ajuns sa faca buba singur. Si de atunci nu si-a mai revenit la nivelul fizic si mental de dinainte de accidentari.
  9. CATEGORY - LAPS - TOTAL DISTANCE - FINISH IN CASE OF RED FLAG MotoGP™ 24 - 115.22 Km / 71.6 Miles - 18 Moto2™ 22 - 105.62 Km / 65.63 Miles- 17 Moto3™ 20 - 96.02 Km / 59.66 Miles - 15 Vineri 04:45-05:30 MotoGP™ Free Practice Nr. 1 09:00-10:00 MotoGP™ Practice Sambata 04:10-04:40 MotoGP™ Free Practice Nr. 2 04:50-05:05 MotoGP™ Qualifying Nr. 1 05:15-05:30 MotoGP™ Qualifying Nr. 2 09:00-09:45 MotoGP™12 Laps Tissot Sprint Duminica 04:45-04:55 MotoGP™ Warm Up 06:00-06:35 Moto3™20 Laps Race 07:15-07:55 Moto2™22 Laps Race 09:00-09:50 MotoGP™24 Laps Race
  10. da, comparam mere cu pere. MM este un pilot natural precum era VR si cei din vremea aia. pe cand acum Mgp cere altceva: Today’s most advanced MotoGP bikes don’t really work like normal motorcycles. They don’t pitch into and out of corners like they used to, and they need to be ridden in a certain way to take advantage of the latest technology: downforce aero, ride-height devices and so on. Thus there is little chance for a rider to add his own little bit of magic, by riding around problems. Instead he must ride the machine the way his engineers tell him it needs to be ridden, like F1. “On Friday morning my natural riding was there and I was second fastest,” said Márquez at Sachsenring. “But the problem is that when you use your natural riding you arrive very quickly at your limit, then the others arrive at your limit and pass that limit, so, yeah, I’m struggling.” vrem nu vrem Mgp a luat-o in directia asta. eu intreb altceva: MM daca merge un an la Ducati, se adapteaza la noul Mgp si apoi se duce la KTM cu toata informatia acumulata oare la cei de la Ducati le convine asta? Se pare ca cei de la Pramac au vrut un contract de doi ani si MM a refuzat. A plecat Miller cu informatii si se vede deja ca, KTMul incepe sa fie tot mai aproape de Ducati.
  11. eu nu inteleg ceva aici: la material de concurs asemanator dpdv al performantelor nu pilotii foarte buni fac diferenta? spre deosebire de F1 unde masina chiar face diferenta si vedem doar dominarea Redbull. ziua de teste au zis mai toti ca nu e foarte relevanta datorita faptului ca este foarte mult cauciuc depus pe asfalt si e foarte mult grip comparativ cu un weekend de GP.
  12. Da si nu. VR46 ne-a aratat ca oricat talent ai nu poti castiga cu orice bicicleta. Desi schimbarea de pe Honda pe Yamaha a fost un succes, trecere la Ducati a fost un esec. Daca MM93 ar fi mers la KTM in 2018 si castiga cu ei iti dadeam 100% dreptate. Amandoi sunt piloti exceptionali in comparatie cu cei cu care au concurat in vremea lor de glorie. Si atunci si acum e clar ca trebuie sa fie o combinatie perfecta intre pilot si motor. Zici ca acum conteaza mai mult mobra si ca toate sunt egale, dar in fata sunt doar 2-3 piloti. Singura diferenta e ca acum sunt de la acelasi producator pe cand in anii anteriori erau 2 producatori diferiti.
  13. pai tot asa putem spune ca MM nu a avut adversari care sa puna presiune pe el :). pe vremea aia erau 2 ( max 3) care mergeau de rupeau si restul la distanta destul de mare, pe cand acum avem si 15 piloti intr-o secunda. in fine, la final dupa ani de zile ramane cine a castigat campionatul mondial, nu cum a facut-o.
  14. Putem zice acelasi lucru despre MM93 in 2018 si 2019? Chiar si in 2017 desi acolo a fost mai strans scorul... Eu am mai zis, nu conteaza doar pilotul cat conteaza cat de buna e combinatia pilot+moto. degeaba esti pilot bun daca nu ai material calumea cu care sa mergi (MM sau FQ recent, VR46 la Ducati) si la fel degeaba ai material daca nu ai pilot constant care sa puncteze sus cu el (vezi Aprilia in ultimii 2 ani)
  15. Eu zic ca Bez il merita mai mult ca si JM. Merge cu o motocicleta spec 2022 si le da clasa de multe ori la ambii piloti cu spec 2023. Se vede la start diferenta dintre cei care primesc update-uri si cei care merg cu spec mai vechi.
  16. Nah sa fie spectacol. Oare regreta Ducati ca au facut o moto asa buna pentru toti? Oare il mai vor si pe MM acolo la bataie anul viitor?
  17. Marini LLpenalty, dar poate lipsi maine si in Japonia din cauza accidentarii.
  18. nu mai e iubire la Yamaha.... oricat incearca sa fie politically correct, se vede pe Fabio ca nu mai rezista in situatia actuala. si in conferinta de presa de ieri nu parea foarte incantat Fabio Quartararo clashes with Yamaha boss - then breaks down twice at Indian MotoGP James Dielhenn 22 Sep 2023 Fabio Quartararo is at odds with Massimo Meregalli over the Misano test. Indian MotoGP, Buddh International Circuit - Friday Practice Results And his mood will not have improved on the opening day of the Indian MotoGP as he broke down twice with mechanical problems. He had already expressed surprise that Yamaha’s team manager appeared please with the 2024 prototype that was tested in Misano. "At the end of the Misano test we saw the comments from the team manager and mine that were black and white, they were totally different," Quartararo told DAZN. "I can clearly say that it was a disappointment, that it was not up to the level I expected, we have not made a step forward, at all.” Quartararo, perhaps sarcastically, added: “If the team manager says it is better, maybe we should listen to him." Quartararo was asked if he felt hopeless but replied: "No, in the end there is nothing on the line. “Someone says white, the other says black. “In the end, the comments that the rider says, I think are a bit more important. "It is the rider who tests the motorcycles, who has the feeling if it is easier to ride or not. “Of course if we start and we are not on the line, 2024 will be the same as this year or worse.”
  19. Mai era unu care zice ca nu India are nevoie de MotoGp ci invers.
  20. totul pare ok la circuit. deocamdata nici un feedback de la pilotii clasati mai sus, dar pare ok.
  21. nah ca ne-am inghesuit mai multi. un Admin stergeti unul din topicuri
  22. CATEGORY - LAPS - TOTAL DISTANCE - FINISH IN CASE OF RED FLAG MotoGP™ - 24 - 120.24 Km / 74.71 Miles - 18 Moto2™ - 19 - 95.19 Km / 59.15 Miles - 14 Moto3™ - 17 - 85.17 Km / 52.92 Miles - 13 Vineri 06:30-07:20 Moto3™ Practice Nr. 1 07:35-08:30 Moto2™ Practice Nr. 1 08:45-09:55 MotoGP™ Free Practice Nr. 1 10:00-10:45 MotoGP™ Best of 10:45-11:35 Moto3™ Practice Nr. 2 11:50-12:45 Moto2™ Practice Nr. 2 13:00-14:10 MotoGP™ Practice Sambata 06:40-07:10 Moto3™ Practice Nr. 3 07:25-07:55 Moto2™ Practice Nr. 3 08:10-08:40 MotoGP™ Free Practice Nr. 2 08:50-09:05 MotoGP™ Qualifying Nr. 1 09:15-09:30 MotoGP™ Qualifying Nr. 2 10:50-11:05 Moto3™ Qualifying Nr. 1 11:15-11:30 Moto3™ Qualifying Nr. 2 11:45-12:00 Moto2™ Qualifying Nr. 1 12:10-12:25 Moto2™ Qualifying Nr. 2 13:00-13:45 MotoGP™12 Laps Tissot Sprint Duminica 08:40-08:50 MotoGP™ Warm Up 09:00-09:35 MotoGP™ Rider Fan Parade 10:00-10:35 Moto3™17 Laps Race 11:15-11:55 Moto2™19 Laps Race 13:00-13:50 MotoGP™24 Laps Race 14:10-14:45 MotoGP™ After the Flag 14:45-15:15 MotoGP™ Race Press Conference
  23. 2024 GRID UPDATE Scott Redding will move over to the Bonovo Action BMW, as Michael van der Mark partners Toprak Razgatlıoglu for 2024 Read more about it #WorldSBK #2024WorldSBKRidersMarket
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