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Orice postat de Altair
14. Gran Premio Octo di San Marino e della Riviera di Rimini
topic a răspuns lui Altair în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
Incerca acum sa sa tina dupa el in FP4, nu prea ii iese. -
13. Gran Premio TISSOT de Aragón
topic a răspuns lui Altair în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
Exact, nici eu nu l-aș suspecta ca gândește! -
13. Gran Premio TISSOT de Aragón
topic a răspuns lui Altair în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
Exact si dupa aia a iesit la pensie -
13. Gran Premio TISSOT de Aragón
topic a răspuns lui Altair în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
Nu-i vorba de sarit de fund, era o vreme cand nu avea nevoie să-și studieze adversarul, cand era sigur pe el, acum e o galeata de frustrări, sa-l bata asta micu' la el acasa cu el recuperat la 100% din cat se va recupera ever, e o lovitură mare la temelie. Cum sa te iei dupa Vinales sa te bage in Q2 si cum la Aragon sa-l astepti pe Q care doar ca n-a dat la notar ca detesta acest circuit? Toata lumea i-a remarcat lipsa de creativitate azi. -
13. Gran Premio TISSOT de Aragón
topic a răspuns lui Altair în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
Nu stiu daca ati observat azi dimineata in warm up cand MM l-a așteptat pe Quarta sa-l traga dupa el / sa-l observe, tipic celor cărora le lipseste increderea in ei -
13. Gran Premio TISSOT de Aragón
topic a răspuns lui Altair în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
Rossi merge la servici să-și ia salariul, a scapat pana acum, ce rost are sa mai riste? MM a trecut de varful carierei, pe panta descendentă Aleix a mers astazi iarasi foarte foarte bine -
Meduzele ca si jurnalistii, maestre ale evolutiei... ramanand practic neschimbate
13. Gran Premio TISSOT de Aragón
topic a răspuns lui Altair în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
Aragon MotoGP: Johann Zarco's Aragon adventure: 950km road trip on a 1981 Ducati MotoGP Peter McLaren 9 Sep 2021 Johann Zarco rides from his home in France to this weekend's Aragon MotoGP, on a 1981 Ducati: 'I gave pleasure to many people to have the courage to go with this old bike' Forget private jets or even fast cars, Johann Zarco made a remarkable two-wheeled journey from his home in the South of France to this weekend's Aragon MotoGP round in Spain. Joined by some of his Pramac Ducati team, Zarco took part in a 950km road trip on a 1981 Ducati 900SS! "It was the idea of the team. They were planning it for a few months," Zarco explained. "They knew they had to start in Italy, crossing the Alps, going to Andorra, pick up Jack and go to Aragon. "Finally Jack didn’t come because he had something to do in Aragon. But when I heard about it, I said 'I’ll join you because you’re crossing not far from my home'. And it would be nice to go with you. "The plan was to go with the Multistrada. But they were joking saying we weren’t allowed to come with a bike over the year 2000. They were keeping this joke. I sent this photo of the old Ducati. "They said 'if you are a man, you will come with it'. And because I am a bit stupid, I said I will!" Describing the trip itself, Zarco said: "The 950km were all ok on the old Ducati. It was nice. The first day was 200ks to reach the first hotel and meet with the others, who were starting from Italy. "The first night was funny because the hotel gave us their garage to put all our old bikes in. After dinner one bike already had a problem. It was a BMW, not mine. Shame on the guy that came with a BMW and got a problem! They worked until 1am to fix the problem. I went to bed a little bit earlier. "Then the bike got the problem again the next day after maybe 200km. Because we were in France, I could fix everything and arrange enough people to take the bike so the Italian didn’t have any worry to bring the bike home. "But the second day was a bit too long. We did 500km. 7h 30m on the bike. We left at 8.40 and arrived at 6.30. This was a bit long. But always fun. An adventure. "Then the last 200km in Spain and we know well the road. Looks like desert but a bit too long. It looks very nice but you have very long straights. There are turns but you have to go fast to enjoy the turns. The group of 10 riders were not going fast enough to enjoy these corners in Spain. But it was good. "It’s funny in the paddock so many guys, old mechanics, guys I didn’t speak with in ten years, are telling me, 'good job Zarco!' So this is fun. I didn’t do it for this. But I can see I touched many people, I gave pleasure to many people to have the courage to go with this old bike. "I have to say I was worried. When I got the bike and did the first 30km to bring the bike home, I said 'when I say something, I do it' but I was worried because I thought this one was maybe a mistake! "But after 200ks the smile came back. I was so happy to have no problems. I brought some oil with me, didn’t touch it. Maybe I didn’t touch it because I don’t know how to control the oil in it! But I could finish. "I won’t go back. The group is going back to Barcelona and then to take the boat. If I was with the Multisrada I’d go Sunday evening straight home. With the Multistrada it’s easy. But with the old bike, I'll send it back to be picked up in France." Having recently lost second in the world championship standings, Zarco had spoken of putting himself under too much pressure. Had the trip been something of a release? "It can be. I was thinking that a three-day trip is a mistake because, thinking logically, you are a sportsman and you will have to push hard in the GP. It’s better to do as usual the perfect preparation for a sportsman. "Then I thought 'you want to go, so do it'. And your body will be ok. I see my body is ok. I was just riding the bike slowly. When you are used to pushing every weekend you enjoy it so much. "To share this with team, it’s nice. It was not all the team. But Francesco [Guidotti, team manager] was there. My chief mechanic, two of my mechanics. Many of my guys were there. Also some of the guys from Martin’s team. It was pretty nice. "I didn’t do it to put my mind out of this pressure. But I realised the irrational way of thinking brings me good things." Sursa https://www.crash.net/motogp/news/986867/1/johann-zarcos-aragon-adventure-950km-road-trip-1981-ducati Intrebare catre Lorenzo "Ce faci acum? * Lorenzo " Ma scol tarziu... " -
13. Gran Premio TISSOT de Aragón
topic a răspuns lui Altair în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
Zarco a plecat din Franta calare pe un Ducati vintage spre Aragon. Daca asta nu e cool, nimic nu mai e! -
"Sau" caută pe google
12. Monster Energy British Grand Prix
topic a răspuns lui Altair în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
Albeata i s-a pus de mult dar nu pe ochi ci pe creier. Nu poate accepta ca nu este singur pe circuit, ombelico del mondo, i s-a dus magia si acum e doar un mascarici, sigur ca Martin nu a fost afectat, cand vezi cum un concurent pe care il credeai puternic se tavaleste ca un copil rasfatat nu poți decat sa te bucuri, chiar daca te ia azi pe făraș. -
12. Monster Energy British Grand Prix
topic a răspuns lui Altair în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
Atâta știe, atâta face... -
Aramco nu este / nu va fi definitiv sponsor VR46. Tot mai multi avizati spun ca este un scam, cum au mai existat. Nasol pt. Rossi
Efectul de avion, sunt mici cand sunt departe
Rea - 172 cm / 68 kg Pedrosa - 158 / 51 kg Nu e Rea vreun Loris Baz dar nu poți să-l compari cu Pedrosa nici in glumă
Simpatic, cand eram pusti a avut tata un 20M, frumoasa masina, mai ales atunci. Succes cu restaurarea, e boala grea asta.
Yamaha s-a dus dupa Quartararo si i-au facut motocicleta pentru el, ca Honda pentru MM, ziceau niste comentatori care respira acelasi aer cu echipele. Nu e greu de inteles de ce merge bine. Si doar linistea si siguranta pe care ti-o da convingerea ca ai suportul total face extraordinar de mult la nivelul ala.
Pedrosa o sa alerge in Austria ca Wildcard
Daca ar fi adevarat, ceea ce sfideaza logica, daca ar fi sa mearga mai bine ca la Yamaha, ceea ce nu cred, sa-l bata pe Quartararo, mai rau, atunci probabil ca Rossi o sa-l ia si pe Javris ca femeie de servici in paddock. Este singura explicatie logica pentru care Rossi l-ar vrea pe Vinales la el in echipa.
8. Liqui Moly Motorrad Grand Prix Deutschland
topic a răspuns lui Altair în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
Eu ma gandesc ca daca n-ar fi asa cum zice Mavericku i-ar indesa japonezii mobra in fund pe lat. Yamaha pare sabotata din interior de mult, acuma nu ca asta n-ar fi o treaba care sa nu poata fi organizată direct de Javris. Este peste puterea mea de înțelegere cum de sta ala inca acolo dar pe de alta parte nu m-am lăudat niciodată ca as înțelege cum gândesc japonezii. Probabil e greu sa gândești cand esti tot timpul constipat si jumate din viata te scremi. -
8. Liqui Moly Motorrad Grand Prix Deutschland
topic a răspuns lui Altair în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
" Maverick Vinales last: He expresses harsh criticism of Yamaha for the first time The helplessness is accompanied by criticism of the team: Maverick Vinales finds it "disrespectful" that he has to drive with Quartararo's set-up - nobody answers his questions by Gerald Dirnbeck 06/21/2021 9:08 AM (Motorsport-Total.com) - Maverick Vinales experienced one of his worst MotoGP races at the Sachsenring. Already in qualifying it was only the 21st and penultimate starting position. In the Grand Prix, the Yamaha works driver saw the checkered flag as 19th and last. His team-mate Fabio Quartararo was third on the podium. For the first time, Vinales is critical of the Yamaha team During the weekend, Vinales was perplexed. After the race he found clear words that were directed against Yamaha: "Every driver has his own set-up. It can't be that I've had to use my opponent's set-up for two years." "Every driver has his own style, but every day they explain to me how I have to drive. How to brake, how to open and close the gas. But I don't want to use Fabio's set-up because I don't drive that way like him. That doesn't work for me. " "I want you to prepare a motorcycle for me. I don't want to be driving someone else's set-up all the time. I'm not here to collect data for anyone or to be the test rider," said Vinales. "It's starting to get disrespectful." Vinales deliberately falls behind in the race His crew chief was swapped before Barcelona. Instead of Esteban Garcia, Silvano Galbusera is now responsible for the number 12 motorcycle. The swap is said to have been a decision by Yamaha and not Vinales. Maverick Vinales has not been able to match his opening win so far With the last place on the Sachsenring a low point has been reached. The Spaniard was never able to match the performance when he won the first race of the season. "I have the same questions, I can't answer them. Nobody can answer the questions for me," says the 26-year-old. "I was 15 laps behind Marini and Bastianini. I couldn't overtake them, that was impossible with this bike. I could just overtake Franco. It's much easier against a Yamaha than against a Ducati." "When I saw that my position was around 13th, I told myself I was going to drop back to see how the bike works when you ride alone. I was able to get a low 1:22 towards the end of the race. Behind the Ducatis were 1: 23.5. " All Yamaha riders say: almost impossible to overtake Franco Morbidelli crossed the finish line in 18th and didn't collect any World Championship points either. Valentino Rossi also only finished 14th. Apart from Quartararo, it was not a good weekend for Yamaha overall. "I saw that Maverick was having a lot of trouble overtaking someone," said Morbidelli. "He was faster than me on the straights. He had a slightly better chance of overtaking someone, but he didn't make it." Franco Morbidelli did not collect a World Cup point in Germany either "Braking a Ducati is never easy. He had the same difficulties as me. We couldn't show our real potential because we were forced to follow the other riders." Rossi also said that he had almost no chance in a duel. Quartararo lays the foundation for his good qualifying results. It's easier with the Yamaha in the top field than if you're stuck in the middle. Nevertheless, the Frenchman also says that the M1 was not ideal at the Sachsenring. "It's true that we had a different feeling this weekend. The front felt strange. The rear wasn't like usual either," said Quartararo. "The feeling was generally different than usual. Yamaha tried a lot of things." "I prefer to orient myself towards the top riders and not just the Yamaha riders. I concentrate more on myself. Maverick is super fast. He will be at the front again. But it was difficult for him on this circuit. " Assen is on the program for the coming weekend. There was no driving there in the previous year. In 2019 Vinales won the TT. Is the tide turning there? "I don't know what's going to happen, difficult to say." "In Assen I'll do the same thing as here. Work and collect data. My job right now is to collect data. It's sad, but that's how it is. I can't do more than that. I'm sorry," says Vinales. In the World Cup he is sixth, 56 points behind." https://m.motorsport-total.com/motogp/news/maverick-vinales-letzter-er-aeussert-erstmals-harte-kritik-an-yamaha-21062102 -
Un fel de porn topic
7. Gran Premi Monster Energy de Catalunya
topic a răspuns lui Altair în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
Ziceam de Zarco, ca are fata de jandarm acum vad poza lui Quartararo si ma gandesc ca lipseste Louis de Funes din MotoGP -
7. Gran Premi Monster Energy de Catalunya
topic a răspuns lui Altair în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
Înțelegeam sa-i dea steag pe loc dar asa să-l lasi sa mearga, sa vezi ca nu s-a intamplat nimic, si-a mentinut chiar si locul in fata lui Miller, si să-i dai la ore dupa terminarea cursei penalizare pentru "siguranta lui" arata cat de terminati sunt aia din RD. De porc. Parerea mea e ca trebuia să-l scoata pe loc dar daca l-au lasat sa termine o tura trebuiau sa o suga in liniste si sa uite incidentul. Ce mi se pare interesant, daca nu cumva am scăpat ceva, este ca i-au dat penalizare pentru mers cu combinezonul deschis dar nu pomenesc faptul ca si-a aruncat singur protectorul pe pista care imi pare o problema mai mare pentru siguranta celorlalți.