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Ktm, CBR, R1, RSV4
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R1, super tenere, 990 adv, exc 250, F650GS, cbr f4, cbr 600 rr, Montesa, gsxr, africa twin, rsv4
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Din filmare pare un comportament ciudat al motoretei. Pare un high-side pe franare care este extrem de ciudat. Abia astept sa dea niste declaratii sa vedem ce s-a intamplat. Mie imi pare un fel de blocare a spatelui, cea ce nu ar tb sa se intample. filmarea este f buna, se vede f clar ca nu e pe accelerare
la ce mobra vad ca i-a dat Aprilia acuma, putea sa fie 150% apt, ca tot nu facea nimic
Sunt f chill :), dar cand esti asa in spate niciodata nu e un semn bun. Pt nu e ca si cum ai gasi o chestie si scazi 3 secunde. si Bez e tot la 2.01....
https://timingpass.motogp.com/en/standing e gratis subscriptia pana in 27 ian
Qua primul ; 1.57.7 JM ultimjl 2:01.3 vin vremuri grele pt JM
toti pilotii au fost invitati ca spectatori. Niciunul nu are voie sa testeze mobra de gp decat pilotii de teste. Este regulamentul motogp. Pilotii pot sa testeze mobrele de gp doar in testele organizate de dorna. dar, se pare ca Acosta nu a dat curs invitatiei. O fi fost plecat in Italia
deja i-a batut la cazaturi anul asta:)))))
Eu cred totusi, sau sper sa fie un fale news. din ce zicea ktm, motoreta pt 2025 este deja dezvoltata. totusi raman o gramada de cheltuieli cu participarea si nu cred ca se va lua o decizie pana in feb cand se va aduna masa credala. atunci, daca nu se va aproba planul de reorganizare este posibil sa se retraga. insolventa asta este si o metoda de a mai scapa de datorii si de contracte paguboase. din ce am vazut departamentul de racing este separat de ktm ag... pb ca ramane de vazut daca aduna bugetul pt 2025. Si, din declaratii RedBull eate in langa ei.
Daca nu e fake news: In a shocking turn of events for the MotoGP world, KTM’s CEO has announced that the company will be stepping back from the championship in 2025, citing financial troubles that have led to bankruptcy. The news has sent shockwaves through the motorsport community, as the iconic motorcycle brand, which has been a prominent player in MotoGP, will no longer be fielding a team in the highly competitive series. KTM’s withdrawal from MotoGP comes at a time when the team was starting to see significant progress, with riders like Brad Binder and Pedro Acosta showing promising results. Binder, known for his fearless riding and exceptional skill, was one of KTM’s leading figures, while the young Pedro Acosta had quickly become a rising star, attracting attention for his talent and potential. With KTM’s exit from the series, both Binder and Acosta are now left without a seat for the 2025 season, effectively becoming free riders. This means that the duo will be free to negotiate with other teams and explore new opportunities within MotoGP or other racing series. While the news has understandably shocked the riders and fans alike, both have expressed a sense of resilience and determination in moving forward with their careers.
Nu e chir asa, divizia de racing este cea care are cele mai mari sponsorizari. Daca o inchizi pierzi si sponsorizarile. pe 25 feb o sa fie intalnirea cu creditorii(din ce am vazut sunt vreo 5 banci care au imprumutat cu putin peste 3 miliarde). daca nu se ajunge la o intelegere raman 2 optiuni: 1. preia redbull divizia de motogp si isi schimba numele 2. cumpara indienii restul de companie. in alta ordine de idei, deja circula zvonuri ca dorna e in discutii cu ducati pt Acosta in caz ca, ktm se retrage
Ma indoiesc ca ar ramane somer. Sunt sigur ca in secunda 2 va avea oferte. deocamdata ktm a intrat in insolventa.... partea buna e ca vor scapa de niste datorii, partea proasta ca o sa aiba un adminstrator judiciar, deci papa investii in dezvoltarea prototipului. Nu imi este f clar cum e organizata echipa de motogp, dar, daca este parte din ktm... vom avea o perioada in care fie se va retrage, fie va merge pe burta. Ktm a refuzat ajutor atat de la redbull cat si de la indieni. Ceva e putred acolo de au vrut insolventa. Probabil ca vor sa scape de niste datorii....
Suzuki President Toshihiro Suzuki has dropped a bombshell, hinting at the company’s plans to rejoin MotoGP and World Superbike but not without meeting a key condition first. “We will return to racing, and we will win again.” This statement has set the racing world abuzz. Could Suzuki bring back their iconic Inline-4 engine, or will they surprise us with something entirely new? With Yamaha considering a V4 configuration, could Suzuki follow the trend or stick to their roots? However, the road to a comeback won’t be easy. Suzuki’s former MotoGP dream team—like Davide Brivio and Ken Kawauchi has dispersed to other ventures. Reuniting that talent would be a monumental task. And what about their star riders? Could Joan Mir and Alex Rins be waiting for the perfect moment to return to the Suzuki camp and restore their winning legacy? It’s a tantalizing thought: Suzuki back on the MotoGP grid, battling for championships. What’s your take? Will they rise again and dominate the track? Or is this dream too far out of reach?
Daca te uiti pe clasamentul asta iti dai seama cat bulan a avut JM anul asta sa ia titlul.