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Sunt nou aici si nu numai (in motoare paralel ) dar trebuie sa incepi de undeva, si sper sa nu rideti de mine .

Am gasit la socru meu in garaj o jawa 125 care arata destul de bine si as vrea sa fac din ia un chopper , are nr vechi ce stiti daca modific la ia pot sa o mai inmatriculez sau cum se face intai se inmatriculeaza si apoi se modifica ?

Si as fi foarte bucuros daca puteti sa ma ajutati cu niste sfaturi ( ce tre modificat , de unde pot sa iau accesoriile ce-mi trebuie ,etc)

Pls ajutooooooooooooor , si sa nu rideti de mine


uitati si poze cu prima descoperire



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  • 5 weeks later...
vad ca nu a bagat nimeni motoru lu mad max pe aici asa ca imi permit eu sa o fac in numele lui;)


nu sta omu inghesuit pe el daca tot a lasat saua asa jos?

filtre de aer nu serveste domnu :bounce: e pacat sa-l distruga.

daca nare site in tobe nu as vrea sa stau pe linga el, mi-a ajuns la al meu tobe goale :friends:

linia e super faina, sa aiba parte de el!


asta nu e "cioplit" de Basty? ca e stilul lui!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

mnaziua! mai am de lucru la asta dar sper ca iarna asta sa o scot cat de cat la capat...oricum nu mi-ar mai strica niste eventuale idei...un brainstorming ceva :goodposting:

problema mai stringenta e ca vreau sa cobor nitel garda la sol in conditiile in care suspensia centrala e stransa la maxim si inca mai sun aproximativ 17cm pana la asfalt.



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mnaziua! mai am de lucru la asta dar sper ca iarna asta sa o scot cat de cat la capat...oricum nu mi-ar mai strica niste eventuale idei...un brainstorming ceva :rock:

problema mai stringenta e ca vreau sa cobor nitel garda la sol in conditiile in care suspensia centrala e stransa la maxim si inca mai sun aproximativ 17cm pana la asfalt.


frumos lucrata saua!

Editat de robychopper
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E usor de coborat la Intruderele astea - e exact ca la Volusia mea, ai sub craddle doua piese asa-zise dog-bones pentru ca seamana cu "oasele" din desenele animate - faci altele mai scurte sau nmai lungi si modifici garda la sol. Uite un link de unde poti sa te inspiri: sau gasesti informatii pe


All you need is some 1/4 inch steel bar stock 1 1/2 inches wide, a hack saw and a drill with a 1/2 inch diameter drill bit. Of course it's always a good idea to know how much you want to lower your scooter before starting. For most people, 2 to 2 1/2 inches are plenty to give your scooter that cool squat look in the rear. For more vertically challenged individuals 3 to 3 1/2 inches may be in order. And if you want that totally slammed look then 4 inches is the only way to go.

Lowering your Vol or C50 is a simple matter of replacing the stock rear suspension linkage (known as the "dog bones" by some folks) with a longer version. This effectively lowers the rear of the bike without altering the function of the shock absorber. It also changes how you sit on the bike as it affects the overall geometry of the chassis. You sit lower to the ground which means you may have to adjust the handlebar position and relocate the windshield, if you have one, to better accommodate the new riding position. It changes how your feet rest on foot pegs too. You may find that forward shifted controls are needed to compensate for this change.

Ok, so what's the benefit of all this? Slamming the rear end lowers the center of gravity. This means better stability at lower speeds and nimbler handling at higher speeds. It moves your feet closer to the ground, which means those less tall, can sit flat footed on the pavement. A hidden benefit comes from adjusting, moving and/or changing other characteristics such as handlebars, foot pegs and windshields. This allows you to custom fit your motorcycle to you- to make it fit your physique, your personal attributes. This allows you to make your bike really yours.

Ready to get started? A stock linkage is pictured below. It is a stamped piece of steel about 6 7/8 inches long with a hole drilled in either end so it can be bolted to the shock and swing arm. If you pull the right side cover off of your scoot you can see it mounted at an angle just behind the shock.

The first step, in case you haven't done so already, is to decide how much you want to lower your bike. That's a personal decision and I won?t get involved with that. For those of you who have decided, take a look at the graph below. In it you will find the data you need to make your lowering kit.

To determine how long to make the linkage, first look up the amount of drop you want in the bottom most line. Let's say, fer instance, you want a 3 1/2 inch drop. Find 3.5 on the bottom line. Directly above that you will find 6.4375. This is the length of the linkage in inches center to center (c/c) of the holes needed to get that 3 1/2 inch drop. Now determine how long overall the new linkage has to be. Simply add 1 3/8 (1.375) to that number to determine the overall length of the new linkage. This gives the extra material needed on both ends for strength and for shaping after drilling the bolt holes. So, 6.4375 + 1.375 = 7.8125 or roughly 7 13/16 inches is the total length. The 1.375 constant applies to all lengths c/c contained in the graph. If you want a 1 inch drop, then the equation becomes 5.8125 + 1.375 = 7.1875 inches overall length. The picture below shows the different length linkages needed to give the amount of the drop stated. Now you can cut two pieces of steel to what ever length you need.

Now that the steel is cut, measure up 11/16 (0.6875) inch from one end and mark the spot. Do the same on the opposite end. Measure to 1/2 the width of the material, which should be 3/4 (0.750) inch if you are using 1 1/2 inch stock. Mark that spot. Connect that mark with the one measured up from the end. You should have a + marking where to drill the hole. Mark the opposite end the same.

Once the hole locations are marked, center punch the intersecting points of the lines. Now you can drill away! Be sure to remove any burrs or sharp edges from around the holes after they are drilled. Now it's time to shape the linkages. You can get fancy here if you like and style your new linkages after the OE version by cutting in the dog bone shape. Or, you can leave them square if you like. I personally prefer the added strength of the extra steel by leaving them square. The choice is yours. But, the ends have to be rounded for clearance of the shock and frame members no matter which way you go. You can use a compass or anything round to trace the shape of the rounded end onto the linkage. Then it can be cut, filed or ground into shape. Don't forget to apply some paint to your new linkages after final shaping.









Asa e la Volusia - ramane sa adaptezi la 1500 - s-ar putea sa fie exact la fel, cadrele seamana foarte mult...

Editat de Darth Wraith
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rog pe cei ce mai postati aici sa va limitati doar la subiectul topicului....


cipvar deschideti un topic cu motorul tau si in acel topic vorbiti orce despre modificarea motorului tau...


spun asta ca sa nu incarcam subietul topicului cu alte chestii


va salut

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E usor de coborat la Intruderele astea - e exact ca la Volusia mea, ai sub craddle doua piese asa-zise dog-bones pentru ca seamana cu "oasele" din desenele animate - faci altele mai scurte sau nmai lungi si modifici garda la sol. Uite un link de unde poti sa te inspiri: sau gasesti informatii pe




Asa e la Volusia - ramane sa adaptezi la 1500 - s-ar putea sa fie exact la fel, cadrele seamana foarte mult...


mersi frumos de raspuns. e mai mult decat complet. nu ramane decat sa ma apuc de treaba. raman dator dau o bere la prima intrunire ;)


rog pe cei ce mai postati aici sa va limitati doar la subiectul topicului....


cipvar deschideti un topic cu motorul tau si in acel topic vorbiti orce despre modificarea motorului tau...


spun asta ca sa nu incarcam subietul topicului cu alte chestii


va salut


imi pare rau daca am incarcat topicul cu problemele mele, nu am realizat ca as fi offtopic, nu e "chopper custom rat si bobber"? sau e doar fabricate in Romania nu si modificate in Romania. Oricum n-am asa multe dileme incat sa-mi deschid propriul topic, cum m-am descurcat pana aici cred ca o sa ma descurc si de aici incolo.


masoyama...mersi dar din pacate nu e fabricata in Romania (ups iara offtopic) e de pe ebay de la Larosa design.


numa bine la toata lumea si asfalt uscat...daca se mai poate pe vemea asta.

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  • 3 weeks later...

caut de prin 2006 poze sau ceva detalii despre nipra asta... aku intreb si aici stie cineva a cui era,cine a facut-o?

mai aveti careva poze cu ea..?


am inteles k era a unui resitean!


Editat de Niku Chopper
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caut de prin 2006 poze sau ceva detalii despre nipra asta... aku intreb si aici stie cineva a cui era,cine a facut-o?

mai aveti careva poze cu ea..?


am inteles k era a unui resitean!

las ca nu esti singurul care a mai visat la ea, e bomba bobberul !

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las ca nu esti singurul care a mai visat la ea, e bomba bobberul !

nu e vb de visat la ea...prefer sa-mi fac eu motoarele, dar e o motocicleta frumoasa si vroiam sa stiu cate ceva despre ea...


Ms mihai_prd! alte detalii?



intr-o vreme am postat si o alta nipra pt a afla cate ceva despre ea... dar despre asta n-am aflat absolut nimic...


atat stiu si despre asta k era a unui sibian si cam atat....


Editat de Niku Chopper
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Niprul asta e criminal, pacat de culoarea aia teribila, dar fiecare cu... . Dupa cum stiu, e facut de Bono din Cluj, ia legatura cu el. Iar bobberul albastru e chiar bomba. Nota zece!



mda culoarea aia nu-i tocmai potrivita,


bono cu roby au fost cu ea la sibiu in 2005, dar nu era facuta de el ci era doar pt o revizie la el la atelier...


avea unghi f mare la furca, oare mai exista vreuna din ele?



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da,ala turquoise e niprul lui Aldwin din Resita,incerc sa aflu pe unde a ajuns...

ala ciclam e niprul lui Gabi din Sibiu,(are ceva accesorii de sportster pe el),ar trebui sa fie prin Sibiu.


niprul lui Aldwin e in Ro,dar e in modificari cica....acum are motor de BMW din WWII.

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da,ala turquoise e niprul lui Aldwin din Resita,incerc sa aflu pe unde a ajuns...

ala ciclam e niprul lui Gabi din Sibiu,(are ceva accesorii de sportster pe el),ar trebui sa fie prin Sibiu.


niprul lui Aldwin e in Ro,dar e in modificari cica....acum are motor de BMW din WWII.




ms fii grozav sa-l vedem pe drumuri/intruniri cat mai curand

Editat de Niku Chopper
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