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Rossi nominalizat pentru premiul Sportivul Anului


Starul MotoGP Valentino Rossi ar putea sa se alature unor sportivi precum Tiger Woods, Lance Armstrong, Roger Federer sau Michael Schumacher daca va castiga distinctia de Sportivul Anului, pentru realizarile sale din sezonul 2008, premiul fiind oferit in cadrul galei Laureus Sports Awards.


Italianul a fost unul din cei sase finalisti: doi castigatori ai medaliei de aur la Olimpiada din 2008, Usain Bolt si Michael Phelps, campionul mondial de Formula 1, Lewis Hamilton, tenismanul Rafael Nadal si fotbalistul Cristiano Ronaldo; care au impresionat prin performantele lor in sezonul trecut.


Chiar daca Valentino Rossi nu se afla la prima nominalizare la un premiu al celor de la Laureaus, in 2006 fiind castigatorul sectiunii Laureus Spirit Of Sport Award pentru contributia sa pentru motociclism, titlul pentru care este nominalizat in prezent ar reprezenta inca o dovada a performantelor sale deosebite.

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MotoGP legend Valentino Rossi to ride Isle of Man TT course

MotoGP legend Valentino Rossi will ride the iconic Isle of Man TT course in June it has been confirmed.



It will be the eight-time MotoGP World Champion’s first visit to the TT and his lap of the Mountain Circuit will bring together two of the biggest names in motorcycle racing.


The 30-year-old will arrive in the Isle of Man on Saturday June 6 with fellow Italian Grand Prix legend Giacomo Agostini, who is no stranger to the TT. Ago race in the Isle of Man from 1966 to 1972, winning 10 TT races when the event held World Championship status.


The pair will lap the 37¾-mile course ahead of the Dainese Superbike race. Rossi and Agostini will ride 2009 Yamaha R1s behind the course car, flanked by Travelling Marshals riding similar machines.


Rossi, who has already own 97 GPs in his illustrious career, is excited about his first visit to the TT.


He said:


‘I am fascinated by all sort of motorsport and the Isle of Man is a destination and a race I have wanted to experience for a long time.’

‘The MotoGP schedule is very busy around this time of year, but this year the TT has moved dates a little and there is a week gap between Mugello and Catalunya, so now at last we have the opportunity to see this famous event!’

‘I have seen many famous images from the TT races, and of course heard much about it from Giacomo and Mr Dainese who enjoyed the experience so much last year.’

Dainese renewed its current partnership with the Isle of Man TT races in April and will be the Official Safety Partner for the second successive year. The company's founder and CEO Lino Dainese will accompany Rossi and Agostini on this historic visit.


Mr Dainese added:


‘This is the second year of being the Official Safety Partner to the Isle of Man TT Races and is a very big challenge for our company: we want to give a strong signal to our commitment of safety.’

‘We continue with our research and development programme of the D-air system, and at the TT Races we will cooperate again with our rider Guy Martin who gave such valuable feedback at last year’s event.’

‘Our research will continue also at Grand Prix circuits this year with Valentino Rossi's support too.’

‘We are delighted he can be with us at the TT this year to highlight the general commitment of all our pilots, together with D-tec (Dainese Technology Center) to make a step forward in motorbike protection.’

After the Dainese Superbike race there will be a press conference involving Mr Dainese, Agostini and Rossi outlining Dainese’s future commitments to further improving safety for people who love active sports before the VIP group leave to return to Italy.


Rossi’s appearance has been made possible because of his involvement with Dainese. Yamaha and MCN have also been involved in setting up the trip, working with the Isle of Man Government.


Tourism and Leisure Minister Martyn Quayle said:


‘The TT has a long history with Italy and Italian riders including Carlo Ubbiali, Tarquinio Provini and of course Giacomo Agostini.’

‘It is fantastic that another one of the ultimate motorcycling champions will be visiting the Island this year and I’m sure that everyone will give him a fantastic reception along with Giacamo Agostini.’

‘We are incredibly grateful to our partners Yamaha and particularly Dainese for making this trip happen. It represents and excellent opportunity to promote the Isle of Man and the TT Races to a global audience.’

Editat de gixxxer
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Rossi se pregateste de WRC din 2011


Valentino Rossi a confirmat pentru agentia de presa Reuters ca isi va urma pasiunea pentru masinile de raliu, cel mai probabil alaturi de Ford, dupa ce va simti ca impresionanta sa cariera pe doua roti a ajuns la final.

"Sper sa trec la patru roti. Cred ca este prea tarziu pentru Formula 1, dar sper sa am a doua parte a carierei mele cu masina. A fost dintotdeauna marea mea pasiune. Am crescut alaturi de tatal meu (Graziano), care de asemenea a pilotat masini de raliu asa ca atunci cand termin cu motocicletele sper sa am inca 10 ani cu masina."


Vorbind despre numeroasele zvonuri din trecut referitoare la ofertele avute de a pleca din MotoGP si a trece la Formula 1, Valentino Rossi a declarat:

"Am avut sansa de a intra in Formula 1 la sfarsitul lui 2006." a marturisit Rossi. "Am vorbit mult cu Ferrari. Am avut un plan serios de a fi pilot de teste in 2007 si apoi sa incep sa concurez in 2008. Dar am decis sa raman cu motocicletele -- deci a insemnat ca eu si Formula 1 am incheiat capitolul."


"Consider ca World Rally Championship este principala optiune," a dezvaluit pilotul italian. "Am o buna relatie cu Ford asa ca poate va fi Ford. Voi decide in vara lui 2010."

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Bun post Gix..., si eu sunt super fan, la anu trec si eu de NSR 125, la f4i replica rossi , poate va trimit cand sunt mai liber dvd-ul cu "Quarantasei" este "Il video fumetto" e super. Nu e un simplu desen animat......



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Apropos, sper sa nu ma repet in caz ca o mai fi dat cineva linku ....


Riding tips (rossi)



ms de link...

eu as vrea sa vad daca este cu el pe f4i-u replica rossi :baldy:

ca nu am gasit nicaieri nici macar o poza

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ms de link...

eu as vrea sa vad daca este cu el pe f4i-u replica rossi :baldy:

ca nu am gasit nicaieri nici macar o poza


Da si eu am cautat si nu am gasit, dar m-am gandit la o chestie poate nu e foarte fondata.... eu zic ca replica asta honda f4i, este aproape identica (desen carenaj....) din NSR-ul lui cu care a concurat in motogp, si ma gandesc ca astia nu prea mai fabricau atunci nsr (categoria aia)si au pus pe asta din 2001-2002(honda)

Editat de hnd46
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Mie mi se pare funny rau...seamana cu ceva din desenele cu road nu, nu incerc sa fiu rautacios...facem abstractie de faptul ca pica!


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Nu stiu cum se face ca am la motor numarul 46, (fara sa vreau), merg pe o Yamaha, acum din Catalunya am cumparat un tricou cu Rossi si cu toate astea sunt fan STONER.

De ce nu ma intrebati ca nici eu nu stiu. Este prea bun si poate de aceea sustin tineretul !!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
cred ca fanii lui rossi consuma numai guma oribit in cutie de 46 de pastile:))

sau aia de au facut cutia sunt fanii rossi


pai fiecare cu a lui.. alti is cumpara cu doar "sasha" pastile...frumoashe :laugh:



ontopic :


Valentino Rossi (Fiat Yamaha) 1st


"This is a very emotional moment and for sure I will remember this 100th victory for the rest of my life. When I reached 70, 100 seemed a long way away but here I am and it has been great, great fun getting here. It is down to so many people, like Jeremy and my guys who have been with me for ten years and all of the team who always give 100% and always give me the best bike possible. Especially however I have to thank the friends who have been with me my whole life and my father Graziano, who won here in Assen 30 years ago when I was a baby, and my mother Stefania, because they have always supported me. It?s great to reach this moment here at Assen because it's the "Cathedral" of motorcycle racing and the most historic track we go to. Today was a perfect race . I got a great start and my bike was incredible which meant that my pace was very strong. In fact I think it was better for everyone?s hearts not to have another last-lap battle like in Barcelona! I had a good advantage from Lorenzo in some parts of the track and it was a great ride for me. Now I have 100 wins and I'm only the second rider to arrive at this number, but Agostini still has 22 more and for me he is still the greatest. 100 is a great result but the atmosphere in our team is wonderful and the motivation is still as high as ever , we want to win a few more races together yet!"




Editat de gixxxer
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With his victory at the Alice TT Assen Valentino Rossi became only the second rider ever to reach the milestone of 100 Grand Prix victories, as documented in Monday’s video tributes to the Fiat Yamaha star.


Today we offer a selection of statistics relating to Rossi’s colourful and triumphant march to a century of GP successes, which along the way have brought him eight World titles across the three Grand Prix classes:


- The 100 victories have come from 217 Grand Prix starts, a win rate over his career of 46.1%.


- Rossi has won on six different types of motorcycle: 125cc Aprilia (12 wins), 250cc Aprilia (14 wins), 500cc Honda (13 wins), 990cc Honda (20 wins), 990cc Yamaha (25 wins) and 800cc Yamaha (16 wins).


- His 41 wins riding for Yamaha is more than any other rider. The second most successful Yamaha rider is Phil Read with 39 victories.


- Rossi has won Grand Prix races at 27 different circuits. The circuits at which he has had most success are Mugello and Catalunya with nine wins at each.


- The most wins Rossi has had in a single season is 11, which he has achieved on four occasions: 1997 (125cc), 2001 (500cc), 2002 and 2005 in MotoGP.


- His 11 wins in 1997 is a record for most victories in a single season in the 125cc class.


- Rossi’s 74 race victories in the premier-class is more than any other rider in the 61-year history of Grand Prix racing.


- With his victory in Jerez this year Valentino Rossi became the first rider to achieve at least one Grand Prix victory for 14 successive seasons.


- The total length of his winning career from his first win in the 125cc race at the Czech GP in 1996 to his latest victory at Assen, is 12 years 313 days. Only four riders have had a longer winning career in Grand Prix racing: Loris Reggiani, Phil Read, Angel Nieto and Loris Capirossi.



Ce parere aveti de aceste recorduri? Impresionant nu?

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With his victory at the Alice TT Assen Valentino Rossi became only the second rider ever to reach the milestone of 100 Grand Prix victories, as documented in Monday’s video tributes to the Fiat Yamaha star.


Today we offer a selection of statistics relating to Rossi’s colourful and triumphant march to a century of GP successes, which along the way have brought him eight World titles across the three Grand Prix classes:


- The 100 victories have come from 217 Grand Prix starts, a win rate over his career of 46.1%.


- Rossi has won on six different types of motorcycle: 125cc Aprilia (12 wins), 250cc Aprilia (14 wins), 500cc Honda (13 wins), 990cc Honda (20 wins), 990cc Yamaha (25 wins) and 800cc Yamaha (16 wins).


- His 41 wins riding for Yamaha is more than any other rider. The second most successful Yamaha rider is Phil Read with 39 victories.


- Rossi has won Grand Prix races at 27 different circuits. The circuits at which he has had most success are Mugello and Catalunya with nine wins at each.


- The most wins Rossi has had in a single season is 11, which he has achieved on four occasions: 1997 (125cc), 2001 (500cc), 2002 and 2005 in MotoGP.


- His 11 wins in 1997 is a record for most victories in a single season in the 125cc class.


- Rossi’s 74 race victories in the premier-class is more than any other rider in the 61-year history of Grand Prix racing.


- With his victory in Jerez this year Valentino Rossi became the first rider to achieve at least one Grand Prix victory for 14 successive seasons.


- The total length of his winning career from his first win in the 125cc race at the Czech GP in 1996 to his latest victory at Assen, is 12 years 313 days. Only four riders have had a longer winning career in Grand Prix racing: Loris Reggiani, Phil Read, Angel Nieto and Loris Capirossi.



Ce parere aveti de aceste recorduri? Impresionant nu?


super tare ...

la varsta lui ... incredibil.

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