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  1. am avut privilegiul sa l vad pe un avansat margand asa, chiar m a pus pe ganduri mult aceasta tehnica, mai ales ca nu era vorba de loc de ce spune dragos, de descarcatul rotii de noroi.avand in vedere ca eu inca nu inteleg cu adevarat de ce mergea asa, desi am inceput sa scad turatia la urcari in mod subconstient, astept ceva explicatii pt cazul in care nu se aplica scenariul lui dragos oricum, spectacolul oferit de respectivul avansat mi a parut incredibil, urca cu un tractor portocaliu aproape fara sa se auda motorul, cu exceptia spriturilor , fara sa piarda aderenta la roata spate absolut de loc
  2. cauta pe net nene sc11 info privind tehnica saritului, sa vezi ce complicatenia naibii. eu am gasit aici ceva, dar nu are legatura cu saritul ti a fost ma frica sa te dai para echipament???mi e groaza numai cand ma gandesc ce usor intra o scarita ascutita in picior, si cum sfaraie carnea de la toba, pt ca nu te poti extrage de sub motor cu o mana rupta
  3. 1.lasa abureala cu "specialistii" si spune exact ce ai de gand sa faci. 2.ce se mai aude cu 525 ul ala sm?? am avut placerea sa merg vreodata pe nisip gen plaja, dar una din greselile comune e sa lasi am avut o revelatie in sensul asta, dar a durat foarte mult.primul derapaj cu adevarat lung pe care l am controlat 100% m a impresionat profund, senzatia a fost incredibila.oricum, important e sa ti pastrezi momentul inainte, incearca sa te ajuti de corp si sa anticipezi cu ghidonul miscarile de corectare.inca o data repet, in nisip adanc nu am fost niciodata. ce ti-e frica asa tere de cazatura??? 5.daca nu stii ce urmeaza dupa galma, mai bine nu risti.daca ai mai fost pe traseu, stai in picioare, si putin mai in spate.exerseaza desprinderea de multe ori, ca sa te inveti cu succesiunea de te risca aiurea, nu se invata in juma de ora saritul corect, dar la fel cum spuneam mai sus, adrenalina pe care mi au dat-o cateva sarituri pe traseul de cross a fost incredibila, pt mine cel uita sa accelerezi putin inainte de trambulina
  4. pentru drum "forestier or so" este suficienta supermoto fara sa schimbi rotile.daca ai in plan iesiri in offroad, mai degraba un lc4 adventure insa in situatia ta as alege supermoto
  5. inca nu, dar cred ca tu tre sa te pregatesti
  6. iar incepeti cu tigania si impunsaturile???
  7. dragos, nu numai ca s-a stricat, dar a disparut cu totul.yamaha a introdus pornirea la buton abia cu wr450f model am wr400f, model 98
  8. adica oamenii in verde probabil ca au inceput sa fie deranjati de nr mare de motorete ce umblau prin zona lui floo.deci e cat se poate de normal ca grupul lui flo sa nu mai accepte nou veniti. @floo...ti am dat un pm
  9. pit, nerecunoscatorule. esti invidios ca nu te regasesti in lista de motoare? pune mana si scrie daca ai ceva interesant pt noi. sunt in postura sa fac scoala, sunt elev sper sa mai invat si eu de unde pot
  10. nene sc11, nu cumva tre sa ne prezinti noua achizitie inainte sa pleci la adv tours? p.s. numa don soso specialistu nu mai eram pana acum oricum, o sa ti fac o oferta pt supermoto pe care sa nu o poti refuza
  11. dragos, inca o data, prefer sa ma chinui, sa nu am de la cine sa invat, sa gasesc cu greutate ajutor, etc, si SA POT MERGE OFF ROAD, decat sa fie conditii excelente, sa fie scoli cu instructori adevarati, si SA FOLOSESC MOTOCICLETA DOAR IN CURTEA MEA.
  12. parfect adevarat, asa gandesc si eu si actionez in consecinta. in felul asta un "intrus" nu va avea sanse decat la 1, poate 2 iesiri cu un grup mai vechi, pt ca se vede foarte repede ce si cum, si se cern cei care nu au nimic in comun cu sportul respectiv. diferenta majora e ca o scoala de enduro presupuna ca platesti pt un serviciu, iar furnizorul trebuie sa ti ofere serviciu platit, fara sa poate face o selectie.e adevarat ca pot fi si destule avantaje, vis a vis de instruirea "ecologica" a cursantilor, dar sunt si riscuri ce mie imi par prea mari
  13. stiu ca toti stati bine la capitolul practic, insa eu catu sa aflu partea teoretica.orice link-uri, texte sau altceva, privind tehnica mersului la offroad, sfaturi, studii, tips&tricks cred ca vor fi apreciate. 1.PORNIREA LA PEDALA With the four-stroke revolution bumping the rev limiter, more and more two-stroke fiends are entering the world of cams and valves and pumper carbs. The biggest dilemma these converts will face will be lighting the fire within the beast. So, weâve enlisted the top revolutionaries in the sport to teach the masses how they do it. With dead-engine starts the norm in GNCC competition, we went to the Ironman Cross Country and picked the brains of YZF pilot Randy Hawkins, DRZ guru Mike Kiedrowski, 650R hero Scott Summers and sometime 520EXC pilot Shane Watts. Theyâll cover cold-starts, dead-engine-starts and what to do after a fall or stall. SUZUKI DRZ400 Start the bike like Mike Cold starting: Iâll pull the choke knob and compression release and kick it through until the compression lever snaps back out. That tells me itâs at Top Dead Center (TDC). Then simply kick. Or you can kick through until you feel resistance, which is the compression stroke, then pull the decompression lever slightly and ease the kickstarter to TDC. Let it warm up before taking the choke off. Starting a flooded bike: If I fall, Iâll flip the Terrycable Hotstart lever open, pull the compression release, open the throttle and kick it through five times. That way, Iâm getting fresh air and fresh gas in there to replace that bad mixture. Then Iâll bump the kicker to find TDC then kick hard. Be sure to turn the hotstart back off before getting going. Race start: At the first of the season, Iâd warm the bike up on the line then hit the kill button. Then Iâd find TDC with the auto-decompressor, return the kicker to the very top, and get set to stomp it with the clutch in and tranny in first. But Kenny, our engine guy, showed me that if you simply pull in the decompression lever with the engine running, itâll always stop at TDC. So, simply hit the lever with it in gear and the clutch in, and itâll be ready to start. l YAMAHA YZ426F Quick tricks from the Javeline Cold starting: Yamaha says to twist the throttle twice to prime the carb, but I pull in the decompression lever, kick it through four or five times, find TDC, let the decompressor go, then return the kicker to the very topâthis is very importantâbefore kicking hard with no throttle. Iâll use the choke if I can reach it, but thatâs not always possible with big off-road gastanks. Starting a flooded bike: The big key with all four-strokes is not to panic. If you pick the bike up and start flailing away, youâre going to cause problems. Iâll take an extra second to find neutral, kick it two or three times with the hotstart and decompressor engaged, release both, find TDC and kick. It seems a little bit longer, but it almost always starts quicker than panicking. Again, no throttle! Race start: I start in first, but youâre probably talking to the wrong guyâI donât get good starts. Four-strokes donât light up instantly like two-strokes; it takes a while to get going. Itâs hard to hear your engine on the line, too. In the heat of battle, itâs easy to twist the throttle too soon or by instinct, so Iâll have two fingers on the front brake. This costs a couple of bikelengths, but the alternative is worse. So, Iâll warm it on the line and, with a small amount of throttle, Iâll hit the kill button. Then Iâll give it a couple of primer kicks with the decompressor before finding TDC and returning the kickstarter to the top of its stroke. Iâll poise over the lever with the clutch in and the tranny in first and two fingers pulling the front brake, then I focus on the green flag. L HONDA XR650R Hot tips from the nine-time champ Cold starting: The only difference between cold starting and my regular starting procedure is that when the engine hasnât been running Iâll use the choke. XRs have two different choke positionsâall the way up is full choke, and one notch down is half choke. I use full choke when the bike is cold; the bike will let you know when it wants half chokeâit will eventually start running roughly in the full choke position. As the bike is warming, I try to keep the choke in the position that allows the bike to run smoothly, which means in just a few moments you go from full choke, to half choke, to no choke. As for a typical XR (and most other four strokes), here is what Iâve found works. Push the kickstarter down slowly with your foot until you feel a hard spot. The kickstarter will stop (you may feel a bunch of resistance immediately or you may have to run the kickstarter through its range of motion once or twice before you feel that resistance that stops your foot). Next, pull the compression release lever in and push the kickstarter just past the hard spotâmoving the kickstarter about an inch or twoâthen let the kickstarter come back up to itâs resting position. Itâs now ready to be kickstarted. You donât have to snap at the kickstart lever like you would a two stroke. Think of it as using your foot to shove the lever downward; it doesnât have to be two-stroke quick but you want to put your weight into it, to get that mass of heavy engine partsâpiston, crank, flywheelâin motion. To further decrease the amount of effort necessary to get these parts moving quickly, put the bike in neutral. When you give the bike this first real kick it should start. Starting a flooded bike: After crashing, I pick up my bike, hold the throttle wide open, compression release in, kill button pushed in, then I kick the bike through four or five times. Next, I go through my normal starting procedure (no choke, the bike is warm). If the bike doesnât start on the first kick, I repeat the flooded procedure. Racing start: At the beginning of a race, I use the normal starting procedure. Before the flag drops, I have the kickstarter in the ready-to-be-started position. I put the bike in gear and with the clutch in. I roll the bike back and forth just a little until the rear wheel moves freely, this is an indication that the clutch is completely engaged, so the amount of drag on the engine is minimal. If the bike wonât roll freely with the clutch in, it should be adjusted accordingly. You canât grab a handful of throttle as you start a four-strokeâif you do it will stall. For this reason, Iâm not known for great starts because I have to give up a bike length or two waiting for the bike to be running before I start twisting the throttle and dumping the clutch. I start in first gear. Common mistakes: Most four strokes Iâve ridden, when jetted properly, donât want any throttle when being started. Itâs habit for most two-stroke riders to twist the throttle as they kick. If Iâm helping someone start their bike, Iâll first use no throttle. If it doesnât start Iâll try using just a fraction of throttle. If it comes to life, that generally means the pilot jet or air screw is too lean or the idle is too low and the engine isnât getting enough fuel. If the bike had not started I would then go through my flooded procedure to see if it might be getting too much gas, meaning the jetting is too rich. Four strokes donât foul spark plugs like two strokes, so donât jump to the conclusion that this is the problem if the bike wonât start. Spark plugs can get a drop of water on the electrode and stop working, so, if the bike has been around a lot of moisture, you might need to pull the plug out and dry it off. When I know my bike is jetted properly and my starting method is correct, the first thing I do if the bike wonât start immediately is drain the carburetor. Itâs easy to get some water in fuel, and fuel does go bad when sitting in a carburetor for a while. KTM 520 Suppose the battery is dead⌠Are you nuts? Charge the battery! Watts used the e-button every time he raced the 520, 400 and 250 RFS KTMs! Actually, the electric starter is a little slow for Pro Row starts, but it gives great confidence for charging turns. If you do lock it up, simply pull in the clutch, hit the button, and dump the clutch! Youâll lose only a fraction of a second. For you SX owners: Cold starting: Gas on, choke on, twist the throttle once, no throttle kick. Repeat until it starts. Starting after a fall: KTM doesnât have a hotstart system, but you could put on a Terrycable KLX Hotstart kit, which requires drilling your manifold. Failing that: engage decompressor, open throttle, kick through four or five times, release decompressor, close throttle, kick. With a hotstart: flip hotstart lever, kick, close hotstart. Race start: Warm engine, put it in gear, release clutch to kill motor. Rock it to make sure clutch isnât dragging, find TDC, return kicker to top of stroke, kick when the flag twitches. 2.TEHNICI PT 4T CAPACITATI MICI SMALL THUMPER RIDING TIPS--JAN â99 Chris Smith has made his mark riding small-bore bikes in big events. A member of the winning â91 Junior Vase team in Czechoslovakia, Smith has five ISDE Gold medals and one silver out of seven tries. He has earned those medals aboard small-bore two-strokesâa class Europeans ownâbut now heâs facing a new challenge, the 250cc four-stroke class. This wonât be totally alien ground for him, because heâs used to building lots of momentum with tiny pistons, and he cut his moto-teeth on four-strokes.Smith turned some heads and shocked many two-strokers by making podiums on an almost-stock XR250R in Qualifiers and National Enduros this summer. What he has learned about bike set-up is available to the masses through Works Enduro Rider, and Chris is also passing on his technique through four or five riding schools a year. While Chris was out for the XR shootout, we got him to demonstrate some of his tactics for the DB lens.GO-FAST STRATEGIESSmithâs go-fast plan begins before you ever sling a leg over a bike. In his school, he talks about practice and preparation. You should work on breaking bad habits in practice, not just burning gas and wearing out your bike. Record all changes you make to the bike, so that you can return to them more quickly when you face similar conditions at an event. He also covers pre-race hydration, being positive and focusing on the task at hand. That task is to go faster than the next guy and to have more fun, too.Like Professor Bailey and Holeshot Hansen, Chris starts with the basics of styleâbody positioning. Your basic moto-style is a study in aggression with elbows up, weight forward on the bike, fingers on the clutch and front brake, and the balls of your feet on the pegs. Smith stands up as much as possible and looks far ahead on the trail. He likens position on the bike to riding rodeoâclamp on just behind the front shoulders of the bull, because all of the action happens out back. Shift your upper body to make corrections, but once you get too far back, youâre in for a fall. Itâs the same with a dirt bikeâstay forward to move forward. And maintaining forward momentum is what riding any small-bore is all about. Especially 250cc thumpers.THINK MOMENTUMThereâs more to momentum than bumping up against the rev limiter for hours on end. Smith concentrates on finding traction and creating it when grip is scarce. He loads his front end by dragging the front brake through turns, and Chris picks lines that miss the braking bumps. Most riders will enter a turn on the inside then drift out at the exit. Smith does the opposite. He sets up wide, missing all of the braking bumps and carrying more speed, then cuts inside, missing acceleration bumps. Done right, you can even use the last braking bump as a berm for your pivot.Where most people brake entering a turn, Smith brakes early and in a straight line, then he accelerates all the way around the turn. He concentrates on never locking up either brake and on rolling on the throttle. And Smith never pulls in the clutch for corners, because then you lose that magic four-stroke compression braking. Besides looking for maximum cornering speed, Chris is searching for maximum traction at all times. This means feeling which end is about to slip and shifting his upper body to weight that end.FLOATING THE OBSTACLESEvery bump you hit tries to soak up your momentum, so Chris looks for lines that miss them completely or minimize their affect on the bike. Smith unloads his weight off of the pegs to preload over bumps and goes so far as to not pull back on the bars for logs. He bounces the front tire into the log (a trials move) to transfer weight back and give the rear tire more traction over the log. Chris also looks for the lowest part or a knot to place the wheel against, so it wonât slip. Then he simply coasts over the downed tree.Roots and rocks are the same dealâbrake and accelerate before and coast over the worst of it. Accelerate where there is traction and float where there is none. This avoids wheelspin, momentumâs worst enemy. Chris goes over rocks instead of between them, using them as ramps. That is, when he canât avoid them completely by riding the edges of the trail. Smith attacks roots near the base of the tree, because thereâs more bark - and traction - to be found there. He also bounces the front end over, as with logs.Smith deals with ruts by braking beforehand and accelerating through them. He teaches his students to stand up, ride on the balls of their feet, relax and use the upper body to stay straight. Looking well ahead is also very important, because looking immediately past your front fender leads to over-corrections and loss of momentum. Watch Chris ride, and youâll see him working with the bike and leading it through every situation. Heâs being pro-active and even thinking two turns ahead, of how heâs going to set up for the next obstacle.PODIUMS NO OBSTACLEVictory podiums are tall and slippery, but you can slither up them on a small-bore four-stroke. Chris Smith has, and he can show you how to do it, too. For more information on his riding schools, contact Chris at Works Enduro Rider, 1 Jenny Jump Ave., Great Meadows, NJ 07838; (908)737-6385. ASTEPTAM PROVINCIA
  14. dragos, parca iti facuse cineva o oferta pt ktm.esti sigur ca e bine sa o refuzi?
  15. mulţam Ati. asteptam poze cu wheelies
  16. am inteles ca a venit la arc impreuna cu onoriu. cine stie mai multe?
  17. honda cr250 este o moto EXCLUSIV pentru motocross.uita de ea pentru mersul pe asfalt
  18. nici eu nu vreau sa crezi ca am ceva personal cu tine, insa "resursa" ESTE limitata. de acord cu acoperirea nationala a problemei cu cei 7 ani, insa cred ca prefer 10 motociclete din care 3 sa fie conduse de cretini, decat 50 din care 6 sa fie "necivilizate".in zonele si localitatile pe care le atingi la offroad, perceptia asupra motociclismului e data aproape exclusiv de motociclistii cu enduro, pt ca nu prea cred ca ai sa vezi speed sau chopper pe despre prob lema strategiilor de marketing ale diverselor marci...o crestere a numarului de moto de offroad vandute INSEAMNA mai multi oameni care ajung sa treaca prin aceleasi locuri pe unde trec si eu, de aceea sustin ca nu trebuie promovat prea tare enduro ca sport "national". stiu ca are aspect de cliseu, dar vreau sa merg la enduro si peste 5, 10, 15 ani, fara sa risc amenzi usturatoare, puscaria, sau chiar sa fiu impuscat de cine stie ce ranger
  19. de ce nu i spui omului pe privat traseul, asta vis a vis de discutia de la "scoala de enduro".
  20. pit, pe privat te rog traseul, pt ca ma mir sa fi mers romeo 250 km pe asfalt si drum forestier interesant era sa faci poza la cauciucuri inainte si dupa
  21. "Si mi se pare un lucru foarte bun sa (citez) "batatorim" drumul catre enduro a diversilor." ce vrei tu sa faci, si mai ales, ce vei putea face in partea de off road cu bmw ul, nu cred ca face subiectul discutiei de aici. "Dezvoltarea oricarui domeniu este foarte strans legata de instruire. Daca exista oameni instruiti, daca exista posibilitati de instruire, atunci creste si aprecierea pentru domeniul respectiv, creste numarul celor implicati in activitatea respectiva." ghici ghicitoarea mea...crezi ca atunci cand va exista scoala de enduro, omul pe al carui pamant trec din cand in cand nu va mai comenta pt ca deja se considera el insusi implicat in fenomen si apreciaza deja curentul motociclistic format???? "Tot forumul este plin de motociclisti care se plang de raspandirea scazuta a fenomenului la noi, se plang de cum este tratat fenomenul moto in Romania samd." te rog, nu face o ciorba din ceea ce e strada si off road ul.multumesc "Dar cand apare propunerea de infiintare a unei scoli, care poate avea un rol extrem de benefic in rezolvarea unor astfel de probleme, este respinsa pe motiv ca ar fi prea multi motociclisti prin munti si nu as mai incapea de ei... Daca sunt prea putini nu e bine, daca sunt prea multi se pare ca iar nu e bine." cu toata sinceritatea iti spun ca nu vad cum ar rezolva o scoala de enduro problemele.acolo nu vei putea niciodata sa completezi cei 7 ani de acasa ai unora. nu cred ca ai auzit aici cineva plangandu-se ca sunt prea putini enduristi. "E adevarat, "cine e pasionat, va face eforturi oricum", dar poate sa invete prost daca nu are instructor, si pe urma ne miram ca apar tot felul de bezmetici care umbla de aiurea pe strazi sau prin munti." bazmeticii aia nu de scoala de enduro au nevoie, si din nou, nu ma intereseaza capitolul "strada".cred ca tu vrei de fapt un instructor de poligon, pt off road nu ai nevoie. "Personal cred ca e o idee excelenta. Poate ar putea fi co-interesata o firma (BMW au scoli de enduro in Germania, fac tururi prin Tatra etc) si atunci ar fi si mai bine." personal cred ca iti vei schimba radical parerea cand vei vedea ce inseamna enduro, nu povesti auzite. te rog sa nu incerci sa "cointeresezi" nush ce firma, eventual pune-ti intrebarea de ce face bmw ul respectivele scoli? ca sa te invete pe tine sa mergi mai bine?? NU!!! ca sa vand a mai usor motocicletele respective.
  22. cred ca poti casi foarte multe info, avand in vedere jucarica ta, la , la sectiunea de am stat 2 luni cu okii beliti pe forumul ala
  23. adi, sunt convins ca ai intelşes ce am vrut sa spuncu postul de mai sus.evident ca si eu imi doresc sa invat teoria mersului la off road, pt a.mi putea ridica nivelul, dar sunt convins ca, daca se va deschide genul asta de scoala, vor fi multi care vor incepe sa mearga pe munti, micsorandu-mi sansele sa merg neingradit si peste cativa ani. nu poti invata sa mergi la enduro pe marginile unui circuit de cross, deci "cursantii" vor merge pe aceleasi trasee pe care merg si eu. e o gresala sa crezi ca se poate face o scoala unde sa zicem ca nu se face initiere, ci doar cursuri pt cei care deja au mai mers, pt ca nu poti selecta dupa nici un criteriu, decat ceva gen recomandare de tip secta
  24. "dau sa schimb si capatul tobei, de fapt capatul original era interiorul tobei cc 80%. " aici nu am inteles ce vrei sa spui cat despre carburatorul cu pompa de acceleratie, nu cred ca l vrei, si asa e tare motorul.daca schimibi si jicloarele nu cred ca o sa vrei motor mai tare. jicloarele nu prea se dau la set cu toba, dar producatorul tobei recomanda diametrele pt setarea optima, eventual si producatorul pieselor @ ati....daca ai yahoo messenger, eu am userul soso_ktm
  25. nu, pentru ca nu e nici o jmecherie sa "batatorim" drumul catre enduro a diversilor. cine e pasionat, va face eforturi oricum, iar cine nu stie ce inseamna dar ar putea prinde gustul offroadului din punctul meu de vedere nu e binevenit. da, sunt egoist
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