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Orice postat de gabyshor
bagi casca direct in galeata? bun asa...
LED pt lumina principala faza scurta/lunga
topic a răspuns lui gabyshor în ashipul Service si intretinere curenta
la doua pagini de topic mai trebuia rezumat? sau se inchide?!!? -
- 9.811 răspunsuri
- Difuzoare schimbate
- R1100 RT
- (și 4 alții)
pana la urma are clavicula rupta sau n-a patit nimic? ce motor e ala?
l-am postat la sectiunea de fun. nu cred ca e necesar un topic pentru fiecare filmulet. /index.php?/topic/28936-fun/page-921&do=findComment&comment=3817917
- 539 răspunsuri
- accidente motocicleta
- accident motociclete
- (și 2 alții)
salut! cica e un motor f bun, singura problema ar fi la transmisie. I guess I'm as qualified to speak about the bearing issue as anyone. I also own a 94, and had the bearings fail in my tranny. Not just once mind you, three times - NO warranty. Mine is probably the worst case scenario though. My bike was out of warranty when I bought it, and had only 6000 Kms on it. As was stated before, the bike you are looking at has very likely had them done by now. It is something to ask about though. The tranny repair or replacement, which is what I ended up doing after the last failure, is not cheap. The bearings in question are the input shaft bearings. The original design used a pair of tapered roller bearings, which for whatever reason tended to fail early. The later transmissions (post 96) used a sealed roller bearing, and these are (one of) the upgraded parts for the early trannys also. BMW refers to them as a "clean bearings", implying that the failures were caused by foreign bits getting into the bearings, hence a sealed bearing keeping the junk out. Thats a fine story, but then why is it that millions of transmissions in service in other bikes, cars, trucks, etc. have survived for hundreds of thousands of Kms with tapered roller bearings. My theory is that there is insufficient lubrication to the bearings, hence a sealed bearing with a permanant lubrication is the solutiuon. The good news is, with the newer style bearings, the gearbox seems to be very reliable, I have nearly 100,000kms now on my RS and the new transmission is fine having done well more than half of them. There really are no other serious issues with these bikes. The engines are almost bulletproof. Aside from basic maintenance, I have had to do nothing in the way of repairs on mine. There are lots of things you can upgrade if you choose, and I have, but these are by choice not neccessity. In spite of the problems I had with the transmission, I still would have a hard time choosing another bike that I'd rather own. My 94 is a strong running machine, always has been. I seem to get better fuel milage than most on the board do, and I have never experiences the surging that has been an issue with the later models with the Cat/Con and O2 sensor. If the RS your looking at has any miles at all on it, all of the teething problems of the early models should have been addressed by now, and once those are taken care of, I think they are the best of the lot. Of course I may be a little biased on that deci, verifica, pe cat posibil daca au fost schimbati rulmentii aia...
- 9.811 răspunsuri
- Difuzoare schimbate
- R1100 RT
- (și 4 alții)
drumul e cam rau acolo. dar nu e mult de mers si in final merita. peisajele pe care o sa le vedeti sunt... priceless.
- 9.811 răspunsuri
- Difuzoare schimbate
- R1100 RT
- (și 4 alții)
vezi ca se discuta aici deja /index.php?/topic/716804-bucovinamaramures/
este stricat asfaltul, dar cu enduro-touring sau enduro, e acceptabil. eu n-am avut probleme cu a mea (bmw 1150 gs adventure).
by air? ) de la putna as merge spre manastirea sucevita, apoi urci pe palma, vatra moldovitei, campulung, iacobeni si apoi dreapta spre borsa. de la iacobeni la borsa ai in jur de 70 km de drum bombardat. l-au mai carpit pe alocuri, dar tot rau e. si e pacat de zona, ca-i faina rau.
pe mina ma manca de mult. si eram foarte hotarat sa fac modificarea de mult timp. doar lipsa timpului si niste probleme medicale m-au facut sa aman atat. eu zic sa nu te mai gandesti mult. motorul merge misto, dar o sa fie si mai misto dupa. si clar, o sa fie o economie de carburant pentru ca acum nu mai e nevoie sa merg foarte turat si in timp, o sa-mi recuperezi banii dati pe ele.
- 9.811 răspunsuri
- Difuzoare schimbate
- R1100 RT
- (și 4 alții)
era cam dimineata la mine ))
la cascada cailor se merge din borsa. Este traseu si se face, pe jos.Traseul nu e greu deloc si peisaju e f misto.
am fost din nou la dan_cata. pe langa plimbare si savurat peisajul, s-a lucrat si la motor. mai bine zis, am montat vestitele sprockets ale lui lennie. http://boxer-performance.com/boxer-performance/ "The main aim for the cam sprocket tuning was to improve midrange performance and torque delivery so that part throttle response was greatly improved for better throttle response, smoother running and the ability to run in a higher gear improving fuel consumption. They do this by moving the torque peak 800 to 1000 rpm lower dependent on the model." ce pot sa zic? din momentul in care am plecat de pe loc am simtit o modificare. IN BINE! am fost tot timpul multumit de motor, dar acum motocicleta e mult mai vioaie si trage mult mai bine. se simte mult mai puternica. am savurat tot drumul pana acasa. deci clar, le recomand si eu. daca mai e vreunu in dubii, mergeti si incercati. dan, un baiat de nota 10, ca deobicei!
- 9.811 răspunsuri
- Difuzoare schimbate
- R1100 RT
- (și 4 alții)
habar n-ai. in iasi e ca in reclama aia la gigi mobil. se intorc cu helicopteru de la plantatiile viticole
probabil vroia sa te intrebe pe tine, da n-a gasit butonul de PM.
tu asa ai facut? te-ai relaxat 30 min cu imaginea aia?
ai putea sa-ti cumperi 2-3 atunci.
si daca ajuta pe cineva, in linkul de mai jos aveti explicat traseul cu fotografii http://grecia.de-weekend.ro/drumul-prin-makaza-traversare-bulgaria-6-ore/
am fost in lefkada intre 05.07 - 19.07. la dus am mers prin pasu shipka, dar la intoarcere, pe 19.07, deja era deschis pasu republica si punctul de trecere de la makaza.
drumul e redeschis de ceva vreme. nu dezinforma inutil.