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Postări postat de ioio_viola

  1. daca se retrage Dovi si Binder jr merge la Moto2 ar fi loc, dar cred ca la RNF se pregateste un loc pentru cineva de la Moto2 sau chiar Moto3. Razlan a zis ca planul lor a fost si e sa mearga pe promovare de tineri. nu ca Remy ar fi batran...

    + ca daca Fernandez merge la RNF nu prea il are al inima pe Remy. considera ca a fost ajutat mai mult sa ia titlul la Moto2 fata de el. deci pare greu de facut iar o echipa cu ei doi

  2. :)) cica Ktm ul a facut-o iar. Probabil se refera la Iker.


    What is certain is that reigning Moto2 world champion Remy Gardner will not be a part of KTM's set-up in 2023.


    The Australian has endured a similarly difficult campaign to Fernandez and admitted on Sunday at the Red Bull Ring that it’s unlikely he will be on the 2023 grid at all – taking a dig at his current paymasters in the process.


    “No, it’s not,” he said when told his future was not looking good. “In MotoGP, doesn’t look like there’s anything. KTM’s done it again. That’s all I can say.”

  3. noutati de la KTM (&GASGAS)


    Pol Espargaro will leave Repsol Honda and return to KTM, racing in new GASGAS colours for the Tech3 team in the 2023 MotoGP world championship.

    Espargaro’s long-expected deal was officially confirmed on Friday at KTM’s home Austrian MotoGP, where Tech3 was announced as becoming the new GASGAS Factory team.

    “I want to thank Herve and the Tech3 factory racing team for keeping an open mind and really supporting this change to become the GASGAS Factory Racing Team. We think it’s exciting and different," said KTM/GASGAS Motorsports Director Pit Beirer.

    Branding differences aside, Espargaro re-joins the Austrian manufacturer he raced for from its 2017 premier-class debut until the end of 2020. That was at the factory Red Bull team, where he claimed six podiums and what remains KTM’s best of fifth in the world championship before being tempted away to Repsol Honda.

    Tech3 is also well known to the Spaniard who got his MotoGP break with the French team, then running Yamaha machinery, as the reigning Moto2 champion in 2014.


    'Still a chance to keep Miguel'

    With Brad Binder and new signing Jack Miller already confirmed at Red Bull KTM next season, only the identity of Espargaro’s Tech3 team-mate remains to be decided as far as KTM's 2023 MotoGP line-up.

    Miguel Oliveira, having lost his factory seat to Miller, has long been linked with a switch to RNF Aprilia next year but Pit Beirer revealed:

    "We cannot confirm the second rider yet, there is still a chance to keep Miguel..."

    If Oliveira can be convinced to move back to Tech3, something he has previously rejected, it would mean that both of the team's current rookie riders, Remy Gardner and Raul Fernandez, would need to move on.

    Although Tech3 will continue to use factory-spec RC16s next season, the team - dressed in KTM orange for the past two years - will now be backed by the sister GASGAS brand, which effectively becomes title sponsor.

  4. Acum 19 ore, xt600 a spus:

    Un interviu interesant cu Razlan Razali:


    Cum intuiam si eu, MotoGP devine (cu pasi repezi) F1.... 



    din interviul de mai sus asa se doreste:


    You mentioned earlier there are some things MotoGP can do to make itself more attractive to sponsors, does that include spicing up the weekend format or the show itself?

    Razlan Razali:

    I truly believe that MotoGP provides the better show than F1, still. But maybe MotoGP needs to evolve to have better hype, to get a new audience: A more female audience. A more younger audience.

    It's very much still a predominantly male sport and it will always will be. But if we can close the gap with a female audience, it’s better. A younger audience would also be much nicer.

    But we need to look at the analytics, the numbers.

    To me the main things would be, what are the social numbers across all the platforms, compared to Formula One or whatever? Then you need to look at the TV numbers. Then look at the spectator numbers, although these are sometimes subjective.

    Having been a promoter myself [as CEO of Sepang], that’s where I would start. Once we understand those three main numbers, then you can see what works and what doesn’t work.

    It's easy to jump in and say, ‘we need to do this, we need to do more’. But to really pinpoint exactly what MotoGP needs, you need to take a deep dive and find out. And to me, we initially have to look at those numbers.

  5. ‘I cannot understand today’s race’

    The race was won by Francesco Bagnaia, who pulled off something of an upset from fifth on the grid to hold off Espargaro’s charging team-mate Maverick Vinales. Jack Miller made it two Ducatis on the podium in third.

    “Today’s race I cannot understand a lot,” Espargaro admitted. “Both Ducatis had zero pace during the weekend and they won. They did an extraordinary job today, I don’t understand where they found the pace.

    “Bezzecchi was also very strong. Fabio was very strong and finished with me. The KTM in the lead group. Bastianini was out of the top 15 in FP1. I really don’t understand what happened today.

    “But this is MotoGP! It is close and the last part of the championship will be fun.”

  6. Acum 2 ore, xt600 a spus:


    Si intrebare: i s-a parut cuiva, ca Miller si-a aparat corect sansele la Bagnaia? Cum si-a aparat-o de pilda la Martin. Sau este baiat de echipa pana la capat? Nu, nu sunt ordine de echipa la Ducati.. totul este clean.. ;) 


    Miller a declarat mai de mult ca daca poate sa-si ajute colegul sa castige campionatul o sa o faca. Deci cu sau fara ordine sigur nu-l incurca prea mult pe Peco.

  7. The Portuguese Grand Prix at Portimao will become the opening event of the 2023 MotoGP season, on March 24-26.

    The venue takes over from Losail in Qatar, which has hosted the opening round of the MotoGP season since 2007, although the premier-class did not compete at the event in 2020 due to Covid restrictions.

    Qatar has stepped down from the coveted season-opening spot due to ‘extensive renovation and remodelling to the paddock area and circuit facilities’, which has forced MotoGP’s only night race to be held later in the 2023 campaign.

    Next year's Portuguese GP will be only the third MotoGP season-opener held in Europe in more than three decades. It will also be the first time Portugal has ever hosted the first race of the year.

    There will be official pre-season tests held at the Portimão circuit during the weeks before the event, the dates of which - like most of the 2023 calendar - are still to be confirmed. 


    The date of March 26 for the opening round has raised some eyebrows, since it is three weeks later than this year's Qatar season-opener, even though the 2023 racing season is again expected to consist of at least 20 rounds.

    As such, next year's world championship will either end later than this year's November 6 date (Valencia) and/or the summer break - extended to five weeks this year due to the cancellation of Finland - will be reduced. 


    The 2023 season will officially begin with a one-day post-race test at Valencia in November, which will now be the only chance for Official track time before the start of the winter testing ban, from December 1-January 31.


    After the ban ends, a three-day Shakedown test will take place, at a TBC venue, for factory test riders and MotoGP rookies.

    There will then be two Official tests, one of three days and the other of two days, before the start of the season.

    One of those official tests will now be at Portimao.

    The other venue is still to be confirmed but Sepang in Malaysia has traditionally hosted both the Shakedown and opening Official test.



    What’s it like when you’re fighting with the V4s? The battle between the inline-fours [the Suzuki and Yamaha] and the V4s [the Aprilia, Ducati, Honda and KTM] is one of the big stories in MotoGP.

    The V4s can stop in less metres and they accelerate more, while we have more speed in the corners. When you are behind them you see that you brake in the same place as they do and you stop a bit less and go a bit wider, then they stop and you cannot carry your speed through the corner. Then you open the throttle in the same place as they do, you open full and then they go. It’s difficult to manage!


    This may be a leading question, because we have heard rumours about you going to Honda in 2023, but when you look at V4 MotoGP bikes do they look demanding to ride and do you think you could ride one?

    I’ve never tried a V4, so I honestly don’t know if a V4 will fit my style well. But I’m quite aggressive on the bike – I like to brake hard, stop the bike and then be smooth on the exit. For sure, nowadays every bike you ride will take you a few months to understand everything, because the level of the technology is so high now that you always need time.




  9. diferenta intre Peco si Fabio e constanta. Din pacate pentru PB a aparut disperarea sa nu fie prea departe in campionat si nu a mai apucat sa aplice regula: sa termini cursa pe 2,3,4...  e mai bine decat sa nu o termini. Cand poate sa o aplice in orice moment o sa fie campion.

























  10. Miller signs two-year deal with Red Bull KTM

    The Australian will be Brad Binder’s Red Bull KTM Factory Racing teammate in 2023 and 2024

    Tags MotoGP, 2022, Jack Miller, Ducati Lenovo Team, Red Bull KTM Factory Racing

    Red Bull KTM Factory Racing have confirmed Jack Miller will line-up alongside Brad Binder for 2023 and 2024 in MotoGP™ after announcing the Australian has signed a two-year deal.


  11. 🚨 NEWS 🚨 
    I'm really happy to announce to all of you that I will stay with Yamaha for two more years. In the past, moving up to MotoGP with Yamaha and later to the Factory team were no-brainers. Yamaha believed in me from the very beginning, and that is something I do not take lightly. But that being said, this new agreement was a big decision. I'm at a great point in my career, so I took a bit more time taking this decision to be sure. I believe in the Yamaha MotoGP project, and I feel Yamaha are truly motivated. And now that we have officially confirmed our decision to continue on this path together, we can fully focus on the current season. I want to say ‘Thanks!’ to the people around me, who always help me and support me, as well as to the fans who are cheering me on. I really do appreciate all the support.

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