Am citit pe undeva ca tobele de Harley sunt si mai ieftine si mai OK decat cele originale:
"But the best yet - the muffler... take it off and thow it away, soon. Any Harley exhaust pipe will fit on with only a small shim of metal between the head pipe and the exhaust pipe itself. Cost: Suzuki $483.00 CAD, Harley $71.00 CAD if you ask for one that someone removed when they bought the bike new and replaced it with louder ones. All Harley dealers usually have a stock of these. If not call me and I can send you one obviously cheaper, even after freight.
Before and after putting a stock Harley pipe on my '86 LS 650 (which is the best and cheapest upgrade or swap there is [usually $75.00 CAD]) I had a bad backfiring problem. This is due to the idle that the bike is running at at the time. As we are well aware with this unit it tends to idle a little faster when it is warm and then there is less backfiring. This is because at the slow idle the carb is running off the primary jet and allowing a larger amount of fuel that necessary to pool and thus cause a backfire. When the bike comes off the the primary circuit and on the main circuit, this problem stops. You have to find a balance of rpm at idle to solve this problem. Too slow - backfire. Too fast - annoying.
The best solution is to replace the stock Mikuni 40 with a Mikuni flat slide. If your budget can stand it. Otherwise... grin and hear it. "
Super tare manevra cu manualul!!!;num=1114360126