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Orice postat de Glad1ator

  1. Ati participat careva la " Ride For Life" ??? Eu da am si primit raspuns.....NEGATIV. Sunt curios dc, merge cineva din RO. Bafta
  2. Glad1ator

    Facerea de bine...

    "ca sa ajungeti la Trading Nord, treceti de bariera de la intrarea in curtea Fabricii Bega[/b], intrati in gangul indicat in poza de mai jos si, printr-o usa aflata in dreapta, urcati la etajul 1. Sorry ca ma bag ca musca in fasole....... Curtea Fabricii ELBA !!! si eu mi-am facut acolo, sunt foarte de treaba baietii.
  3. De vanzare 1 Bilet la concert Rammstein 16 Martie 2010, Budapesta Pret: 55 euro. Zoli, TM : 0744.605.390 sau PM
  4. De vanzare 1 Bilet la concert Rammstein 16 Martie 2010, Budapesta Pret: 55 euro. Zoli, TM : 0744.605.390 sau PM
  5. De vanzare 1 Bilet la concert Rammstein 16 Martie 2010, Budapesta Pret: 55 euro. Zoli, TM : 0744.605.390 sau PM
  6. De vanzare 1 Bilet la concert Rammstein 16 Martie 2010, Budapesta Pret: 55 euro. Zoli, TM : 0744.605.390 sau PM
  7. Un articol scris de un Grec care a fost prezent la MotoPlus Show Istanbul:
  8. Raspuns la mailul anterior: hai mai asta ca e interesant, nu mai bag citate ...poate mai supar pe cineva...... "" If the big cheese at Yamaha is asking you what the community thinks please tell him accurately. Maybe make up a poll. I don't think we are indifferent. I think we are VERY disappointed. And shocked at the price. My take on the posts, and certainly my own view, is that we did not want GS1200/Multistrada clone (see the new Bike magazine, just out) If anything we wanted an F800GS clone (Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery) We wanted a modern S10 with maybe a bit more power, bit more cruising ability and definitely not heavier. We did not particularly want a Euro-Trailie, we wanted a bike that could walk the walk, not talk the talk. Please quote me: say that grumpy old bastid Peter Watts wanted a bladdy XTDM900 not an XTGS1200. No, I am definitely very disappointed. Perhaps betrayed. They don't understand us. Let the wallets do the talking. How many orders do they have so far? ""
  9. Citez dintr-un mail, din grupul -Yahoo-xtz750group- " Just had an email through from the big cheese at Yamaha UK and he confirms UK retail price is £13,499. He wants to know the general feeling within the 's10 community' to the new model, from reading the posts so far i get the feeling people are a little indifferent? .... its not what we wanted but could have been worse? Jenna Raidxtreme(UK) Ltd " spune tot
  10. Glad1ator


    Raul!!! M-ar interesa cizmele. O sa te sun in cursul zilei de azi si vb. Si mesada aia de pantaloni suna fain dar nu ma stiu cu marimile alea, deci vorbim si imi explici tu. Mersi
  11. Tougher Than Iron - The Enduro at Erzberg 2008 Cind incepe derulati pana la min. 1.00. Este o mira dinaia cu culori si un piuit. Dar dupa aveti calitate audio/video.
  12. Distractieeeeee!!!!!! Placuta!!!!!!!! Eu din decembrie mi-am procurat bilete pt. 16 Martie la Budapesta. deja de un timp e -Sold Out- Daca nu ai bilete pt Beograd, inainte, uita-te de bilet, sa nu mergi pana acolo a moaca.
  13. Red Bull Romaniacs hard enduro rallye 2010 - Seventh edition Thanks to his adventurous style, Martin Freinademetz, the former multiple World & European snowboard Champ and the organizer of the “Red Bull Romaniacs Hard Enduro Rallye", explored the Carpathians Mountain areas on his own enduro bike for many years, before coming up with this solid and unique hardcore competition in 2004. Martin presents an unforgettable Enduro Rallye experience for all classes of riders. Pros, Experts, Hobby riders. For 2010 Expert "Trial motorcycle riders" can join in too There is also tourist class for those who want to visit Romania, watch some Pro,s in action and drive on less INTENSiVE trails. Amazing mountain climbs and downhills, fantastic single trails over hills and through valleys, thanks to the numerous exploring for offroad motorcycle tours. Martin figured out that adding a time-attack to those tracks would make a "World Class motorcycle Enduro Rallye" on tracks no motorcycles had ever been on before. Inscriptions open at Foarte faina ideea cu Tourist Class!!!!
  14. News/Updates:
  15. 30 Years of Dakar - Crashes Imagini superbe dar si ....dureroase sugestie: Puneti o camera pe monitor sa va filmeze grimasele(mutrele). Eu dupa citeva minute mi-am dat seama ce mutre puteam sa fac. Enjoy!!!
  16. 60 149 SEGARRA ALMAGRO (ESP) pkl 44:18:33 16:08:20 Cine stie ce motor e asta!?! : pkl
  17. Asta zice la BreakingNews: "13:00 - Bike 1 - Coma back in the lead at CP6 As the three first bikes have now reached CP6 located at km 448 of today?s special stage, Spaniard Marc Coma (KTM) was timed with the best provisional clock. The title holder was 44" ahead of Chile?s Francisco Lopez Contardo (Aprilia) and 3?38 ahead of the leader in the overall standings Frenchman Cyril Despres (KTM)." Si la tabelu de tracking: 1 Fretigne; 2 Coma; 3 Chaleco; 4 Ullevalseter; 5 Despres Astea de pe, de ce diferenta asta de informatii??? bagat o noua stire: "13:20 - Bike 12 - FrĂŠtignĂŠ in the lead at CP6 As the first 5 bikes have cleared CP6(km448), French rider David FrĂŠtignĂŠ (Yamaha) is now best provisional time 38" ahead of Spaniard Marc Coma (KTM) and - hence - 1?22 ahead of "Chaleco" (Aprilia)." Gooooooooo!!!!!!! FRETIGNE!!!!!!!
  18. "Fretigne e in afara luptei pentru podium - are 1ora 27 fata de Despres la km 117" "Martin a terminat pe 26 o etapa care a bulversat tot clasamentul. BRAVO LUI! " GOOOO Martin!!!!!!!
  19. " Oricum e doar pt. piata americana, in Europa nu cred ca va fi importata oficial, ca si TTR -ul 250. " TOO BAD !!!
  20. In sfirsit apare o motoreta simpla: air-cooled. Fara fel de fel de gizmo's pe ea...... in afara de bordul LCD
  21. Harta, Info, si chestii utile
  22. Aici puteti participa la un scurt interviu, in ceea ce priveste preferintele voastre in legatura cu SuperTenere1200. Dureaza aprox 5min. Si poate conteaza. Stie cineva, daca a mai facut vreun producator review-uri de genu'?!?!;i.user2=ENG
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