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Orice postat de KINGS

  1. Poate gresesc dar la V Strom 1000 2014 garda e 155mm fata de 650 unde e 165mm.
  2. Mai jos e raspunsul celor de la Sharp la cateva intrebari pe care le-am adresat : Thank you for your email below, and for your interest in SHARP. Each model of motorcycle helmet undergoes 30 linear and 2 oblique impact tests in order to achieve a SHARP rating. To complete these 32 tests, a minimum of 7 individual helmet samples are used. A range of helmet sizes are tested at three impact speeds (6, 7.5 and 8.5 metres per second); this range of impact speeds is used to ensure that the helmet offers protection over a wide range of impact scenarios and not only at the current regulatory test speed. The helmets are impacted against both flat and kerb shaped surfaces. We hope this information is helpful to you. If you have any further questions on the issue, please contact us again. Kind regards, The SHARP Team
  3. Am Schubert C3 si sunt foarte multumit de ea insa am fost surprins sa citesc testele pe Schubert C3 : comparativ cu Caberg Duke : Am cumparat deci si un Caberg Duke insa dpdv al calitatii materialelor, asamblarii, ventilatiei si insonorizarii Schubert C3 in continuare mi se pare net superioara. Totusi, de unde oare diferenta imensa in favoarea Caberg Duke la testele de impact ?!?!?
  4. Bravo pstefan : xtrblack chiar apreciaza V Stromul, in caz de nevoie aduc dovezi certe , nu merita balacareala.
  5. Dimensiunile bateriei originale nu sunt 150 x 87 x 110 ? Am gasit asta : » Post actualizat in 23 Jun 2014 07:14 Sau asta : » Post actualizat in 24 Jun 2014 19:22 » Post actualizat in 24 Jun 2014 19:26
  6. Le-am montat. Sunt cele de la Touratech.
  7. Peisaj SUPERB , drum asfaltat dar nu grozav. Sunt portiuni care nu o sa-ti "cada bine" dar concluzia mea este ca merita sa-l faci.
  8. Fii serios Plimbare faina ii aia care-ti face placere.Poate fi 50km sau 450km dar sa fie oameni faini si obiective faine + niscai viraje.
  9. Salut, am anuntat in seara anterioara si crede-ma ca traseul l-am stabilit pe loc
  10. Nu mai vinde, sta si moare de ciuda la cat vinde BMW-ul. Am auzit ca si Honda si Kawa vor inchide din aceleasi motive
  11. Maine dimineata la 9:30 suntem cativa care "o punem" de-o mica plimbarica.Benzinaria MOL langa Kaufland. Aviz doritorilor Cam asta a fost pentru ziua de luni 21.04.2014 :,23.1250514,9z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m62!4m61!1m5!1m1!1s0x474c4355ae28da71:0x5a2bd4554a36008f!2m2!1d24.116044!2d45.7703213!1m5!1m1!1s0x474c1668ec8df9bf:0xf813714428fa7fe8!2m2!1d23.7833333!2d45.8833333!1m5!1m1!1s0x474c109d058bb51d:0x31d89160bc531c90!2m2!1d23.7790715!2d45.974602!1m5!1m1!1s0x474c1c7ea7626fe1:0x80b8055e9c47cc87!2m2!1d23.6666667!2d46.0166667!1m5!1m1!1s0x474c1d4147ec2951:0xf50e74de54b1a2c8!2m2!1d23.6166667!2d46.05!1m5!1m1!1s0x47492ce018107147:0x66d135766cabb9e4!2m2!1d23.0455556!2d46.3625!1m5!1m1!1s0x4749417bd4c3726d:0xf2d8bebdd9932110!2m2!1d23.6006212!2d46.5078015!1m5!1m1!1s0x474956c4dc09be4d:0x64d63acda414c439!2m2!1d23.7291667!2d46.3122222!1m5!1m1!1s0x474b895cd8352f6b:0xb6fe59b8f7a62142!2m2!1d24.2305556!2d46.1125!1m5!1m1!1s0x474c4355ae28da71:0x5a2bd4554a36008f!2m2!1d24.116044!2d45.7703213!3e0?hl=ro Vreme buna, peisaje superbe : "zece de rosu" + "gamo" + "yamoco"
  12. Incearca o YAMAHA WHY. Nu te va dezamagi.
  13. Am dat, unde gasesc ?
  14. Stickere :
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