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Anyone attending Biketoberfest or going to Florida should know that a new law in Florida goes into effect Oct 1, 2008 that has severe penalties for the following: front wheel loosing contact with the ground, 50 MPH over the speed limit, and LICENSE PLATES MOUNTED IN ANY WAY OTHER THAN HORIZONTAL AND ON THE FENDER. The first offense is $1000 fine, second offense is $2500 and third offense is a third degree felony.


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Este o traditie in unele state americane sa sicaneze motociclistii stil hells Angels - prin anii 60 se uitau ce modificari faceau acestia la motociclete si scoteau legi care sa le interzica. Vedeau sissy-bar inalt, interziceau sissy-bar-urile mai inalte de ghidon, vedeau apehanger-uri, interziceau ghidoane mai inalte de umeri, nu vedeau oglinzi, prevedeau caracterul lor obligatoriu - a ramas celebra replica Angels care isi montau oglinzi de stomatologie pentru ca legea nu prevedea si dimensiuni obligatorii - si asa mai departe...

Legile respective nu au decat scopul de a limita deplasarea motociclistilor "nealiniati" la normele societatii si de a facilita organelor de ordine oprirea lor in trafic - un fel de "hitlerism democratic".

Probabil ca la randul lor, organizatii non-guvernamentale vor ataca legea si o vor anula in cele din urma - s-a intamplat deseori...

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Florida Association of Court Clerks/Comptrollers


REF: HB 137 (ch. 2008-117, Laws of Florida) DATE: August 20, 2008 NO: 08-058


FILE NO. F02-008-080820-01 TELEPHONE: (850) 921-0808 CONTACT: B. Allman



Effective October 1, 2008, HB 137 revises the traffic laws to create a few more penalties. This short bill was particularly focused on unsafe motorcycle activities, but it does include a provision for excessive speed. The new law also provides penalties for the first, second, third or subsequent violations. The Distribution Chart found on the FACC website will be updated to reflect the amounts for the first and second offenses in the Traffic section. The third and subsequent offense is classified as a third degree felony with a $5,000 fine and will appear in the Criminal Traffic section of the chart.


New Violations:

316.2085(2) Motorcycle or moped, wheels losing contact with ground

This is classified as a moving violation.

First Offense: the violator must pay $1,000 plus any other costs assessed for a moving violation. Second Offense: the violator must pay a fine of $2,500, plus any other applicable costs assessed for a moving violation. The person’s driver license must be revoked for a period of one year.

Third Offense: the violator will be charged with a third degree felony, punishable as provided in ss. 775.082, 775.083, and 775.084, a mandatory fine of $5,000, and the driver license must be revoked for a period of ten years.


316.2085(3) Motorcycle or moped license tag improperly affixed

This is classified as a moving violation.

First Offense: the violator must pay $1,000 plus any other costs assessed for a moving violation. Second Offense: the violator must pay a fine of $2,500, plus any other applicable costs assessed for a moving violation. The person’s driver license must be revoked for a period of one year.

Third Offense: the violator will be charged with a third degree felony, punishable as provided in ss. 775.082, 775.083, and 775.084, a mandatory fine of $5,000, and the driver license must be revoked for a period of ten years.


316.1926 (2) A person who exceeds the speed limit in excess of 50 mph or more in violation of ss.

316.183(2) (posted speeds), 316.187(state speed zones), or 316.189 (municipal and county speeds)

This is classified as a moving violation.

First Offense: the violator must pay a fine of $1,000 plus court costs.

Second Offense: the violator must pay a fine of $2,500 plus court costs and the driver license must be revoked for a period of one year.

Third Offense: the violator will be charged with a third degree felony, punishable as provided in ss. 775.082, 775.083, and 775.084, a mandatory fine of $5,000, and the driver license must be revoked for a period of ten years.


Au posibilitatea sa confiste si mobra daca se incordeaza muschii pe officer.


Urmeaza noise regulations, etc S-a cam imputit treaba si la ei. Cu viteza a fost mereu o problema. Sa ai unde sa-i dai si sa nu poti e mai rau decat invers.

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Anyone attending Biketoberfest or going to Florida should know that a new law in Florida goes into effect Oct 1, 2008 that has severe penalties for the following: front wheel loosing contact with the ground, 50 MPH over the speed limit, and LICENSE PLATES MOUNTED IN ANY WAY OTHER THAN HORIZONTAL AND ON THE FENDER. The first offense is $1000 fine, second offense is $2500 and third offense is a third degree felony.


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Dupa mine America e cea mai rasista natiune - si cred ca Romania e tara tuturor posibilitatilor scuze de off topic!

Si personal ma bucur ca aici un politist mai trece cu vederea cate o modificare ilegala si ca nu se leaga de tine ca ai niste modificari!

Editat de IceLord
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Asta e, daca n-ai o legislatie clara si coerenta, in toate statele, asa incit sa nu mai poata fiecare sa-si faca legile si amendamentele proprii, uneori chiar la nivel de county, oras, orasel, catun... la ultimele mai e si faza ca sheriff-ul mai interpreteaza legea si dupa ureche, sau cum are el chef in acel moment.


Fuck 'em!

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