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Postări postat de ioio_viola

  1. topic nou pentru Assen? mai e o etapa inainte de pauza de vara.


    Pana atunci Bestia despre recuperare si de ce inca nu are rezultatele de anul trecut:

    Eighth at Sachsenring, Bastianini said this when speaking to "Physically I feel better. I resisted well but I still have to take the step to get to where I was before the incident. 

    "However, I feel much better physically and I finished quite well at the end of the race, without being exhausted. 

    "I was hoping it would go a little better at the start, but I got bottled in a little bit and I wasn’t able to get back up the field. 

    "But in the end it went pretty well. The second half of the race went like I expected."

    Although Bastianini was unable to show the same type of pace as the leading Ducatis, the Italian came out on top when fighting the likes of Marc Marquez in the Sprint, and Fabio Quartararo during the main race.

    "I still don’t have what allows you to do something extra in the race," said Bastianini. "In the race I saw that I was struggling to overtake. 

    "Last year, when I was determined to overtake, it was quite easy. But here, every time I tried to overtake they immediately crossed me and I could not close off the corner. 

    "I’m still lacking the feeling on the front that I had last year."


    si o declaratie a lui Gigi despre cum au dezvoltat ei motocicleta de succes versus Japo:

    “Their strategic mistake was to follow just one rider, to base the development of their bikes on the results and feedback of the leading rider of each brand,” quotes Dall’Igna as telling La Stampa.

    “Often what the top rider, the champion tells you, isn’t the truth because his talent covers the problems the bike suffers from.

    “Paradoxically, to develop a project well, you have to listen to all the voices, all the riders.”


    Dall’Igna insisted any team orders would only come into play if "one of our riders is fighting for the championship against an opponent from another brand". 

    But if the current situation continues at the end of the season Dall’Igna assured that "each of the Ducati riders will have the freedom to play their cards."


  2. Acosta despre viitorul lui:



    -Any news for the future?


    -June 30 is getting closer…

    -I trust them, I trust KTM. They have a lot of people around looking at the Pedro Acosta project, with a lot of people supporting and seeing what is best for our joint career. Before June 30, we will surely know something.

    Have you decided to go up?

    -If there is no motorcycle for Pedro Acosta, there is no motorcycle and you cannot do magic. I trust KTM. They will know the best for me and what to do. I put everything in your hands.

    -Said with respect and affection, Pit Beirer drools seeing him at the foot of the podium at the top...

    -I have always felt very loved by him and by all of KTM, both the MotoGP team and the bosses above or anyone. Since I arrived at the World Cup, and at that time I didn't have many resources, they gave me bikes to train without the need to do so and without it being written on any paper. They have supported me and, whenever I have needed something, if I have not had it today, I have had it tomorrow. I think they are risking their ass for me and I think I have to risk it for them.


    - Vreo veste pentru viitor?


    -30 iunie se apropie...

    -Am încredere în ei, am încredere în KTM. Au o mulțime de oameni în jur care se uită la proiectul Pedro Acosta, cu mulți oameni care susțin și văd ce este mai bine pentru cariera noastră comună. Înainte de 30 iunie, cu siguranță vom ști ceva.

    Te-ai hotărât să urci?

    -Dacă nu există motocicletă pentru Pedro Acosta, nu există nicio motocicletă și nu poți face magie. Am încredere în KTM. Vor ști ce e mai bun pentru mine și ce să facă. Am pus totul în mâinile tale.

    -Spus cu respect și afecțiune, Pit Beirer saliva văzându-l la poalele podiumului din vârf...

    -M-am simțit întotdeauna foarte iubit de el și de toată KTM, atât de echipa MotoGP, cât și de șefii de mai sus sau de oricine. De când am ajuns la Cupa Mondială, iar pe vremea aceea nu aveam prea multe resurse, mi-au dat biciclete să mă antrenez fără a fi nevoie să o fac și fără să fie scris pe vreo hârtie. M-au susținut și, ori de câte ori am avut nevoie de ceva, dacă nu l-am avut astăzi, l-am avut mâine. Cred că își riscă fundul pentru mine și cred că trebuie să risc pentru ei.

  3. Acum 46 minute, PzKpfW a spus:

    Pierer a zis că nu-l vrea. Că ei investesc în piloți tineri, crescuți de ei și că dacă vine cumva la ei și are rezultate pe RC16, lumea-i va acorda lui meritul, nu inginerilor și motocicletei. Invers, dacă nu merge bine, vina va fi dată pe motocicletă.


    s-au mai schimbat vremurile de cand a zis ca nu-l vrea. Orice e posibil.


    “It was also said out of context that we are not interested because, first of all, Marc Marquez has a valid contract and we have four riders with a valid contract for this year and for next year. 

    “Which is not even a realistic scenario we can even discuss. 

    “We know that Marc Marquez is an outstanding character in this championship.”

  4. zice bine Miller. sunt foarte multi bani pentru un weekend. pe langa bilet mai iei o sapca, un tricou si cateva beri si ai mai dat 100-150E.



    After last year’s dismal attendance, which caused some to question the financial viability of the event, the Mugello MotoGP crowd almost doubled for the 2023 event.

    A strong 77,921 fans lined the hillsides and grandstands on Sunday with a weekend spectator total of 135,670, compared to respective figures of just 43,661 (Sunday) and 74,078 (weekend) last year.

    Although still short of the glory days with Valentino Rossi, when the race day crowd peaked at 100,000 and 152,443 for the weekend in 2016, it was an impressive turnaround.

    But Jack Miller believes the circuit would be able to rival the 116.692 race day crowd seen at the previous Le Mans round if ticket prices were lower.

    “It was better, but for sure they need to stop charging these punters so much to come in and watch,” Miller said.

    “We want to attract new people so you’ve got to make it reasonable and also you don’t want to piss off the diehard fans. Because without them, we’ve got nobody.

    “It was better today for sure. But I think if they made the ticket [prices] like they were in Le Mans we would have had a bigger crowd here than we had in Le Mans.”

    Tickets for Mugello were reported to be almost double the price of the Le Mans round, which boasted a record of 278,805 for the weekend.

    Other factors such as free parking were also hailed as helping encourage the huge French crowd.

  5. orice actiune are si reactie Dorna!?!? destul de interesant articolul.


    MotoGP surprise: sprint races are slower than GP races



    The new format allows no room for development and testing is severely restricted, so how do the engineers dig themselves out of their holes?

    Obviously, right now, this is Honda and Yamaha. How do they fix their problems if they’re not allowed to do development work with their full-time MotoGP riders?

    If Dorna would prefer not to lose another manufacturer or two from the grid the company should probably have a rethink about its testing restrictions, about the format, about the technical regulations, anything, really.

    Every action has a reaction. The action in this case is sprint races but we don’t yet know what the ultimate reaction to the new format will be.

  6. 1 oră în urmă, Cavaleru a spus:

    Honda fara MM e nicaieri

    Mir va fii eternul locotenent, asa cum a fost si Dani dupa primul sezon al lui MM

    imi pare rau pt Mir dar nu cred ca va reusi prea curand sa performeze cu Honda. vedem cand si daca face click


    Mai degraba daca decat cand. Pana si el zice ca ii e frica sa nu ajunga ca si Lorenzo sau Pol:



    This race was very hard for me. I had problems stopping the bike and holding the line; he explained. I couldn't do what I wanted. At the moment, the team doesn't understand what I need to go fast, and I don't know what I need to ride this bike better. I tried to change my style, but I'm not natural, and I'm always wide. The fact is that I struggled, today, yesterday. Let's see what happens tomorrow;

    Do you need an entirely different bike for yourself?

    I think we can fix this one. I've never been able to improve here since the FP1. I know how to ride but, when I try to push, it gets more complicated. They have to understand my style. I can change something as a rider, but not everything, so it's a compromise. We couldn't get the bike to work. We took the wrong direction, and I can't push;

    Are you afraid of ending up like Jorge Lorenzo or Pol Espargaro?

    Of course I'm scared. I want to win, and it's difficult for a rider like me to see me in the position I'm in. My motivation is to win, get on the podium, stay ahead. These results are my fuel, and I haven't had it in a long time. I need it. I remember here last year, with the Suzuki. I was racing a second faster;


  7. cateva detalii interesante despre Kalex-HRC love :)



    “Car racing is the complete opposite – it’s all data, more or less,” says Baumgartel, who previously worked in car racing, designing drivetrains and suspension for Opel DTM cars. “I enjoy bikes more because this ‘black hole’ that the rider calls feeling is super-interesting.

    “You read the rider’s eyes to know if the bike is working or not; the look he gives you is more important than what you get from the datalogger. And we have to remember that when a car racer gets into trouble he goes into the gravel and the mechanics clean the car, but when a bike racer gets into trouble he feels pain.”



    „Cursele de mașini sunt complet opusul – toate sunt date, mai mult sau mai puțin”, spune Baumgartel, care a lucrat anterior în cursele de mașini, proiectând sisteme de propulsie și suspensii pentru mașinile Opel DTM. „Îmi plac mai mult motocicletele pentru că această „gaură neagră” pe care motociclistul o numește sentiment este super-interesantă. „Citiți în ochii călărețului pentru a ști dacă motocicleta funcționează sau nu; aspectul pe care ți-l dă este mai important decât ceea ce obții de la datalogger. Și trebuie să ne amintim că atunci când un motociclist are probleme, el intră în pietriș și mecanicii curăță motocicleta, dar când un motociclist are probleme, simte durere.”

  8. si uite asa scad numarul de curse. Bezz campion!!! :)))


    2023 Kazakhstan GP cancelled

    The FIM, IRTA and Dorna Sports can confirm the cancellation of the 2023 Kazakhstan GP.


    Ongoing homologation works at the circuit, paired with current global operational challenges, have obliged the cancellation of the 2023 event.

    MotoGP looks forward to visiting Sokol International Racetrack in 2024 to welcome a new region to the calendar.

    The event will not be replaced in 2023.


  9. Imi place cum pun cei de la Yamaha problema pilotului nr.2 pentru anul viitor. Au zis ca prioritatea nr.1 e FM21. Dar ca trebuie sa arate viteaza din Argentina si in urmatoarele curse. Si cand a fost intrebat Jarvis daca mai sunt discutii cu altii a spus ca inca nu(probabil nu e asa), dar daca FM nu are rezultate pana la pauza de vara e clar ca nu vor contiuna impreuna. 

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