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Postări postat de ioio_viola

  1. Acum 8 minute, xt600 a spus:

    Sa o luam altfel: Yamaha nu este o motocicleta praf, dar raportata la ceilalti competitori, nu se prezinta cu cel mai echilibrat (si competitiv) pachet. Este ok, pana o pui alaturi de Suzuki, de exemplu. Atunci se vede ca nu mai este atat de buna. Este o motocicleta care are performante doar intr-o plaja foarte restransa de conditii meteo, are preferinte doar pentru anumite circuite, are mari probleme in a pune puterea la asfalt, etc, cu alte cuvinte trebuie sa se alinieze prea multe variabile, ca sa poata castiga Yamaha o cursa. Cel mai bun exemplu este chiar cursa de ieri... un circuit pe care ar fi trebuit sa fie la bataie pentru victorie, toate motoretele M1 au fost jalnice. Suzuki a zburat, Yamaha s-a tarat.

    Cea mai buna, cea mai echilibrata motocicleta, in acest moment, este Suzuki. Spun asta, in conditiile in care Honda este o mare necunoscuta, pentru ca nu au nici un pilot, in acest moment, care sa arate adevaratul potential al acelei motociclete. Si KkTM-ul incepe sa contureze un pachet foarte echilibrat. Asa ca Yamaha ar trebui sa se puna serios pe treaba. Sasiul lor trebuie redesenat aproape de la 0, motorul trebuie sa mai castige niste caluti, sa isi rezolve problemele de fiabilitate, etc... 



    cam asa zic si eu, :) doar ca tu ai expus pe intelesul lui Method. daca el vrea sa inteleaga depinde doar de el.

  2. Eu cand zic ca Yamaha e praf, voi nu si nu ca uite a castigat curse. Acum se vede cat de buna e motoreta; parca nici unul nu mai stie sa mearga cu ea. 

    Asta zice si mosul, dar el parca si isi pregateste echipa satelit Suzuki :))



    "We had a lot of expectation for the 2020 M1, but in reality we didn’t make a big step," Rossi said. "Also if you look at the performance of Morbidelli, Morbidelli did a fantastic season and won two races with the old bike. The new one for me is not a big difference, but also not a clear step forward.

    "For me, we need to work on the engine [for next year] because the bigger problem is lack of top speed and also we need to have an engine that is more smooth in acceleration. So the engine part for me is our weak point. And after that we need to work on the rear part of the bike to create better grip. These for me are the two main issues."

    Asked about the valve controversy, which saw Yamaha docked constructors' and teams' points while leaving all Yamaha riders short on engines, Rossi responded:

    "For me, the engine department is our first problem because the performance is not fantastic and also the reliability is critical and also they make this mistake with the valves, that is not fantastic.

    "For the rest I don’t know, only that I don't lose any points because when I used that [Jerez] engine it broke [in the race]!"

    Without such reliability problems to date are the world championship leading Suzuki team, whose GSX-RR also uses an inline four-cylinder engine. But Rossi thinks the progress is more down to 

    "For me, Suzuki work very well. Because I think that [Davide] Brivio made a fantastic job, because he's able to fuse the work from Japan with very strong work in Italy," said Rossi. "And especially he is able to convince the Japanese to work together with the Europeans and Italians and they make a very strong team. I think it's for this."

    Brivio was Rossi's Yamaha team manager during his title-winning years on the M1, while Rossi's VR46 team has been linked with a possible supply of satellite Suzuki machines should it move up to MotoGP in 2022.

  3. FP1:

    1Jack MillerAUSPramac Ducati (GP20)

    2Franco MorbidelliITAPetronas Yamaha (YZR-M1)

    3Stefan BradlGERRepsol Honda (RC213V)

    4Johann ZarcoFRAReale Avintia Ducati (GP19)

    5Alex MarquezSPARepsol Honda (RC213V)

    6Danilo PetrucciITADucati Team (GP20)

    7Pol EspargaroSPARed Bull KTM Factory (RC16)

    8Miguel OliveiraPORRed Bull KTM Tech3 (RC16)

    9Andrea DoviziosoITADucati Team (GP20)

    10Maverick ViñalesSPAMonster Yamaha (YZR-M1)

    11Takaaki NakagamiJPNLCR Honda (RC213V)

    12Aleix EspargaroITAFactory Aprilia Gresini (RS-GP)

    13Alex RinsSPASuzuki Ecstar (GSX-RR)

    14Francesco BagnaiaITAPramac Ducati (GP20)

    15Brad BinderRSARed Bull KTM Factory (RC16)

    16Garrett GerloffUSAMonster Yamaha (YZR-M1)

    17Joan MirSPASuzuki Ecstar (GSX-RR)

    18Cal CrutchlowGBRLCR Honda (RC213V)

    19Tito RabatSPAReale Avintia Ducati (GP19)

    20Lorenzo SavadoriITAAprilia Test Rider (RS-GP)

    21Fabio QuartararoFRAPetronas Yamaha (YZR-M1)


    Americanul a mers bine pentru prima tura pe o moto de GP.



    After obtaining a negative test result on Thursday, Rossi made his way to Spain. This morning (Friday) he took another PCR test as per FIM requirements and is currently waiting for the result, which is expected later this evening.

    Should he test negative, Rossi - who missed both Aragon rounds after a Covid diagnosis - will take part in the European MotoGP from Saturday onwards.

    But in the meantime, Gerloff will take the Italian's place for the (currently wet) Friday sessions.


    + reactia Yamaha la penalizari 



    Following the FIM statement regarding the sanction for failing to respect the protocol requiring prior unanimous approval of the MSMA when using valves from two different manufacturers in the engines of the Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP and Petronas Yamaha Sepang Racing Team bikes in the 2020 season, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. shares its position.

    Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. acknowledges, respects, and accepts the decision of the FIM about the incorrect protocols that were followed. It will not appeal against the FIM‘s sanctions.

    Due to an internal oversight and an incorrect understanding of the current regulation, Yamaha omitted to give prior notification to and gain approval from the MSMA for the use of valves by two manufacturers.

    Yamaha would like to clarify that there was no malintent in using the valves of two different suppliers that were manufactured according to one common design specification.

    Following the sanction given by FIM on Thursday 5th November, Yamaha remains fully committed to supporting its MotoGP riders and the two teams in their title quest. It will make extraordinary efforts to still compete for the 2020 MotoGP Constructor and Rider World Championship trophies.


    + a fratelui care se plictiseste acasa:


    Now it turns out that we riders do not benefit from the mechanical advantages. Tricky! Marc tweeted, branding FIM/Dorna umpteenth questionable decision with an ironic smiley face.

  4. daca am inteles bine la etapele trecute nu au fost obligati sa aibe 2 moto pe grila, acum nu mai pot sa se sustraga conform regulamentului. teoretic si la Aragon 2 ar fi trebuit sa aibe 2 moto pe grila. practic, e pandemie si s-au sustras cumva.


    referitor la George, cine stie ce e acolo. clar a fost ceva mai mult de imagine decat sa testeze si sa dezvolte ca si Pedrosa la KTM. oricum eu zic ca sunt cu un pas in urma competitorilor ca si dezvoltare. ceva da cu virgula in strategia lor.


  5. 1 oră în urmă, frigider a spus:

    ce jeg de articol, doar in titlu scrie ca JLO a fost dat afara.

    ce gunoi infect.

    da, o sa traiasca din somaj si cersit.


    am zis ca nu e articol clar, dar ca sunt zvonuri. totusi nu iese fum fara ceva foc :)


    "I want to continue as a test rider and my first option is still Yamaha," Lorenzo told "Because I have won with them and I feel very good on the bike, but there are other options as well… The other option is Aprilia, yes."



    "I would like to continue, but if Yamaha decides not to count on me it will be a real shame for both parties. Honestly, I think it will be impossible for them to find  [another] rider who adapts so naturally to the style that Yamaha requires and has the same sensitivity to detect the right direction for the evolution of each piece."

    On the other hand, the #99 confirmed the attraction in joining back-of-the grid Aprilia would be to try and bring the project to new heights, as former rival Dani Pedrosa has done at KTM, and "complete a circle" that began when he raced for Piaggio's Derbi/Aprilia brands in 125 and 250.


    La 03.11.2020 la 10:15, Method a spus:

    Rossi declarat negativ covid,deci vine "pa Valencia".


    cum ziceam nu a iesit negativ inca:



    "This virus is very complicated and serious. I felt bad for two days, then in a few days I came back to being fully fit, at my 100%. I self-isolated at home all the time and I followed the medical advice closely," Rossi said.

    "It‘s a very sad and difficult situation, but that‘s the way it is.

    "Unfortunately, yesterday (Tuesday 3rd November), I had another test and it came back positive again, like all previous ones. Luckily I still have two more chances to be back on track on Friday or Saturday.

    "I am very sad because I am feeling well, and I can‘t wait to be back aboard my M1 and be reunited with my team. I really hope the next PCR test result will be negative, because missing two races was already two too many."

    Team director Massimo Meregalli added: "Unfortunately, despite our hopes, we are entering the final triple header with some uncertainty about our rider line-up.

    "Whilst Valentino has been feeling better, we can‘t be sure that he will be able to ride in Valencia this weekend until he has passed the two PCR test with negative results for Covid-19.

    "These are strange circumstances: we don‘t know for certain who will be riding the bike this weekend, apart from Maverick. But this is a situation that‘s beyond our control, so all we can do is make sure we are prepared for every eventuality.

    "In any case, we are thankful to Garrett Gerloff that he is willing to take on the challenge of riding the YZR-M1. It‘s never an easy task to step in for Vale, these are big shoes to fill, and it‘s especially challenging for Gerloff, having had so little preparation and without any prior MotoGP experience. But that will make the learning experience all the more valuable for him.

    "Of course, the team will do anything they can to support him, should he have to replace Valentino this weekend. But naturally we are all still hoping that Valentino will be able to ride, so we can finish his final season with the Factory Yamaha team in the best way possible."

    The only Yamaha rider not still in firm title contention, Rossi's final three races for the factory team take place over the next three weekends, after which he will switch to Petronas Yamaha for 2021.

  6. nu am vazut nimic oficial de Rossi, dar MM nu va participa:


    Marc Marquez won't return for the European MotoGP at Valencia


    Repsol Honda has officially confirmed that injured MotoGP champion Marc Marquez won't return for this weekend's opening Valencia round.

    The news increases the probability that, as reported in the Spanish media and unofficially confirmed by HRC test rider Stefan Bradl at Aragon, Marquez is unlikely to be seen again on track this season.

    Only the pair of Valencia rounds then the Portimao finale now remain. But it is hard to imagine the ever-competitive Marquez letting his rivals have the 'head start' of taking part in Valencia 1 before joining them on track in Valencia 2.

    As a new MotoGP event, Portimao would offer the levelest playing field for a rider that has missed almost the entire season.

    But so far there have been none of the motocross or flat track training videos that preceded his return to MotoGP action after major shoulder surgery for the last two winters.

  7. adevarata forma Yamaha? pai e exact ca si pana acum, daca pleaca bine si ajunge in fata fara sa fie nevoie sa stea la bataie cu alti producatori e motocicleta ideala. cum da de putin greu, nu mai e asa competitiva. raman la parerea ca din cei 3 producatori (H, S si Y)  e cea mai slaba. faptul ca Honda nu are piloti care sa mearga ca si MM constant bine si Suzuki inca nu are piloti obisnuiti sa se bata la titlu nu face decat sa scoata calitatile pilotilor de la Yamaha din cand in cand si atat. 

  8. cursa nu foarte spectaculoasa, dar ceva depasiri au fost. toti merg la conservare de puncte.

    Cred ca titlul se va decide la Portimao. E un sezon interesant fara un campion definit de la primele curse. 


    1=Joan MirSPASuzuki Ecstar (GSX-RR)137 

    2=Fabio QuartararoFRAPetronas Yamaha (YZR-M1)123(-14)

    3=Maverick ViñalesSPAMonster Yamaha (YZR-M1)118(-19)

    4^2Franco MorbidelliITAPetronas Yamaha (YZR-M1)112(-25)

    5˅1Andrea DoviziosoITADucati Team (GP20)109(-28)

    6^1Alex RinsSPASuzuki Ecstar (GSX-RR)105(-32)

  9. Acum 3 ore, thesaw a spus:

    Slaba rau cu 5 victorii anul asta...




    pe idea asta a mers si Vinales. in testele presezon e buna motocicleta si cand incepea campionatul era pe nici unde. vazuta ca si pachet complet e slaba. ca are sclipiri pe cateva circuite e altceva. asa si Ducati unde are circuit de dat blana e foarte buna motocicleta. 


    Daca nu schimba Michelin gumele anul asta nici astea 5 victorii nu le aveau. Suzuki zic eu are cea mai buna motocicleta, dar nu au piloti inca care sa fie constanti si sa se bata la titlu. Honda are pachet bun, dar e facuta dupa chipul si asemanarea lui MM si inca nu e altul care sa-i dea de cap cursa de cursa. Ceilalti 4 inca nu gasesc formula fericirii constante. 


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