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Asa arata un campion ! Foarte nostim la final cand a luat la rand tot podiumul :D

Ce mecloi avea Aleix Espargaro :crack:


Uitati-va ce spunea la 10 ani:


Expargaro avea ochelari? Si ce-a facut cu ei? S-o fi operat sau are lentile?

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Oricum, noi ne miram cand ii vedem pe dracii astia cum derapeaza pe circuit si ei fac asta de la 7-8 ani.

Pai motoreta aia de GP are 160kg... e si normal ca faci cu ea cum vrea muschiul tau, cred ca e belea. :))



De remarcat diferenta de varste la care au inceput: cand Marquez derapa cu motorete mai mari decat el, la aceeasi varsta Rossi facea wheelie cu scuteru si derapaje cu trancareta cu 3 roti la el in sat. (ba cred ca Rossi era mai mare de 8 ani, parea deja adolescent)

Editat de B.B.
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Exact diferenta asta era explicata de Rossi intr-un interview care a tot fost postat pe aici: in trecut performanta se impaca cu distractia si totul era luat mai lejer. La ora actuala performanta e luata mult mai in serios, iar rezultatele se vad la generatia actuala.

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Stati sa vedeti ce cafteala le trage la anu' Marquezul astorlalti!

Cica s-a operat de deviatie de sept. Acum cand o sa poata sa si respire, clar ca nu-l mai prinde nimeni!

de acord si deabia astept.

daca nu-l depunctau anul asta in australia, cred ca nu se mai atingea nimeni de locul 1.

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Nu cred ca vă pleca el de la honda degrabă.

Suzuki cred ca întâi vor merge pe nişte piloţi ieftini, după aia poate se vor arunca laaăştia mai scumpi. Eventual vor aduce dela Moto2 sau wsbk

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De-aia ma intrebam eu de ce isi pune mereu "departatorul" ala de nari pe nas in fiecare cursa.

Acel "abtibild" e de fapt o lamela metalica elastica, ca un arc, cu capete lipicioase care se lipeste pe nas si lamela iti tine narile deschise.



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De-aia ma intrebam eu de ce isi pune mereu "departatorul" ala de nari pe nas in fiecare cursa.

Acel "abtibild" e de fapt o lamela metalica elastica, ca un arc, cu capete lipicioase care se lipeste pe nas si lamela iti tine narile deschise.


Se gaseste in farmacii. Facea si reclama la televizor mai demult, ii zicea "Respir Usor" :D


Si Lorenzo mai foloseste plasture d'ala. La el mi se pare si casca aia prea stransa... il apasa pe obraji, de nu i se mai deschid nici ochii :laugh:



Editat de Jorge Lorenzo
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Ai dreptate, imi aduc aminte de reclame.



Poate lui Lorenzo i se umfla capul in timpul cursei... de-aia arata asa. Dimineata casca ii vine bine. :D

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intrebasem si eu pe aici candva despre aceli "plasturi" de pe nas, dar nu mi-a raspuns nimeni.



Poate lui Lorenzo i se umfla capul in timpul cursei... de-aia arata asa. Dimineata casca ii vine bine. :D

i se umfla cand il vede pe aghiotantul ala mic ca-i ia felia de paine. :D

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intrebasem si eu pe aici candva despre aceli "plasturi" de pe nas, dar nu mi-a raspuns nimeni.

Muta soarele de pe orbita ;)

Editat de ZaiR
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The rivalry between Marc Marquez and Jorge Lorenzo has taken harsh tones this year, on and off the track, but without ever encroaching on the impropriety. Both the Spanish have an expiring contract, and there are those who have already a foretaste of future coexistence that would make sparks.The same pilot Cervera, does not seem too afraid of this possibility, indeed."I would not be opposed to the arrival of Lorenzo Honda - Marquez told the radio program El larguero - I am interested in staying in this box, it matters little to the side of those who. would try to 'steal' the most information and to learn from him ".Assuming that the RC213V was supplied to the first four riders in the standings, Marquez has tickled the fancy commenting that "Rossi and Pedrosa would still closed at the same place. Lorenzo The only question would be."With regard to competitive disagreements, however, the neo-sample showed a calm atypical for a 20 year old."Many times you have to bite your tongue for better or for worse - he commented - It is better to remain silent and talking on the track, which is where I like to answer the questions, because the conflicts and controversies do not become a pilot . Listens and respects the criticism that you are facing, and take with you only those that interest you, that sometimes are not the best. Tengo into account all, but I'm on my way. "As for the criticism, however, it is also difficult to isolate themselves from praise."The important thing is to keep your circle, because they are the only ones who have enough confidence to contradict you.'s Why I wanted to bring with me my team from the Moto2. I had my doubts about why change when I won with former team Casey Stoner, as an expert , but in the end I decided with my heart and opted for my people. "At 20, Marquez is the new face of yet another generation of drivers. Arrembante, hard, but always with a smile."MotoGP was a nice sport, it is now a sport that also overlooks the general public. Better to open any door with a smile not?'m A normal boy of twenty, I like hanging out with friends and meet girls. I'm single now. I left her . I was never at home, a little 'I was sorry but I was expecting.

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Ceva mai inteligibil tradus, de pe saitu' MotoHePe.



In an interview with Spanish radio station Cadena SER, Marc Marquez has claimed that he would not prevent Honda from signing up title rival Jorge Lorenzo, as well as admitting that he understands if current teammate Dani Pedrosa has been bothered by the rookie’s title success of the 2013 season.

“I would never block the arrival of Lorenzo – it would be interesting to have him in the box,” Marquez commented. “I do not mind who my teammate is; I just try to get the most out of it and learn as much as possible.”

Going on to discuss Pedrosa, Marquez recognised that his Repsol Honda Team partner had been ‘put in place’ and that he would dislike the same situation should the roles have been reversed. “I would be the first to be annoyed,” said the 20-year-old.


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