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Orice postat de Altair

  1. Test drive virtual Harley, pentru cei care n-au apucat sa il faca la dealer.
  2. O sa radeti dar dealerii isi fac banii nu atat din sumele pe care le percep ca si chirie cat din reparatii. Orice zgaiba este protocolata la sosire (nu la fel la iesirea cu motorul din dealership) iar fransiza chiar in cazul in care faci asigurare la ei este de cel putin 500 USD, de obicei insa 1000 sau 2000. Avand in vedere ca este extrem de simplu sa faci pagube de peste 2000 USD la o motocicleta, ajunge doar sa o culci pe loc din greseala, e clar de ce e bine sa inchiriezi motoare. Mult mai usor cu o moto pe care nu o cunosti, de obicei mai puternica decat cea detinuta pentru ca nu cred ca cineva care are un 1400 se duce sa inchirieze un 900, mai degraba un 1800. In Romania ma indoiesc ca cineva le-ar asigura motocicletele date cu chirie cu ziua, deabea o fac pentru motociclete noi pe persoana fizica, caz in care clar ca motocicleta face in medie 8,000 km / an. Una inchiriata face cam 20,000 ikm/an si cine o ia o sa incerce sa scoata matzele din ea asa cum nu ar face-o cu a lui.
  3. Te-ai prins repede, asa e. Vorbeam de inchirieri in State. Uitati aici ratele in Daytona/Ormond Beach FL la cel mai mare dealer HD, cel mai putin este pentru inchiriat noaptea "sunset rate" de la 4 pm la 9 am. Tax 7% in Florida si asigurare nu sunt incluse. Doar un anumit nr. de mile, mileage peste costa extra. Nu mai retin cat era si nu sunt date pe site cum nu sunt nici multe lucruri fine printed referitoare la obligatii sau raspunderi pe care ti le asumi.
  4. Nu am vazut Sportstere de inchiriat. FB, RK, VR, DG, EG
  5. HD intelege test drive prin inchiriere in US. Preturile la inchiriere sunt prohibitive cam USD 1100 pentru doua saptamani fara taxe si fara asigurare, rezulta vreo EUR 1000. M-as mira foarte tare sa poata oricine face un drive test in Romania in conditiile in care sunt multi doritori dar putini hotarati sa lase banul jos odata ce s-au suit pe unul si au mers vreo suta de km cu el. Oricum, se zice ca intentia conteaza, asa ca le dorim succes in aceasta initiativa.
  6. Altair

    Honda 6

    Motorul de pe Goldwing - SIX . Pentru trei cilindrii adresele sunt: Triumph si Benelli.
  7. Te ataci repede si din nimic. Parte din "way of life" sa inteleg? Am spus ca o motocicleta HD nu face cu nimic mai mult decat alte motociclete. Fact. Asta pentru tine este o injurie, presupun dupa cum ai reactionat, pentru ca in mica ta lume esti probabil obisnuit sa se entuziasmeze lumea cand aude sau vede HD. Unii au trecut de stereotipul asta si apreciaza o motocicleta pentru ceea ce este ea si nu pentru ce scrie pe ea. Eu apreciez urmatoarele modele curente la HD in aceasta ordine: V-Rod, Night Train, Fat Boy. N-am denigrat NICI O motocicleta pana acum, pentru ca imi plac TOATE. Nu mi le-as lua insa pe toate. As ajunge insa pe la vreo suta lejer, provided cash and storage space are not an issue. Monocilindrii, bicilindrii, triples (mai uicnes), patru cilindrii, chiar si cinci, sase cilindrii DOES NOT MATTER. Enduro, cross, supermoto, speed, cruiser, touring ANYTHING. Un singur lucru nu mi-ar place la nici o motocicleta de-a mea, sa fie lesinata. Nu ma atac la imaginea HD, m-a atras si pe mine la un moment dat. M-am plictist de ea, atata tot. Am spus mereu ca Marketingul la HD este unul dintre cele mai tari din lume, dar nu-mi mai atinge "coardele" Cat priveste al doilea aliniat. Mai simplu era sa zici ca n-ai avut motociclete cu ABS si rugai pe cineva sa-ti explice ce si cum. 1. ABS ca si orice alt Electronic Drive Aid sunt INTERZISE in F1 sau MotoGP, nu este alegerea pilotilor ce folosesc sau nu ca tehnologie. 2. ABS-ul adauga la gramaj. 3. Pe pista nu te temi de nisip, ulei, balegi sau decoruri interactive. Sigur esti aplecat spre practica cu ape hanger? Corect ar fi "inaltat spre practica" Cat priveste ABS-ul in general si la masini, el este facut sa asigure manevrabilitate/stabilitate la franare si nu cea mai scurta distanta de franare. Jesus... HD-ul era de asteptat sa va relaxeze nu sa va faca niste pitbulli gata de atac. Luati exemplu de la Razzie
  8. cavalerii sunt de mai multe feluri, cei care o sug si dupa aia se dau cavaleri si cei care se dau cavaleri si o sug dupa aia
  9. Dau vreo treizeci de kile de piese de metal pe aceleasi piese din de carbon, astept provincia...
  10. Si pana acum s-au cumparat HD-uri in Romania, cu sau fara importator. HD = way of life? No shit. Ce stie sa faca HD-ul altceva decat alte motociclete? @kata, de cate ori te-a bagat pe tine ABS-ul in rahat? Media de varsta la HD urca in continuare, sunt disperati de acest lucru. Cei mai tineri sunt mai greu de pacalit. Nici macar cu motoare competente, ca V Rod-ul nu au reusit sa atraga clientela tanara. Stiu ca exista exceptii, dar raman un procent prea mic pentru ce le trebuie lor. Preturile scad la SH si HD le vinde pe cele noi cu zero down, doar sa le ia cineva. Dar vand sute de mii, milioane. Individualitate? Moto Guzzi sunt mai rare. Anyone hot for a Moto Guzzi? Not really... Oare are de-a face cu marketingul lor inexistent? Concluzia este ca cei mai multi nu cumpara o motocicleta cand cumpara un HD ci incearca sa atinga o "way of life" prin ea. Patetic. Poate o sa-si ia si Guta HD, acu' ca "a venit HD in Romania":
  11. Nu numai ca nu au ce sa caute pe drum european cu caruta dar proprietarii de animale poarta raspunderea pentru animalele lor si ar trebui sa faca puscarie pentru accidentele cu vatamare provocate de acestea. Tractorul nu e bun ca face galagie la furat de lemn. Pe de alta parte, trebuie sa ai doar atata viteza cata vizibilitate ai. Sper sa-si revina din coma.
  12. verificati cardanul si cutia, sunt ingrijorari despre aceste subiecte printre posesorii de M1800 / M109R
  13. Casca apara de caderea verticala de pe motor un primul rand, aceasta este aceeasi la toate tipurile de motociclete, daca mergi cu ele. unde vezi tu atac la persoana? daca te-ai simtit atacat este poate ca te incadrezi in tiparul unor sute de mii de alte persoane, atat (vezi pozele postate de Shobolanul de la parada erotic show - desi si acolo mai exista exceptii in bine - un Electra Glide calarit cu casca Arai speed full face) Singurul motiv pentru care postez aici este ca simt ca daca oamenii ar fi mai informati ar fi mai putine accidente iar cand acestea s-ar intampla, nu ar avea urmari atat de grave (vezi accidentul lui Daci din Timisoara 2005). Daca macar unul a evitat un necaz in urma a ceea ce citeste aici, inseamna ca a meritat deranjul. Mai jos sinteza celui mai important studiu despre cauzele accidentelor si identificarea masurilor ce se pot lua ca acestea sa nu se intample/sa aibe urmari reduse ca gravitate (e lung dar merita citit) In contextul acestui topic atentie la: 12 - imi iau braincap-ul ca merg doar pana la colt 16 - accidentele in cea mai mare masura se intampla la viteze moderate (studiul este insa datat 1981, ca atare relativ) 24 - poate gresesc dar perceptia mea este ca cei pe cruisere, choppere dau la fel de multi bani pe pregatire cat dau pe echipament de protectie (nu veniti cu contraargumentul celor in slapi si tricou pe speed pentru ca pentru mine aia nu sunt decat pending victims si sunt la fel de putin pregatiti pe cat sunt de echipati) 36 - pentru ca de obicei modificarile sunt cosmetice si nu safety oriented 43 through 55 - self explanatory Ca un ultim comentariu, in Florida nu este obligatorie purtarea castii, de la an la an insa observ un procent mai mare de purtatori de casca, chiar si integrala la cruisere, choppere e adevarta mai rar la HD - poate pentru ca nu au integrale in catalogul ala mare de accesorii. Nu este nevoie de asigurare tip RCA (liabilty insurance) daca porti casca in Florida (that is nice). acum revenim la "The Hurt Report" (AKA "Motorcycle Accident Cause Factors and Identification of Countermeasures") A brief summary of the findings is listed below. To order the full report, contact: National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22161 (703)-487-4600 and order: Motorcycle Accident Cause Factors and Identification of Countermeasures, Volume 1: Technical Report, Hurt, H.H., Ouellet, J.V. and Thom, D.R., Traffic Safety Center, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90007, Contract No. DOT HS-5-01160, January 1981 (Final Report) Vol.I (The Main Report and Summary) is PB81206443 (~400 pages) Vol.II (Appendix: Supplementary Data) is PB81206450 (~400 pages) Either document is $42.95 plus $3.00 shipping. (circa 1990) Summary of Findings Throughout the accident and exposure data there are special observations which relate to accident and injury causation and characteristics of the motorcycle accidents studied. These findings are summarized as follows: 1. Approximately three-fourths of these motorcycle accidents involved collision with another vehicle, which was most often a passenger automobile. 2. Approximately one-fourth of these motorcycle accidents were single vehicle accidents involving the motorcycle colliding with the roadway or some fixed object in the environment. 3. Vehicle failure accounted for less than 3% of these motorcycle accidents, and most of those were single vehicle accidents where control was lost due to a puncture flat. 4. In single vehicle accidents, motorcycle rider error was present as the accident precipitating factor in about two-thirds of the cases, with the typical error being a slideout and fall due to overbraking or running wide on a curve due to excess speed or under-cornering. 5. Roadway defects (pavement ridges, potholes, etc.) were the accident cause in 2% of the accidents; animal involvement was 1% of the accidents. 6. In multiple vehicle accidents, the driver of the other vehicle violated the motorcycle right-of-way and caused the accident in two-thirds of those accidents. 7. The failure of motorists to detect and recognize motorcycles in traffic is the predominating cause of motorcycle accidents. The driver of the other vehicle involved in collision with the motorcycle did not see the motorcycle before the collision, or did not see the motorcycle until too late to avoid the collision. 8. Deliberate hostile action by a motorist against a motorcycle rider is a rare accident cause. The most frequent accident configuration is the motorcycle proceeding straight then the automobile makes a left turn in front of the oncoming motorcycle. 10. Intersections are the most likely place for the motorcycle accident, with the other vehicle violating the motorcycle right-of-way, and often violating traffic controls. 11. Weather is not a factor in 98% of motorcycle accidents. 12. Most motorcycle accidents involve a short trip associated with shopping, errands, friends, entertainment or recreation, and the accident is likely to happen in a very short time close to the trip origin. 13. The view of the motorcycle or the other vehicle involved in the accident is limited by glare or obstructed by other vehicles in almost half of the multiple vehicle accidents. 14. Conspicuity of the motorcycle is a critical factor in the multiple vehicle accidents, and accident involvement is significantly reduced by the use of motorcycle headlamps (on in daylight) and the wearing of high visibility yellow, orange or bright red jackets. 15. Fuel system leaks and spills were present in 62% of the motorcycle accidents in the post-crash phase. This represents an undue hazard for fire. 16. The median pre-crash speed was 29.8 mph, and the median crash speed was 21.5 mph, and the one-in-a-thousand crash speed is approximately 86 mph. 17. The typical motorcycle pre-crash lines-of-sight to the traffic hazard portray no contribution of the limits of peripheral vision; more than three-fourths of all accident hazards are within 45deg of either side of straight ahead. 18. Conspicuity of the motorcycle is most critical for the frontal surfaces of the motorcycle and rider. 19. Vehicle defects related to accident causation are rare and likely to be due to deficient or defective maintenance. 20. Motorcycle riders between the ages of 16 and 24 are significantly overrepresented in accidents; motorcycle riders between the ages of 30 and 50 are significantly underrepresented. Although the majority of the accident-involved motorcycle riders are male (96%), the female motorcycles riders are significantly overrepresented in the accident data. 22. Craftsmen, laborers, and students comprise most of the accident-involved motorcycle riders. Professionals, sales workers, and craftsmen are underrepresented and laborers, students and unemployed are overrepresented in the accidents. 23. Motorcycle riders with previous recent traffic citations and accidents are overrepresented in the accident data. 24. The motorcycle riders involved in accidents are essentially without training; 92% were self-taught or learned from family or friends. Motorcycle rider training experience reduces accident involvement and is related to reduced injuries in the event of accidents. 25. More than half of the accident-involved motorcycle riders had less than 5 months experience on the accident motorcycle, although the total street riding experience was almost 3 years. Motorcycle riders with dirt bike experience are significantly underrepresented in the accident data. 26. Lack of attention to the driving task is a common factor for the motorcyclist in an accident. 27. Almost half of the fatal accidents show alcohol involvement. 28. Motorcycle riders in these accidents showed significant collision avoidance problems. Most riders would overbrake and skid the rear wheel, and underbrake the front wheel greatly reducing collision avoidance deceleration. The ability to countersteer and swerve was essentially absent. 29. The typical motorcycle accident allows the motorcyclist just less than 2 seconds to complete all collision avoidance action. 30. Passenger-carrying motorcycles are not overrepresented in the accident area. 31. The driver of the other vehicles involved in collision with the motorcycle are not distinguished from other accident populations except that the ages of 20 to 29, and beyond 65 are overrepresented. Also, these drivers are generally unfamiliar with motorcycles. 32. Large displacement motorcycles are underrepresented in accidents but they are associated with higher injury severity when involved in accidents. 33. Any effect of motorcycle color on accident involvement is not determinable from these data, but is expected to be insignificant because the frontal surfaces are most often presented to the other vehicle involved in the collision. 34. Motorcycles equipped with fairings and windshields are underrepresented in accidents, most likely because of the contribution to conspicuity and the association with more experienced and trained riders. 35. Motorcycle riders in these accidents were significantly without motorcycle license, without any license, or with license revoked. 36. Motorcycle modifications such as those associated with the semi-chopper or cafe racer are definitely overrepresented in accidents. 37. The likelihood of injury is extremely high in these motorcycle accidents-98% of the multiple vehicle collisions and 96% of the single vehicle accidents resulted in some kind of injury to the motorcycle rider; 45% resulted in more than a minor injury. 38. Half of the injuries to the somatic regions were to the ankle-foot, lower leg, knee, and thigh-upper leg. 39. Crash bars are not an effective injury countermeasure; the reduction of injury to the ankle-foot is balanced by increase of injury to the thigh-upper leg, knee, and lower leg. 40. The use of heavy boots, jacket, gloves, etc., is effective in preventing or reducing abrasions and lacerations, which are frequent but rarely severe injuries. 41. Groin injuries were sustained by the motorcyclist in at least 13% of the accidents, which typified by multiple vehicle collision in frontal impact at higher than average speed. 42. Injury severity increases with speed, alcohol involvement and motorcycle size. 43. Seventy-three percent of the accident-involved motorcycle riders used no eye protection, and it is likely that the wind on the unprotected eyes contributed in impairment of vision which delayed hazard detection. 44. Approximately 50% of the motorcycle riders in traffic were using safety helmets but only 40% of the accident-involved motorcycle riders were wearing helmets at the time of the accident. 45. Voluntary safety helmet use by those accident-involved motorcycle riders was lowest for untrained, uneducated, young motorcycle riders on hot days and short trips. 46. The most deadly injuries to the accident victims were injuries to the chest and head. 47. The use of the safety helmet is the single critical factor in the prevention of reduction of head injury; the safety helmet which complies with FMVSS 218 is a significantly effective injury countermeasure. 48. Safety helmet use caused no attenuation of critical traffic sounds, no limitation of precrash visual field, and no fatigue or loss of attention; no element of accident causation was related to helmet use. 49. FMVSS 218 provides a high level of protection in traffic accidents, and needs modification only to increase coverage at the back of the head and demonstrate impact protection of the front of full facial coverage helmets, and insure all adult sizes for traffic use are covered by the standard. 50. Helmeted riders and passengers showed significantly lower head and neck injury for all types of injury, at all levels of injury severity. 51. The increased coverage of the full facial coverage helmet increases protection, and significantly reduces face injuries. 52. There is no liability for neck injury by wearing a safety helmet; helmeted riders had less neck injuries than unhelmeted riders. Only four minor injuries were attributable to helmet use, and in each case the helmet prevented possible critical or fatal head injury. 53. Sixty percent of the motorcyclists were not wearing safety helmets at the time of the accident. Of this group, 26% said they did not wear helmets because they were uncomfortable and inconvenient, and 53% simply had no expectation of accident involvement. 54. Valid motorcycle exposure data can be obtained only from collection at the traffic site. Motor vehicle or driver license data presents information which is completely unrelated to actual use. 55. Less than 10% of the motorcycle riders involved in these accidents had insurance of any kind to provide medical care or replace property. Last but not least, cei care au first hand experience in subiectul asta - cum e lil debul - ar trebui luati serios in seama, e oricum un gest de curaj din partea lor sa recunoasca greselile pe care le-au facut, si noroc totodata sa apuce sa le povesteasca. later edit: hurt report a mai fost postat pe forumul de tutorials, articole de AK Raptor acum doua zile, am observat dupa ce am postat
  14. Du-te pe site-ul si ai sa vezi ce genti face Marchesini. O sa le vezi si pe Monster S4R sau 999R de exemplu. Ce au facut cei de la Ducati pe site-ul lor dand gentile Brembo ca fiind Marchesini mi se pare o porcarie. Sigur sunt gentile din fabrica, nu te gandi ca le-a schimbat fostul proprietar. Brembo este oricum insa o roata foarte buna, nu e cazul sa te ingrijorezi. Modelul a fost preluat de la Marvic. O roata buna ajuta nu numai la ciclistica dar imbunatateste suspensia, franarea si acceleratia si viteza maxima, se poate spune ca da cai.
  15. explica-le si lor care este diferenta intre a da cu capul de bordura, asfalt, copac sau masina cazand de pe un SS sau cazand de pe un chopper/cruiser. Am si cruiser si SS si casca e aceeasi (aceleasi) indiferent pe ce ma urc - full face foarte scump pentru ca tin la teasta mea si continutul ei. Faceti-va o favoare si cumparati-va full face. S-ar putea sa nu aveti niciodata nevoie de ea, dar v-ati paria viata sau fizionomia pe asta? Altfel mult succes celor care cred ca pentru a fi barbat ajunge sa porti o bandana (batic pe romaneste). Mai sunt daramate care se uita dupa ei. Don't forget the leather vest, the patches and take care of that curly hair, ok? Pentru toti ceilalti nehotarati, un scurt test, luati pozitia unei flotari (cca 40 cm de la nasul vostru la podea) si luati mainile lasandu-va jumatatea superioara a corpului sa cada libera. Incercati cu o casca care credeti voi ca e buna si ganditi-va ce se intampla in real life, pe sosea. Good luck! "Better no wind in your hair than wind in your brains..." sau "If you end like Indian Larry that doesn't mean you'll get famous"
  16. Brembo face si roti dar doar OEM, adica echipari originale de fabrica. Roata din poza este model Brembo si numai abtibildul este Marchesini. Marchesini este o firma separata detinuta de ... Brembo. Produsele nu le sunt insa deloc comune, ca de altfel nici preturile. Am un set de Marchesini negre magneziu ce se potrivesc la orice Monster cu bascula dubla. Daca are cineva interes gaseste anuntul pe topicul de vanzari. Referitor la amortizorul de ghidon, ajunge sa ai nevoie de el o singura data si si-a scos toti banii.
  17. Avea o casca provizorie, cauciucuri provizorii si de-abea fusese la RAR inteleg. Cum a trecut RAR-ul cu cauciucurile alea inteleg terminate? Ca nu controleaza presiunea in pneuri e chiar normal. Ce sa vada? Fiti cinstiti si recunoasteti cati stiti cat trebuie sa aveti in pneuri cand sunteti singuri, in doi cu/sau bagaj? Probleme tehnice ce pot duce la "boblaj" - cum i se zicea pe aici voblajului: de la amortizoare; de la rulmenti, de la frane, de la furca, de la presiune pneu fata sau chiar de la starea pneului spate si nu cred ca s-au epuizat. De la lipsa amortizor ghidon la cele care au prevazut din fabricatie si e scos sau terminat mai tarziu. Cele mai multe sunt proaste si pierd uleiul repede. Este un fenomen fizic complex - voblajul - care insa nu se lasa stapanit pe calea instinctelor, dimpotriva inclestarea ghidonului amplifica balansul ansamblului mobra - calaret. sunt mai multe cai pentru a stopa sau macar diminua efectul de voblaj: schimbarea pozitiei in sa - mai pe spate, luata presiunea de pe ghidon, ridicarea in scarite, frana spate gentle... condoleante familiei si prietenilor si sa speram ca macar cineva invata din aceste nenorociri
  18. Altair

    Harley Modele 2008!

    Misto, da parca numele mi-aduce aminte de ceva, ca si farurile alea duble de pe Fat Bob FXTF 2008. Unde le-oi fi vazut oare
  19. frana pui pana la trecere ca sa feresti pietonii, nu pe trecere - credeam ca ti-a explicat cineva pana acum cand o sa inteleaga toti ca lumea nu se invarte si nu se va invarti vreodata in jurul motociclistilor, poate o sa vedem mai putine accidente pana atunci continuati sa blamati primarul, maxi taxi, blondele si taximetristii si dati-va in bascheti si tricou daca se poate pe R1 desigur si doar in oras decat leu mort mai bine caine viu
  20. no comments, trage fiecare concluziile
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