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Postări postat de ioio_viola

  1. amandoi aveti dreptate, e ca si aia cine a fost primul oul sau gaina? de exemplu la Motoboom oamenii au fost foarte ok. si cand m-am dus doar sa vad un Kawa si cand am fost la test drive. 

    Are si @hora09 dreptate. nu poti avea servicii de calitate daca vanzarile sunt mici. oamenii competenti nu ar veni sa stea pe un salariu mic. cati dintre noi nu ar lucra intr-un showroom moto daca ar fi salarii competitive? cum poti sa dai salarii competitive daca vinzi cateva unitati pe an? In ultima vreme si-a mai dat drumul piata. Se vand multe ATV-uri noi de exemplu, cred (stiu) ca cei de la Motoboom din asta si-au crescut afacerea, nu din vanzarile de moto.  


    uite de exemplu in Timisoara nu ai un distribuitor calumea. E Paul moto (care la partea de vanzari e cat de cat ok, dar la partea de suport e dezastru) si BMW, Suzuki,Yamaha cu niste showroom-uri auto in afara orasului unde au si ceva moto. Nimic altceva dedicat moto %. Toti vrem discount-uri ca la Louis sau Fcmoto, dar pe o piata cu foarte putine vanzari fizice.

  2. Acum 2 ore, frigider a spus:

    *acum am observat ca Pol iar a "maturat" toata pista dupa ce a iesit in balarii.


    baiatul asta nu se invata niciodata?

    putea sa dea in Mir daca era mai in fata



    mi se pare ca are niste frustrari si devine la fel de antipatic ca si MM. oricum se vede stilul agresiv (sau stilul nu ma intereseaza de altii) in momentul in care greseste. si o sa fie tot mai evident. el a lucrat mult sa dezvolte motocicleta aia si au venit 2 tinerei si au castigat cu ea.

  3. "We chose to use the, let's call it, standard brake system. Because Brembo brought an evolution and Valentino, Fabio and Franco used this system," Meregalli added.

    "Maverick didn’t, because Maverick never suffered the very high temperatures that the others suffered last weekend and also when he tried the new system, he didn't have the feeling he was looking for.

    "So for these two reasons we decided to use the conventional system. Probably because he was behind other riders, he couldn’t cool down the system and after the fifth lap he felt something but tried to manage.


    Although open competition is allowed, Brembo is the chosen brake supplier by all MotoGP teams.



    mai multe aici:

  4. Acum 12 ore, xt600 a spus:

    Pentru cine nu are somn, acum se dau cursele, in reluare, pe Digisport 4. 

    Da, dar lasa usa deschisa din cauza ca motocicleta aia, ca si Ducati, are o reala problema cu luarea virajelor. Si ai dreptate, toata lumea a uitat de incidentul Pol vs. Oliveira. 


    teoretic da, dar si Oliveira tot pe motocicleta aia se da. se pare ca are si stilul de pilotaj ceva vina in problema de abordare a virajelor. 

  5. Nu motocicleta e devina, ci Pol. Din cauza celuilalt incident s-a pierdut incidentul lui Pol cu Oliveira. In prima faza am crezut ca portughezul a pierdut fata, dar din interviuri si reluari se vede ca Pol o ia larg si revine direct in Oliveira. Chiar a zis si portughezul, daca vezi "usa deschisa" te bagi, mai ales ca a lasat-o de 3-4 ori pana atunci. 

  6. Acum 6 ore, Kagemusha a spus:


    Am un TV Box MXQ PRO. Se găsește peste tot pe afară, cred că e și pe la noi. E un amărât de media player Android. Ceea ce îl pune în valoare este însă softul și mai ales abonamentul/abonamentele. Eu plătesc doar pentru BT Sport (1, 2, 3)  USD150  pe an.


    Se da motogp pe alt post decat bts2? Se poate lua doar bts2 la un pret mai mic? :D

  7. sa nu credem ca daca Mosul ramane necompetitiv ii palce sa se dea doar de dragul de a tine un loc ocupat:


    “The podium is really special because we were coming from last week’s bad weekend,” he said. “But it was not just last week, it was the majority of 2019 apart from the two podiums at the beginning of the season. I always have the same problem - sometimes its better but I did some bad races [too].

    “So we worked together as a team because we needed something different and we needed to push Yamaha a lot too but it is not easy. At the end we don’t give up and on Friday morning we tried something different and already from lap three I feel better, it’s a better bike, better position in the corneer… something more for my style.

    “We had a lot of work to do, over the weekend we improved the bike and this game is difficult because so many riders are so fast.

    “Last week the result was too bad for it to be real all season. Also, because it’s as if I am old so I said ‘not like this’ and it is better, this track in Jerez is a track that I love but after the win in 2016 in the years I have always suffered and made bad races. So to make a podium with a good race and 60 degrees on the ground, it means we are in the good way and we can be competitive in Brno

    “It was very bad for everybody on my side because after the races like last week, but also like Valencia and Aragon when I arrive very bad, we are looking at our faces and we don’t have the words. Maybe it is the time to stay at home…

    Because we’d already taken the decision to race next year, I was also a bit worried because I am not a fan when I ride the bike. It’s very frustrating because I have had a problem for a long time.

    “It is a hard game, you need to train a lot so you can give time to be competitive but it is good if you enjoy the track so this podium is for all of my team. “

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