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omul organizeaza de ceva ani curse, si se mai si da tare pe ATV pe deasupra.


anul trecut a facut o figura frumoasa la o cursa din Romania, si de asemenea un ATV-ist roman a facut o figura frumoasa la cursa lui care pleaca din Bulgaria , trece prin Macedonia si ajunge tocmai in Grecia

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Cu toate ca se va desfasura cursa tocmai in septembrie 2010, organizatorul bulgaro-macedonean-grec ne-a trimis deja regulamentul particular.


Iata cum invatam sa ne organizam din timp. Este un exemplu pentru noi toti (organizatorii)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Suna mult prea bine ca sa nu fie si de la noi mai multe echipe.

It sounds very good and i expect we`ll be having more than 1 Romanian team/competitor.


Din ce am priceput eu (din formularul de inscriere descarcat) :

- 75 de euro avans

- Dupa aceea, pana la data de .... diferenta pana la ... :

01 june 2010 200 euro

01 august 2010 250 euro

01 september 2010 300 euro



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Todor (or anybody else who reads this topic and knows the answer), i have a question, please:

- In the "Documents" area on your site, in the "Balkan Off-Road Marathon 2010 Special Regulations" PDF, at the "COMPULSORY EQUIPMENT AND DOCUMENTATION" paragraph it is the next phrase:

- Valid accident insurance for competitors – coverage of minimum 15 000 euros.


Can you please tell me what this is and how can it be obtained? Is it something like a Casco insurance?

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P.S. - Todor, why don`t you put a thread about your rally on the ADVRIDER forum, on the RACING section?

It is the biggest and most well known site of motorcycle adventurers from around the world.

There are a lot of rally raid freaks out there and a big number of them are always searching affordable rallies to go and compete. I am more than 100 % sure you will have a lot of succes with your race on that site.

This is the link you should follow :




Edited by Popescu_ MihailRaul
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Suna mult prea bine ca sa nu fie si de la noi mai multe echipe.

It sounds very good and i expect we`ll be having more than 1 Romanian team/competitor.


Din ce am priceput eu (din formularul de inscriere descarcat) :

- 75 de euro avans

- Dupa aceea, pana la data de .... diferenta pana la ... :

01 june 2010 200 euro

01 august 2010 250 euro

01 september 2010 300 euro


In this case to the 1 of june you must pay the following:


1. 75 euro with registration !

2. 125 euro to 1 of june and compleete the registrations !

3. If you have an assist as the three men and a car = For the assistance 3 person x 30 euro = 90 + 30 for the car = 120 euro


Everything you need to participate and to register, all the money is 320 euros !

This price does not include accommodation, if you want to sleep in hotel !

if you want to sleep in your tent or caravan the price for the camps is 10 euro per day and 70 euro for all 7 days !


If you pay a participation fee and registration after June 1 then the entry fee seems so:


1. 75 euro with registration !

2. 175 euro to 1 of august and compleete the registrations !

3. If you have an assist as the three men and a car = For the assistance 3 person x 30 euro = 90 + 30 for the car = 120 euro


Everything you need to participate and to register, all the money is 370 euros !

This price does not include accommodation, if you want to sleep in hotel !

if you want to sleep in your tent or caravan the price for the camps is 10 euro per day and 70 euro for all 7 days !


If you pay a participation fee and registration after 1 of august then the entry fee seems so:


1. 75 euro with registration !

2. 225 euro to 1 of septembe and compleete the registrations !

3. If you have an assist as the three men and a car = For the assistance 3 person x 30 euro = 90 + 30 for the car = 120 euro


Everything you need to participate and to register, all the money is 420 euros !

This price does not include accommodation, if you want to sleep in hotel !

if you want to sleep in your tent or caravan the price for the camps is 10 euro per day and 70 euro for all 7 days !







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Todor (or anybody else who reads this topic and knows the answer), i have a question, please:

- In the "Documents" area on your site, in the "Balkan Off-Road Marathon 2010 Special Regulations" PDF, at the "COMPULSORY EQUIPMENT AND DOCUMENTATION" paragraph it is the next phrase:

- Valid accident insurance for competitors – coverage of minimum 15 000 euros.


Can you please tell me what this is and how can it be obtained? Is it something like a Casco insurance?


This is insurance "Life, accident and medical expenses" for the competitors !

If you do not have the insurance, the Organizer will provide in the registration in Bulgaria.

The cost be around 15-20 euro per person !


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A different vacation or class ”TOURING” in “Balkan Off- road Marathon”



“Balkan Off-road Marathon” is an international competition for all terrain vehicles, motorcycles and QUAD/ATV crossing the territory of Bulgaria, Macedonia and Greece.

In this edition of “Balkan Off-road Marathon” will take part representatives from Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece, Romania, Slovenia, Austria, Germany and Croatia.

Because of the interest of the fans and relatives of the competitors to this event, the organizers took a decision to create a class “TOURING”. In this class will be able to participate fans with an unprepared serial 4x4 vehicles, motorcycles and QUAD/ATV.

They will be accompanied by experienced guide and medical doctor with necessary equipment and specialized all-terrain vehicle.

For those enthusiast will be provided road books, GPS tracks for the part of the competitive track.

For the class “TOURING” caravan will be provided easy tracks with the access to the interesting observation places, sightseeing and presence at the final at each daily stage.

They will have an access to the bivouac ant to the all official ceremonies, cocktails and briefings.

The temporary program for this unique experience is the following:


Day 1 and 2: Bulgaria - Plovdiv – Plovdiv – spectating of the prologue and of the interesting places from the first competitive day, attendance at the official opening cocktail, access to the National Off-road Fair.

Day 3: Bulgaria - Plovdiv – Goce Delchev – Passage of the Rodopi Mountains, artificial lake Dospat and holiday resort Ognyanovo.

Day 4: Macedonia - Stage “Marathon” – Goce Delchev – Melnik- Petrich- Zlatarevo, in Macedonia: Strumitsa- Valandovo- Ohrid. Unique route through Mavrovo ski centre in Macedonia and the final at the Ohrid lake.

Day 5: Macedonia - Day off for the competitors, visiting of Ohrid Lake, Bilyan#1072;’s springs, Prespan lakes and passing to Greece.

Day 6: Greece - Florina – Kastoria – Grevena – Yanina – attractive view roads, virgin territories and a lot of taverns.

Day 7: Greece - Yanina- Yanina – one of the most beautiful towns in Greece, with crystal clean lake, rich in fish and fish taverns, museum of wax figures and awarding ceremony with party.


The price per package of class “TOURING” – 80 euros per vehicle, max. 4 passengers.

The package includes:


- Guide and medical doctor in the group

- Road book or GPS track

- Access to the bivouac and the briefings.

- Cocktails

- Access to the attractive spectating places.



Options for accommodation:


The bivouac with security, lighting, bathroom, toilets, catering - 70 euros per tent/ camper/ caravan for whole event.

For those who want a hotel accommodation will be published an additional price list for whole competition.


For more information visit www.balkanoffroad.com or write hristov_bg@balkanoffroad.com




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After the third day of the competition, the participants will have rest day !

Rest day will be in Macedonia near the Lake "Ohrid" !

For the participants will have a party with live music and cocktails from sponsors e010.gif





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  • 3 months later...

in Macedonia: Strumitsa- Valandovo- Ohrid. Unique route through Mavrovo ski centre in Macedonia and the final at the Ohrid lake.

Day 5: Macedonia - Day off for the competitors, visiting of Ohrid Lake, Bilyan#1072;’s springs, Prespan lakes and passing to Greece.


Macedonia has a pretty interesting route :)


As you probably enter Macedonia from Novo Selo border point, you pass by Strumica, then through Kosturino you enter in Valandovo, and then I wonder you drive by the local road or you use the E-75 highway though Demir Kapija canyon, pass by Stobi old town, and then head for Prilep section, thought Pelagonia, via Bitola and Resen to reach Ohrid valley?!


And isn't that photo of Ohrid lake at Makpetrol Hotel in Struga ?


There are plenty of great sights and attraction neaby this route that are worth to be visited. If you are interested I can show you them.


Best Regards,

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And isn't that photo of Ohrid lake at Makpetrol Hotel in Struga ?


There are plenty of great sights and attraction neaby this route that are worth to be visited. If you are interested I can show you them.


Best Regards,


Yes, is "Makpetrol" Hotel in Struga :)


During the "Baja Saxonia 2010" in Germany will be represented Bulgaria and race "Balkan Off road Marathon"





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And the short promotional flayer :P



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Dear friends, there is only one week left until the expiration of the preferential period for registration and payment of the fee for participation in “BALKAN OFF ROAD MARATHON 2010”:


Entry fees to 01.06.2010 are as follows.







For more information visit: www.balkanoffroad.com

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  • 4 weeks later...

...it is so cool!...macedonia is the nice country with the most enduro roads i ever been thru!...I allready was in 75% of the macedonian stage and I can tell you it will be awesome!..good luck!

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  • 3 months later...

Pictures, Video and Results


And now in the Facebook




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Dear competitors and fans,


The second edition of “Balkan Offroad Marathon” was successfully finished.

65 participants from 8 countries enjoyed the challenge of one of the hardest competitions in Europe.

We are happy that we managed to create an atmosphere of friendship and adventure spirit and for all competitors this to be a great challenge.

Congratulations to the winners and to all who reached the end in Greece and to their assistance's and fans.

The ORGA team thanks to all competitors and their teams. And for the next edition in 2011 we will try to be on an even higher level, with more interesting tracks and especially with many emotions.

And now the official video - http://ftp.domainbg.com/roumen5/09.10/Balkan2010_short.mpg


ORGA TEAM of “Balkan Offroad Marathon”


Todor Hristov

Alex Kovachev

Meletis Stamatis

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