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Bmw Hp2 Sport.


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frate... ati vazut ma la ce bani au scos desmosedici?


mancatz-as ochii poi pt 15 cai in plus fata de un jixer sa dau 50.000? ai dreaq macaronari


culmea e ca s-au vandut toate

si HP2 Sport tot toate or sa se vanda...


puterea e 133 de cai...

Unladen weight, road ready, fully fuelled 199 kg

iar pretul e de 20.000 deci decent pt un bmw.


aveti idee cam cat e un amortizor Ohlins pt curse?

dar o carena din carbon?

dar niste scarite reglabile?

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sincer, nu mi s-ar parea f exagerat 20.000 ptr un model sport. asa stiu si eu un monster s4r cu accesorii carbon (ducati),capac ambreiaj ventilat(carbon), evacuare dubla carbon, care ii dubleaza nici aia nu se pune la liniuta cu japoneza...dar pe un virajat, poate ii pune ceva probleme.

anyway, apreciez marca BMW ca inoveaza, si vine cu idei radicale. la fel cum au facut cu injectia, abs, paralever, telelever, metale tratate cu nikasil, si altele...

eu sunt obiectiv. nu am BMW, dar poate o sa da mi-ar place sa merg cu 500 kph, dar o sa prefer marca asta, desi "nu are" performante...

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Silenti: repet, daca tu chiar crezi ca majoritatea care isi iau motor la noi (sport) si-l iau cu gandul/speranta ca o sa apuce in curand sa alerge pe un circuit (sau o tentativa de circuit,cum e Amckartul) esti naiv frate.

Tu chiar poti compara fenomenul moto de la noi, cu cel de afara si sa afirmi ca la noi sunt mai pasionati astia de 'racing'/performanta ca aia de-afara, care majoritatea (din afara) isi iau motor mai mult de impresie?


Pe ce ma bazez cand spun ca majoritatea care au motor sau care intentioneaza sa-si ia motor o vor face din motive stupide?? este faptul ca am avut multe discutii si contact cu multe persoane din aceste categorii si am ramas prost ce mentalitate au si cum percep ei motociclismul (ca sport,pasiune etc).

Fenomenul MOTO in Romania este (inca) perceput foarte prost/gresit/eronat din diverse motive.


Pretul este mare. NU zic ca se reflecta neaparat un suspensiile Ohlins, carenajul din carbon, franele Brembo etc, dar alea cresc enorm pretul unei motociclete,asta o stii si tu,fara sa ti-o amintesc eu.Unde mai pui si "badge-ul" BMW, etc.. deci de aia pretul este cel "care este".

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Lol, nici macar nu stiti ce laudati, adevaratele bijuterii de pe motocicleta asta sunt motorul boxer DOHC - spre diferenta de restul - care e de o complexitate extrema (ceea ce nu e insa neaparat un lucru bun pentru fiabilitate), fibra de carbon e folosita pentru structura de rezistenta a coditei nu doar pentru carene, chestie chiar deosebita la motocicletele de serie, quickshifter-ul, si bordul integrat cu telemetria.

Monosocul spate Ohlins sau scaritele reglabile (apropos si gsxr-ul meu are scarite reglabile stock :bigstar:) sunt cele mai putin impresionante chestii. Deci pretul e bine justificat prin costurile de productie, nici vorba sa fi sustinut ca nu este, din contra, cum am spus in postul precendent chiar cred ca s-ar putea sa il vanda fara prea mult profit.


Totusi pana la urma mai putin important este cum se obtine performanta ci ce performanta se obtine. Si in final aceast show-case tehnic nu reuseste sa se ridice la performantele japonezelor standard. Si pe mine ca potential cumparator asta ma intereseaza, pentru ca in cazul asta particular fiabilitatea, confortul si practicalitatea modelului nu se inscriu in trend-ul general BMW si se vrea o chestie racing.

Pe ce ma bazez cand spun ca majoritatea care au motor sau care intentioneaza sa-si ia motor o vor face din motive stupide?? este faptul ca am avut multe discutii si contact cu multe persoane din aceste categorii si am ramas prost ce mentalitate au si cum percep ei motociclismul (ca sport,pasiune etc).

Ai avut mai mult contacte decat mine cu fenomenul asta? De cate ori ai venit pe Amckart? Dar pe Cheia? Cu cati concurenti din CNV ai vorbit? Dar cu cei care s-au dus anul asta la Serres? Si repet, daca eu nu ma pronunta in privinta procentului, cum crezi ca poti tu?

Si pana la urma ce conteaza cati posesori de japoneze se duc pe circuit si cati pe Magheru? Cu ce schimba asta raportul performante/pret dintre plasticata japoneza si exotica nemteasca?


Ma rog, imi bat gura degeaba. Nu practicati si nu va intereseaza sa practicati acest sport ci doar sa tociti tastatura. Ca atare parerea voastra = 0. End of story.

Editat de Silenti
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Silenti esti ca un cal din ala cu ochelari, care vede doar intr-o directie.


Nu inteleg de ce ma compari pe mine cu tine, eu iti spuneam doar ce vad eu. Daca tu ai contact cu 'reisării' asta nu inseamna ca toti cu motoare sport sunt reisari. Asta incercam sa spun, ca din marea de motoare sport din tara asta, procentul celor care incearca sa invete ceva, sa faca ceva (mai mult decat plimbarea pe bulevard) e relativ mic.


Nu contest calitatile plasticatelor japoneze, nu cred ca BMW ul exotic e superior prin nu stiu ce, fiecare motor are ceva aparte, are calitatile sale.


Si eu as face la fel, mi-as lua o plasticata japoneza intai,pe care sa invat. Eventual ne-plasticata, ceva necarenat, si apoi ..daca am valeitati de 'motociclist' sa ma avant la ceva mai puternic,mai 'exotic', mai special & co.


O corelatie directa intre nr de MagheriÂşti/nr reisarilor si raportul de pret/performante intre japoneze/bavareze nu exista... adica ar exista dar nu mai vreau sa prelungim discutia asta offtopic...



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e ca si cum nu as exista...

incep sa imi pierd din farmece

lasa bre, te faci tu mare, si o sa iti cumperi BMW... :bigstar:


@insider, te rog nu te mai ataca, si nu mai da curs offtopic-urilor. nu are rost.

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insider atata timp cat tu nu ai prea poti sa iti dai cu parerea despre una sau alta...pana iti iei si incepi sa mergi sa vezi mai exact cum e treaba ar fi bine sa taci si sa citesti


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insider atata timp cat tu nu ai prea poti sa iti dai cu parerea despre una sau alta...pana iti iei si incepi sa mergi sa vezi mai exact cum e treaba ar fi bine sa taci si sa citesti



Asa-i m3n, o sa incerc de-acu pe cat posibil sa tin capu' plecat si sa tac, dar doar pt ca nu am motocicleta.

Ar fi super,nu?

Hai promit ca o sa incerc sa tac si ma voi rezuma doar la bagari in seama legat de design-ul unei motociclete. (pwla mea, macar la atat sa am dreptu', nu? ca aici isi poate da cu parerea si un pictor cred), la culoare carenelor,a jantelor,etc.

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Asa-i m3n, o sa incerc de-acu pe cat posibil sa tin capu' plecat si sa tac, dar doar pt ca nu am motocicleta.

Ar fi super,nu?

Hai promit ca o sa incerc sa tac si ma voi rezuma doar la bagari in seama legat de design-ul unei motociclete. (pwla mea, macar la atat sa am dreptu', nu? ca aici isi poate da cu parerea si un pictor cred), la culoare carenelor,a jantelor,etc.


Ba nu bre nu se poate. Cum? Sa-ti dau cu parere despre design atat timp cat nu ai motor? Ar fi un sacrilegiu! Oameni buni lasati-l pe om in pace ca dupa vorbele lui imi dau seama ca stie mai multe despre motociclism decat multi dintre membrii acestui forum care au motor si se cred buricul pamantului! Daca ai invatat sa mergi in copilarie pe bicicleta deci stii cei ala echilibru, iti iei carnetu, apoi iti iei un 125 si gata...esti motociclist! Nu conteaza ca mergi ca tembelu' si cazi din 2 in 2 km...motociclist te poti numi ca doar ai motor. Sunt multi altii care nu au...dar au mers pe motor si stiu multe despre mecanica unei motociclete...mai mult decat oricare wannabe! Terminati cu insultele stupide si daca aveti ceva de spus despre HP2 Sport spuneti...daca nu lasati naibii topicul in pace si cautati in alta parte cearta(unii dintre cei care au postat aici nu au spus niciun cuvant on-topic...doar insulte)!

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Sa moara sergiu kawa, ca primul motor pe care am mers a fost ZX7R, dar daca mentionam asta....puneam gaz pe foc:)


A nu, primu' a fost GPZ 500:)


Ontopic: nu ma prea pricep eu asa bine la mecanica, nu pot sa bifez punand punctul pe "i" ,fiecare atu sau dezavantaj al HP2 Sportului.


Ca design ,indubitabil,imi place. Nu c-as fi fan BMW, pentru ca nu sunt. In afara de K1200S/R nu-mi place nimic de la ei.


Oricum,cum spunea si Silenti,degeaba au modificat ei boxeru de pe R1200S cu 'fine tuning' si degeaba e un motor complex daca asta se reflecta in costurile de intretinere,etc.


Si boxeru deja e o platforma limitata (ca putere). BMW ar fi putut,sau cel putin ar fi trebuit sa vina cu un HP2 sport ,imbracat ca asta, dar care sa se poata lua la tranta cu 1098s ul lui Ducati,sau cu 1098 simplu macar.

Editat de insider
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Si boxeru deja e o platforma limitata (ca putere). BMW ar fi putut,sau cel putin ar fi trebuit sa vina cu un HP2 sport ,imbracat ca asta, dar care sa se poata lua la tranta cu 1098s ul lui Ducati,sau cu 1098 simplu macar.

La anul vin cu un superbike in toata puterea cuvantului. 1000cc, 4 cilindrii in linie. Sunt foarte curios daca vor pastra cardanul - si aproape sigur ca nu - si la fel despre telelever. Sper ca de data asta pachetul sa vina la un pret competitiv.

Si sincer daca vor sa-l inscrie in superbike, si au declarat ca vor, trebuie sa fie mult peste 1098s*


*Fineprint: Nici Ducati nu a avut curajul sa arunce 1098s in wsbk, au reusit sa forteze modificarea regulilor sa le permita 1200cc pentru la anul in pielea lui 1098R, pentru ca amarastanul de 1098s nici cu un cbr 600 nu prea se descurca pe un circuit, lol.

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Sa moara sergiu kawa, ca primul motor pe care am mers a fost ZX7R, dar daca mentionam asta....puneam gaz pe foc:)



e daca era asa acuma erai un GOD si ma aplecam in fata ta :bigstar:

vorbim dupa ce o sa incerci o asemenea "plasticata" monotona japoneza :P

no hard feelings insider

atat vreme cat nu vb de EA in nume de rau we are cool

daca vrei chiar sa te ling in fund atunci spune-mi ca e frumoasa si e cea mai buna....

am sa o fac fara menajamente :lol:

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Silenti nu prea cred ca-i facila pt BMW combinatia cardan + sbk + 4L etc...

Cardanul are avantajele sale (de necontestat), dar in viata de zi cu zi, road use. Pe circuit nu prea cred ca are ce cauta.


Mai mult ca sigur o sa fie pe lant, iar suspensiile lor 'patentate' la fel,sunt sublime poate pt road, pe circuit pur si simplu nu sunt potrivite.


Mie imi place pretul la 1098R :bigstar: cat era? peste 30 de mii parca, nu? Mai pui putin si aduni de-un Desmo RR :P


Imi place BMW pt inovatiile lor, imi place Ducati pt Design, pt V2, pt cuplu , etc, dar totusi doar daca mi s-ar face operatie pe da atatia bani pe un 1098 R sau Desmo RR. (pornind de la premiza ca i-as avea sa-i dau).


SergiuKawa: ce spuneam legat de ZX7R era adevarat, nu erau fabulatii. ZX7R si GPZ 500 sunt singurele 'mobre' pe care am mers.


ZX7R mi se pare grea IN DRACI, la cele 62 kg ale mele (momentan).


Pt cineva cu greutatea mea e de evitat parcarea unui zx7r in panta, cu botul in vale. Descoperi ca devii penibil incercand sa impingi cu picioarele sa o dai cu spatele:))

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iar suspensiile lor 'patentate' la fel,sunt sublime poate pt road, pe circuit pur si simplu nu sunt potrivite.

John Britten imi sopteste ca ar trebui sa nu intrii in discutii tehnice :bigstar:

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atat poti spune de ea ca era grea?

poate tu nu stii dar ai avut onoarea de a conduce o castigatoare de world superbike championship....

daca atat ti-a rams in cap inseamna ca ai mers cu ea 23 de metri

si sigur ai folosit modelul h

intreaba-l pe dopeman despre ea saa vezi ce iti va spune

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'men', nu stiu ce model e pt ca nu sunt asa de obsedat de ea ca tine:)


Adica nu zic, daca as avea una probabil as invata totul despre ea, dar cum nu detin..


Era ZX7R ,model 2000,carburatie. Singurul lucru non-stock care-l observasem era evacuarea "BOS", atat:)


Dupa 7000 rpm intr-adevar imi baga morcovul in poponeata, avand vedere lipsa de permis:) si din pacate pt mine era frustranta greutatea ei.

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BMW HP2 Sport


Photos and text courtesy of BMW AG


1. Concept, Requirements and Features

2. Model Designation and Marque

3. Development, Technical Highlights and Design

4. Technical Data



1. Concept, Requirements and Features

The dream of many Boxer fans has come true: With the new BMW HP2 Sport, BMW Motorrad is putting the sportiest, most powerful and lightest Boxer series of all times on the road.


The third model of the HP model range was designed for the ambitious sports rider and enthrals with numerous exclusive details that were previously restricted to racing, some making their first appearance in series vehicle production.


Examples of these include the self-supporting and aerodynamically optimized fairings made completely of CFK, the gear shift assistant, a dashboard like that used in the MotoGP, the forged aluminum wheels and the racing brakes with radially bolted calipers. Wherever the eye of the spectator wanders, it sees pure racing technology that delights every enthusiast. It is unmistakably athletic, a vehicle that inspires on country roads as well as on the racing circuit.


Regardless of the limits for the engine output as a result of the principle and the aerodynamic disadvantages from the cylinder configuration of a Boxer, BMW Motorrad deliberately decided to further develop this historic engine concept for a road racer with racing circuit talent.





The key engine data are very respectable: the engine achieves more than 96 kW/128 hp at 8750 min–1 compared with the significantly modified engine of the BMW R 1200 S. The maximum torque lies at 115 Nm at 6000 min–1, the highest revs of the engine reaches a peak value at 9500 min–1.


Technically, the BMW HP2 Sport is based on the BMW R 1200 S. Customized to meet the requirements of the ambitious sports rider down to the last detail, the BMW HP2 Sport is however a completely independent and absolutely exceptional motorcycle. Many detailed solutions are based on the experiences gained in long-distance races.




The most striking difference of the BMW HP2 Sport from the endurance racing Boxer is the brand new cylinder heads: Each of the double overhead camshafts (DOHC) uses a drag lever to actuate the valves that are larger than in the BMW R 1200 S. Further modifications such as the flow-optimized intake and outlet, new forged pistons and adapted connecting rod help the engine to achieve the necessary higher output compared to the basic engine.


The new stainless steel exhaust system is placed below the engine for the first time. This keeps the construction of the lower area of the motorcycle extremely slim, enabling great freedom of movement for the familiar ‘hanging off’ riding position, and the fitting of a CFK engine spoiler is advantageous to the aero-dynamics. An inimitable boxer sound with new acoustic quality is generated by the exhaust system and the striking design of the rear silencer is impressive.


Another exclusive racing feature is the gearshift assistant together with the narrow ratios of the 6-speed gearbox to enable fast gear changes without having to ease off the gas and operate the clutch. This technology is offered for the first time in a series vehicle.


In order to adapt the gearshift pattern for the racing circuit, a suitable replacement pressure sensor is available as special equipment if necessary. The fully adjustable Ăhlins sports chassis also has a Brembo monoblock brake system with radially mounted, four-piston fixed calipers at the front.


Optimum ergonomics are ensured by the adjustable forged aluminum footrests, the adjustable stock handlebar and the Magura brake levers with radial mounted brake actuators. The series dashboard that comes directly from MotoGP sport provides the rider with important information and can also deliver lap times plus other racing relevant data as well as the usual displays (see Chap. 3).





Attention was paid consistently to the lightweight construction of all components. This includes not only the self-supporting front fairing and the likewise self-supporting carbon rear or the weight-optimized forged wheels, but also hidden details such as the lightweight generator from the racing world. That’s how it was possible to reduce the unladen weight of the HP2 Sport to DIN standard with full tank (90%) to 199 kilos. The dry weight is a mere 178 kilos.


The interplay of variable ergonomic design, increased engine output and the favorable centre of gravity of the Boxer guarantees superb handling and racing potential. Even if racing fascination is clearly at the forefront of the BMW HP2 Sport, it does not have to forego the safety design feature of ABS.


The sophisticated anti-blocking system specially adapted to the HP2 Sport is available as an option and is configured so it can be switched off for the racetrack.


The market introduction of the BMW HP2 Sport is scheduled for 2008.


BMW HP2 Sport - wBW Lightbox - Click photo to view.




2. Model Designation and Marque

“HP” is the abbreviation for “High Performance” and the “2” in the model designation of this supremely sporty BMW describes the two-cylinder Boxer engine. The term “High Performance” stands symbolically for the sporting performance idea, the achievement potential of the entire vehicle.


“High Performance” – that is the skilful harmonization of all the individual components into a convincing whole that is more than the sum of the individual parts. It is the synonym for a well thought-out overall design and perfection right down to the last detail, for the very best driving characteristics and pure, unadulterated riding pleasure. It goes without saying that “HP” also stands for the prestige connected with an exceptionally high-quality and exclusive vehicle.


After the HP2 Enduro and the HP2 Megamoto, the HP2 Sport is the third representative of an independent motorcycle category from BMW fitted with the historic Boxer engine. All the HP2 motorcycles mentioned use the technical basis of production vehicles, but are clearly differentiated by an uncompromising interpretation of their actual purpose through a conspicuous and emphatically resolute sports orientation and exclusive product features.


These exceptional motorcycles are developed with great passion by small teams of professionals. The special team structure guarantees that the many years of experience of the development engineers, their grasp of the essential, personal know-how and “feeling” have a direct influence on the product.


At the same time these engineers make use of the most modern development and simulation tools plus all the technical facilities that BMW as a whole has to offer. This symbiosis of high-tech and professional skill is what distinguishes the unique appeal of the HP motorcycles.


That’s why high performance motorcycles from BMW are something very special; they are exclusive and authentic and will remain greatly sought after.


3. Development, Technical Highlights and Design

The new BMW HP2 Sport extends the HP model range of BMW Motorrad.


It is a descendant of the BMW R 1200 S. Apart from established concepts such as the BMW Motorrad Telelever and EVO Paralever as well as the cardan shaft drive, almost all components were newly developed or at least modified to a large extent.


Weight saving, increased performance plus the uncompromising sporty configuration was top of the agenda in the list of requirements for the development engineers.


A dedicated specialist team of veteran racing motorcyclists, engineers and mechanics, whose pulse quickens for the Boxer and who have also devoted themselves to motor sport in their private lives, developed this new model

for BMW Motorrad. Experiences that the BMW Motorrad motor sport team had collected with the Boxer racing motorcycle – including a number of races in the endurance world championship of 2007 – were also incorporated.




DOHC cylinder heads, valve actuated by drag lever

A complete redesign of the cylinder heads allowed the Boxer to reach higher revs. Extensive tests in endurance events followed in addition to the usual tests. Double overhead chain driven camshafts (DOHC) and valves actuated by very light drag lever now enable top revs of 9500 min–1.


The four radially arranged valves ensure extremely compact combustion chambers so that there is no need for the second spark plugs as used in the R models until now.


The compression ratio is 12.5:1. Super Plus with 98 RON is recommended as the fuel for optimum performance although the motorcycle can also run on Super 98 RON.


The horizontal arrangement of the camshafts introduces two special features: Each of the shafts controls an intake and outlet valve and the cams are conically ground. For a higher gas throughput, the valve plate diameter was increased from 36 to 39 millimeters (intake) and from 31 to 33 millimeters (outlet) respectively.


The intake channels were machined for optimization. The operating technology with drag lever works with shims sitting on the valves as in the K 1200 engines. The cylinder head covers are made from carbon and fitted with easy-to-replace slip pads made from PA6 hard plastic.



High-strength and lightweight forged piston

The bore and stroke ratio is unchanged in the HP2 Boxer. The high-strength, weight-reduced forged piston and the correspondingly adapted conrod are new.


Interacting with the new intake pipe system with its a short intake air funnel, the power plant develops a top performance of 96 kW/128 bhp at 8750 min–1 and a maximum torque of over 115 Nm at 6000 min–1.


Flow through two parallel and consecutively switched oil coolers

So that the Sport Boxer operates well under all conditions from the thermal aspect, two oil coolers positioned one after the other and with a parallel flow-through are deployed.


Wind tunnel optimization of the BMW ‘kidneys’ in the front fairing ensures an effective flow through the double oil cooler.


Stainless steel exhaust system with active exhaust gas flap

For the first time the 2-in-1 exhaust system made completely from stainless steel is placed under the oil sump. This configuration guarantees optimum angles of tilt when riding. An exhaust flap in front of the double exhaust pipe silencer at the rear and actuated by an electronically controlled servomotor via cable produces a fuller torque curve.


A fully-controlled catalytic converter cuts exhaust gas emissions. Oxygen sensors in the two header tubes monitor the oxygen level and guarantee an optimum air-fuel ratio over the entire torque band.


An example of the great attention to detail that characterizes both the development and production of the BMW HP2 Sport is the exhaust pipe fixtures on the single-piece, self-supporting carbon rear. These are thermally decoupled while, at the same time, compensating for the change in length of the exhaust system during warming and cooling.


The hump also boasts sophisticated ventilation openings, used to effectively deflect the heat away from the underseat exhaust. Additional features of the exhaust system are the highly attractive design and the impressive Boxer sound that escapes from the high-volume silencer.




Close-ratio six-speed gearbox

In contrast to the gearbox of the BMW R 1200 S, the first and second gear have higher ratios so that the gear increments are closer. This results in a lower drop in revs when changing up in gear. This configuration is also a typical racing feature that benefits the dynamic driving characteristics.


Straight from the racing world: Gearshift assistant

A further pedigree racing detail is the standard gearshift assistant of the BMW HP2 Sport, also described as an automatic gearshift. The system allows rapid gear change without reducing the gas or using the clutch. If the gear

lever is activated, the electronic engine control throttles back the ignition angle and reduces the injection.


This means the power unit is at “low load” for the gearshift so it is possible to change gear rapidly without needing the clutch. The gearshift assistant operates under normal riding conditions and, on request, for racing with an inverted switching scheme (pressure sensor as special equipment).


However, if the rider actuates the clutch, the system remains inactive. The BMW HP2 Sport therefore always leaves the decision of whether or not the gearshift assistant is deployed to the driver.


Modified frame construction

The steel tube mid-frame comes from the BMW R 1200 S, but was adapted to the new single-piece and self-carrying carbon fiber composite rear in the area around the location points.


Telelever with Ăhlins sport spring strut

The front wheel suspension is provided by the stable, approved telescopic lever construction. Its trailing link is supported by a specially tuned Ăhlins sport spring strut with compensating tank, adjustable in tension and compression stroke damping as well as in the spring pre-tension.


The expanded surface around the slider clamping device in the lower fork brace allows fine adjustment of the vehicle height.


Quality components made of milled aluminum

The upper fork brace and the two adjustable high-quality stock handlebars flange-mounted in the crankshaft throw are made from fully milled, forged aluminum parts. The main brake cylinder and the clutch master cylinder

with radial pump coupling fixed by quick-release clamping calipers usually found in racing are also used here.


EVO Paralever with Ăhlins sport spring strut

The Paralever rear wheel suspension also originates from the BMW R 1200 S, but in the BMW HP2 Sport it has an Ăhlins sporting spring strut with compensating tank adjustable in all aspects. Thanks to the longitudinal adjustment integrated in the spring strut the vehicle height can also be varied at the rear.


This means the chassis geometry of the BMW HP2 Sport can be individually optimized for different racing circuits.

Every BMW HP2 Sport is supplied as standard with an exclusive toolset which can be used to make all settings on the chassis components.




Exclusive forged wheels and racing tires

The BMW HP2 Sport runs on specially developed, weight and stability optimized, surface-milled forged wheels of size 3.5 x 17” or 6.0 x 17”.


These are considerably lighter than conventional die-cast wheels, but have comparable high stability. The handling characteristics benefit enormously from the smaller rotating masses. The sports Boxer is really easy to steer on bends and allows incredibly rapid change of direction.


The forged wheels are fitted as standard with sports tires in 120/70 ZR17 format at the front and 190/55 ZR17 at the rear. These tires from renowned manufacturers – generally used only on the racing circuit such as the Supersport championship, for example – are homologated for use on asphalt road surfaces. The engineers decided on a 55 series tire cross-section as this achieved the best results for the overall characteristics in tests.


Brembo monoblock racing brakes

The braking system of the new BMW HP2 Sport also presents itself as uncompromisingly sporty. Single-piece, radially mounted four-piston brake calipers from Brembo that hold the two 320-millimetre discs powerfully

in its grip are used on the front.


The radial screw connection is effected by a new die-cast foot on the lower part of the Telelever. A double sliding piston decelerates the rear wheel. It goes without saying that the hydraulic application of the brake calipers is activated by high-quality, steel armored brake lines.


Modified, switchable BMW Motorrad ABS is optional

BMW Motorrad offers an ABS adapted to sporting events as an option. The function of the system has been optimized to prevent the rear wheel from lifting.


An additional pressure sensor in the front brake circuit provides sensitive regulation of the system and the control unit prevents the front wheel brakes from opening too early when the load on the rear wheel is greatly reduced. Nevertheless the ABS can be deactivated for racing events.


Racing ergonomics

Even at the outset of the development, the engineers focused on the seat position. Compared to the BMW R 1200 S, the rider moved closer to the handlebar resulting in a notably more upright seat position oriented towards the front wheel and behind the ‘waistline’ of the fairing.


More importantly, the remarkably slim design of the tank area favors the rider’s weight displacement (hanging off) on the racing circuit. The BMW HP2 Sport also benefits here from the experiences gained in long-distance races where it is not only a question of speed, but also of staying power. Because the rider finds a suitable, but comparatively relaxed, riding position for racing, the new BMW Sport Boxer offers genuine endurance qualities.





Adjustable footrest system

The range of high-grade racing components includes the adjustable footrest system made of milled, high-strength aluminum. An eccentric cam is used to adjust the height of the footrests and to move them forwards or backwards.


Stepped setting positions of the footrests make sure that identical adjustment is possible on both sides. At the same time, the likewise fully adjustable brake and gear lever allow optimal positioning of the operating elements.


Adjustable stock handlebar and Magura manual fittings

Also the stock handlebar of milled forged aluminum is ideally positioned and can be adjusted by changing the offset. The Magura radial manual controls allow manual lever width setting of the brakes and clutch.


All Carbon fiber composite fairing

All the fairings of the BMW HP2 Sport are made from carbon where the single-part rear as well as the front fairing are realized as self-supporting elements. The latter has a noticeably slimmer construction than the BMW R 1200 S and houses lightweight, high-luminosity halogen twin headlamps with free-formed surface reflectors. Special details include the number plate carrier of the BMW HP2 Sport: It can be removed along with the tail lamp and indicators

in a few easy steps before taking part in a race.


Refinements in the wind tunnel

Like every BMW Motorrad the new BMW HP2 Sport was also given its finishing touches in the wind tunnel. Not only were components such as the windshield and new rear-view mirror optimized from an aerodynamic aspect; the engineers also paid particular attention to the airflow for cooling the engine.


So the front spoiler guides the air stream specifically towards the outlet side of the cylinder heads while the BMW ‘kidneys’ in the front fairing guarantee an effective flow of the double-oil cooler. Lastly, elaborate ventilation openings in the carbon tail ensure that the heat of the underseat exhaust system is efficiently deflected.




Sports info centre: GP dashboard from 2D systems

A real highlight for all racing enthusiasts is the production-line dashboard in the cockpit of the BMW HP2 Sport. It was developed in collaboration with the acclaimed company 2D Systems that also deploys its systems in GP racing for data recording and analysis.


The system has a large, easily readable digital display and works in different modes. It is operated by two switches on the left handlebar control.


In road mode the rider can view typical information such as revs, speed, time, kilometers, remaining distance and driving time on the display and is shown supporting information during the warm-up phase of the engine.


In race mode the screen provides data about circuit times, maximum revs, top speed or number of gearshifts, for example. The stored data can also be read out with a laptop. In addition there are eight freely programmable LEDs

in the upper area of the dashboard that can be used as a rev display or external gearshift light.


Like the other functions, the displays are also freely programmable. Finally, the GP dashboard offers a large number of expansion options. A lap timer with transmission/receiving unit, GPS tracking or datalogger can

be connected to a free input.




Following the BMW Motorrad motor sport design

The fairing of the new HP2 Sport is realized to a large extent in carbon-look and follows the style of the BMW Motorrad motor sport design with white lacquering on the windshield, rear, mudguard and side cover.


The engine spoiler carries the two-tone “HP2” lettering. The lattice frame and wheels are lacquered in the BMW Motorrad color of Motorsport Blue.


4. Technical Specifications


BMW HP2 Sport


Capacity 1,170 cc

Bore/stroke 101 mm x 73 mm

Max output 130 bhp @ 8,750 rpm

Torque 85 lb-ft @ 6,000 rpm

Configuration Boxer

No of cylinders 2

Compression ratio/fuel grade 12.5/S Plus

Valves/gas cycle DOHC (double overhead camshaft) with drag lever

Valves per cylinder 4

Ø Intake/outlet 39/33 mm

Throttle butterfly dia 52 mm

Fuel supply management BMS-K


Electrical System

Alternator 480 W

Battery 12 V, 12Ah, maintenance-free

Headlight 2 x H 7, 55 W

Starter 1.2 kW


Power transmission/Gearbox

Clutch Single-disc dry clutch Ø 180 mm

Gearbox Constant mesh 6-speed transmission

Primary transmission 1.734


Gear ratios I 2.176

II 1.625

III 1.296

IV 1.065

V 0.939

VI 0.848

Rear wheel drive Drive shaft

Final drive 2.75



Frame: Main frame and front frame made of steel tube, rear frame and front fairing self-supporting CFK, self-supporting power unit

Suspension, front BMW Telelever

Suspension, rear BMW Paralever

Spring travel, front/rear 105 mm front, 120 mm rear

Castor 86 mm

Wheelbase 1,487 mm

Steering head angle 66 degrees

Brakes Front: Double disc brake Ø 320 mm

Rear: Single disc brake Ø 265 mm

BMW Motorrad ABS optional

Wheels Light metal forged wheel

Front: 3.50 x 17

Rear: 6.00 x 17

Tires Front: 120/70 ZR 17

Rear: 190/55 ZR 17


Dimensions and Weight

Length, overall mm 2,135

Width, overall mm 750 on slip pad

Handlebar width mm 700

Seat height mm 830

Weight, dry kg 178

Unladen weight to DIN standard with full tank kg 199

Max permissible weight kg 330

Tank capacity/reserve l 16/4


Performance Data


0–100 km/h s <3.1

Top speed km/h >200







--- Mesaj completat în 12 Jan 2008 17:28 -------------


BMW HP2 Sport


Photos and text BMW AG


1. Concept, Requirements and Features

2. Model Designation and Marque

3. Development, Technical Highlights and Design

4. Technical Data


1. Concept, Requirements and Features

The dream of many Boxer fans has come true: With the new BMW HP2 Sport, BMW Motorrad is putting the sportiest, most powerful and lightest Boxer series of all times on the road.


The third model of the HP model range was designed for the ambitious sports rider and enthrals with numerous exclusive details that were previously restricted to racing, some making their first appearance in series vehicle production.


Examples of these include the self-supporting and aerodynamically optimized fairings made completely of CFK, the gear shift assistant, a dashboard like that used in the MotoGP, the forged aluminum wheels and the racing brakes with radially bolted calipers. Wherever the eye of the spectator wanders, it sees pure racing technology that delights every enthusiast. It is unmistakably athletic, a vehicle that inspires on country roads as well as on the racing circuit.


Regardless of the limits for the engine output as a result of the principle and the aerodynamic disadvantages from the cylinder configuration of a Boxer, BMW Motorrad deliberately decided to further develop this historic engine concept for a road racer with racing circuit talent.




The key engine data are very respectable: the engine achieves more than 96 kW/128 hp at 8750 min–1 compared with the significantly modified engine of the BMW R 1200 S. The maximum torque lies at 115 Nm at 6000 min–1, the highest revs of the engine reaches a peak value at 9500 min–1.


Technically, the BMW HP2 Sport is based on the BMW R 1200 S. Customized to meet the requirements of the ambitious sports rider down to the last detail, the BMW HP2 Sport is however a completely independent and absolutely exceptional motorcycle. Many detailed solutions are based on the experiences gained in long-distance races.


The most striking difference of the BMW HP2 Sport from the endurance racing Boxer is the brand new cylinder heads: Each of the double overhead camshafts (DOHC) uses a drag lever to actuate the valves that are larger than in the BMW R 1200 S. Further modifications such as the flow-optimized intake and outlet, new forged pistons and adapted connecting rod help the engine to achieve the necessary higher output compared to the basic engine.


The new stainless steel exhaust system is placed below the engine for the first time. This keeps the construction of the lower area of the motorcycle extremely slim, enabling great freedom of movement for the familiar ‘hanging off’ riding position, and the fitting of a CFK engine spoiler is advantageous to the aero-dynamics. An inimitable boxer sound with new acoustic quality is generated by the exhaust system and the striking design of the rear silencer is impressive.


Another exclusive racing feature is the gearshift assistant together with the narrow ratios of the 6-speed gearbox to enable fast gear changes without having to ease off the gas and operate the clutch. This technology is offered for the first time in a series vehicle.


In order to adapt the gearshift pattern for the racing circuit, a suitable replacement pressure sensor is available as special equipment if necessary. The fully adjustable Ăhlins sports chassis also has a Brembo monoblock brake system with radially mounted, four-piston fixed calipers at the front.


Optimum ergonomics are ensured by the adjustable forged aluminum footrests, the adjustable stock handlebar and the Magura brake levers with radial mounted brake actuators. The series dashboard that comes directly from MotoGP sport provides the rider with important information and can also deliver lap times plus other racing relevant data as well as the usual displays (see Chap. 3).




Attention was paid consistently to the lightweight construction of all components. This includes not only the self-supporting front fairing and the likewise self-supporting carbon rear or the weight-optimized forged wheels, but also hidden details such as the lightweight generator from the racing world. That’s how it was possible to reduce the unladen weight of the HP2 Sport to DIN standard with full tank (90%) to 199 kilos. The dry weight is a mere 178 kilos.


The interplay of variable ergonomic design, increased engine output and the favorable centre of gravity of the Boxer guarantees superb handling and racing potential. Even if racing fascination is clearly at the forefront of the BMW HP2 Sport, it does not have to forego the safety design feature of ABS.


The sophisticated anti-blocking system specially adapted to the HP2 Sport is available as an option and is configured so it can be switched off for the racetrack.


The market introduction of the BMW HP2 Sport is scheduled for 2008.


2. Model Designation and Marque

“HP” is the abbreviation for “High Performance” and the “2” in the model designation of this supremely sporty BMW describes the two-cylinder Boxer engine. The term “High Performance” stands symbolically for the sporting performance idea, the achievement potential of the entire vehicle.


“High Performance” – that is the skilful harmonization of all the individual components into a convincing whole that is more than the sum of the individual parts. It is the synonym for a well thought-out overall design and perfection right down to the last detail, for the very best driving characteristics and pure, unadulterated riding pleasure. It goes without saying that “HP” also stands for the prestige connected with an exceptionally high-quality and exclusive vehicle.


After the HP2 Enduro and the HP2 Megamoto, the HP2 Sport is the third representative of an independent motorcycle category from BMW fitted with the historic Boxer engine. All the HP2 motorcycles mentioned use the technical basis of production vehicles, but are clearly differentiated by an uncompromising interpretation of their actual purpose through a conspicuous and emphatically resolute sports orientation and exclusive product features.


These exceptional motorcycles are developed with great passion by small teams of professionals. The special team structure guarantees that the many years of experience of the development engineers, their grasp of the essential, personal know-how and “feeling” have a direct influence on the product.


At the same time these engineers make use of the most modern development and simulation tools plus all the technical facilities that BMW as a whole has to offer. This symbiosis of high-tech and professional skill is what distinguishes the unique appeal of the HP motorcycles.


That’s why high performance motorcycles from BMW are something very special; they are exclusive and authentic and will remain greatly sought after.


3. Development, Technical Highlights and Design

The new BMW HP2 Sport extends the HP model range of BMW Motorrad.


It is a descendant of the BMW R 1200 S. Apart from established concepts such as the BMW Motorrad Telelever and EVO Paralever as well as the cardan shaft drive, almost all components were newly developed or at least modified to a large extent.


Weight saving, increased performance plus the uncompromising sporty configuration was top of the agenda in the list of requirements for the development engineers.


A dedicated specialist team of veteran racing motorcyclists, engineers and mechanics, whose pulse quickens for the Boxer and who have also devoted themselves to motor sport in their private lives, developed this new model

for BMW Motorrad. Experiences that the BMW Motorrad motor sport team had collected with the Boxer racing motorcycle – including a number of races in the endurance world championship of 2007 – were also incorporated.




DOHC cylinder heads, valve actuated by drag lever

A complete redesign of the cylinder heads allowed the Boxer to reach higher revs. Extensive tests in endurance events followed in addition to the usual tests. Double overhead chain driven camshafts (DOHC) and valves actuated by very light drag lever now enable top revs of 9500 min–1.


The four radially arranged valves ensure extremely compact combustion chambers so that there is no need for the second spark plugs as used in the R models until now.


The compression ratio is 12.5:1. Super Plus with 98 RON is recommended as the fuel for optimum performance although the motorcycle can also run on Super 98 RON.


The horizontal arrangement of the camshafts introduces two special features: Each of the shafts controls an intake and outlet valve and the cams are conically ground. For a higher gas throughput, the valve plate diameter was increased from 36 to 39 millimeters (intake) and from 31 to 33 millimeters (outlet) respectively.


The intake channels were machined for optimization. The operating technology with drag lever works with shims sitting on the valves as in the K 1200 engines. The cylinder head covers are made from carbon and fitted with easy-to-replace slip pads made from PA6 hard plastic.


High-strength and lightweight forged piston

The bore and stroke ratio is unchanged in the HP2 Boxer. The high-strength, weight-reduced forged piston and the correspondingly adapted conrod are new.


Interacting with the new intake pipe system with its a short intake air funnel, the power plant develops a top performance of 96 kW/128 bhp at 8750 min–1 and a maximum torque of over 115 Nm at 6000 min–1.


Flow through two parallel and consecutively switched oil coolers

So that the Sport Boxer operates well under all conditions from the thermal aspect, two oil coolers positioned one after the other and with a parallel flow-through are deployed.


Wind tunnel optimization of the BMW ‘kidneys’ in the front fairing ensures an effective flow through the double oil cooler.


Stainless steel exhaust system with active exhaust gas flap

For the first time the 2-in-1 exhaust system made completely from stainless steel is placed under the oil sump. This configuration guarantees optimum angles of tilt when riding. An exhaust flap in front of the double exhaust pipe silencer at the rear and actuated by an electronically controlled servomotor via cable produces a fuller torque curve.


A fully-controlled catalytic converter cuts exhaust gas emissions. Oxygen sensors in the two header tubes monitor the oxygen level and guarantee an optimum air-fuel ratio over the entire torque band.


An example of the great attention to detail that characterizes both the development and production of the BMW HP2 Sport is the exhaust pipe fixtures on the single-piece, self-supporting carbon rear. These are thermally decoupled while, at the same time, compensating for the change in length of the exhaust system during warming and cooling.


The hump also boasts sophisticated ventilation openings, used to effectively deflect the heat away from the underseat exhaust. Additional features of the exhaust system are the highly attractive design and the impressive Boxer sound that escapes from the high-volume silencer.


Close-ratio six-speed gearbox

In contrast to the gearbox of the BMW R 1200 S, the first and second gear have higher ratios so that the gear increments are closer. This results in a lower drop in revs when changing up in gear. This configuration is also a typical racing feature that benefits the dynamic driving characteristics.


Straight from the racing world: Gearshift assistant

A further pedigree racing detail is the standard gearshift assistant of the BMW HP2 Sport, also described as an automatic gearshift. The system allows rapid gear change without reducing the gas or using the clutch. If the gear

lever is activated, the electronic engine control throttles back the ignition angle and reduces the injection.


This means the power unit is at “low load” for the gearshift so it is possible to change gear rapidly without needing the clutch. The gearshift assistant operates under normal riding conditions and, on request, for racing with an inverted switching scheme (pressure sensor as special equipment).


However, if the rider actuates the clutch, the system remains inactive. The BMW HP2 Sport therefore always leaves the decision of whether or not the gearshift assistant is deployed to the driver.


Modified frame construction

The steel tube mid-frame comes from the BMW R 1200 S, but was adapted to the new single-piece and self-carrying carbon fiber composite rear in the area around the location points.


Telelever with Ăhlins sport spring strut

The front wheel suspension is provided by the stable, approved telescopic lever construction. Its trailing link is supported by a specially tuned Ăhlins sport spring strut with compensating tank, adjustable in tension and compression stroke damping as well as in the spring pre-tension.


The expanded surface around the slider clamping device in the lower fork brace allows fine adjustment of the vehicle height.


Quality components made of milled aluminum

The upper fork brace and the two adjustable high-quality stock handlebars flange-mounted in the crankshaft throw are made from fully milled, forged aluminum parts. The main brake cylinder and the clutch master cylinder

with radial pump coupling fixed by quick-release clamping calipers usually found in racing are also used here.


EVO Paralever with Ăhlins sport spring strut

The Paralever rear wheel suspension also originates from the BMW R 1200 S, but in the BMW HP2 Sport it has an Ăhlins sporting spring strut with compensating tank adjustable in all aspects. Thanks to the longitudinal adjustment integrated in the spring strut the vehicle height can also be varied at the rear.


This means the chassis geometry of the BMW HP2 Sport can be individually optimized for different racing circuits.

Every BMW HP2 Sport is supplied as standard with an exclusive toolset which can be used to make all settings on the chassis components.


Exclusive forged wheels and racing tires

The BMW HP2 Sport runs on specially developed, weight and stability optimized, surface-milled forged wheels of size 3.5 x 17” or 6.0 x 17”.


These are considerably lighter than conventional die-cast wheels, but have comparable high stability. The handling characteristics benefit enormously from the smaller rotating masses. The sports Boxer is really easy to steer on bends and allows incredibly rapid change of direction.


The forged wheels are fitted as standard with sports tires in 120/70 ZR17 format at the front and 190/55 ZR17 at the rear. These tires from renowned manufacturers – generally used only on the racing circuit such as the Supersport championship, for example – are homologated for use on asphalt road surfaces. The engineers decided on a 55 series tire cross-section as this achieved the best results for the overall characteristics in tests.


Brembo monoblock racing brakes

The braking system of the new BMW HP2 Sport also presents itself as uncompromisingly sporty. Single-piece, radially mounted four-piston brake calipers from Brembo that hold the two 320-millimetre discs powerfully

in its grip are used on the front.


The radial screw connection is effected by a new die-cast foot on the lower part of the Telelever. A double sliding piston decelerates the rear wheel. It goes without saying that the hydraulic application of the brake calipers is activated by high-quality, steel armored brake lines.


Modified, switchable BMW Motorrad ABS is optional

BMW Motorrad offers an ABS adapted to sporting events as an option. The function of the system has been optimized to prevent the rear wheel from lifting.


An additional pressure sensor in the front brake circuit provides sensitive regulation of the system and the control unit prevents the front wheel brakes from opening too early when the load on the rear wheel is greatly reduced. Nevertheless the ABS can be deactivated for racing events.




Racing ergonomics

Even at the outset of the development, the engineers focused on the seat position. Compared to the BMW R 1200 S, the rider moved closer to the handlebar resulting in a notably more upright seat position oriented towards the front wheel and behind the ‘waistline’ of the fairing.


More importantly, the remarkably slim design of the tank area favors the rider’s weight displacement (hanging off) on the racing circuit. The BMW HP2 Sport also benefits here from the experiences gained in long-distance races where it is not only a question of speed, but also of staying power. Because the rider finds a suitable, but comparatively relaxed, riding position for racing, the new BMW Sport Boxer offers genuine endurance qualities.




Adjustable footrest system

The range of high-grade racing components includes the adjustable footrest system made of milled, high-strength aluminum. An eccentric cam is used to adjust the height of the footrests and to move them forwards or backwards.


Stepped setting positions of the footrests make sure that identical adjustment is possible on both sides. At the same time, the likewise fully adjustable brake and gear lever allow optimal positioning of the operating elements.


Adjustable stock handlebar and Magura manual fittings

Also the stock handlebar of milled forged aluminum is ideally positioned and can be adjusted by changing the offset. The Magura radial manual controls allow manual lever width setting of the brakes and clutch.


All Carbon fiber composite fairing

All the fairings of the BMW HP2 Sport are made from carbon where the single-part rear as well as the front fairing are realized as self-supporting elements. The latter has a noticeably slimmer construction than the BMW R 1200 S and houses lightweight, high-luminosity halogen twin headlamps with free-formed surface reflectors. Special details include the number plate carrier of the BMW HP2 Sport: It can be removed along with the tail lamp and indicators

in a few easy steps before taking part in a race.


Refinements in the wind tunnel

Like every BMW Motorrad the new BMW HP2 Sport was also given its finishing touches in the wind tunnel. Not only were components such as the windshield and new rear-view mirror optimized from an aerodynamic aspect; the engineers also paid particular attention to the airflow for cooling the engine.


So the front spoiler guides the air stream specifically towards the outlet side of the cylinder heads while the BMW ‘kidneys’ in the front fairing guarantee an effective flow of the double-oil cooler. Lastly, elaborate ventilation openings in the carbon tail ensure that the heat of the underseat exhaust system is efficiently deflected.


Sports info centre: GP dashboard from 2D systems

A real highlight for all racing enthusiasts is the production-line dashboard in the cockpit of the BMW HP2 Sport. It was developed in collaboration with the acclaimed company 2D Systems that also deploys its systems in GP racing for data recording and analysis.


The system has a large, easily readable digital display and works in different modes. It is operated by two switches on the left handlebar control.


In road mode the rider can view typical information such as revs, speed, time, kilometers, remaining distance and driving time on the display and is shown supporting information during the warm-up phase of the engine.


In race mode the screen provides data about circuit times, maximum revs, top speed or number of gearshifts, for example. The stored data can also be read out with a laptop. In addition there are eight freely programmable LEDs

in the upper area of the dashboard that can be used as a rev display or external gearshift light.


Like the other functions, the displays are also freely programmable. Finally, the GP dashboard offers a large number of expansion options. A lap timer with transmission/receiving unit, GPS tracking or datalogger can

be connected to a free input.




Following the BMW Motorrad motor sport design

The fairing of the new HP2 Sport is realized to a large extent in carbon-look and follows the style of the BMW Motorrad motor sport design with white lacquering on the windshield, rear, mudguard and side cover.


The engine spoiler carries the two-tone “HP2” lettering. The lattice frame and wheels are lacquered in the BMW Motorrad color of Motorsport Blue.




4. Technical Specifications


BMW HP2 Sport


Capacity 1,170 cc

Bore/stroke 101 mm x 73 mm

Max output 130 bhp @ 8,750 rpm

Torque 85 lb-ft @ 6,000 rpm

Configuration Boxer

No of cylinders 2

Compression ratio/fuel grade 12.5/S Plus

Valves/gas cycle DOHC (double overhead camshaft) with drag lever

Valves per cylinder 4

Ø Intake/outlet 39/33 mm

Throttle butterfly dia 52 mm

Fuel supply management BMS-K


Electrical System

Alternator 480 W

Battery 12 V, 12Ah, maintenance-free

Headlight 2 x H 7, 55 W

Starter 1.2 kW


Power transmission/Gearbox

Clutch Single-disc dry clutch Ø 180 mm

Gearbox Constant mesh 6-speed transmission

Primary transmission 1.734


Gear ratios I 2.176

II 1.625

III 1.296

IV 1.065

V 0.939

VI 0.848

Rear wheel drive Drive shaft

Final drive 2.75



Frame: Main frame and front frame made of steel tube, rear frame and front fairing self-supporting CFK, self-supporting power unit

Suspension, front BMW Telelever

Suspension, rear BMW Paralever

Spring travel, front/rear 105 mm front, 120 mm rear

Castor 86 mm

Wheelbase 1,487 mm

Steering head angle 66 degrees

Brakes Front: Double disc brake Ø 320 mm

Rear: Single disc brake Ø 265 mm

BMW Motorrad ABS optional

Wheels Light metal forged wheel

Front: 3.50 x 17

Rear: 6.00 x 17

Tires Front: 120/70 ZR

Rear: 190/55 ZR 17


Dimensions and Weight

Length, overall mm 2,135

Width, overall mm 750 on slip pad

Handlebar width mm 700

Seat height mm 830

Weight, dry kg 178

Unladen weight to DIN standard with full tank kg 199

Max permissible weight kg 330

Tank capacity/reserve l 16/4


Performance Data


0–100 km/h s <3.1

Top speed km/h >260







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