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Acum 29 minute, taong_mapagbiro a spus:

Si eu am zis...dar merge pe mobra mai bine ca mine, iar daca vezi ce face cu bicla te crucesti  

De acord, stiu ca astia mici sunt buni la asa ceva, e lumea lor.
Totusi, tu ai mers cu una pana acum? Daca nu, inchiriaza una si incearca. Nu sunt tocmai manevrabile mai ales daca îi da si “gaz”. 

Dar decizia iti apartine. 

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Acum 55 minute, taong_mapagbiro a spus:

Nu am pus mana pe asa ceva in viata mea 🙈

O idee buna cu inchiriatul ...asa o sa fac .

Nu-i bai nici graba  😁

Intai sa vad cum e pe una .

Ne zici cum e, poate-ti place si intri la datorii, iei la tot familionul😃

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Neata mai rosh gadolilor

two type of soldiers.
A "rosh katan", lit. Small head, is someone who when given a task, strives to fulfill it to the minimal degree possible. He will only do specifically what he is told, will make no effort to do it in the best possible way, will not look for ways to further promote the goal for which the task is given, will not ask questions about the work if it brings him more work, if finished before the alloted time - will not come looking for more ways to be usefull and so on. He will not do things which are not explicitly his responsibility, and will not help you with something that doesn't fit under it. Someone who is "rosh katan" is generally either lazy, or not commited to the task or framework he is in.
A "rosh gadol" is the opposite. He is hard working and committed/invested in his environment, and is always looking for better ways to do his tasks and other things to do to promote the general goals his given tasks are meant to serve. He is willing to assume responsibility, and would be willing to assist with things which aren't necessarily his duty.

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Acum 1 oră, robert23mg a spus:

Neata mai rosh gadolilor

two type of soldiers.
A "rosh katan", lit. Small head, is someone who when given a task, strives to fulfill it to the minimal degree possible. He will only do specifically what he is told, will make no effort to do it in the best possible way, will not look for ways to further promote the goal for which the task is given, will not ask questions about the work if it brings him more work, if finished before the alloted time - will not come looking for more ways to be usefull and so on. He will not do things which are not explicitly his responsibility, and will not help you with something that doesn't fit under it. Someone who is "rosh katan" is generally either lazy, or not commited to the task or framework he is in.
A "rosh gadol" is the opposite. He is hard working and committed/invested in his environment, and is always looking for better ways to do his tasks and other things to do to promote the general goals his given tasks are meant to serve. He is willing to assume responsibility, and would be willing to assist with things which aren't necessarily his duty.


Eu nu am inteles nimic. Nu prea le am cu limbile straine.

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Acum 1 oră, pitesti2010 a spus:

Eu nu am inteles nimic. Nu prea le am cu limbile straine.

sunt 2 termeni din ebraica si se refera la cele 2 tipuri de 'personalitati' sau soldati
rosh katan - cap mic (execut, nu comentez sau fac minimul necesar)
rosh gadol - cap mare (opusul lui cap mic, face mereu mai mult, imbunatateste chestiile, etc)

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