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13 IndianOil Grand Prix of India
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
pai tot asa putem spune ca MM nu a avut adversari care sa puna presiune pe el :). pe vremea aia erau 2 ( max 3) care mergeau de rupeau si restul la distanta destul de mare, pe cand acum avem si 15 piloti intr-o secunda. in fine, la final dupa ani de zile ramane cine a castigat campionatul mondial, nu cum a facut-o. -
13 IndianOil Grand Prix of India
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
Putem zice acelasi lucru despre MM93 in 2018 si 2019? Chiar si in 2017 desi acolo a fost mai strans scorul... Eu am mai zis, nu conteaza doar pilotul cat conteaza cat de buna e combinatia pilot+moto. degeaba esti pilot bun daca nu ai material calumea cu care sa mergi (MM sau FQ recent, VR46 la Ducati) si la fel degeaba ai material daca nu ai pilot constant care sa puncteze sus cu el (vezi Aprilia in ultimii 2 ani) -
13 IndianOil Grand Prix of India
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
Eu zic ca Bez il merita mai mult ca si JM. Merge cu o motocicleta spec 2022 si le da clasa de multe ori la ambii piloti cu spec 2023. Se vede la start diferenta dintre cei care primesc update-uri si cei care merg cu spec mai vechi. -
13 IndianOil Grand Prix of India
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
Nah sa fie spectacol. Oare regreta Ducati ca au facut o moto asa buna pentru toti? Oare il mai vor si pe MM acolo la bataie anul viitor? -
13 IndianOil Grand Prix of India
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
Marini LLpenalty, dar poate lipsi maine si in Japonia din cauza accidentarii. https://www.crash.net/motogp/news/1036543/1/collarbone-fracture-luca-marini-long-lap-penalty -
13 IndianOil Grand Prix of India
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
nu mai e iubire la Yamaha.... oricat incearca sa fie politically correct, se vede pe Fabio ca nu mai rezista in situatia actuala. si in conferinta de presa de ieri nu parea foarte incantat https://www.crash.net/motogp/news/1036263/1/quartararo-clashes-yamaha-boss-then-breaks-down-twice-indian-motogp Fabio Quartararo clashes with Yamaha boss - then breaks down twice at Indian MotoGP James Dielhenn 22 Sep 2023 Fabio Quartararo is at odds with Massimo Meregalli over the Misano test. Indian MotoGP, Buddh International Circuit - Friday Practice Results And his mood will not have improved on the opening day of the Indian MotoGP as he broke down twice with mechanical problems. He had already expressed surprise that Yamaha’s team manager appeared please with the 2024 prototype that was tested in Misano. "At the end of the Misano test we saw the comments from the team manager and mine that were black and white, they were totally different," Quartararo told DAZN. "I can clearly say that it was a disappointment, that it was not up to the level I expected, we have not made a step forward, at all.” Quartararo, perhaps sarcastically, added: “If the team manager says it is better, maybe we should listen to him." Quartararo was asked if he felt hopeless but replied: "No, in the end there is nothing on the line. “Someone says white, the other says black. “In the end, the comments that the rider says, I think are a bit more important. "It is the rider who tests the motorcycles, who has the feeling if it is easier to ride or not. “Of course if we start and we are not on the line, 2024 will be the same as this year or worse.” -
13 IndianOil Grand Prix of India
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
Mai era unu care zice ca nu India are nevoie de MotoGp ci invers. -
13 IndianOil Grand Prix of India
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
totul pare ok la circuit. deocamdata nici un feedback de la pilotii clasati mai sus, dar pare ok. https://www.crash.net/motogp/news/1036122/1/we-were-too-hard-track-nothing-critical-fun https://www.gpone.com/en/2023/09/21/motogp/riders-promote-the-buddh-circuit-fun-and-quite-safe.html -
12. Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
nah ca ne-am inghesuit mai multi. un Admin stergeti unul din topicuri -
CATEGORY - LAPS - TOTAL DISTANCE - FINISH IN CASE OF RED FLAG MotoGP™ - 24 - 120.24 Km / 74.71 Miles - 18 Moto2™ - 19 - 95.19 Km / 59.15 Miles - 14 Moto3™ - 17 - 85.17 Km / 52.92 Miles - 13 Vineri 06:30-07:20 Moto3™ Practice Nr. 1 07:35-08:30 Moto2™ Practice Nr. 1 08:45-09:55 MotoGP™ Free Practice Nr. 1 10:00-10:45 MotoGP™ Best of 10:45-11:35 Moto3™ Practice Nr. 2 11:50-12:45 Moto2™ Practice Nr. 2 13:00-14:10 MotoGP™ Practice Sambata 06:40-07:10 Moto3™ Practice Nr. 3 07:25-07:55 Moto2™ Practice Nr. 3 08:10-08:40 MotoGP™ Free Practice Nr. 2 08:50-09:05 MotoGP™ Qualifying Nr. 1 09:15-09:30 MotoGP™ Qualifying Nr. 2 10:50-11:05 Moto3™ Qualifying Nr. 1 11:15-11:30 Moto3™ Qualifying Nr. 2 11:45-12:00 Moto2™ Qualifying Nr. 1 12:10-12:25 Moto2™ Qualifying Nr. 2 13:00-13:45 MotoGP™12 Laps Tissot Sprint Duminica 08:40-08:50 MotoGP™ Warm Up 09:00-09:35 MotoGP™ Rider Fan Parade 10:00-10:35 Moto3™17 Laps Race 11:15-11:55 Moto2™19 Laps Race 13:00-13:50 MotoGP™24 Laps Race 14:10-14:45 MotoGP™ After the Flag 14:45-15:15 MotoGP™ Race Press Conference
12. Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
ala-s eu sau celalalt care e mai cu experienta -
2024 GRID UPDATE Scott Redding will move over to the Bonovo Action BMW, as Michael van der Mark partners Toprak Razgatlıoglu for 2024 Read more about it bit.ly/48qeEIu #WorldSBK #2024WorldSBKRidersMarket
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pare ca in fiecare an orice circuit e reomologat daca se fac orice modificari la nivelul pistei: https://www.gpone.com/en/2023/09/19/motogp/capirossi-the-buddh-circuit-is-ok-no-problems-with-homologation.html
Daca Acosta livreaza rezultate bune in primul an clar nu mai are loc MM la KTM. Totusi si Binder e cazul sa mai castige curse. Altfel s-ar putea sa nu mai aibe rabdare cu el prea mult si sa incerce cartea MM cei de la KTM pentru titlu.
12. Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
Unul din motivele pentru care nu s-au facut prea multe depasiri la Misano e ca nu prea ai unde. Zic si riderii lucrul asta: https://www.autosport.com/motogp/news/motogps-lack-of-spectacle-under-fire-again-after-no-show-misano-round/10519676/ “But in this circuit, it’s two things: you overtake like [Brad] Binder [in the sprint], where all the overtakes were on the limit, but were very good and was impressive to watch because it’s so difficult. ... “I think it’s the layout,” Espargaro said. “This track is very, very small, like a karting [track], with a lot of grip. ... “In tracks like this it’s very difficult. There are circuits with no grip, circuits with a lot of grip, there are small circuits like this one. “We have to race everywhere, but I don’t like these types of circuits because there is no show. “It’s very boring, very small. But we have to race everywhere. It’s true with these types of bikes, you need bigger layouts. “These bikes have a lot of downforce, really fast at turning, so in small tracks like this it’s impossible [to overtake].” -
12. Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
Asa ziceau si cei de la TNT. Ca a facut multe simulari de cursa mai ales ca era sasiu nou de CF. Oricum de apreciat performanta lui DP26!! -
12. Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
Fara sa stirbim din performanta lui Dani trebuie luat in calcul ca a testat in ultimile doua luni destul de mult pe acest circuit. Sigur i-a fost mai usor sa gaseasca setarile perfecte pentru cursa decat ceilalti piloti. -
12. Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
Cand esti platit 3 ani degeaba pentru ce ai fost odata, mai stai si al patrulea pentru a incerca sa scoti din rahat echipa aia. Mai ales ca totul a fost facut dupa cum a dictat MM. Pentru Honda plecarea lui MM poate o sa fie un bine de fapt. La fel si pentru Yamaha daca pleaca FQ. Au motoare facute sa castige un singur pilot cu ele. Poate cu plecarile astea reusesc sa faca ceva mai bun cu care sa scoata mai multi rezultate bune. Din ce spuneau cei de la TNT, e chiar invers. Are grip foarte bun si la temperaturi foarte mari. Ziceau ca de la reasfaltarea de acum 4 ani au reusit ceva foarte bun care tine. Au aparut doar cateva denivelari desi circuitul e folosit destul de des. -
12. Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
Daca iesi din bula digi si prima si asculti comentatorii englezi o sa vezi ca nu e doar o aberatie speedweek. Ziceau si englezii de la TNT ieri ca dimineata parea o aberatie mutarea lui MM la Gresini. Dar cu cat trecea timpul si mai diacutau in paddock incepea sa para ca nu mai e asa SF tot zvonul ala. Oricum la ce caracter de cacao are MM orice e posibil. -
12. Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
zic cei de la BT sport (TNT) ca si KTM testeaza un cadru full carbon. cica incearca sa-l ascunda bine cu stickere portocalii sunt curios ce rezultat o sa scoata FB1 ca nu pare foarte sprinten cand se da jos de pe moto -
12. Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
Da da, nu ma asteptam la asta :)))) Breaking news!!! -
12. Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
Se pare ca la Misano se vor decide ultimile locuri pentru anul viitor: "It is not possible to rotate five riders with four bikes,” Guidotti told AS. “We will see in Misano what is announced. This decision is far above me." -
CATEGORY- LAPS- TOTAL DISTANCE- FINISH IN CASE OF RED FLAG MotoGP™ 27 114.1 Km 20 Moto2™ 25 105.65 Km 19 Moto3™ 23 97.2 Km 17 MotoE™ 8 33.81 Km 6 Vineri 08.09 11:45-12:30 MotoGP™ Free Practice Nr. 1 16:00-17:00 MotoGP™ Practice Sambata 09.09 11:10-11:40 MotoGP™ Free Practice Nr. 2 11:50-12:05 MotoGP™ Qualifying Nr. 1 12:15-12:30 MotoGP™ Qualifying Nr. 2 16:00-16:25 MotoGP™ 13 Laps Tissot Sprint Duminica 10.09 10:40-10:50 MotoGP™ Warm Up 11:00-11:35 MotoGP™ Rider Fan Parade 12:00-12:35 Moto3™ 20 Laps Race 13:15-13:55 Moto2™ 22 Laps Race 15:00-15:50 MotoGP™ 27 Laps Race Sper ca orele sa fie pe Ro. Si sa mearga roamingul de pe plaja
11. Gran Premi Monster Energy de Catalunya
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
Rins e out si in Italia. Honda pare ca gaseste tot mai greu piloti care sa se chinuie cu motorul ala. Se suprapun WSBK, testele, wild card uri ... https://www.motorsport.com/motogp/news/takahashi-replace-rins-misano-honda/10516819/ -
11. Gran Premi Monster Energy de Catalunya
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în ioio_violaul Competitii Internationale
interesanta declaratia lui Albesiano cum ca Aprilia nu are nevoie de MM sau FQ. e ca si cum ar zice ca nu vor sa ia titlul :))) cu actualii piloti eu zic ca nu au nici o sansa, poate doar daca se impiedica Ducati cu 2-3 piloti si KTM ramane fara BB. https://www.gpone.com/en/2023/09/05/motogp/albesiano-this-aprilia-doesnt-need-quartararo-or-marquez.html In your opinion, is today's Aprilia ready for a Marquez or a Quartararo? I think the bike is mature and the team is too. But it's not in our plans in the short term. We have four riders who are fantastic, we have improved together with Aleix, he has improved in maturity, ability to work with the team, making the right really nice requests. In my opinion, this gives you the idea of how much a rider can evolve. For example, if I apply this evolution to Maverick, who is already at very high levels, and maybe improves on some aspects like consistency or something else, I think we're talking about a rider with crazy potential. I'm speaking as a friend and fan, for me as long as Aleix wants to continue and goes strong like this, the bike is there for him in Aprilia. The same for Maverick, I expect a lot from him, much more than what we have seen up to now, today which is already a lot. He can make another step up. Oliveira is a wonderful rider. I don't know where he would be without the bad luck he has had up to today, he made an awesome start. As soon as there is a chance he is ahead. Then he has an intelligence, an approach that is wonderful. Then I'm also in love with Raul Fernandez, because I think he has enormous talent and just needs support, calm, a company that believes in him and we are that company. We will give him plenty of time to grow and show his worth which we believe is very high. Then if Marquez is free or Quartararo is free, I wouldn't say we need them in particular.