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    Yamaha's flirtation with Rossi's team has occurred since the creation of Il Dottore's team, but the link with the Sepang Racing Team, now called RNF, was still active. The Italians' sporting director Paolo Ciabatti spoke about the issue to, and was quoted by PaddockGP: 'They had a satellite team and they lost it. We have a contract and an obligation with the VR46 team, which runs until the end of 2024. I can't predict what will happen after that.'


    Ciabatti explained that the current situation is not the best. In all there are four teams, including the official one, and two bikes per rider, which gives 16 bikes per year. The Italian left in the air the hypothesis of reducing these numbers in the future: 'Playing with four teams is not an ideal situation in the medium or long term'.

  2. nume interesante la cursa de 100km



    Valentino Rossi

    Pedro Acosta

    Niccolo Antonelli

    Albert Arenas

    Xavier Artigas

    Francesco Bagnaia

    Lorenzo Baldassarri

    Axel Bassani

    Marco Belli

    Marco Bezzecchi

    Ferran Cardus

    Raffaele De Rosa

    Fabio Di Giannantonio

    Andrea Dovizioso

    Filippo Farioli

    Augusto Fernandez

    Matteo Ferrari

    Federico Fuligni

    Filippo Fuligni

    Lorenzo Gabellini

    Paulin Gaultier

    Manuel Gonzalez

    Alessandro Gramigni

    Sammy Halbert

    Stefano Manzi

    Luca Marini

    Jorge Martin

    Andrea Migno

    Franco Morbidelli

    Mattia Pasini

    Matteo Patacca

    Danilo Petrucci

    Tito Rabat

    Michael Rinaldi

    Alex Rins

    Alex Salvini

    Alberto Surra

    Celestino Vietti

    Alessandro Zaccone


  3. sunt ciudate de mici numerele din Qatar si Japonia


    Losail, Qatar V 5,627 S 5,690 D 6,655 Total 17,972

    Motegi, Japan V 8,648 S 16,682 D 32,152 Total 57,482


    in rest la Silverstone puteau fi mai multi, dar acolo a fost parca prea aproape de F1 si parca ei au campionat local mai atractiv decat Mgp


    Silverstone, Great Britain V 26,501 S 32,897 D 41,002 Total 100,400


    Oare la anul o sa fie mult mai multi in Italia acum ca au campioni mondiali si la Piloti si la constructor?

  4. MM cauta scuze sau pune presiune?


    Marc Marquez left bemoaning Honda at Valencia MotoGP test: “We need more to fight for championship”


    Marc Marquez could not hide his disappointment after testing his 2023 Honda at the Valencia MotoGP test and warned: “I expected more but it isn’t there”.

    The Spaniard missed much of 2022 as he rehabilitated from a fourth major arm surgery yet was still Honda’s highest-placed rider in the MotoGP standings, finishing 13th, after a horror year for the team.

    Marquez tested Repsol Honda’s prototype bike for next season on Tuesday but was left frustrated with its lack of improvement, and insisted that unless major steps were taken he would not be able to challenge for a seventh MotoGP championship.

    “We tried a proto-bike with new aerodynamics and the same engine with a small modification, a different chassis. That’s it,” he explained.

    “There is not a big difference. A bit. But we lose it in a different area, it’s a compromise.

    “In the end, the performance was very similar.

    “Of course I expected more but it isn’t there. The important thing is that Honda is working.

    “I expect a big step in February at the next test.

    “I expected more because always you want more and more. I cannot say that I’m disappointed because Honda are working, they are trying.

    “But we need more if we want to fight for the championship. Or we will not fight for the championship.

    “We improve one area, we lose in another one. More or less the same problems. 

    "We have to work this winter if we want to fight for the title. You don't have to take one step, you have to take two."

    Marquez said about his new teammates’ verdicts on the Honda spec: “I saw their comments that they were surprised in the beginning! Step by step they are getting better. We know, with this bike, to get race pace is difficult.

    “They are part of Honda. It was important for me to get their first impressions. When you ride a bike, you get used to the problem. If you are talented, you adapt to the problems and you are fast.”

    A disappointed Marquez concluded: “I didn’t make many laps today, only for what I needed to try. That’s it. There was no sense to use the soft tyre or make a time attack. I gave my comments. It is time for them to work in the winter-time.

    “I am happy because there is a little bit more torque. But only a little. We need a big step if we want to be, not on the same level, but closer to other manufacturers.”


  5. Acum 8 ore, frigider a spus:

    În FP1 un coleg îl dădea campion pe Q, Peco începe greu.

    În fp2 când băieții au dat cu praf de coxXx Q era pe 8 parca :)

    Nu are nicio șansă de a câștiga Q, prea multe ducati rapide.

    Quilty, totusi in FP4 in simularile de cursa nu au fost asa coxxx Ducati-urile.



    Mi se pare prea stresat FB. Prea mare presiunea in garajul lui sa nu greseasca. 

    FQ arata acum cum trebuia sa arate in toata a doua jumatate a sezonului. Relax, scoate max din moto si ce o fi o fi.

  6. pai asta am zis si eu. avea o limita nebuna mult peste ceilalti care a mers o lunga perioada de timp. cand a trebuit sa treaca de ea a facut buba.

    de acum putem da vina pe orice: ba ca Honda nu (mai) e ce trebuie, ba ca MM a fost accidentat si nu mai e la potentialul maxim, ba ca nu se aliniaza stelele...

    Oricum o sa fie acolo in fata, iar daca cei din noua generatie nu stiu sa ramana constanti s-ar putea sa mai ia si un campionat. 

  7. asta e ca oul si gaina. daca nu apareau tinerii astia super sportivi/talentati, MM nu trebuia sa forteze peste limita (nebuna) care o avea constanta si nu se accidenta :) 


    putem zice ca inainte aveam piloti mediocrii care stateau cu anii in MotoGP. acum daca nu ai confirmat sau nu ai avut macar cateva rezultate bune in primii doi ani esti zburat imediat ca vin altii cu acelasi potential. 

  8. Ha ha, interesant si asta:


    If Ducati wrap up the title this weekend, it will be the first time in history that 4 different manufacturers have won the riders 500cc/MotoGP championship in 4 consecutive seasons, the record being 3 achieved in:


  9. interesant articol cu care pot fi de aceeasi parere:



    Top MotoGP riders are more inconsistent now than they’ve been ever before.

    This understandably confuses a lot of fans and can make MotoGP impossible to understand: how can the same rider and motorcycle finish second one weekend and tenth the next? Was the rider just not bothered the second time out, so he decided to have a lazy Sunday? Did his engineers decide to take the weekend off and drink beers in the hotel bar?

    There has to be a reason, so is it because today’s MotoGP riders are lazy, unfocused and too busy spending their millions on fast cars and swimming pools?

    The results of recent seasons suggest that might be the case.

    The entire top ten flashed past the chequered flag separated by five seconds in Qatar and Australia

    In 2020 Joan Mir won the MotoGP title by scoring just 48% of the available points. Fabio Quartararo won last year’s crown with 62% of the points. Now Pecco Bagnaia is on the verge of winning this year’s championship, having scored 54% of the points from the first 19 races. This puts them all near the bottom of average points scores since the first world championship in 1949.

    Compare these numbers to MotoGP kings of recent decades: Wayne Rainey won the 1990 title scoring 85% of the points, Mick Doohan took the 1997 crown on 90%, Valentino Rossi the 2003 championship on 89%, Casey Stoner the 2011 title on 82%, Jorge Lorenzo the 2015 crown on 73% and Marc Márquez the 2019 championship on 88% (the greatest premier-class campaign of all time, by the way, with spec tyres and electronics).

    So surely today’s MotoGP winners must be a bit useless by comparison? Of course not. The exact opposite, in fact.


    “I think Marc had such a mental gain on everyone when he was dominating that the other guys almost thought they were racing for second,” he says. “The guy could do what he wanted. Then when he got hurt there was a new young generation coming in, who hadn’t been beaten up by him as much as the boys before, so maybe they thought that when the king is away the dogs will play. So they got better in their minds and all of sudden they had chances of winning and when you win you just get more and more confidence and it’s a snowball. There was no real leader in the class, so everyone was having a crack at it.”



    “You remember the days of the ‘aliens’ [Rossi, Lorenzo, Márquez and so on]… If they had a bad day they were fourth or fifth, now you’re 15th. This is the reality. It’s also the way the boys are riding, how they’ve changed their styles and they’re all pure athletes and fully committed.

    “I think the class has never been so stacked with talent. The will to win from the manufacturers and the riders has brought us into this era – it’s just a consequence of all that stuff.

    “It can be really frustrating – you have a good race and you think, ‘What did we do different?’. Everyone is trying to drag everything out of the bike, but it’s milliseconds that make the difference now.


    So, to sum up: any fans complaining about MotoGP riders being a bit useless because they can’t bring home big points hauls, week in, week out, don’t know what they’re talking about

  10. Acum 16 ore, PzKpfW a spus:

    Cred că este un atac subtil la adresa celor de la Kawasaki. Are nevoie de o motocicletă nouă și de mai multă putere. Pere Riba (inginerul șef al lui Rea) spune că ar avea nevoie de ~20cp în plus pentru a se bate cu Bautista. Este mult. Deși avantajul cuplului Ducati/Bautista nu se rezumă doar la putere.


    cred ca mai degraba un atac la cati bani baga altii in motocicleta de baza de la care pleaca cea de SBK:


    Having the best material is great, even if in a championship like this production-derived one, it is up to the manufacturer to decide what to bring to the track. A performance balance brings a lot of variety, but that's not what everyone is aiming for. I understand the idea of super concessions, but I'd like to see a championship where the best bike is built within the homologation and regulation limits. In this way, anyone would be tempted to buy that bike. But how do you do it when at the dealers you can find one for 40,000 euros and another for 17,000 euros? It's not quite the same thing. 

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