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Postări postat de ioio_viola

  1. eu am C4 pro. cand l-am luat nu era Neotec II la acelasi pret. avantajul e ca are intercom integrat (castile, aparatul mai e si ala 200E) nu nu-ti mai bati capul cu adaptarea lui si sa-i porti de grija sa nu-l agati.

    ca si aerisire nu e prea grozav. fata de C3 pro e ceav mai ok, dar tot mori cand e foarte cald. 

    destul de silentios, depinde cu ce compari, dar tot se mai aude vantul. eu m-am obisnuit mai ales ca merg cu muzica, dar fata de C3 pro merg cu muzica mai low ca si volum.

  2. lg6_4741.gallery_full_top_md.jpg






    Pos. Rider Bike Nation Points

    1 Fabio QUARTARARO Yamaha FRA 115

    2 Joan MIR Suzuki SPA 105

    3 Andrea DOVIZIOSO Ducati ITA 97

    4 Maverick VIÑALES Yamaha SPA 96

    5 Takaaki NAKAGAMI Honda JPN 81


    Pos. Rider Bike Nation Points

    1 Luca MARINI Kalex ITA 150

    2 Enea BASTIANINI Kalex ITA 135

    3 Marco BEZZECCHI Kalex ITA 130

    4 Sam LOWES Kalex GBR 128

    5 Jorge MARTIN Kalex SPA 79


    Pos. Rider Bike Nation Points

    1 Albert ARENAS KTM SPA 135

    2 Ai OGURA Honda JPN 129

    3 Celestino VIETTI KTM ITA 119

    4 Tony ARBOLINO Honda ITA 115

    5 John MCPHEE Honda GBR 98


  3. Intre timp la Portimao:


    Aleix Espargaro sets fastest-ever two-wheel Portimao lap

    The Aprilia man was quickest in a crucial Portimao familiarisation test for the MotoGP™ riders, Yamaha emerge as early favourites

    Aprilia Racing Team Gresini’s Aleix Espargaro set the fastest-ever two-wheel lap around the Autodromo Internacional do Algarve during Wednesday’s Portimao Test action. The Spaniard was able to lay down a 1:40.170 to lead teammate Bradley Smith by nearly a second on the timesheets as most of the MotoGP™ competitors completed a very important day of track familiarisation in Portugal, ahead of the upcoming French GP.

    Michel Pirro, Ducati Team,Portimao MotoGP™ Official Test

    It was a warm, sunny day on the Algarve coast and Aleix Espargaro’s fastest time was under Jonathan Rea’s fastest WorldSBK Superpole time around Portimao. The Kawasaki star’s record is a 1:40.372 set in 2019, meaning the elder Espargaro wasted no time in getting down to very respectable lap times on the opening day as he and teammate Smith were the only current full-time MotoGP™ riders lapping on their premier class machines – concession rules allowing Aprilia to do so.

    Aleix Espargaro, Aprilia Racing Team Gresini,Portimao MotoGP™ Official Test

    The general feeling from most of the riders is that the track is very difficult and on their MotoGP™ bikes, it’s going to be very tough here. However, it’s a great circuit. Valentino Rossi (Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP) said the circuit was “sweet” but “scary”, with teammate Maverick Viñales particularly liking the fast, flowing final corner. The Spaniard and second in the Championship Joan Mir (Team Suzuki Ecstar) said the wheelies could be a problem with the MotoGP™ bikes, with the general consensus being that Yamaha will start the weekend as favourites – the track seemingly suiting the YZR-M1’s characteristics.

    Valentino Rossi, Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP,Portimao MotoGP™ Official Test

    On the other hand, the Ducati riders suggested that they could struggle with their Desmosedicis in Portimao after Andrea Dovizioso (Ducati Team), Jack Miller (Pramac Racing), Danilo Petrucci (Ducati Team), Pecco Bagnaia (Pramac Racing), Johann Zarco (Esponsorama Racing) and Tito Rabat (Esponsorama Racing) attacked the layout on superbikes, alongside test rider Michele Pirro on the GP20. Pirro’s fastest time on Wednesday was a 1:41.654.

    Johann Zarco, Reale Avintia Racing,Portimao MotoGP™ Official Test

    Overall, the riders were impressed with how good the asphalt is. It provided plenty of grip, but it’s hard to tell how grippy it will be in November on the MotoGP™ bikes for the season finale. Either way, great early indications that we’re set for a cracking final round of 2020.

    Joining Viñales and Rossi on circuit was Petronas Yamaha SRT’s Franco Morbidelli, meaning Championship leader Fabio Quartararo (Petronas Yamaha SRT) was the only Yamaha absentee on Wednesday. Viñales’ R1 superbike was fitted with a transponder and the Spaniard completed 41 laps in the afternoon session, setting a best time of a 1:43.699. Of the three riders who had transponders fitted to their bikes, Viñales was over a second quicker than Miguel Oliveira (Red Bull KTM Tech3) and Brad Binder (Red Bull KTM Factory Racing).

    Maverick Vinales, Monster Energy Yamaha MotoGP,Portimao MotoGP™ Official Test

    Jorge Lorenzo enjoyed his first time on a MotoGP™ bike for the first time since February’s Sepang Test, the five-time World Champion set a best time of a 1:44.910 as he got reacquainted with the Yamaha. ‘The Spartan’ will be back on track throughout Thursday to continue his and Yamaha’s work on tyres, the gearbox and general base settings that Viñales, Rossi, Morbidelli and Quartararo can work from at the Portuguese Grand Prix.

    Jorge Lorenzo, Yamaha Test Team,Portimao MotoGP™ Official Test

    The day was mainly focused on getting used to the new circuit for both the riders and teams. It was vital for the factories to gather information about the layout so they have a decent base to work from when they hit the track on Friday at the Grand Prix, with data on tyres, gearing and electronics ahead of the competitive weekend very important.

    Dani Pedrosa, Red Bull KTM Factory Racing,Portimao MotoGP™ Official Test

    KTM’s Dani Pedrosa, Lorenzo, Pirro, Suzuki's Sylvain Guintoli and Aprilia’s Lorenzo Savadori will be lapping Portimao on Thursday as the respective factory test riders continue to gather useful data, with everyone else heading to Le Mans for the French GP. Quartararo, Iker Lecuona (Red Bull KTM Tech3) and Cal Crutchlow (LCR Honda Castrol) were the only full-time riders not in attendance at the Algarve layout, but we'll see them all in action this weekend at Le Mans

  4. Acum 12 ore, Adrian M. a spus:

    Totul ok, pana la casca. Exista destule studii, teste, standarde, norme, nu la noi, la altii cu apa calda, ce explica si demonstreaza cat de mare este diferenta intre o casca de proasta calitate-sau foarte ieftina, si o casca buna-cu materiale ok. 

    Aia de la motogp de ce au castile de 5*? ca acolo au niste viteze , mama mama. Si accidente serioase. 

    Termoplastic, versus fibra de sticla compozit, compozit mixt, carbon. Se comporta diferit, disipa diferit la impact, etc etc.


    Nu poti compara un mediu controlat cu drumurile publice. Oricate stele are, cand dai de camion sau stalp la viteza mare treci in lumea viselor. La Motogp aia cand pica se duc taras pe asfalt/pietris. Foarte rar se lovesc de parapeti sau alte obiecte "fixe".

  5. zvonuri ar fi ca Rossi discuta cu Suzi pentru motoare, ca cica ar avea legatura buna cu Davide Brivio


    astea erau dorintele in 2019, inainte de pandemie:


    The ideal solution would be for each factory to field two bikes with a factory team and a further two with a satellite team. Right now, only Aprilia and Suzuki do not supply bikes to external teams, but things could change.

  6. acolo e mult spam si am zis sa revenim la lucruri mai on topic :)

    Bagnaia joins Miller at Ducati Team for 2021

    The Italian will join current Pramac Racing teammate Jack Miller in the Ducati factory set-up next season


    Ducati Corse have confirmed that Francesco Bagnaia (Pramac Racing) will be joining current teammate Jack Miller at the official Ducati Team in 2021.


    Bagnaia has had a hugely promising 2020 campaign. A mechanical issue in Jerez ended the Italian’s hopes of a maiden MotoGP™ podium, before a fractured a leg sustained in the Czech Republic caused him to miss three races. However, Bagnaia – who was still walking with crutches – returned to action with a bang on home soil. Pecco picked up a dream first premier class podium with a stunning P2 at Misano, before an unfortunate crash a week later at the same venue cost Bagnaia what looked like a nailed-on victory.

    After his 2020 showing, the 23-year-old has been rewarded with a step up to the factory Ducati team for next season. Both he and Miller will be donning factory red in 2021 in an exciting, youthful and extremely fast Ducati Team line-up.




    Zarco la Pramac


  7. sa nu mai deschid si eu alt topic pun si povestea mea pe scurt aici daca nu deranjeaza:


    Anul trecut am facut coasta Croatiei de sus de la Rijeka pana in in MN si apoi pana in Albania/Grecia. Anul asta am fost "fortat" sa stau doar in Croatia. asa ca recomand niste drumuri pentru motociclit (si nu numai):

    - DN 3 de la Karlovac pana la Rijeka ( e un drum liber dublat de autostrada)

    - Rijeka - Plomin ( e drumul spre; dupa ce scapi de Rijeka si Opatia drumul e superb)

    - Insula Losinj - merita cateva zile stat in Mali Losinj si mers la plaja in golfuletele din capatul insulei (am fost dupaia pe Rab si nici nu se apropie de Losinj ca si frumusete)

    - cand veniti dinspre Romania in loc sa o luati pe autostrada recomand sa treceti vama la Ilok si sa mergeti pe Dunare in sus pana la Slatina (HR) si de aici recomand sa treceti parcul national Papuk (eu am mers Slatina - Bokane- Kamenska - Pakrac)


    Croatia e foarte cunoscuta pentru drumurile de coasta foarte frumoase, dar are si muuuulte drumuri prin munti care merita facute.

  8. Tot o dati ca daca se intoarce MM ia campionatul. Problema lui e ca ducea moto la limita si cand o descoperea mergea constant acolo. Acum au venit altii care au ridicat stacheta si el nu si-a dat seama ca nu mai poate impinge limita ca si pana acum. Obsedat sa castige tot, a ajuns in gips. Eu cred ca nu se mai intoarce la nivelul care a fost. Si din prisma accidentarii si din prisma concurentei. Cand prind cei tineri ceva mai multa experienta, nu mai castiga MM asa usor si atunci clacheaza. 

  9. Vin spune dupa cursa ca, cu Yamaha de acum e greu sa te bati la titlu. Il depasesc Suzi si Ducati pe linile drepte si el poate depasi doar pe virajele rapide tot timpul la limita. Apai cand mosul zicea ca nu e ok bicicleta, toti ziceau ca e batran. Oricum e bine ca au aparut multi tinerei in grupa mare. Se animeaza cursele. + s-au egalizat cat de cat motoarele. 

    Quarta a zis ca a gresit ca a dorit prea repede sa-l prinda pe Miller parca. E inca tanar, inca nu stie sa-si dozeze fortele cum trebuie. Oricum e bine ca intelege unde a gresit si poate invata pe viitor ce nu trebuie sa faca.

  10. Recomand sa mergi prin Serbia. Jimbolia apoi sa treci vama la Bezdan. O iei pe Dunare in sus pana la Slatina, apoi prin munti Kamenska si de acolo la Plitvice. Nu o sa regreti traseul asta. 

    In Croatia un traseul fain e Rijeka spre (cuvant urat) Pola. Dar doar pana la jumatea drumului. De acolo (Brestova) poti trece pe Cres. Merita insula vizitata. De pe cred poti trece pe Krk si o iei in jos pe coasta. Evita Makarska si alte destinatii foarte turistice si comerciale. Sunt locuri mult mai faine de vazut in Croatia (si eu sunt acolo acum ;) )

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