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Orice postat de lucyfire_legion

  1. salut! Sudura-imbinare nedemontabila a doua sau mai multe corpuri solide prin stabilirea in anumite conditii de temperatura si presiune a unor forte de legatura intre atomii marginali. Probleme sudura aluminiu:afinitate mare de oxigen ce implica formarea oxidului de aluminiu (punct de topire 2050 gr.C) in conditiile in care aluminiul se topeste la 658 gr.C,si la 1600 incepe sa fiarba(oxizii se scufunda in metal inrautatind sudarea.Mai sunt si dilatarile liniare si volumetrice ce produc fisuri/crapaturi.-ASADAR CE SE PREZINTA NU ESTE SUDURA! Ce realizeaza acest material este o lipire tare(nu foloseste flacara oxiacetilenica ci oxipropan pentru a proteja metalul de mediu-a se citi oxigen.Materialul de adaos are la baza floruri si cloruri active. Procedeul este destul de vechi si iti recomand oricand sa il inlocuiesti cu sudura WIG. 99% nu cred ca este aluminiu pur ce vrei tu sa sudezi/lipesti,asa ca daca poti afla compozitia exacta ar fi ideal(de ex.AlMg-fisureaza la cald,AlMgSi si AlCuMg deasupra/sub linia de solidificare). In ultima instanta tipul de imbinare depinde de solicitarile la care e supusa piesa. numai bine!
  2. -vremurile bune cand calaream ij-urile si repara la a lui... -cu nepra peste 160 la ora de la Iasi la Galati,a topit pistonul drept parca,avea o gaura de vreo 20 mm in el... -"ce faci bilute?" si asta ii placea: nu merge embed...
  3. la banii astia le iau noi! ai impresia ca rusoaicele au devenit brusc motoare de colectie?te inseli!
  4. bafta la vanzare! ne auzim la telefon pentru chestiunea cealalta(asta care mi-a promis transport cred ca se da la fund,stii tu pe cineva care sa ma poata ajuta?)
  5. suna interesant,se baga careva?pentru nepra banuiesc ca trebuie modifica putin... traducerea asta pare ok,are ceva hibe dar se intelege cate ceva. On Wednesday the owners “of the Urals” and “it is Dnieper” they always discovered themselves the originals, by which [nkhvatalo] of power in the standard motor of their machines. And they started for the boosting. They carried out by its different methods: in the course dispatch the altered crankshafts, tappet shafts, new carburetors, lightened flywheels. In certain cases it was possible to increase power. True, often to the detriment of the reliability and the resource. And the almost always forced cursors overheated. If you do not want on the inexperience to complete the same errors, be introduced to some versions of an improvement in the qualities of the engines “of the Urals” of the Moscow mechanic- professional of Yuri Popov. Running in forward, I will say that the tests, directed for an increase in the power of engines “the Urals”, made it possible to reach index on the order of 40 hp this became possible after the installation of the valves of the increased diameter, modified camshaft and pistons with a diameter of 79 mm (standard size - 78 mm). The latter is dictated by no means by the desire to increase the working volume of engine. New diameter makes it possible to use piston rings of firm “Goetze” instead of the articles Of the [michurinskogo] plant, known on the counters as “rings piston”. In order to decrease calorific intensity in the cylinder-piston group, in the engine the oil cooler was installed. They made as follows: in the channel between the pump and the filter they cut into two carbines, thus channel proved to be “cut”. Now oil before falling on the friction surfaces, is cooled in the radiator. They subjected engine to the comprehensive tests, which they confirmed: power grew to 40 hp. But the disappointment soon began: the augmented engines of [poveli] itself in the operation not in better shape. Were observed on the highway with the speeds of approximately 100 km/h of no bad signs, but in the regime of urban motion motor was heated over the [polozhenogo]. But as oil cooler? Yes in no way! Oil pump in the [irbitskom] performance pressure oil with the insufficient pressure. So that radiator does not save from “the thermal shock” - begins “seizure”. In order to prevent overheating pistons, they designed and prepared the system of their forced oil cooling. It was possible to go in two ways. The first - to intensify heat withdrawal from the walls of cylinder, after replacing air cooling with liquid. By the second - to attempt to cool piston itself. We selected by the second. This is how concept was carried out. Into the crankcase of engine they installed the sprayer, oriented so that the departing from it under the pressure jet of oil it falls on the internal part of the piston head. Since the temperature of the ram area substantially higher than the temperature of oil, the value of the [otvodimogo] heat are significant. This to us and it is necessary! We will not begin to pretend to the uniqueness of our solution - for reduction in the calorific intensity of pistons in the contemporary Diesel engines of passenger automobiles together with the liquid cooling has long ago been adapted the method described above. Thus, on the engine of the experimental “Urals” instead of regular single-section oil pump is established two-section, that is two finished standard sections with the common drive. In each of the sections its work occurs: in the upper (regular) - oil is forced into the filter and enters along the channels to the friction components. In the lower - it rises from the pan, it will be given into the oil cooler and then through the special sprayers it splashes to the piston heads from the side of crankcase. Rejected heat from the pistons, oil flows into the pan, and process cyclically is repeated. In the given construction is used the standard Silumin pan of engine and the home-made interchangeable pistons with a diameter of 79 mm with the special grooves under the sprayers. After the installation of system engine they subjected to bench tests - in order to understand, what sizes must be oil cooler. To the success, the external overall sizes of 200[kh]100 mm proved to be sufficient for guaranteeing the normal temperature of engine in all regimes the works. However, the radiator of this size is unjustifiably great for the engine with a volume of 650 cu. see unfortunately, this is “the merit” of ineffective oil pump - it one interfere withs decreasing the overall sizes of radiator. Source: (spendthrift 12/98 str 57)
  6. eu maine ma duc la o nunta. bafta mea... distractie placuta,nu am noroc se pare...
  7. vin!pazea!acum sa vedem cu care din dihanii-e gata cea cu atas dar nu am terminat actele. bere si mocitoclisti de ratez!
  8. prietenul asta al meu a "scapat" mai "ieftin":sarise boltul ala de pe pinionul de la axa cu came si epuratorul se invartea de tampit,numai cand nu trebuia deschidea... tipul e din alba si nu are acces la net,va multumeste pe aceasta cale!
  9. pana la urma care era problema?un prieten o are si el...
  10. vezi robinetul sa nu fie infundat,daca ai filtre de benzina suplimentare vezi sa nu fie infundate. debitul e ok?(de benzina...)
  11. daca vrei sa il folosesti pentru nepra iti trebuie unul cu palpator stiu exact dar am facut la scoala treburi de gen. o idee!daca ai vreo facultate cu profil mecanic prin zona nu ar strica sa intrebi pe la catedra "tolerante si mecanisme". cam asa banui ca ar trebui sa arate(dupa mine): aici am gasit: daca implementezi o metoda posteaza rezultatul te rog. p.s.pentru ij(in 2 pistoane) parca mai tin minte din auzite ceva de bujii gaurite si electrozi etalonati... unde esti tu stressule????????????? danutza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! care era metoda aia de reglat fara comparator la ij?
  12. mai oameni buni!!!!!!!!!! lasati dreacu incompetenta celor de la rara ca toti suntem satui...omu' cauta o rezolvare la problema... cauciucuri de 3.25 pe 19 sunt,se fabricau in romania,scrie victoria pe le mai tineti minte??? si ce mama naibii incaltam cu ele?ij,ij 56 sau festival cum ii mai zicea...(alo,fesu',sa nu ma iei cu modele de ij-uri si cu denumirile lor ca doar stii la ce ma refer... ) tot de acolo iei si roata,de nepra nu o sa iti incapa la ij...
  13. mai e si varianta bagat in viteza si nici un caz nu da la pedala,poate crapa!
  14. am mers de nevoie cand am luat-o,sa vezi ce coarne avea!intoarse si ridicate! ce dracu nu merg pozele???????????
  15. e patrat cu sigle de bemveu... am lucrat mult ieri si nu am avut timp de pozat...poate le pozez azi... uite farul:
  16. avand "pi stoc" inca o dihanie si piese destule tre sa scap de restul...asadar,gratis entru cine vine sa le ia(nu trimit prin posta din varii motive... ): rezervor nepra, un bord cu doua faruri ce a fost pe dihania nr.2, sa..(urata tare...asta daca ia nevoie de tabla de la ea...) plus altele...maine o poza cu mormanul de care vreau sa scap!
  17. cheia parca e de 36..recomand una mare inelara...arcurile sunt tinute de cate un surub m6,iti trebuie o tubulara de 10 subtire in carne(ai acces in partea de jos a amortizorului)...spor la desfacut! cheia pe care o folosesc eu e mostenire de familie,inelara de 36-42,strangea volanta la trabant...acu face acelasi lucru si la nepra!
  18. istoria sexuala a omenirii-eugen relgis...
  19. de 1 mai plec la mare...poate dau de cativa pe acolo... aleko ghici ce imi fac!(ma refer la moto!)-indiciu:are 3 roti!
  20. aseara...intru pe forum si ce vad: forum de motoristi satanisti violatori de babe!
  21. 9000 de calorii pentru asta? de fapt da...pentru cine incearca cu papusa de lemn...
  22. de acord cu aleko...e M toata ziua... de la jug pana la motor! desfa in fata la aprindere si daca scrie GOST pe ea e clar... sper ca nu te-am deziluzionat...numai bine,oricum merita dihania recaonditionata!
  23. salut! am vazut ca ai nepra...chiulasa care trebuie sa fie de ural M 61...asta e modelul: am vb cu tipul,in 30 min vine pe la mine...te sun atunci... numai bine!
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