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Postări postat de ioio_viola

  1. MotoGP: Quartararo replaces Rossi at factory Yamaha team in 2021


    Satellite MotoGP star Fabio Quartararo will remain a Yamaha rider in 2021 after signing to join the factory team in place of Valentino Rossi.

    No final decision has been made on Rossi's future, but the Italian is either facing retirement or a switch to the satellite Petronas squad.

    'Yamaha and Rossi have mutually agreed that the personal decision whether the Italian will remain an active rider in the MotoGP World Championship in 2021 will be taken mid-2020,' said a Yamaha statement.

    What is now clear is that Quartararo will race alongside Maverick Vinales for the 2021 and 2022 seasons, following the Spaniard's own contract extension.

    "We are very pleased that Fabio will be joining the Yamaha Factory Racing MotoGP Team line-up for 2021 and 2022," said Yamaha Racing managing director Lin Jarvis.



    "His results in his MotoGP debut year were sensational. His 6 pole positions and the 7 podiums in the 2019 season were a clear sign of his brilliance and exceptional riding skills. Inviting him to move up to the Yamaha Factory Racing Team after he completes his contract with Petronas Yamaha Sepang Racing Team was a logical next step.

    “For the upcoming season he will be provided with a factory-spec YZR-M1 and he will receive full support from Yamaha.

    “Fabio is only 20 years old, but he is already showing great maturity on and off the bike, and we are excited to have him join us in 2021.

    "Fabio and Maverick will provide a big stimulus to all of us in the Yamaha Factory Racing MotoGP Team to continue to develop the YZR-M1 and leave no stone unturned in our quest for MotoGP World Championship victories."

    After just one victory in the Moto3 and Moto2 classes, Quartararo was given a dream MotoGP chance by the new Petronas Yamaha team in 2019.

    The 20-year-old soon repaid the team's faith in abundance, romping to seven podiums, six pole positions and battling Marc Marquez for victory twice on the final lap of a MotoGP race.

    Often the fastest Yamaha during the second half of the season, a factory seat appeared a formality for 2021, but it was far from certain that Yamaha would be able to fend off rumoured big money offers from the likes of Ducati.

    The Vinales deal created some doubt about whether a place would be available at the factory Yamaha team, but it's now confirmed Quartararo will play a key role in Yamaha's MotoGP future.

    Quartararo's departure was long expected by the Sepang squad, given his rookie results and factory aspirations, but the Malaysian team will hope to end their association on a high by claiming the first-ever satellite Yamaha race victories together in 2019.

    Whereas Quartararo had a lower spec M1 than team-mate Franco Morbidelli and official riders Vinales and Rossi for most of last year, the team has secured the latest machinery for Quartararo in 2020.

  2. cam despre asta e modern era motogp


    Moto2 is a bit of a mongrel grand prix class – road-bike engines in GP chassis – whereas MotoGP bikes are pre-bred, so what was the difference to you?

    A MotoGP bike is certainly different: the amount of power is incredible and the level of the electronics is scary. The thing I found incredible was the way the bike stops and the way the electronics work coming off the corner.

    You can open the throttle flat-out and the bike kind of sorts out the rest, which is incredible. Even though we had electronics in Moto2 from last season there’s no TC [traction control], so if you open the throttle the way you can on the MotoGP bike you’ll have a massive highside.

    Moto2 doesn’t have TC, it has a throttle-demand map, which you can set up as you like, but I didn’t really use it because I didn’t like it at all.

    Every time my crew applied the throttle demand I asked them to take it off. All it does is change the throttle opening/torque delivery relation, so you can be at 50 per cent throttle and you get 30 per cent of torque. I preferred to have everything in my own hand and just feel what was going on.


  3. 30 de zile viza de rusia, 100e a fost tot.


    Psihicul o ia razna pe drum. De ce am plecat, puteam face o tura mai scurta in tari mai normale... chestii din astea. Depinde si cu cine mergi, cum te intelegi cu partenerul de drum. Eu m-am avut probleme, dar colegul zicea multe chestii pe drum :))). De aia zic ca e important sa plegi cu gandul de aventura.


    In mare zapada era topita, dar de aia am zis sa treaca pe la bike house dushabe sa primeasca ultimele info de pe drum. Pe noi ne-a ajutat sa nu mergem pe un pas pe care era plin de noroi/zapada si altii cu care ne-am intalnit pe drum abia au scapat de acolo. 


    La 3-4000m nu am prins zapada pe Pamir, doar cateva urme.


    Da cu Tigrul am fost. Eu n-am avut probleme cu benzina, dar V-strom ul de 1000 a avut nevoie de doua curatari de filtru de benzina pe drum. 



    Cam astea a fost cea mai rea vreme la inceputul lui mai.

    1 georgia

    2 pamir

    3 kyrgystan




  4. Acum 3 ore, M!ha! a spus:

    Ai facut 12.000-13.000 km in 23 zile ? ....medie de +550 km zilnic ... Wow ! 

    Cat la suta din drumul pana Mongolia este asfaltat ?

    Legat de cheltuit, tie iti ies 65 dolari pe zi. Daca sta 4 luni se duce si el lejer in 10.000 de dolari. 


    13500km mai exact, da min 500 km pe zi, la intoarcere am facut in Kazahstan si cate 1000km pe zi. nu aveam ce sa vedem pe drum.


    majoritatea drumului e asfalt. unele portiuni mai rele, altele foarte ok. Pamir nu e mult asfalt, dar poti merge lejer cu 50km/h in majoritatea zonelor.  


    oricum nu recomand sa se faca in ritmul asta. in afara de partea din Tajikistan nu ne-am putut bucura de mare lucru, adevarul ca multe nici nu ai ce sa faci pe o mare parte din drum. 

    eu recomand 3-4 zile de mers cu una pauza. 


    daca el sta 4 luni nu trebuie sa se lafaie ca noi la hoteluri de 4* cu 50-60E camera pe noapte. si noi puteam sta mai ieftin, dar dupa o zi intreaga de mers vroiam macar somnul sa fie bun :)


    cu 10$ manci foarte bine in zonele alea. deci cu 25-30$ alocati pe zi fara combustibil eu zic ca se descurca. sunt hosteluri si alte cele.

    0.6$ benzina (nu cea mai grozava, dar nu ai alte optiuni).

    Acum 40 minute, bursyllac a spus:

    Pentru Rusia exista visa business cu 2 intrari / iesiri pe 90 de zile. Inca nu am reusit sa o obtin, dar am inteles ca ar costa undeva la 900 ron / persoana. Din auzite. Unii spun ca se obtine usor, altii ca poti fi refuzat. Cum mi s-au stricat planurile, nu am mai incercat sa o obtin.
    Alternativa ar fi viza de tranzit sau turistica pe 30 de zile cu o intrare si o iesire, si ajungi in stanuri traversand Marea Caspica din Azerbaidjan.

    Unele stanuri nu mai cer viza pentru romani (uzbekistan, kazakhstan), altele au vize electronice, pe care le obtii online. (Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan). Din cate am inteles, e mai complicat pentru Turkmenistan. In Iran e complicat zilele astea si fara viza de Turkmenistan e greu de facut un traseu.
    Nu as pleca in zona aia fara sa imi fac vaccinurile necesare. Gasesti pe caravanistan lista.




    viza de Rusia cu 2 intrari  ne-a costat sub 100E, nu mai stiu exact, dar pot sa caut. important e ca atunci cand intrii in Rusia sa-ti faca act de temporary import. noua nu ne-a facut si am avut probleme la iesire din Kazahstan. Noroc ca am sustinut sus si tare ca nu ne trebuie si vamesul dadea impresia ca vrea mita. pana la urma dupa 30 min-1h de stat pe acolo ne-a lasat sa iesim fara actul ala. not fun in desert la 40C.


    restul se pot lua online, dar sa-ti calculezi bine cand ajungi sa intrii in fiecare tara.


    am facut un vaccin doar, nu mai tin minte care, dar pot sa mai intreb si te anunt. nu-s chiar asa inapoiati oamenii pe acolo sa stiti :)


    BTW, recomand luna mai datorita temperaturilor mai decente. 

    Si daca ajungi in Dushanbe sa mergi neaparat la Bike-House Dushanbe. Aflii multe despre starea drumurilor in momentul ala, unde sa te cazezi in Pamir, unde poti alimenta si alte cele. 



    La 14.01.2020 la 16:36, M!ha! a spus:


    As adauga ca este ff importanta conditia fizica si psihica. 



    psihicul te rupe deobicei, dar important e sa pleci, restul vin de la sine ;)

  5. 10000$ e exagerat, eu am cheltuit in 23 zile faza vize cam 1500$ in care am stat si la 4* si la guest house, niciodata in cort.


    real cu tot cu mongolia probabil 3-5000 depinde de fiecare cum cheltuie. 

    2 luni e putin . daca vrei si mongolia eu as pune 3-4 luni. nu merita sa faci pe fuga cum am facut noi..

    Acum 5 ore, Nguyen a spus:


    E o suma corecta, intr-o astfel de calatorie trebuie sa ai bani la tine. Daca esti sarac te limitezi la Romania.


     ai ceva filme in tine. am intalnit un neamt cu nevasta in Tajikistan, mergeau in jurul lumii si nu aveau mentalitatea asta. bugetul lor 15k Euro in care au de trecut oceanul si ei si moto. se poate si pe "saracie". 

  6. Am facut Ro-Tajikistan/Kyrgystan si inapoi in 23 de zile (nu as mai face-o asa rapid niciodata). nu recomand 2 luni pentru ce vrei tu. cum zic si ceilalti, incepe cu ceva mai scurt, 3000km sau 6000km. orice tura lunga cere o pauza de o zi la 4-5 zile de mers. altfel nu mai e nici o placere.



    Rossi nu ar zice nu unui loc in Petronas team daca Yamaha ii vrea pe MV si FQ in echipa de uzina. Doar daca e mai competitiv anul asta decat anul trecut.

  8. eu as putea sa recomand Sanandrei daca nu te deranjeaza distanta. ca si timp de deplasare pana la intrare in Tm sunt maxim 10 min pe drum cu 4 benzi in general.

    mi-am facut o casa acolo, dar am vandut-o din cauza distantei.  infrastructura se tot dezvolta, primarul parea foarte ok ca gandire chiar daca e din PSD. 



    cand reporterii se plictisesc, isi dau cu presupusul pentru 2021 :)


    Key to triggering rider market movements will be the two biggest names on grid, albeit with different factors surrounding them: Marc Marquez and Valentino Rossi.


    Marquez is the hottest property out there with every team, with the exception of Yamaha, willing to offer the world to the eight-time world champion. But given Honda has taken to crafting its MotoGP machine to his needs, often at the expense of its other riders, and his allegiance to the Japanese manufacturer it seems unlikely the 26-year-old would jump ship at this stage of his career.


    The longer it takes Rossi to make a firm decision the greater the anxiety will grow at Yamaha, if purely from a marketing point of view, but the Iwata team’s advantage is its relative strength in depth in rider stock.

    If Fabio Quartararo continues his rapid rise in 2020 a factory spot will beckon and with Maverick Vinales still in the picture Yamaha should have clear options even if one of its star riders stepped away.


    Dovizioso has also grown frustrated at the relative lack of progress in Ducati’s key weaknesses (turning and corner speed) which has revealed small cracks between its most experienced rider and technical team headed up by Gigi Dall’Igna.


    In the other half of the factory Ducati garage, pressure remains firmly on Petrucci given his shocking drop in performances since the summer break this year. If either Italian rider were to leave the factory Ducati fold a promotion for Miller would become the logical step – unless Francesco Bagnaia pulls off a blinding start to 2020 and leapfrogs the Australian.


    Cal Crutchlow has made no secret he’s weighing up his own future in the sport beyond 2020 and while still competitive and on a strong package at LCR Honda his body has taken a battering while reasons to stay at home are growing stronger.


    Given Iannone’s age and record he isn’t set to be a hot property to the rest of the MotoGP grid given he’s ‘been there and done that’ at Ducati and Suzuki already in his career.

    Suzuki’s commitment to youth has paid off in recent seasons and unless a major rival came sniffing for Alex Rins or Joan Mir both would be expected to stay put given the lack of stronger alternatives.


    Given the average rider age at KTM in 2020 will be 24 and with two rookies in Brad Binder and Iker Lecuona there’s a relative unknown package to come from the Austrian brand next year.


    But given the eruption of moves triggered by Lorenzo’s retirement just days before the season finale it shows (almost) anything is possible and the true picture for 2021 won’t be nailed down until they all line-up on the grid for round one.

  10. Acum 2 ore, damager a spus:

    Sunt curios ce decizie o sa ia Rossi dc in teste o sa tot fie in jurul locului 10...


    o sa ia si el o decizie de ultima ora sa se retraga?... yamaha are backup... Qua la uzina si Zarco la Petronas.


    sau, o sa stranga din dinti si o sa mai inceapa un campionat.


    Rossi a stat cel mai mult pe pista. e de apreciat ce dorinta are sa-si imbunatateasca timpii + obiectivul lui nu a fost in teste sa fie cel mai rapid ci sa adune informatii in ritm de cursa. nici nu-i sta in gand sa se retraga acum. are sef de echipa nou cu care spera sa revina la bataliile pt podium. radeau si cei de la motogp ca Vinales e campionul testelor. deci nu va asteptati sa se retraga Rossi anul asta. probabil se va retrage daca si sezonul viitor Vin si Qua o sa fie in fata lui in clasament. 

  11. Pirelly Rally Str am avut eu 2 seturi  anul asta (de fapt fata 20k+ km si 2 x spate de min 10k km fiecare) . Pe asfalt uscat sau ud sunt foarte ok. Off road stau bine pe macadam sau pamant uscat. nu le place pietrisul mic. pe noroi asa si asa. nu m-am bagat in noroi adanc, dar prin padure cand ploua nu-s cele mai grozave. totusi eu urmatorul set tot dinastea pun. imi dau incredere mare + ca au aderenta imd ce iesi de pe off pe asflat. 


    sper sa ajute :)

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