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Nu le am eu cu pestele. Un păstrăv la cobza cum se face în Bucovina nu refuz. Da nu sa dau eu cu bățul in baltă...
mai la nord de nicaieri
topic a răspuns lui reverend în reverendul POZE & FILME - Calatorii in STRAINATATE
cred ca am observat-o.. ideea e aceeas.. -
hai sa mai animez si eu un pic... De la ultima iesire de duminica trecuta.. text si video in curind in blogul de la semnatura... » Post actualizat in 20 Mar 2015 01:20 dupa cum ziceam: http://ridingwiththesun.com/2015/03/20/north-of-nowhere/
Motociclisti pasionati de sex (fara porno!)
topic a răspuns lui reverend în XCS911ul Motociclisti in timpul liber
sportul ajuta sanatatii: -
zilnic o scot... ;-) si ma mai intreaba lumea de ce nu ma mai intorc in Europa...
innainte de rasarit
topic a răspuns lui reverend în reverendul POZE & FILME - Calatorii in STRAINATATE
e nou nout... are doua zile -
Am mai facut o iesire scurta de vreo 400km: http://ridingwiththesun.com/2015/03/02/before-sunrise/
Motociclisti pasionati de sex (fara porno!)
topic a răspuns lui reverend în XCS911ul Motociclisti in timpul liber
http://seriouslyforreal.com/funny/18-playboys-unspoken-rules-sex/ -
Pt un TV show in EUROPA de care ma ocup acum, am primit o scrisoare de solicitare si un CV de la un Pakistanez din PAKISTAN. Citi si va distrati. Primit pe mail acu juma de ora. E f pe bune. Asif Saeed, A-61 Sector 14-B Shadman Town, North Karachi, Pakistan. 75850 Tel: +923000 Mr/Ms Employer, Dear, Your Prestigious Company, USA Re: Application for the post of Director/ Editor/ Interpreter/ Translator Dear Mr/Ms, I wish to apply for the position of Director/ Editor/ Interpreter/ Translator as advertised in www.mandy.com. The job reference number is ******. I have enclosed my resume to provide you with an overview of my experience and training. I have 08 years experience working in media and a solid commitment to this important customer service field. My most recent position has provided me with two years supervisory experience as Assistant Director of more than 08 to 10 different Infotainment departments’ projects. I wish to build on my achievements and take on a management position in this area. To assist me in this goal I have completed a one year diploma in Multimedia. As a result, I can offer you a combination of practical experience and up to date theoretical knowledge. I would be very pleased to discuss my application further with you at your convenience. Please contact me at the above address so that I can provide you with any additional information you may require. Yours sincerely, Asif Saeed This is a computer generated document so it doesn’t includes a signature. Resumé ASIF SAEED A-61 Sector 14-B Shadman Town North Nazimabad, Karachi, Pakistan P.O.Box - 75850 Father's Name : Saeed Ahmed Date of Birth : 8th October 1980 N.I.C. # : 42101-1605018-7 Marital Status : Married Phone : +9221-6982268 Cell Phone # : +92300 2510100 E-mail : pakpetroleo@hotmail.com Competencies Technical Capability I am an experienced Non Linear Editor (Final Cut Pro HD & Adobe Premiere) & also worked for more than 06 months as a Linear Editor. I can efficiently use camera PD-170, and have a good enough know how about audio equipments used in Recordings. I am a good graphics designer and can animate on demand, I am also a good operator of WASP Real Time Graphics software’s. Teamwork I can work efficiently in a team environment, including autonomous decision making and team leadership where necessary. Communication I have strong verbal communication skills in English, Urdu, German, Punjabi & Siraiki Languages which are important for a dynamic, efficient team environment. Organizational Aptitude I have ability to follow directions, act on my own initiative where appropriate, handle pressure and manage project schedules and resources to meet deadlines and targets in a structured format. Professional Development Success demands constant enthusiasm for ongoing learning and procedural development. I have an active personal interest in researching and learning electronic technologies in accordance with my current profession, which helps keeping up the job demands and widespread standards. Asif Saeed, A-61 Sector 14-B Shadman Town, North Karachi, Pakistan. 75850 Tel: +923002510100 15/09/2010 Mr/Ms Employer, Dear, Your Prestigious Company, USA Re: Application for the post of Director/ Editor/ Interpreter/ Translator Dear Mr/Ms, I wish to apply for the position of Director/ Editor/ Interpreter/ Translator as advertised in www.mandy.com. The job reference number is ******. I have enclosed my resume to provide you with an overview of my experience and training. I have 08 years experience working in media and a solid commitment to this important customer service field. My most recent position has provided me with two years supervisory experience as Assistant Director of more than 08 to 10 different Infotainment departments’ projects. I wish to build on my achievements and take on a management position in this area. To assist me in this goal I have completed a one year diploma in Multimedia. As a result, I can offer you a combination of practical experience and up to date theoretical knowledge. I would be very pleased to discuss my application further with you at your convenience. Please contact me at the above address so that I can provide you with any additional information you may require. Yours sincerely, Asif Saeed This is a computer generated document so it doesn’t includes a signature. Resumé ASIF SAEED A-61 Sector 14-B Shadman Town North Nazimabad, Karachi, Pakistan P.O.Box - 75850 Father's Name : Saeed Ahmed Date of Birth : 8th October 1980 N.I.C. # : 42101-1605018-7 Marital Status : Married Phone : +9221-6982268 Cell Phone # : +92300 2510100 E-mail : pakpetroleo@hotmail.com Competencies Technical Capability I am an experienced Non Linear Editor (Final Cut Pro HD & Adobe Premiere) & also worked for more than 06 months as a Linear Editor. I can efficiently use camera PD-170, and have a good enough know how about audio equipments used in Recordings. I am a good graphics designer and can animate on demand, I am also a good operator of WASP Real Time Graphics software’s. Teamwork I can work efficiently in a team environment, including autonomous decision making and team leadership where necessary. Communication I have strong verbal communication skills in English, Urdu, German, Punjabi & Siraiki Languages which are important for a dynamic, efficient team environment. Organizational Aptitude I have ability to follow directions, act on my own initiative where appropriate, handle pressure and manage project schedules and resources to meet deadlines and targets in a structured format. Professional Development Success demands constant enthusiasm for ongoing learning and procedural development. I have an active personal interest in researching and learning electronic technologies in accordance with my current profession, which helps keeping up the job demands and widespread standards. » Post actualizat in 18 Feb 2015 05:15 http://storage2.peteava.ro/serve/thumbnail/710938/resize
superb: https://vimeo.com/116764800#at=286
eu acum de astea: http://www.ebay.com/itm/2x-10W-CREE-LED-Work-Light-Spot-offroad-Driving-fog-Lamp-Motorcycle-boat-4X4-ATV-/231302737826?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item35dab7afa2&vxp=mtr Bine, eu mi-am scos farul cu totul si mi-am pus din astea. Sint ok. Oricum nu prea merg prea mult noaptea.. si mai am si astea pt faza lunga ( care o tin mereu aprinsa.) nu, nu sint mirlan sau orbesc lumea. sint inderptate toate f in jos. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Motorcycle-Car-12V-CREE-U2-LED-R-Laser-Head-Lamp-Bike-Waterproof-Spot-Light-30W-/271738972383?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3f44e7a8df&vxp=mtr Dar vreau sa schimb cu astea: http://www.ebay.com/itm/2x125W-3000LM-CREE-U5-LED-Motorcycle-Driving-Fog-Spot-light-Headlight-US-/221623484567?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3399ca0097&vxp=mtr Am vazut astea in actiune si sint f faine. au vreo 3 moduri. Low beam si high beam si flash ( flash nu as folosi dar low si high beam... nu suna rau)
Mortdecai cu depp . Super simpatic. Am vazut ieri un film care nu a fost cine stie ce dar pt o seara lenesa merge: si caii sint verzi pe pereti.
Ce ai mesterit azi la motocicleta ta?
topic a răspuns lui reverend în Old School Riderul Motociclisti, in fiecare zi
pt mesteri: http://9gag.tv/p/a5goo3/the-leatherman-tread-25-tools-you-wear-on-your-wrist?ref=fbl9 -
pina in ceruri si innapoi
topic a răspuns lui reverend în reverendul POZE & FILME - Calatorii in STRAINATATE
in oras... ;-) sau mai bine zis la 10 min de mers pe jos de mine. Dar cind ies la o tura cu mobra prefer sa ies in natura -
plimbare de duminica
topic a răspuns lui reverend în reverendul POZE & FILME - Calatorii in STRAINATATE
ms poti sa-l dai mai departe la prieteni si amici daca vrei -
cred ca fost sponzorizat de armata americana. Un film mai de propaganda americana la greu. Cred ca se pregateste USA de razboi si cauta omuleti noi pt recrutare.
sissy bar am eu. pe cel originial... mai greu cu trimisul...
daca as posta asta acu pe FB-il meu, cred ca m-ar astia afara din tara asta...mai ales acu
o poveste noua pe blog http://ridingwiththesun.com/2015/01/08/smile-breathe-and-go-slowly-thich-nhat-hanh/
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