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Orice postat de DonFlamingo

  1. @ENEOS lasă dom'le Benelli si alte prostii..... doar H2SX SE contează
  2. Sa imi zici si mie te rog daca e Kwickasfucky pe acolo si daca poate au expus Ninja H2 SXSE
  3. Continuam seria rechemărilor in service: Week 7 – CF MOTO – 650MT & 700 CL-X Heritage. Production dates: 2022. Cracks can form in the weld seam of the gear change shaft. This can prevent a change of gear, leading to the loss of control over the motorcycle, increasing the risk of accident and injuries. Week 5 – BMW – S1000RR, HP4, HP4 Race, M1000RR, M1000R, M1000XR, S1000R, S1000XR. Production dates: 31 August 2009 – 17 October 2024. The screw connection of the oil filter may become detached at high engine speeds (>= 12,500 rpm), leading to an oil leak from the oil filter. This can result in oil deposits onto the road, creating slippery sections, increasing the risk of accidents and injuries especially for two-wheeled vehicles.
  4. Un underbone legendar și da te poți distra maxim și pe motoare d-astea mici.
  5. Am descoperit întâmplător acest anime: Acum, nu este pentru motocicliști sataniști, bețivi, violatori de babe, dar are tematica 2 roti. O mega reclama la Honda SuperCub in 12 episoade, dar nu e rău deloc - descrie un pic "boala motociclismului" de care suferim toți. Pe Crunchyroll se poate vedea
  6. Pai in UE nu ar mai trebui sa fie chestia asta, poate doar daca iei din UK, SUA.
  7. De ce nu e buna la viteze mai mari? Pai pentru că nu e făcută să meargă cu viteze de-alea și vobleaza ca toți dracii, plus are o mișcare ciudată în plan vertical. Și nu, nu e de la Top Case sau de la anvelope, așa e ea gândită cu roata aia de 21 și greutate mai mare pe spate și cu fata ușoară. Modelul 2024 cu roata 19 posibil sa fi remediat asta dar a mai luat în greutate purceaua.
  8. Cam cu replica asta s-a dat sah mat. Bine zis si multi km inainte!
  9. O Africana cu DCT e usor de manevrat si pe asfalt si pe poteci neasfaltate si offroad usor. Nu e buna daca vrei touring mai sportiv, viteze >150
  10. e valabil si pentru BMW, Harley, Triumph
  11. După Harley ieri, azi a anunțat și Indian noile modele pentru 2025: Partea mișto este că au adus V2-ul răcit pe lichid de pe challenger si pe restul modelelor ceea ce e next level fata de concurenta. Frumos
  12. Anul 2024 se incheie cu urmatoarele rechemari: Week 51 – Honda – CRF1100. Production dates: 8 July 2021 – 15 October 2024. Due to improper setting of the programme in the Electronic Control Module, the wheelie control function can malfunction. When the user operates the throttle to accelerate, the wheelie control function can activated. This can affect the throttle response and result in a lack of acceleration. This can cause the rider to fall, creating a risk of injuries. Week 50 – Suzuki – GSX1300R (Hayabusa). Production dates: 25 December 2020 – 30 August 2024. EC-type approval/model: e6*168/2013*00077*00 (WEJ0). Due to an oil additive in the membrane, the primary sleeve in the master cylinder has become swollen and can block the bore. Cooling of the brake fluid can cause a drop in the pressure within the braking system, leading the brake-calliper pistons to be drawn inwards. This can cause greater play in the brake lever. The brake lever can come into contact with the throttle, resulting in an increase in braking distance. This can increase the risk of accidents and injuries. Week 50 – Pirelli Metzeler – Tourance Next and Tourance Next 2 tyres. Under certain usage conditions (low-pressure riding, extra loads, specific road conditions, etc.), irregular tyre wear may develop, which, over time, may result in a tyre failure that may cause loss of control. TOURANCE NEXT – 150/70R18 M/C 70V, production week: 4816 to 2424. TOURANCE NEXT 2 – 150/70R18 M/C 70V, production week: 3521 to 2624. TOURANCE NEXT 2 – 150/70R18 M/C 70W, Production week: 3522 to 3524. Week 49 – Harley-Davidson – MY22 FXRST (Low Rider El Diablo), MY22-24 FXLRST (Low Rider ST). Production dates: 17 November 2021 – 8 July 2024. Due to improper bending of the brake lines during assembly, the front brake lines can come into contact with the fuel tank. This can lead to a breach in the brake lines and a loss of brake fluid. If brake fluid loss remains undetected, front braking may be compromised, increasing the risk of an accidents and injuries. Week 48 – Triumph – Bonneville T100, Bonneville T120, Street Scrambler, Scrambler 900, Street Twin, Speed Twin 900. Production dates: 27 April 2020 – 4 December 2023. A combination of high ambient temperatures, high current loading and excessive lateral tension may cause the wiring between the alternator and the harness connector to form a bridge. If the connector’s blades form a bridge, a thermal threshold can be reached that exceeds the connector’s capacity and causes the connector to become deformed. This can result in a short circuit, increasing the risk of fire, and creating a risk of accident. Iar anul 2025 incepe in forta cu Triumph: Week 2 – Triumph – Tiger 1200 GT, Tiger 1200 GT Pro, Tiger 1200 GT Explorer. Production dates: 17 August 2021 – 12 October 2024. Tyre can wear unevenly, compromising the zero-degree reinforcement. This can lead the tread to become partially detached and/or suffer a sudden loss of air pressure, which can cause the loss of control of the vehicle and increase the risk of accident and injuries. Week 2 – Triumph – TF250-X. Production dates: 20 July 2023 – 16 August 2024. Product description: Motorcycle designed exclusively for closed course competition use only – motocross. The switchcube (which includes buttons for use by the operator to start and stop the engine) is not stable in specific conditions (exposure to brake fluid & when exposed to high pressure water), and potentially could self start. The unexpected start of the motorcycle can lead to accidents. Week 2 – Avon/Dunlop – Several models of motorcycle tyres. Production dates: 20 October 2024 – 9 November 2024. A contamination located under the tread can lead to a lower tread adhesion and to tread separation. This can cause the loss of control of the motorcycle, increasing the risk of accidents and injuries. Sursa ->
  13. Mai obraznicule care esti tu obraznic mic
  14. Lista updatata: Speedy.k Eneos Kassu Ruginel 3.14 Robert23mg DonFlamingo Mihai Daniliuc
  15. hai ca n-a durat mult pana sa inceapa show-ul @Speedy.K facem sa iasa frumos Daca venim pe mobre atunci mai usor cu berea doar apa plata cu lamaie. Sau venim pe mobre, cascam gura si dupa mergem la o locatie unde sa ne delectam cu licori bahice
  16. Am luat si eu. Poate ne organizam sa mergem grup, astia de pe forum de aici. Mai intai ne scuipam putin pentru balacarelile de aici si pe urma bem o bere, doua zeci
  17. Eram sigur că am uitat ceva 1100 pentru forumisti
  18. Buna ziua, Ofer spre vanzare un top case Givi V47 NNT. Il vand cu tot cu placa monokey si perna spate pentru pasager. Capacitate: 47 litri Prezinta niste urme de vopsea pe partea stanga. Nu are zgarieturi sau alte probleme, interior curat. Locație: București Contact: aici, pm.
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