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Party for classic motorcycles in Rousse, Bulgaria


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Hello, romanian motorcycle fans !


MC Spirit of Freedom wants to invite you to a party for classic motorcycles which will took place near Rousse on the days from 22nd to 24th May 2009. The music of course is rock. The place is "Lipnik" Tree Park, near Nikolovo.;initsearch=1 Plates showing the right way to the party will be placed on the Danube Bridge and on all the entrances for Rousse, but we consider someone will meet the foreigners and lead them to the right place. The number of visitors in 2008 was about 500. We expect this year they will reach over 1000. Until now some members of Dac Motorcycle Club in Bucharest have confirmed their visit. The park is one of the most beautiful in Bulgaria full with the oldest trees in the region.

Of course a lot of games,surprises and awards are expected!


Some pictures :





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  ravenitza a spus:
:friends: S-a facut! Intrunirile din Bulgaria in general sunt reusite, iar acum cu motociclete clasice sigur vom avea ce admira!




cool,hope i'l be there!


revenitzo,ai "clasica" ?

moi are!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  drc a spus:
i am in :laugh:


ORL cand va duceti ... ceva detali pe pm

Momentan nu stiu cand si daca pot sa ma duc, dar chiar imi doresc...Avand in vedere ca e aproape, poate reusesc sa merg pe una dintre micutele clasice :rolleyes:

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  • 1 month later...
  ravenitza a spus:
Nu am, dar imi place sa le admir :D

Ne vedem acolo!

@valicaddy: sa imi parchez M-ul la munca? asa il poti vedea zilnic, ai trece pe langa el...

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  D_F_Star a spus:


A map with exact location can give us please?

ai citit ma ce scrie omu in primul post?

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Excuse me for not writing you the last few weeks, but I could not enter the forum. Now it's OK.

About the event : Everything is starting this Friday - the location is Nikolo village, Lipnik Park. I think the most interesting part will be in Saturday.


It is near to the village and will be easy to find, because from Rousse there will be signs in bright colours showing the exact way to the place. The organisators told me that a lot of people from the romanian club Dac Motors will visit the event. So if you want - contact them and ride together. We are waiting for you- there will be some kind of disco with old rock and a lot of prizes!


Have a nice ride !

Denislav Vasilev

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Pacat baieti.Nu a venit niciun pasionat de vechituri cu scula din dotare.Sfatul meu prietenesc este ca cei ce se ocupa intens de reconditionat motociclete vechi si care se cunosc bine intre ei,sa se organizeze si sa onoreze cu prezenta,astfel de invitatii amabile.Din cei pe care-i cunosc personal,daca s-ar fi prezentat cu reconditionarile lor,macar vreo trei patru,ar fi rupt gura targului.Asa cum grupul de motociclisti romani a fost numeros si placut vederii,tot asa un grup compact de motociclisti calare pe niste motociclete vechi si reconditionate,made in Romania,ar fi facut o mare si importanta propaganda motociclismului romanesc.Timpul inca nu este pierdut pentru o organizare.Pe baietii seriosi care se ocupa cu motocicletele moarte si apoi readuse la viata,cu sacrificii personale de tot felul,ii rog sa nu bage in seama pe zeflemitorii si mistocarii de serviciu de pe forum,si sa incerce sa faca ceva pentru a putea onora astfel de invitatii si a se prezenta cu fruntea sus la orice intrunire din Europica.Bunu.


  Navigator a spus:


Excuse me for not writing you the last few weeks, but I could not enter the forum. Now it's OK.

About the event : Everything is starting this Friday - the location is Nikolo village, Lipnik Park. I think the most interesting part will be in Saturday.


It is near to the village and will be easy to find, because from Rousse there will be signs in bright colours showing the exact way to the place. The organisators told me that a lot of people from the romanian club Dac Motors will visit the event. So if you want - contact them and ride together. We are waiting for you- there will be some kind of disco with old rock and a lot of prizes!


Have a nice ride !

Denislav Vasilev

Multumesc mult Denis.Ne-am simtit foarte bine la voi.O sa mai venim.Bunu.

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