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Postări postat de ioio_viola

  1. Grand Prix of Finland postponed to 2023

    Homologation works, together with the risks caused by the ongoing geopolitical situation in the region, means the Finnish GP is postponed


    The FIM, IRTA and Dorna Sports are obliged to announce changes to the 2022 FIM MotoGP™ World Championship calendar.

    Homologation works at the KymiRing, together with the risks caused by the ongoing geopolitical situation in the region, have sadly obliged the cancellation of the Finnish Grand Prix in 2022. The current circumstances have created delays and put the ongoing work at the new circuit at risk. All parties have therefore agreed that the track’s debut must be postponed to 2023, when MotoGP™ looks forward to returning to Finland for the first time in four decades.

    The final 2022 FIM MotoGP™ World Championship calendar is therefore expected to comprise 20 rounds.




  2. cam asta a ajuns MotoGP-ul. Timpi foarte buni scosi de mai toti pilotii, dar depasiri tot mai putine


    MotoGP has an overtaking problem, 'nearly impossible'


    Some riders, such as reigning champion Fabio Quartararo, believe the characteristics of their machinery are partly to blame, with a lack of acceleration and/or top speed leaving them too far away by the braking zone.


    But others, including eight-time world champion Marc Marquez, feel the overtaking situation has got noticeably worse in recent seasons due to the introduction of wings and ride-height devices.


    Marc Marquez: ‘People want to see overtakes!’

    “With the actual motorbikes, or the situation in this category, to overtake somebody now you need to do a very aggressive move,” Marquez explained. “With the holeshot [ride height device], with the aerodynamics and all these things, it is so difficult to overtake now.

    “I already said in the Safety Commission in the past that we are going this way. We are getting faster lap times, but people don’t realise if you are going half a second faster or slower, they want to see overtakes!"


    Luca Marini: ‘You just stay behind and wait for a mistake’

    “These MotoGP bikes are incredible. Also the tyres are incredible. In my opinion Michelin did an incredible job with the rear tyre. Now they need to focus on the front tyre to make more show.

    “Like this now, you just stay behind the rider in front and wait for him to do a mistake. If we don’t do mistakes, it’s impossible to do overtakes.”

    Marini, who finished ninth on Sunday after holding off Maverick Vinales for the second half of the race, joked:

    “I must be the rider Vinales hates most! Every time he’s behind me I try not to let him past. He’s so much faster in terms of race pace but he cannot overtake me because, in my opinion, the front feeling, front [tyre] pressure.

    “If you don’t do a mistake, the rider behind cannot overtake. Or only if you have a lot more speed on the straight, but now that’s not the case.”


    Aleix Espargaro: 'The front tyre was on fire'.

    “Every time I tried to get close to Jack, I started to have a lot of movement on the front. I saw on the dash that the front tyre was on fire. So, I let him go about a half second, eight-tenths, and I just stayed there.

    “Every time I got closer to Jack, I had a problem with the tyre pressure. I couldn’t overtake. It was impossible. But I knew that Fabio had exactly the same problem awith me, as I had with Jack.”


    Pol Espargaro: I tried to overtake 6 times, 6 times I ran wide

    “I was losing quite a lot on acceleration by pure grip and then to overtake I needed to recover the time I was losing, plus brake much later. I tried to overtake the KTMs like six times during the race and those six times I went wide.

    “As soon as I get stuck behind someone, I'm not able to overtake.


    articol complet:

  3. Miller e constient ca poate pierde locul al Ducati, dar are sanse sa ramana pentru ca Bestia si Peco nu par sa se inteleaga:


    Miller was the first factory Ducati rider to be overtaken by Bastianini, which is not the first time the Australian has seen the second-year MotoGP man show more pace late on, was also the case at COTA (Circuit of the Americas) when they finished 1st and third.

    "This little bas***d has done it more than twice," joked Miller. "He’s done it plenty of times. He’s always strong at the end of the race, he’s got a good drive, he’s good on the tyres and he worked it well today. 


    To no surprise, Miller was more outspoken despite giving a short answer: "I don’t know what you want me to say. I mean, put two and two together, he’s won three races this year and he’s doing a fantastic job, he’s Italian so it makes perfect sense."


    Declaratii Bestia:


    Is this the start of a rivalry with Bagnaia?

    I think it's positive. Maybe I'm the rider who bothers him the most, because I'm Italian. I read that he would like to continue to have Miller as a teammate, maybe I put pressure on him when he saw me next to him.


    Declaratii Peco:


    Bastianini mentioned that you said you preferred Miller to him as a teammate.

    l've been on the team with Jack since 2018. We know each other well. It's normal that, if I had to decide, he would be my first choice because I like working with him. But it's Ducati that chooses, and there would be no problem for me if it's Enea or even Martin. I've always had good relationships with all my teammates. I also believe that Bastianini has proven that he deserves that place.



    “Suzuki Motor Corporation is in discussions with Dorna regarding the possibility of ending its participation in MotoGP at the end of 2022.

    “Unfortunately, the current economical situation and the need to concentrate its effort on the big changes that the Automotive world is facing in these years, are forcing Suzuki to shift costs and human resources to develop new technologies.

    “We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our Suzuki Ecstar Team, to all those who have supported Suzuki's motorcycle racing activities for many years and to all Suzuki fans who have given us their enthusiastic support.”



    Here’s an interesting fact about yesterday’s Spanish Grand Prix at Jerez: if it hadn’t been for Marc Márquez there would’ve been only one overtaking manoeuvre among the top seven after the first of the 25 laps.


    MotoGP owners Dorna have spent the last dozen years rewriting the technical rules to narrow the gap between the fastest and slowest bikes, by making all the bikes basically the same, with 81mm-bore four-cylinder engines, same-for-everyone electronics and same-for-everyone tyres. The gap is now much, much narrower than it’s ever been, which is why the racing is closer than it’s ever been.


    The downforce aero also makes overtaking difficult because the motorcycles now create such a large vacuum in their wake that it’s impossible for a rider to brake behind another rider, because there’s no air resistance helping him to stop and he’s got no downforce on the front tyre. Plus there’s dirty air too, washing around either side of the vacuum. All in all, this makes it difficult for riders to get close enough to set up a pass on the brakes.


    So what should Dorna do? I’m no expert but perhaps they should get MotoGP’s director of technology Corrado Cecchinelli working on CFD (computer-flow dynamics) programmes and in wind tunnels, trying to write new aero rules that allow enough downforce to keep the front wheel in contact with the ground at high speed, but not so much that getting close enough to a motorcycle to try an overtake becomes extremely different.

    Also, Michelin needs to improve its front tyre. The French company is working on a new front that’s less sensitive to heat and pressure changes but this might not be ready until 2024 or 2025.





    MotoGP title-challenger Aprilia has a new shapeshifter unit, which potentially drops the front of the factory’s RS-GP bike as well as the rear as the motorcycle exits corners.

    Front shapeshifters are banned from the end of this season, but this hasn’t stopped Ducati, previously the only MotoGP factory with a front system, from continuing development.

    Aprilia’s latest shapeshifter unit has the hydraulic actuator in the fairing nose, like Ducati’s latest. It’s also linked to a hydraulic unit parallel to the RS-GP’s left fork leg, which suggests it compresses the front suspension under acceleration, to further reduce wheelies and therefore improve acceleration.




    MotoGP bikes are never stripped down in the open. Instead teams close their garage doors or erect screens around their motorcycles. But occasionally photographers get lucky.

    There are no great revelations in these photos of KTM’s RC16, stripped of its bodywork at Jerez last weekend, but they certainly highlight the complexities of packaging an engine and all the electronics ancillaries in the available space.

  7. 1 oră în urmă, PzKpfW a spus:

    Dorna continues to receive high levels of interest from a number of both official factories and Independent Teams looking to join the MotoGP™ grid as the sport continues to set a global example of close competition, innovation and entertainment, reaching hundreds of millions of fans around the world.


    eu chiar is curios daca sunt alti producatori care vor sa vina in MotoGP si astia le zic ca nu mai au loc pe grila

    sau aia sunt subbranduri de la KTM/Ducati ...

  8. cam greu sa primeasca concesii. daca am inteles eu bine de la comentatorii englezi trebuie 2 ani sa nu faci cele 6 puncte:


    threshold of 6 Concession points.

    Concession Points (3 for 1st, 2 for 2nd, 1 for 3rd) are the method by which manufacturers gain or lose access to a range of technical perks, designed to help those struggling to reach the podium.





    One consequence of the reduced number of events in 2020 meant it was possible for a non-concession manufacturer to gain concessions for 2021 based on results in just a few races. To address this issue the Commission agreed on the following change to the regulations:

    - During the 2020 season concessions can only be lost, but not gained.
    - Current regulations apply to the timing of the loss of concessions.
    - All concession points gained during 2020 by concession manufacturers will continue to have a 2-year validity.



  9. Acum 14 ore, xt600 a spus:

    In legatura cu Honda:



    De remarcat raspunsul lui Pol cand a fost intrebat despre pneuri: 'Sorry, I don't want to talk about tyres because we've had problems in the past, so it's a bad option'


    Concluziile le trage fiecare. Personal,cred ca problemele nu sunt atat la motocicleta, cat in alta parte. Dar subiectul pare sa fie tabu.


    pai ati tot zis ca gumele sunt facute ba pentru Ducatti, ba pentru KTM, ba pentru francezul de la Yamaha. si totusi nu e un constructor sau un pilot care sa domine campionatul. deci se pare ca gumele nu sunt facute preferential pentru cineva anume. sunt niste gume ciudate la care unii se adapteaza mai bine si altii (HRC) mai deloc. 

  10. hai ca a inceput cu plangerile :)))))



    I don't want to change my riding style, because it's what brought me here and allowed me to win a lot. They have to give me a bike with which I feel comfortable, because I don't understand anything during the first laps. I feel lost. Then I can adapt and ride fast. I'm not even at fifty percent of my real potential. We have to make sure that the bike accommodates me and can use my style. When I'm fast, the race is already over.

  11. eu zic sa ne uitam si la vremurile in care se merge acum. MM s-a rupt pentru ca ceilalti au inceput sa puna presiune pe el. primul a fost Q. MM a incercat prin orice metoda sa il demoralizele la inceput. statea in spatele lui in calificari si punea presiune peste tot unde putea pe el.

    acum ai 10-15 piloti intr-o secunda in calificari. de aia e si asa greu ca unul dintre piloti sa se detaseze. exista multi piloti care stiu sa aplice avantajele motorului si a skilului pe anumite circuite. 

    eu zic ca cei care resusesc sa ramana constanti in primele 6 locuri o sa fie cei mai avantajati. nu o sa mai vedem doar 2 piloti care castiga majoritatea curselor. 

  12. nu sunt chiar clickbait discutiile despre retragere. zice si el ca s-a gandit la asta. e prea multa lume in spatele lui ca sa renunte, dar sunt sigur ca a luat in considerare aceasta optiune dupa atatea accidentari grave in ultima vreme si mai ales la cate riscuri se supune in ultima vreme:


    In the end it's normal, it was my fourth injury in two years - he sighed - Two weeks ago I wasn't even motivated to come here, I just wanted to relax. The people who are close to me, starting with my brother, helped me, pushed me to train and step by step the motivation to return came. When you have an injury you don't want it to happen again, but then it passes. Passion is our fuel.



    Defending champion Fabio Quartararo still open for Honda switch?

    The Frenchman has been vocal since the opening of the season on his concerns regarding Yamaha's lack of progress. He has been on the podium only once and under the top five in Qatar and Argentina citing you can't win titles with such performances. 

    When asked about Honda's interest in him, he has this to say:

    "Honda's interest in me? I have to think about it. I have to think about it carefully, my future is still not clear. It's a decision that takes time, but it's something to think about." via Sky Sports Italia

    Fabio Quartararo's contract with Yamaha is set to end this season. 


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