robog Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 Share Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 MAN UNEORI OAMENII FUSTRATI SIMT NEVOIA DE A FI DURI DE A FII OUTLAW , ALTII SUNT ASHA PT ASHI CISTIGA EXISTENTA , EI SI CIND SUNT MAI MULTE PERSOANE CARE ISI CITIGA EXISTENTA DIN ACELEASI ACTIVITATI APARE CONCURENTA SI INDEPARTAREA CONCURENTEI .... CIND AU APARUT MASELELE CARIATE IN ROMINIA AU IMITAT SI EI CLUBURILE GRELE DE DINCOLO SI S-AU DUS LA TOATE CLUBURILE CARE AVEAU MC IN SPATELE NUMELUI SI LE-AU ZIS CA EI SUNT SINGURII ARE AU VOIE SA AIBA MC PE GEACA ... ASTA SPUNEAU OAMENI DIN MASEAUA CARIATA CARE MERG PE MOTOOR DE 2-4 ANI OAMENILOR CARE MERG PE MOTO DE CITIVA ZECI DE ANI .... DE AICI TREABA CU MC. - MASELE CARIATE ( ASTA MIHAI A NASCOCITO ) ORICUM SUNA F BINE ... BASTY Basty, macar de la tine asteptam mai mult... abia astept ziua cand una din marile masele cariate din europa o sa-ti spuna cat se poate de frumos ca legea o face el si nu tu! sunt foarte curios ce o sa mai zici cand ai sa vezi la televizor motociclisti arestati pt. trafic de arme sau droguri si tie o sa-ti fie jena de statutul tau de motociclist vis-a-vis de opinia publica !! nu mai pleca ureche la gura lumii ci GANDESTE! Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Altair Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 Share Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 MAN UNEORI OAMENII FUSTRATI SIMT NEVOIA DE A FI DURI DE A FII OUTLAW , ALTII SUNT ASHA PT ASHI CISTIGA EXISTENTA , EI SI CIND SUNT MAI MULTE PERSOANE CARE ISI CITIGA EXISTENTA DIN ACELEASI ACTIVITATI APARE CONCURENTA SI INDEPARTAREA CONCURENTEI .... CIND AU APARUT MASELELE CARIATE IN ROMINIA AU IMITAT SI EI CLUBURILE GRELE DE DINCOLO SI S-AU DUS LA TOATE CLUBURILE CARE AVEAU MC IN SPATELE NUMELUI SI LE-AU ZIS CA EI SUNT SINGURII ARE AU VOIE SA AIBA MC PE GEACA ... ASTA SPUNEAU OAMENI DIN MASEAUA CARIATA CARE MERG PE MOTOOR DE 2-4 ANI OAMENILOR CARE MERG PE MOTO DE CITIVA ZECI DE ANI .... DE AICI TREABA CU MC. - MASELE CARIATE ( ASTA MIHAI A NASCOCITO ) ORICUM SUNA F BINE ... BASTY :lol: Cea mai buna explicatie so far. Basty,macar de la tine asteptam mai mult... abia astept ziua cand una din marile masele cariate din europa o sa-ti spuna cat se poate de frumos ca legea o face el si nu tu! sunt foarte curios ce o sa mai zici cand ai sa vezi la televizor motociclisti arestati pt. trafic de arme sau droguri si tie o sa-ti fie jena de statutul tau de motociclist vis-a-vis de opinia publica !! nu mai pleca ureche la gura lumii ci GANDESTE! Eu nu vad unde sprijina Basty "maselele cariate"? Pentru "dinti frumosi" s-a creat HOG Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Roadkill_Himself Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 Autor Share Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 La cit de (semi)evaziv s-a tot vorbit, pe un subiect posibil, probabil, dar nedemonstrat, e interesant cum se vad unii vizati, altii amenintati, unii lezati, altii deranjati... aia mushchiulos de indiferenti/veritabili/tari pe pozitie nu-s bagati la socoteala, ca habar nu au ce si cum... unii deplingind, altii divinizind stari de fapte (im)probabile... gizaz! Las' ca-i bine asa... Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
mihai_prd Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 Share Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 TRIST, cu MASEAUA asta CARIATA... ... unii preteni stiu ce si cum, altii nu... Cred ca pana la urma nu scapi nealergat de catre unii baieti de la Trist Masele Cariate. Chiar daca or sa poarte roz si nu gri. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Qaz Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 Share Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 La cit de (semi)evaziv s-a tot vorbit, pe un subiect posibil, probabil, dar nedemonstrat, e interesant cum se vad unii vizati, altii amenintati, unii lezati, altii deranjati... aia mushchiulos de indiferenti/veritabili/tari pe pozitie nu-s bagati la socoteala, ca habar nu au ce si cum... unii deplingind, altii divinizind stari de fapte (im)probabile... gizaz! Las' ca-i bine asa... Ai uitat sa ii pui la socoteala pe cei carora li se rupe. Vorba unei babutze: sa fie la ei acolo, maica. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Roadkill_Himself Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 Autor Share Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 (editat) Cred ca pana la urma nu scapi nealergat de catre unii baieti de la Trist Masele Cariate. Chiar daca or sa poarte roz si nu gri. De la CE? Bai, nu le am cu alergatul, ca nu ma lasa nici conditia fizica, nici cea morala. Asa ca poate ma prinzi... Ai uitat sa ii pui la socoteala pe cei carora li se rupe.Vorba unei babutze: sa fie la ei acolo, maica. Pai, acuma si tu... daca li se rupe, asta spune tot. Ce sa mai adaug eu? Subscriu, la vorba babutei! Editat Noiembrie 5, 2008 de Roadkill_Himself Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
IceLord Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 Share Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 Mai bine faceti un scander! Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Roadkill_Himself Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 Autor Share Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 Mai bine faceti un scander! Corect. Chestia asta, cu fugaritul, n-o mai practic de prin scoala generala. Un scander e mai... matur, zic eu. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
IceLord Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 Share Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 Corect. Chestia asta, cu fugaritul, n-o mai practic de prin scoala generala. Un scander e mai... matur, zic eu. S-ar degaja un pic atmosfera asta de blooooody fucking shit! Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Roadkill_Himself Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 Autor Share Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 S-ar degaja un pic atmosfera asta de blooooody fucking shit! ... which we all love so true! Atmosfera, that is... Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Purghy Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 Share Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 Eu nu inteleg despre ce se vorbeste mai exact aici si ce legatura are cu posesorii de cruiser, chopper... Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Roadkill_Himself Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 Autor Share Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 Eu nu inteleg despre ce se vorbeste mai exact aici si ce legatura are cu posesorii de cruiser, chopper... Se vorbeste despre nimic, neavind nici o legatura cu posesorii de cruiser, chopper... Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
IceLord Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 Share Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 (editat) Eu nu inteleg despre ce se vorbeste mai exact aici si ce legatura are cu posesorii de cruiser, chopper... Baldabugh! Cred-ca oamenii pe aici isi descarca stres-ul acumulat peste zile grele de tacere! Se vorbeste despre nimic, neavind nici o legatura cu posesorii de cruiser, chopper... Ahhhh si era sa uit!De curand mi s-a propus sa schimb motorul cu un speed , NO WAY MAN o fii motorul meu de vanzare dar tot chopper imi trebe! No amu' cine are chef sa desvolte un astfel de subiect plictisitor? Editat Noiembrie 5, 2008 de IceLord Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Roadkill_Himself Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 Autor Share Postat Noiembrie 5, 2008 OK, o barfa cu legatura directa la fratii cruiseristi si chopperisti, fara numar: Orange County Choppers is the creation of the Mega Marketing Enterprises, a Manufacturing Company in Hong Kong which specializes in the production of clothing and toys. They are also a major producer of gift shop souvenirs, manufacturing all items in China. The original concept was to produce a Television show that would develop a following of loyal fans around the world who would desire to purchase countless amounts of merchandise with the show's logo. It was decided to use the premise of "Custom Motorcycle Building" as research showed this would attract males 18-48, who are the target audience. The end result was "American Chopper", a comically scripted destruction filled show that allow everyone watching to say, "Thank God my family isn't that F**cked up!" The show is a behind the scenes peek at a dysfunctional family of Motorcycle builders in New York State. Paul Tuetel Sr. is founder and owner of "Orange County Choppers". Each "show" consists of several episodes of the "Tuetels" building a motorcycle with a customized "Theme", often as a promotional tool for a Major Corporation. Paul Sr. or his son Paul Jr. (Pauley) is shown fabricating and assembling the Motorcycle. Much of the show is dedicated to Paul Sr. belittling Pauley and constantly brow beating anyone who questions his authority. Although he is usually completely ignored, his tirades frequently result in some wanton and pointless destruction, such as someone breaking a door, furniture being thrown through a window, or a vehicle being driven through a wall. Inevitably someone storms out of the garage, this is often followed by a "to the camera" soliloquy by a lesser cast member. Pauls Sr's other son Mikey is presented as comic relief, endlessly causing mayhem and mocking his father and brother with apparent impunity. Once the "Theme Bike" is completed, there is a public presentation and it becomes another item to be copied as a toy and have its image applied to anything that Mega Marketing Enterprises can sell to a gullible public that seems to have an unlimited appetite for anything with an OCC logo on it. The original concept of filming live people was quickly abandoned due to the inability to find any actors who could portray the Tuetels as moronically as they need to be. Furthermore, every episode depicts so much mayhem and destruction by the Tuetels that it would prove impossible to meet insurance regulations if attempted in real life. Therefore a different approach was required. Actors were hired and "computer scanned" into a Virtual Reality Software Program. This allows the producers to have an extremely life-like family that never tires of the stupid repetitive behaviors used on the show. These actors were retained to appear at all personal appearances and to supply the voices for the English Language version of the show. Stephen Blake,who portrays Paul Tuetel Sr. is a professional dancer and singer who has had a long Broadway career. He spent ten years playing Old Deuteronomy in "Cats". The role in make-up perhaps explaining why no one has recognized him from the show. Robert (Bobbie) Morris who portrays Paul Tuetel Jr. is a model / actor who has mainly done print ads and television commercial work. He played the Apple in the Fruit of the Loom ads. Larry Lynch, who portrays Michael Tuetel was found by accident when the Producer took his family to the "New York Renaissance Festival". He saw Larry playing the part of the Village Fool, and cast him on the spot. Since the show is completely "Virtual", no real motorcycles are ever built. This problem was overcome by having a skilled group of Chinese engineers mock up a real looking, but completely plastic version of each "Theme Bike". This injection molded model is used at the initial presentation and then placed on public display at scheduled venues throughout the country. There is perhaps no limit to the amount of things you can find with an OCC logo on it. Mega Marketing Enterprises both manufactures and licenses the OCC Brand, a small fraction of available items follows: Hats - Shirts - Sweatshirts Helmets - Gloves - Jackets Bubble Gum - Hacky sacks - T-ball Mitts Beer - Tampons - Condoms (as depicted, right) Plus the endless number of dolls and posters depicting the Tuetels, individually and in groups. ... Asta mi-a ciripit o pasarica... Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
violetbiker Postat Noiembrie 8, 2008 Share Postat Noiembrie 8, 2008 Eu nu inteleg despre ce se vorbeste mai exact aici si ce legatura are cu posesorii de cruiser, chopper... Nasol. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
IceLord Postat Noiembrie 8, 2008 Share Postat Noiembrie 8, 2008 OK, o barfa cu legatura directa la fratii cruiseristi si chopperisti, fara numar: Orange County Choppers is the creation of the Mega Marketing Enterprises, a Manufacturing Company in Hong Kong which specializes in the production of clothing and toys. They are also a major producer of gift shop souvenirs, manufacturing all items in China. The original concept was to produce a Television show that would develop a following of loyal fans around the world who would desire to purchase countless amounts of merchandise with the show's logo. It was decided to use the premise of "Custom Motorcycle Building" as research showed this would attract males 18-48, who are the target audience. The end result was "American Chopper", a comically scripted destruction filled show that allow everyone watching to say, "Thank God my family isn't that F**cked up!" The show is a behind the scenes peek at a dysfunctional family of Motorcycle builders in New York State. Paul Tuetel Sr. is founder and owner of "Orange County Choppers". Each "show" consists of several episodes of the "Tuetels" building a motorcycle with a customized "Theme", often as a promotional tool for a Major Corporation. Paul Sr. or his son Paul Jr. (Pauley) is shown fabricating and assembling the Motorcycle. Much of the show is dedicated to Paul Sr. belittling Pauley and constantly brow beating anyone who questions his authority. Although he is usually completely ignored, his tirades frequently result in some wanton and pointless destruction, such as someone breaking a door, furniture being thrown through a window, or a vehicle being driven through a wall. Inevitably someone storms out of the garage, this is often followed by a "to the camera" soliloquy by a lesser cast member. Pauls Sr's other son Mikey is presented as comic relief, endlessly causing mayhem and mocking his father and brother with apparent impunity. Once the "Theme Bike" is completed, there is a public presentation and it becomes another item to be copied as a toy and have its image applied to anything that Mega Marketing Enterprises can sell to a gullible public that seems to have an unlimited appetite for anything with an OCC logo on it. The original concept of filming live people was quickly abandoned due to the inability to find any actors who could portray the Tuetels as moronically as they need to be. Furthermore, every episode depicts so much mayhem and destruction by the Tuetels that it would prove impossible to meet insurance regulations if attempted in real life. Therefore a different approach was required. Actors were hired and "computer scanned" into a Virtual Reality Software Program. This allows the producers to have an extremely life-like family that never tires of the stupid repetitive behaviors used on the show. These actors were retained to appear at all personal appearances and to supply the voices for the English Language version of the show. Stephen Blake,who portrays Paul Tuetel Sr. is a professional dancer and singer who has had a long Broadway career. He spent ten years playing Old Deuteronomy in "Cats". The role in make-up perhaps explaining why no one has recognized him from the show. Robert (Bobbie) Morris who portrays Paul Tuetel Jr. is a model / actor who has mainly done print ads and television commercial work. He played the Apple in the Fruit of the Loom ads. Larry Lynch, who portrays Michael Tuetel was found by accident when the Producer took his family to the "New York Renaissance Festival". He saw Larry playing the part of the Village Fool, and cast him on the spot. Since the show is completely "Virtual", no real motorcycles are ever built. This problem was overcome by having a skilled group of Chinese engineers mock up a real looking, but completely plastic version of each "Theme Bike". This injection molded model is used at the initial presentation and then placed on public display at scheduled venues throughout the country. There is perhaps no limit to the amount of things you can find with an OCC logo on it. Mega Marketing Enterprises both manufactures and licenses the OCC Brand, a small fraction of available items follows: Hats - Shirts - Sweatshirts Helmets - Gloves - Jackets Bubble Gum - Hacky sacks - T-ball Mitts Beer - Tampons - Condoms (as depicted, right) Plus the endless number of dolls and posters depicting the Tuetels, individually and in groups. ... Asta mi-a ciripit o pasarica... Niciodata nu am considerat OCC ceva inovator sau....., pur si simplu o MARE RECLAMA! Au facut ei ceva modele cat de cat interesante dar......! Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Roadkill_Himself Postat Noiembrie 9, 2008 Autor Share Postat Noiembrie 9, 2008 (editat) Niciodata nu am considerat OCC ceva inovator sau....., pur si simplu o MARE RECLAMA!Au facut ei ceva modele cat de cat interesante dar......! It was a joke... credeam ca esti ceva mai tare la inglish... Editat Noiembrie 9, 2008 de Roadkill_Himself Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
IceLord Postat Noiembrie 9, 2008 Share Postat Noiembrie 9, 2008 (editat) It was a joke... credeam ca esti ceva mai tare la inglish... apoi sincer n-am citit totul ci pe apucate ! Oricum nu ma consider un ASS in engleza! Editat Noiembrie 9, 2008 de IceLord Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
yknot Postat Noiembrie 18, 2008 Share Postat Noiembrie 18, 2008 interesanta caterinca... auzi la ei: Actors were hired and "computer scanned" into a Virtual Reality Software Program Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
cria_p Postat Noiembrie 19, 2008 Share Postat Noiembrie 19, 2008 (editat) La cit de (semi)evaziv s-a tot vorbit, pe un subiect posibil, probabil, dar nedemonstrat, e interesant cum se vad unii vizati, altii amenintati, unii lezati, altii deranjati... aia mushchiulos de indiferenti/veritabili/tari pe pozitie nu-s bagati la socoteala, ca habar nu au ce si cum... unii deplingind, altii divinizind stari de fapte (im)probabile... gizaz! Las' ca-i bine asa... * intreb si eu, tot evaziv: acuma ce-o sa fac eu pe 2 ianuarie? nu ies din casa? sa-mi iau steguletzele si sa ma inscriu de-acuma in comitetul de intampinare? sau sa-mi mai pun o geaca pufoasa pe sub cea de piele si sa dau o tura pana la Scrovistea sa vad daca mai au aia porci mistreti in padure? am o dilema acuma, ...zvon, nezvon..., eu cu cine votez?! MC sau MS? in ce priveste OCC..., am citit in zig-zag articolul..., e de tot rasul! astia au ajus un fel de Barby World. ...Numa un ex.: acum 2-3 ani au "creat" o moto pentru HP (Hewlett Packard) cu ocazia implinirii a vreo 50 de ani de la existenta astora sau cam asa ceva..., mi s-a zbarlit parul pe spate cand am vazut-o! da' s-au facut parteneri HP si uite asa au folosit si promovat ei nu'sh workstation de la HP pentru design, ca altfel nu se mai putea indoi o tzeava sau vopsi un rezervor....... Editat Noiembrie 19, 2008 de cria_p Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Qaz Postat Noiembrie 19, 2008 Share Postat Noiembrie 19, 2008 * intreb si eu, tot evaziv: acuma ce-o sa fac eu pe 2 ianuarie? nu ies din casa? sa-mi iau steguletzele si sa ma inscriu de-acuma in comitetul de intampinare? sau sa-mi mai pun o geaca pufoasa pe sub cea de piele si sa dau o tura pana la Scrovistea sa vad daca mai au aia porci mistreti in padure? [offtopic] Unde e Scrovistea aia? Si... ce e pe acolo? [/offtopic] Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
cria_p Postat Noiembrie 19, 2008 Share Postat Noiembrie 19, 2008 (editat) [offtopic]Unde e Scrovistea aia? Si... ce e pe acolo? [/offtopic] * e o padure cam la 40 km de Bucuresti, inainte de Snagov sat, dar pe partea stanga. In padure este unul din palatele regelui Carol, care ar fi trebuit sa fie restituit regelui Mihai, dar "partile" au cazut la pace si a ramas "casa de protocol", asa cum a fost si pe vremea lui Ceashca. E unitate militara acolo si nu poti intra in padure, fara autorizatie (sau cu cineva). Padurea era domeniu de vanatoare pe vremea regelui, are si un lac f. misto inspre Piscu (sat). Eu am fost odata acolo, intr-un Ajun si am taiat porcul la unul din cei care lucreaza ptr. palat. Tipul era plin de povesti... Evident si vanator Editat Noiembrie 19, 2008 de cria_p Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
Qaz Postat Noiembrie 19, 2008 Share Postat Noiembrie 19, 2008 Saru'mana. Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
robychopper Postat Noiembrie 21, 2008 Share Postat Noiembrie 21, 2008 in ce priveste OCC..., am citit in zig-zag articolul..., e de tot rasul! astia au ajus un fel de Barby World. ...Numa un ex.: acum 2-3 ani au "creat" o moto pentru HP (Hewlett Packard) cu ocazia implinirii a vreo 50 de ani de la existenta astora sau cam asa ceva..., mi s-a zbarlit parul pe spate cand am vazut-o! da' s-au facut parteneri HP si uite asa au folosit si promovat ei nu'sh workstation de la HP pentru design, ca altfel nu se mai putea indoi o tzeava sau vopsi un rezervor....... nu vreau sa le iau apararea celor de la occ dar fac bani si in proportie de 80 la suta motoarele sunt facute la comanda ....a devenit o moda in usa ca firmele mari cu renume unele dintre ele sa comande la occ un motor pt firmele lor cu si reclama....atit timp citi oamenii fac bani... si fac motoare pe gustul clientului ...jos palaria...gusturile nu se discuta salutare taica si noroc Citează Link spre comentariu Distribuie pe alte site-uri More sharing options...
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