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motocicleta de închiriere

Jerome Lenormand

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no real biker will rent his bike for you. how will i know you will treat her good? my advice is: buy one, and then sell it.

for two month i think it's difficult!


i know the problem with biker rental, i have the same position for mine, but if a biker go to in an other country for working or other, that he want to give money, i pay the check and tire if it's necessary and it's good for all. but i know that is a difficult decision

» Post actualizat in 18 Mar 2015 10:58

Actually, it would be stupid to rent my bike to you. But I'm not, and I had to warn others to be careful when dealing with you. As a real biker you would respect others property and their wish to keep it safe. The way you behave here is telling me you're not a biker, you're a "tzepar".

if you want...

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ok, je vais vous donner Motrot, vous payez, et d'utiliser, réunis aujourd'hui à parler

Nu prea a mers bine gugal translateu:P

» Post actualizat in 18 Mar 2015 11:23

Cum se zice in franceza "ia ba viteza ca furi curent "? :shootingsmilie:

Zi o propozitie care sa contina bite,soucer :crack: .

Sigur o sa inteleaga el si o sa se conformeze.

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I'm french, i work in cluj and i would like to rent a motorcyle because i like that.


In france, i drive a yamaha 850TDM 5 years ago.


i drive an harley davidson in USA during 2 month


and i stay in romania 2 month in cluj and for my deplacement and visit, i would like to rent a moto.


Do you know a shop or a guy who want to rent moto just i don't like sportive.




I noticed one thing: you mentioned that you WORK in Cluj city. This means you will not spend those full two months as you were in holiday trip. Basically, if you work about 8 hours from Monday to Friday, you will have 2 days off every week. During a full month, you will need a motorcycle for about 8 days, if you decide to spend the entire weekend on a rented bike.


Do you think it worth renting a bike from a local guy for a few days on a month? More than this.... how cheap do you think a local guy would agree to rent you his bike? Obviously, you hope it will be cheaper than renting, but how cheap do you think this renting thing will cost you?


Besides this, a local guy renting your bike only for your "word", it's a MORON, a big one. Anyone who has brain and who use it, will ask you MONEY in order for you to guarantee for his bike. It's the same thing as you were renting a bike from a local shop. So, either way, it's simple: you need more money than just for gas.


My advice: rent a bike from a local renting shop, only for those days you really need a bike, meaning for the days you're not working. This was is legal.


Have a nice tine in Romania.

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I'm french, i work in cluj and i would like to rent a motorcyle because i like that.


In france, i drive a yamaha 850TDM 5 years ago.


i drive an harley davidson in USA during 2 month


and i stay in romania 2 month in cluj and for my deplacement and visit, i would like to rent a moto.


Do you know a shop or a guy who want to rent moto just i don't like sportive.


Salut mec,

faut pas faire attention à tous les glandeurs qui te répondent parce qu'ils s'ennuient. Il y en a peu (voir aucun) qui soient prêts à t'aider. Malheureusement je suis à Bucarest et je peux pas vraiment t'aider à trouver de bécane a Cluj. Un conseil cependant: cherche pas à louer chez un particulier. Hormis quelques exceptions c'est assez risqué, surtout si ils voient que t'es étranger. Vaut mieux aller voir chez un spécialiste. J'en connais un dans la région, mais je sais pas si ils sont toujours actifs, faudrait aller vérifier - lien ici. Ils sont à Turda (à +/- 30km de Cluj).


Sinon, dans Cluj-même, tu pourrais aller demander Chez CocMotors: c'est un revendeur de motos d'occasion, peut-être qu'ils ont quelque chose à louer également. Lien ici.

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just curious: what kind of bike is it that you want to rent? Did you think about offering a guarantee? what do you need the bike for?

my preferate bike is tdm, tenere, vstrom, this type, 1 april to 20 may, for the garantee i don't know negociate with the guy.

» Post actualizat in 18 Mar 2015 12:11


Salut mec,

faut pas faire attention à tous les glandeurs qui te répondent parce qu'ils s'ennuient. Il y en a peu (voir aucun) qui soient prêts à t'aider. Malheureusement je suis à Bucarest et je peux pas vraiment t'aider à trouver de bécane a Cluj. Un conseil cependant: cherche pas à louer chez un particulier. Hormis quelques exceptions c'est assez risqué, surtout si ils voient que t'es étranger. Vaut mieux aller voir chez un spécialiste. J'en connais un dans la région, mais je sais pas si ils sont toujours actifs, faudrait aller vérifier - lien ici. Ils sont à Turda (à +/- 30km de Cluj).


Sinon, dans Cluj-même, tu pourrais aller demander Chez CocMotors: c'est un revendeur de motos d'occasion, peut-être qu'ils ont quelque chose à louer également. Lien ici.

merci beaucoup l'ami

» Post actualizat in 18 Mar 2015 12:24



I noticed one thing: you mentioned that you WORK in Cluj city. This means you will not spend those full two months as you were in holiday trip. Basically, if you work about 8 hours from Monday to Friday, you will have 2 days off every week. During a full month, you will need a motorcycle for about 8 days, if you decide to spend the entire weekend on a rented bike.


Do you think it worth renting a bike from a local guy for a few days on a month? More than this.... how cheap do you think a local guy would agree to rent you his bike? Obviously, you hope it will be cheaper than renting, but how cheap do you think this renting thing will cost you?


Besides this, a local guy renting your bike only for your "word", it's a MORON, a big one. Anyone who has brain and who use it, will ask you MONEY in order for you to guarantee for his bike. It's the same thing as you were renting a bike from a local shop. So, either way, it's simple: you need more money than just for gas.


My advice: rent a bike from a local renting shop, only for those days you really need a bike, meaning for the days you're not working. This was is legal.


Have a nice tine in Romania.


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Salut mec,

faut pas faire attention à tous les glandeurs qui te répondent parce qu'ils s'ennuient. Il y en a peu (voir aucun) qui soient prêts à t'aider. Malheureusement je suis à Bucarest et je peux pas vraiment t'aider à trouver de bécane a Cluj. Un conseil cependant: cherche pas à louer chez un particulier. Hormis quelques exceptions c'est assez risqué, surtout si ils voient que t'es étranger. Vaut mieux aller voir chez un spécialiste. J'en connais un dans la région, mais je sais pas si ils sont toujours actifs, faudrait aller vérifier - lien ici. Ils sont à Turda (à +/- 30km de Cluj).


Sinon, dans Cluj-même, tu pourrais aller demander Chez CocMotors: c'est un revendeur de motos d'occasion, peut-être qu'ils ont quelque chose à louer également. Lien ici.

1-0 pentru tine la franceza :10:

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Fratilor, da' de ce nu-i vorbiti omului pe romaneste? Ca io inteleg din postarile lui ca vorbeste si romaneste.


Ticule initiator al topicului: Hai pe la mine si-ti dau eu motoare de inchiriat. Touring soft enduro. De 1000 si peste. La alegere intre 5 bucati.

Numai sa te tina buzunarul. 100 de iepuroi pe zi si inca ceva garantii. Plata, desigur in avans. Te astept !!!

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Pentru a nu mai irosi timpul, oamenilor de bună-credință, de a scrie, ar fi utilă intervenția unui moderator care să confirme că IP-ul inițiatorului este dintr-o țară bananieră.

» Post actualizat in 18 Mar 2015 15:44

Acum am văzut că adresa de e-mail e a unui pasionat de paint ball și că profilul de fb ar fi al unei persoane cu aceeași pasiune.

Editat de severin31
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:whip: ,,,cum nu vreti voi sa ajutati dati/donati o motoreta pentru doar doua luni....el s-a chinut vreo luna asteptind sa ii fie aprobat contul pe motociclism si voi nu vreti sa il ajutati...

Adicatelea in afara faptului ca ca scrie pe un site de "tigani" si nici macar nu a avut bunul simt sa scrie in rRomana...(unii chiar au raspuns in limba lui materna ca sa nu lase baiatul sa oboseasca traducand), sta el la hotel si nu are bani sa inchirieze o ie scumpe alea inchiriate legal...

Oare googule asta nu stie sa caute "inchirieri moto" si in limba franceza , sau nu stie sa il folseasca si se va gasi un binevoitor sa il invete...

Oare dace merge cineva de la noi in franta ,,,ii "inchiriaza " careva de pe acolo mult sub pretul pietei sau moca o motocicleta si sa nu ii fie minim prieten ...eventual sa o mai si repare cand i-o aduce inapoi...daca o mai aduce..??

Ori suntem luati de fraieri...ori asta e o gluma buna...

Editat de Unchiu'
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:whip: ,,,cum nu vreti voi sa ajutati dati/donati o motoreta pentru doar doua luni....el s-a chinut vreo luna asteptind sa ii fie aprobat contul pe motociclism si voi nu vreti sa il ajutati...

Adicatelea in afara faptului ca ca scrie pe un site de "tigani" si nici macar nu a avut bunul simt sa scrie in rRomana...(unii chiar au raspuns in limba lui materna ca sa nu lase baiatul sa oboseasca traducand), sta el la hotel si nu are bani sa inchirieze o ie scumpe alea inchiriate legal...

Oare googule asta nu stie sa caute "inchirieri moto" si in limba franceza , sau nu stie sa il folseasca si se va gasi un binevoitor sa il invete...

Oare dace merge cineva de la noi in franta ,,,ii "inchiriaza " careva de pe acolo mult sub pretul pietei sau moca o motocicleta si sa nu ii fie minim prieten ...eventual sa o mai si repare cand i-o aduce inapoi...daca o mai aduce..??

Ori suntem luati de fraieri...ori asta e o gluma buna...

cine si-ar da mobra sa cada altul cu ea?

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Daca puneti botul la prostiile debitate de un roman ... nu spun cum, sunteti...iar nu spun primul rand se da francez, dar nu stie foarte bine franceza, iar de engleza nici nu se mai pune in discutie, baga niste cuvinte in romana si un google translate de mor. Este o mare teapa dupa parerea mea si in doua zile o sa vad topic, "Furt motocicleta in Cluj"...asa ca, motocicleta e ca femeia: o tii oru scapi de nici un caz nu o imprumuti !!!! Pt toti banii din lume, dar fiecare e liber sa faca ce vrea cu bunul lui... Dar totusi atentie

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Je ma pis pacoperis. :) si mai stiu una. Sujemoa la trompette.

daca omu sta la hotel, poate e plătit de firma si el are diurna. Jerome, pour louer une moto, c'est mieux pas en Roumanie. Ca va pas aller bien pour ta santé

Allé, bonne soirée

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Daca puneti botul la prostiile debitate de un roman ... nu spun cum, sunteti...iar nu spun primul rand se da francez, dar nu stie foarte bine franceza, iar de engleza nici nu se mai pune in discutie, baga niste cuvinte in romana si un google translate de mor. Este o mare teapa dupa parerea mea si in doua zile o sa vad topic, "Furt motocicleta in Cluj"...asa ca, motocicleta e ca femeia: o tii oru scapi de nici un caz nu o imprumuti !!!! Pt toti banii din lume, dar fiecare e liber sa faca ce vrea cu bunul lui... Dar totusi atentie

Bine spus aici. Cred ca e un nou sistem de skamming

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