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Postări postat de ioio_viola

  1. eu zic sa ne uitam si la vremurile in care se merge acum. MM s-a rupt pentru ca ceilalti au inceput sa puna presiune pe el. primul a fost Q. MM a incercat prin orice metoda sa il demoralizele la inceput. statea in spatele lui in calificari si punea presiune peste tot unde putea pe el.

    acum ai 10-15 piloti intr-o secunda in calificari. de aia e si asa greu ca unul dintre piloti sa se detaseze. exista multi piloti care stiu sa aplice avantajele motorului si a skilului pe anumite circuite. 

    eu zic ca cei care resusesc sa ramana constanti in primele 6 locuri o sa fie cei mai avantajati. nu o sa mai vedem doar 2 piloti care castiga majoritatea curselor. 

  2. nu sunt chiar clickbait discutiile despre retragere. zice si el ca s-a gandit la asta. e prea multa lume in spatele lui ca sa renunte, dar sunt sigur ca a luat in considerare aceasta optiune dupa atatea accidentari grave in ultima vreme si mai ales la cate riscuri se supune in ultima vreme:


    In the end it's normal, it was my fourth injury in two years - he sighed - Two weeks ago I wasn't even motivated to come here, I just wanted to relax. The people who are close to me, starting with my brother, helped me, pushed me to train and step by step the motivation to return came. When you have an injury you don't want it to happen again, but then it passes. Passion is our fuel.



    Defending champion Fabio Quartararo still open for Honda switch?

    The Frenchman has been vocal since the opening of the season on his concerns regarding Yamaha's lack of progress. He has been on the podium only once and under the top five in Qatar and Argentina citing you can't win titles with such performances. 

    When asked about Honda's interest in him, he has this to say:

    "Honda's interest in me? I have to think about it. I have to think about it carefully, my future is still not clear. It's a decision that takes time, but it's something to think about." via Sky Sports Italia

    Fabio Quartararo's contract with Yamaha is set to end this season. 


  4. Acum 9 ore, Lucian_M a spus:

    O fi având permis moto de 3 ani, dar probabil are o vastă experiență, conducând foarte mult, cca 3000 km anual, deci cam 9000 în total. Ceea ce e foarte mult.


    sper ca e o gluma asta cu 3k anual e foarte mult :))))

  5. Márquez: Unnecessarily fast or unnecessarily dangerous?


    Marc Márquez attacked in Mandalika until the fourth fall columnist Michael Scott reflects on the big topic of the week: MotoGP superstar Marc Márquez (Honda) suffered a relapse after his horror highside at 

    "The bigger they are, the harder they fall." Although this wisdom comes from boxing, it can be applied in many ways. MotoGP ace Marc Márquez made another twist: "The faster you are, the more often you fall."

    When you crash as often as the Repsol Honda star does, it's easy to take crashing lightly. He even joked at the first Grand Prix in Qatar that he's obviously not in the best shape yet, "because I only fell once."

    His fifth crash of the new season, on Sunday morning at the Indonesian GP, was anything but fun. A very fast and very brutal highsider took Marc visibly with him and finally made sure that the doctors gave him a starting ban.

    But worse was to come. Because it didn't stop with the concussion diagnosed on Sunday. On the return flight to Spain, problems with vision arose – the diplopia that had already given him a difficult winter was back .

    The same problem almost ended his career back in Moto2 in 2011. The danger is not over yet ...

    But why does such a brilliant driver crash so often? Five times over the first two race weekends!

    Pushing the limit has always been his way of finding where exactly that limit lies - and the Spaniard does it better than anyone in history. Even after missing all of 2020 and part of 2021 due to a serious upper arm injury from Jerez, he continued undeterred. After all, it was his first major fracture in more than ten World Cup years and after countless falls.

    The Honda start did not change his strategy. Last year Marc missed four of the 18 Grands Prix and was still second in the Kings of Fall rankings with 22 falls .

    With his five falls, the 59-time MotoGP winner leads the previous crash statistics for 2022. And the warm-up take-off from Mandalika was one of the real high-speed, heart-in-your-pants sorts, evoking memories of the old-fashioned highsiders of the 500cc two-stroke golden era.

    Another stubborn crash, another chapter of ignored warnings makes us wonder: How long can this go on? When will his inner voice change tone?

    Many years ago I was almost torn apart for allowing myself to suggest that Mick Doohan's career-ending crash in training at Jerez was a result of pushing too hard in iffy conditions at a time when there was nothing to be done win gave. Because the weather should have improved the following day, so the lap times were irrelevant for qualifying.

    I wrote, perhaps without thinking too much, that he was "unnecessarily fast". He felt attacked – and this sentence has haunted me ever since.

    The same statement applies to last Sunday. In the morning nobody knew that the race in the afternoon would be in the wet anyway , which made the dry warm-up irrelevant. Nonetheless, fighting for the honor of the fittest on Sunday morning was in every sense nonsensical. Marc was already in 2nd place in the classification. He fell trying to improve. And that on a weekend when it was clear that with the hard tire carcass from Michelin all Honda drivers were so disadvantaged that such heroic deeds could at best mitigate this fact a little. If any.

    But for Márquez (and Doohan before that) the concept of "unnecessarily fast" just doesn't exist. Just think of a well-known quote from the Australian when he was pointed out to his dominance: "What do you want from me? Shall I slow down?"

    The same goes for Marc Marquez. Despite his injury woes over the past two years, he is unwilling to accept a limit when it comes to his unstoppable drive to be the fastest. Even in a warm up.

    That's why we admire the stars. At the same time, nobody wants to feel sorry for her.

    Contrasting with Márquez is Valentino Rossi, also overly gifted, but who has continued to prolong his career with the opposite approach – by minimizing risk.

    A few years ago, Marc survived an extraordinary moment of shock in Brno unscathed. The front slid away, the bike was already on the ground, but the rider put it back on two wheels with his knee and elbow. His technique of falling without falling became his signature thanks to the stunning saves.


    That day I asked Rossi if he could do the same. He first spoke analytically about Marc's different posture and driving technique, only to add with a laugh: "But I think it's better not to lose control of the front in the first place."


    Hopefully Marc will come back again. Hopefully the double vision will go away.


    Will he scale back his all-or-nothing approach to extend his career? Almost certainly not. We can only keep our fingers crossed that luck is still on his side.


    Acum 23 ore, B.B. a spus:

    Trebuie sa imi gasesc alt idol de urmarit altfel sportul asta nu ma mai intereseaza deloc. :( 

    Cev sugestii?


    Acum 23 ore, ioio_viola a spus:

    Maverick e o optiune serioasa pentru tine :)

    sa nu ziceti ca vorbesc prostii



    Every time I arrive at a new track I have to get used to a different way of riding and feelings. 

    It was certainly not the result I wanted, but in the warm-up, in the dry, only Quartararo had my pace. I'm curious if that setup will work here too, he explained.

  7. acum iar se pot plange astia de la 'onda ca nu le merge bitigla


    MotoGP Argentina: Michelin: Termas tyre allocation 'similar to 2019'


    After the challenges of the new Mandalika circuit, Michelin takes on Termas de Rio Hondo this weekend, where there have been no MotoGP laps for the last three years.

    That timeframe includes the introduction of the latest generation of (standard) Michelin rear tyre construction, from the start of the Covid-delayed 2020 season.

    The need to switch away from that normal casing to a special temperature-resistant construction - last used in 2018 - caused much-publicised problems for the likes of Honda and Suzuki in Mandalika.

    So what will be chosen for this weekend?

    Michelin's Piero Taramasso said that the Termas tyre allocation will be 'similar' to MotoGP's last visit in 2019, but with 'some later developments in terms of casing design and compounds'.

    “The Termas track has always been something of a challenge for us since we returned to MotoGP, with a lot of inclement weather meaning we were never able to get a completely dry weekend to test the performance of our Michelin Power Slick tyres," Taramasso said.


    "This year we are taking an allocation similar to the one used in 2019, but the tyres have been updated to include some later developments in terms of casing design and compounds to help resist the arduous track conditions.”

    Can Quartararo take advantage of Marquez' absence, Bagnaia's poor form?

    Espargaro keen to avoid Indonesia repeat, Bradl replaces Marquez

    Termas is one of the few remaining circuits where the MotoGP qualifying and race lap records remain from the previous Bridgestone era.

    That's partly due to caution following a rear tyre 'delamination' suffered by Scott Redding during free practice for Michelin's inaugural visit to the circuit in 2016.


    With no time to test a stiffer tyre construction before the race, due to bad weather, all riders were forced to make a compulsory bike swap during the grand prix.

  8. intrebarea e de ce ceilalti 5 producatori au reusit sa mearga cu gumele alea (chiar daca mai rau decat in teste) si doar Honda se plange de ele? 

    in alta ordine de idei, s-a schimbat turn 2 in Austria






    To increase safety at the Red Bull Ring, especially in the premier motorcycle class, the top speed for race bikes will be diminished at the second turn. “Reduced speed was needed in MotoGP in this section of the track. This was achieved through the compact right-left combination which refrains from impacting the rest of the track. The planning was a real challenge due to the topography of the terrain, above all”, says Tilke. With comprehensive examinations, 15 drafts were made before the final layout concept envisaged the chicane as the ideal solution. The track planning is based on specific speed calculations, in which the dimensions of the run-off zones and the other safety facilities were accounted for.

    Two 90-degree turns as part of a quick double apex chicane ensure a real challenge that will test all the abilities of the MotoGP™ riders. The top motorcycle racing series is sure to become even more dramatic as a consequence of extra overtaking moves. The new layout option at the second turn is designed primarily for motorcycling. The usual track set-up has been retained so that two options are now available without any changes to the overall character of the turns. The Red Bull Ring continues to have ten turns.

  9. Keith Huewen says 'the clock is ticking' on Marc Marquez' career as a MotoGP rider after double vision issues have once again resulted in the eight-time world champion having to miss this weekend’s Grand Prix of Argentina.


    Despite Marquez showing the ability to still win MotoGP races in 2021, the Repsol Honda rider continues to be plagued by injury following a third case of diplopia, the second in six months. 

    Marquez, who had one of the worst weekends of his professional career in Indonesia - suffered four crashes all of which were over 100mph - was ruled out of the Grand Prix due to a horrific crash in warm-up. 

    Marquez was launched from the top of his 2022 RC213V machine before landing on his head, an accident that left the 29 year-old in very bad shape. 


    Diplopia, also known as double vision, is one of the worst injuries an athlete could have which is why Keith Huewen believes ‘the clock is ticking’ on Marquez’s stunning MotoGP career. 


    Speaking on the latest episode of’s MotoGP podcast, Huewen said: ”It’s definitely better for him physically (to retire), there’s no doubt about that. Mentally it won’t be better for him obviously. 

    “The clock is ticking… I think we’ve all felt that for some time. Originally, when he didn’t get hurt when he would crash a lot; we would all say ‘it’s only a matter of time’, then he would get hurt and we would all say he’s going to have a massive one that’s career ending. 


    “Nobody wants to see it and nobody really wants to discuss it to be honest with you. But it’s something that as journalists and speculators of the sport we’ve got to. This injury he’s got at the moment it’s not like; if I can put it like a mechanical injury where you have a broken arm or a pin or whatever it is that you can fix mechanically. 


    Keith Huewen: Why I'm concerned for Marquez's career

    “An eye injury, for me, being completely non medical, is a bit like a brain injury. It’s something you can’t do anything about and it is what it is and you have to get over whatever the circumstances of it are. 

    “Worryingly, the more he has (crashes) the more it’s going to compound his fragility. Every time he falls down, and every time he recovers from this now, he is going to be subconsciously nervous about everything that he used to do, like extending an arm, making a move of any kind.”


    How will this affect Marquez off-track?

    With the six-time premier class world champion at the peak of his powers as recently as 2019, a year where he finished all-but one race on the podium, breaking records was very much a ‘when’ as opposed to ‘if’ scenario.

    But with the last three years being more defined by injury than on-track success, Huewen also believes the continued double vision problems could affect the mental well-being of the Spaniard.

    “This is going to have a compounding effect on his performance, on his mental well-being and on where he ends up over the course of 2022,” added the former British champion and grand prix rider. 

    “I just have to feel that the writing is on the wall from my point of view. It looks like Marquez is at the end of a career that looked like it had a fair way still to run. 

    “We know his style is to crash and to save the unsavable and the one’s that are even unsavable for him are turning into quite big crashes. 

    “You cannot bang your head. How many times have I talked about it and has it been talked about - we are very concerned in MotoGP, in the industry - I’m very concerned that we don’t do enough head injuries and about concussion.” 

    It remains to be seen whether Marquez will take part in next week’s American MotoGP, after the statement from Honda was solely about missing the Argentina round. A further inspection will take place early next week to determine his availability. 

  10. The MotoGP World Championship is to ban the use of front ride-height devices from 2023.


    However rear ride-height devices and front holeshot systems (used only at the start of the race) will remain legal.

    At present, only Ducati is known to have a front ride-height device that can operate alongside the rear on corner exit with rival manufacturers making their opposition clear.


    'During the meeting of the Commission held in Lusail on 4 March 2022 the Grand Prix Commission delegates were asked to consider two alternative proposals on this (ride height devices) matter,' read a statement from the Grand Prix Commission.

    'Both had the objective of preventing further performance improvements and development cost increases. After consideration of the proposals the following regulation was approved unanimously.


    'The use of any device that modifies or adjusts the motorcycle’s front ride height while it is moving is forbidden.

    'The decision of the Technical Director will be final when determining what constitutes a front ride height device; devices that only operate one-shot at the race start (i.e. “holeshot” devices) are allowed.'

  11. totusi vad ca exista tendinta ca sa se planga tot mai multi piloti de cum merg altii. de cand motociclismul a devenit un sport de "pussies"?


    "It took me a lot of time to become familiar with it. I started out badly and, unfortunately, I struggled in the first few laps, because I couldn’t see anything at all. Gradually, I started to set my pace. In fact, in the last ten laps, I was really fast. Getting past Darryn Binder was pretty dangerous. He made we go wide at turn two, making me lose ground again. Fortunately, I was able to make a comeback, so the position is good after all. It’s too bad because an eighth place was within our reach, but the important thing is to be in the points area and have had a good race," he said.

  12. Acum 2 ore, Method a spus:


    Colegul Zarco insa slabut - atata s-a calcat pe el ca sa il depaseasca pe Miller - efectiv nu pregatea bine depasirea.A venit Q si i-a aratat cum se face.




    putem zice ca Zarco nu l-a depasit pentru ca era sigur ca nu reuseste sa o faca curat, pe cand pe Fabio nu l-a interesat.

    Oricum ciudat ca Miller se plange de depasirea aia, mie nu mi s-a parut asa grava cum zice el.


    Miller said: “Well it wasn’t a fight. I just passed him and he rode his motorcycle into the side of my leg. Quite clearly like he did to Johann [Zarco]. 

    “I don’t think it’s necessary when someone passes you to immediately accelerate towards their front tyre. I will quite happily have a word with him about this because it’s not on. 



    Quartararo hit back saying: "I don’t care! I don’t care because he’s the one in the past that has some aggressive moves. 

    "I think my move was also not aggressive, just I didn’t expect to touch. My touch was not something big, it was a really small touch and I don’t know if he watched on TV, but he better watch because I did nothing wrong. 

  13. sunt filmari din culise si de acasa care nu apar la tv in transmisiunile live.


    ce am vazut eu pana acum:

    - Suzuki sunt cam suparati pe Rins ca se agita si da cu ea de pamant destul de des.

    - Jack e baiat fain, dar daca nu are rezultate anul asta nu mai il tin la echipa oficiala. 

    - Aprilia stiu ca si-au luat un om sensibil in echipa :)))))

    - MM si-a dat seama ca e si el om si cazaturile dor tare

    - Jorge Martin cu atatea oase rupte a revenit pe circuit intr-o luna jumate. destul de tare baiatul.


    un feedback bun zic eu despre serie si primul episod:

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