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preluind un link de la Roadkill,am gasit ceva interesant:


Stinger's version:


The short answer to the question "what's a biker?"


A biker is not just one who owns a motorcycle. There are numerous people who own multiple bikes, but never ride them. A biker is someone who owns and rides a motorcycle, and not merely as a means of transportation. Being a biker means taking a motorcycle on long journeys, day and night, rain or shine. And a biker shares a certain rapport with his/her motorcycle. A biker loves being on the road and the heightened sense of their surroundings. A biker respects nature, being so close to it so often. A true biker cares less what you ride and more that you ride. A biker is an adventurer, one who transcends normal life, welcomes the freedom of open motion, and the ecstasy and peace of mind gleaned from it. A biker is a generous and respectful person, who helps those in need and believes in "live and let live". And a biker is driven by spiritual, rather than material needs.


Want the long answer?




Big Ben's version:


The best definition I ever heard was this: You know a biker by the look in the eyes as you pass each other and wave, a look that says "You ride too, and you know what I'm smiling about."

As far as I'm concerned, if you understand what I'm talking about, you're a biker, end of story.


And for you posers out there too blinded by brand loyalties to see that it's all about FREEDOM, baby, remember what my brother Carl Whitecrow said when some loser told him his CB 750 was Jap Crap:



"It sure as hell beats walking, don't it?"

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" A biker is not just one who owns a motorcycle. There are numerous people who own multiple bikes, but never ride them. A biker is someone who owns and rides a motorcycle, and not merely as a means of transportation. Being a biker means taking a motorcycle on long journeys, day and night, rain or shine. And a biker shares a certain rapport with his/her motorcycle. A biker loves being on the road and the heightened sense of their surroundings. A biker respects nature, being so close to it so often. A true biker cares less what you ride and more that you ride. A biker is an adventurer, one who transcends normal life, welcomes the freedom of open motion, and the ecstasy and peace of mind gleaned from it. A biker is a generous and respectful person, who helps those in need and believes in "live and let live". And a biker is driven by spiritual, rather than material needs. "



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Roadhogs in Ro nu mai exista, cred, de prin 2004 - 2005. Se facuse parca si un anunt aici pe forum. Aici, motociclism sau pe vremea cand era inca probike :D

Probabil site-urile prezentate sunt neactualizate.


Bafta :D

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Scuze, acum m-am uitat cu atentie. Dadusem click pe Romania si nu se intampla nimic. Ce deduc din ce spun ei este ca NY este singurul ramas din state cu acordul 1% locale iar in Europa se pare ca mai exista pe unde nu sunt chaptere HA banuiesc (Am gasit intre timp si topicul din 2005 /index.php?...amp;hl=roadhogs )


Poate or mai fi si in Romania cine stie..... Site-ul lor a fost actualizat ultima data pe 8 Decembrie 2008.....


Roadhogs MC NY is the last remaining US and oldest worldwide chapter of Roadhogs International Motorcycle Club. We are proud to be a member of Roadhogs International Brotherhood. Recently a handful of x-roadhogs have come out from hiding and decided they would fly there patch once again and lay claim to a variation of our image and name. No current Roadhog or for that matter honored x-Roadhogs recognizes tham as anything but theives and liars. No club anywhere allows members to leave and keep patches, but they did, showing there lack of honor, and then using them and claiming to be that which they are not, shows they are theives. They can wave the flag and cry righteous indignation all the want, they show themselves for what they are.

They also are selling patches to people and calling them "nomads" , well I think they don't know what that term is within our world, and am sure any having a nomad patch will some day find out, to there own dismay.

Be it known , we are in no way connected to these frauds and further more veiw them as having stolen from the real Roadhogs, and we vow to retrieve our property in due time. Any that throw in with them be advised you will be also be seen as thieves and suffer the same fate, you have allied yourself with men of no honor, who claim what a " professional" club is. That may be so, since they seem to be interested in selling patches and not for being a brotherhood. They are at best cyber-bikers, and thats there bussiness, but using our name and image, makes it our bussiness.



Bafta :D

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Se suie pe Pegasuri cu coarne si terorizeaza orasul!

Controleaza traficul de celulare manglite dintr-o statzie de autobuz si au planuri sa se extinda pana la urmatoarea statzie.... daca mama lu' Nelutzu o sa-l lase pana la 11 seara.

Oricum sigur o sa gaseasca acoliti in Romania si o sa puna un chapter in Bolintin si unu in Caracal, dupa care o sa apara la stiri ca HA au fost prinsi furand gaini din cotetzul lui Dumitras.

:baldy: :wacko:

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Se suie pe Pegasuri cu coarne si terorizeaza orasul!

Controleaza traficul de celulare manglite dintr-o statzie de autobuz si au planuri sa se extinda pana la urmatoarea statzie.... daca mama lu' Nelutzu o sa-l lase pana la 11 seara.

Oricum sigur o sa gaseasca acoliti in Romania si o sa puna un chapter in Bolintin si unu in Caracal, dupa care o sa apara la stiri ca HA au fost prinsi furand gaini din cotetzul lui Dumitras.



* :wacko:


bey, voi mai stiti filmuletul ala de desene animate cu lupul si cei trei purcelusi...? cam asa par si baietii astia, desi, sincer, prefer purcelusii :baldy:


da, Doamne, romanului mintea de pe urma...!

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Oameni buni lamuriti-ma si pe mine care-i diferenta intre un MC si un RC stiu semnificatia MC-Motor Club si RC-Road Club dar care e diferenta! Si sa stiti ca am citit la inceput topicului care e diferenta intre un MC si un RC, dar a-si vrea niste pareri!


Editat de IceLord
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mai citeste odata ,sau de 2 ori

Eu vreau pareri, opinii sau cazuri concrete de mc si de rc ce diferenta e intre ele, ce au realizat ele......observ ca esti mebru Trust MC ce poti sa-mi spui despre acest MC?





P.S. din cate stiu eu asa e :))

:wacko: eu vreau detalii, semnificatia o stiu si eu :wacko:

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