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Orice postat de ioio_viola
18. Animoca Brands Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix 2022
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
o iau razna si astia cu motogp-ul rau de tot Blacklisted by Ducati: MotoGP factory team's PR crew closes door to our reporter Towards the end of each season, for the past 25 years or so, I arrange interviews with crew chiefs and engineers from each factory for a chat about the season: what made their bikes winners, or losers, and what they’re going to do make them better for next year. I’m going through the same process now. Two weeks ago at Motegi I had a fascinating interview with KTM MotoGP project leader Sebastian Risse, who told me lots of stuff I didn’t know. I love learning these things, so I can try to do my job well, by helping fans better understand the racing and therefore enjoy it more. I’ve got chats booked with engineers from Aprilia, Honda, Suzuki and Yamaha at upcoming races. But not from Ducati. “The problem with the Ducati PR team is that it’s not just me they’re after” The Italian manufacturer has refused to allow me to speak to any of its engineers. Throughout my 35 years in MotoGP I’ve written many things that riders, engineers, teams and tyre companies didn’t appreciate. That’s my job, to write what I believe to be right, not to blow smoke up people’s arses. Michelin is a case in point. It’s a poisoned chalice being MotoGP’s spec tyre supplier, because whoever supplies tyres for the entire grid often gets more criticism than praise. I’ve given Michelin a hard time on several occasions and they don’t hold it against me (much), because I’m only doing my job. Ducati is the first PR crew that’s blacklisted me. https://www.motorsportmagazine.com/articles/motorcycles/motogp/blacklisted-by-ducati-motogps-leading-team-closes-its-doors-to-critics -
18. Animoca Brands Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix 2022
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
azi era inundatie. maine ploua, dar pe weekend se anunta vreme mai buna https://www.crash.net/motogp/news/1014459/1/pics-phillip-island-flooded-thursday-ahead-australian-motogp -
excelent comentariul. stiau exact cand trebuie sa atace riderii, cum o sa fie cu gumele la fiecare. altceva!!!!
au dat direct in reluare . si eu incercam sa nu aflu rezultatul pana transmiteau ei, dar tot aflam fara sa caut si pe deasupra si ratam transmisia lor.
17. OR Thailand Grand Prix 2022
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
eu imi amintesc ca erau discutii ca unii rideri primeau in ziua cursei gume speciale pentru anumite circutie. adaptau gumele la nevoile circuitelor/riderului. -
17. OR Thailand Grand Prix 2022
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
Why MotoGP™ bikes are so much faster now than in 2019 | Tech Talk with Simon Crafar -
17. OR Thailand Grand Prix 2022
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
Cal zice ca Yamaha au avut probleme cu presiunea in roata fata. A zis ca il vedea pe Fabio cum se chinuie si el simtea acelasi lucru... Zarco a zis cava jucat pentru grupul Ducati. A zis ca daca avea ritm de a castiga ar fi atacat, dar cum si-a dat seama ca prea tarziu a intrat in ritm a preferat sa joace pentru echipa. Dezamagitor MM, putea sa fie de gas(h)ca si sa-l atace pe FB. Asa s-a pus Zarco intre ei si nu a mai miscat nimic. Urmeaza sa vedem care merita campionatul mai mult: FQ daca reuseste sa treaca peste esecuri si sa castige si el ceva in a doua parte a sezonului sau FB daca reuseste sa nu mai cada pana la final :)) Asked who makes the call on tyre pressures, Crutchlow replied: “The wrong person. They should let the riders fix it! I know what I used to run. And I know what I run now…” https://www.crash.net/motogp/news/1013594/1/fabio-quartararo-scariest-experience-my-life -
17. OR Thailand Grand Prix 2022
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
Stiu ca a mai fost pus, dar foarte interesante aceste filmari din culise. Chiar cred ca ar prinde mai multe mini serii din astea din diferite garaje. https://youtu.be/CFn9Cqd1CRA -
17. OR Thailand Grand Prix 2022
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
Google: btsport2 free streaming site Si vezi care merge in ziua aia. De aia zic ca mai si pica, dar tot e mai bine decat digi la care mut doar cand streaming urile cad complet sau foarte des si timp lung. -
17. OR Thailand Grand Prix 2022
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
inca mai are timp sa scada gap-ul. e doar prima zi, motocicleta noua si foarte diferita de ce e obisnuit el ... The afternoon session proved tougher in terms of a time attack and Petrucci slipped to last place (+2.6s) but he was left in awe at the cornering ability of the soon-to-be-extinct GSX-RR. “I am happy but at the same time upset because in my [FP2] time attack I found two yellow flags, and then made a mistake,” Petrucci explained. “The only thing I missed was the time attack, but it’s OK. “But I was happy because using the tyre from this morning I was able to ride in 32-high, which is more-or-less one second off the pace of the top guys, but it was only the first day. “This morning I was so happy not to be last and this afternoon, I think I could have finished 1.0 or 1.3s from the top. “I am still struggling in the first two sections with the hard braking but in the other part, which is really flowing, the bike is simply unbelievable because you have a big lean angle, big corner speed.” Petrucci: Suzuki is so different to Ducati, KTM “This bike is so different from what I used in the previous years, not only the Ducati but also the KTM,” said Petrucci, a double race winner on the Desmosedici before a disappointing final campaign with KTM. “It’s incredible how much you can carry the speed inside the corner and it is something you need to understand, because you always think ‘I’m going too fast, too fast, too fast’ but then it stays on the line. “You think you have to brake as hard as possible, but this is not the way this bike wants to ride. “I was used to squaring the corner. To brake hard, stop the bike and accelerate but this bike is not like this. You can carry a lot of [corner] speed and I am used to picking up the bike when I [apply] the throttle, but on this bike you can stay on maximum lean angle, have a lot of good corner speed and can still stay tight to the kerb. “It is something I never tried in my life and I need to get used to this. “I was not able to put one lap together, but the first two sectors where the straights are I am losing 0.7 to Alex [Rins, team-mate] but in the last sector, where there are more corners, I am only +0.3s. "Still the braking is something I need to understand but I am so happy about today because I was scared, excited, curious… I thought I would be slower than I was! “When I saw it was not raining this morning, I thought ‘will I qualify for the race?!’ and at the end, I was only two seconds from the lead. [Already] more-or-less the same position where I left MotoGP last year!” Petrucci: Maybe I wouldn’t have retired… I want to buy this bike! Petrucci enjoyed the sweet handling of the GSX-RR so much that he feels he might have remained in MotoGP if he had been racing it last season, when he left to seek new challenges in the Dakar and then MotoAmerica after a demoralising time on the RC16. “Maybe if I raced with this bike last year, then I wouldn’t have quit my career in MotoGP. This is for sure,” said the 31-year-old. “Because I really enjoyed riding this bike. “It is my first Japanese bike and it is so different. But it is so good. “I have no money otherwise I would buy this bike! After the Dakar I bought the [KTM] but it was only 15,000 euros. I think this one costs a little bit more and I don’t have all this money! “But in general, I think this weekend I am one of the happiest men on the planet.” -
17. OR Thailand Grand Prix 2022
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
a sarit Aragon anul asta. i-au facut pe plac la Fabio :)))) -
17. OR Thailand Grand Prix 2022
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
eu doar pe stream la BTsport ma uit cu toate ca mai pica cateodata teoretic nu am treaba unde se tot duc , daca mai reduc din Spania e ok. totusi daca urmeaza F1 in curand o sa fie mai putine curse in Europa decat outside. ** eu zic ca sclipiri o sa mai aibe MM, dar de dominat si luat campionate cam greu -
17. OR Thailand Grand Prix 2022
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
It has been officially announced that India’s Buddh International Circuit will host the country’s first MotoGP race in 2023. https://www.motogp.com/en/news/2022/09/30/motogp-to-race-in-india-from-2023/438681 -
17. OR Thailand Grand Prix 2022
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
ceea ce spuneau unii ca KTM a furat startul la niste curse, zice Guidotti ca era o strategie bine definita de a beneficia de concesii https://www.gpone.com/en/2022/09/29/motogp/guidotti-ktm-had-lost-the-plot-losing-the-concessions-was-a-blow.html?refresh_ce -
se pare ca F1 e tot mai mult un model pentru MotoGP
se pare ca sunt discutii ca Petrucci sa continue in America https://www.gpone.com/en/2022/09/27/motogp/vergani-explains-that-the-petrucci-suzuki-agreement-came-about-in-half-a-day.html
16. Motul Grand Prix of Japan 2022
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
MotoGP™ lands in Kazakhstan in 2023 2023 marks the start of a new five-year deal that sees MotoGP™ touch down in a new region of the world https://www.motogp.com/en/news/2022/09/27/motogp-lands-in-kazakhstan-in-2023/438399
16. Motul Grand Prix of Japan 2022
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
am pus aici detalii despre cum va arata un weekend anul viitor -
nu cred ca mai schimba ceva pt anul viitor: https://www.crash.net/wsbk/news/1006316/1/2023-worldsbk-rumour-mill-kawasaki-keen-continue-rea toate echipele oficiale au confirmat pilotii pentru 2023, in schimb pentru urmatoarele doua sezoane 2024-2025 s-ar putea sa fie ceva modificari TEAMRIDERBIKECONTRACT PATA Yamaha WorldSBK TeamToprak RazgatliogluYamaha R1End of 2023 PATA Yamaha WorldSBK TeamAndrea LocatelliYamaha R1End of 2023 Kawasaki Racing TeamJonathan ReaKawasaki ZX-10RREnd of 2024 Kawasaki Racing TeamAlex LowesKawasaki ZX-10RREnd of 2023 Aruba.it Racing DucatiAlvaro BautistaDucati Panigale V4 REnd of 2023 Aruba.It Racing DucatiMichael RinaldiDucati Panigale V4 REnd of 2023 BMW Motorrad WorldSBK TeamScott ReddingBMW M 1000 RREnd of 2023 BMW Motorrad WorldSBK TeamMichael Van Der MarkBMW M 1000 RREnd of 2023 Team HRC WorldSBKIker LecuonaHonda CBR1000RR-REnd of 2023 Team HRC WorldSBKXavi ViergeHonda CBR1000RR-REnd of 2023
16. Motul Grand Prix of Japan 2022
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
Anul trecut a picat cand se batea cu MM. Anul asta trebuia sa invete ca a ramane in sa e mai important decat acel 1 pct pe care l-ar fi luat lui FQ -
16. Motul Grand Prix of Japan 2022
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
Presiunea de a nu pica cand trebuie sa iei puncte. A vrut sa-l faca pe Q fara sens. Da stiu, un capion ataca oricand, dar nu cand esti asa aproape de campionat si mai erau 100 de puncte in joc. -
16. Motul Grand Prix of Japan 2022
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
FB nu rezista presiunii. Pacat de cat de bine a mers pana acum in ultimile curse. -
16. Motul Grand Prix of Japan 2022
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
FQ campeon -
16. Motul Grand Prix of Japan 2022
topic a răspuns lui ioio_viola în Kagemushaul Competitii Internationale
de remarcat totusi timpii: primii 19 intr-o secunda. cei cu peste +0.289 sunt out of top 10 POSRIDERNATTEAMTIME/DIFFLAPMAX 1 Jack MillerAUSDucati Lenovo (GP22)1'44.509s25/28311k 2 Francesco BagnaiaITADucati Lenovo (GP22) +0.028s 24/26313k 3 Fabio QuartararoFRAMonster Yamaha (YZR-M1) +0.049s 28/30310k 4 Aleix EspargaroSPAAprilia Racing (RS-GP) +0.068s 25/26310k 5 Luca MariniITAMooney VR46 Ducati (GP22) +0.136s 26/27312k 6 Marc MarquezSPARepsol Honda (RC213V) +0.147s 23/26311k 7 Pol EspargaroSPARepsol Honda (RC213V) +0.169s 24/26312k 8 Brad BinderRSARed Bull KTM (RC16) +0.226s 29/30311k 9 Miguel OliveiraPORRed Bull KTM (RC16) +0.234s 27/28310k 10 Maverick ViñalesSPAAprilia Racing (RS-GP) +0.288s 24/25311k 11 Johann ZarcoFRAPramac Ducati (GP22) +0.289s 24/25314k 12 Takaaki NakagamiJPNLCR Honda (RC213V) +0.377s 26/28307k 13 Alex RinsSPASuzuki Ecstar (GSX-RR) +0.404s 27/31309k 14 Enea BastianiniITAGresini Ducati (GP21) +0.469s 19/24312k 15 Jorge MartinSPAPramac Ducati (GP22) +0.500s 26/28313k 16 Franco MorbidelliITAMonster Yamaha (YZR-M1) +0.556s 24/28306k 17 Cal CrutchlowGBRWithU Yamaha RNF (YZR-M1) +0.678s 23/27308k 18 Darryn BinderRSAWithU Yamaha RNF (YZR-M1) *+0.857s 27/30307k 19 Marco BezzecchiITAMooney VR46 Ducati (GP21) *+0.917s 27/29312k 20 Alex MarquezSPALCR Honda (RC213V) +1.091s 29/30309k 21 Raul FernandezSPAKTM Tech3 (RC16) *+1.230s 25/27309k 22 Tetsuta NagashimaJPNHRC Team (RC213V) +1.336s 22/24304k 23 Remy GardnerAUSKTM Tech3 (RC16) *+1.482s 25/27308k 24 Fabio Di GiannantonioITAGresini Ducati (GP21) *+1.856s 17/24311k 25 Takuya TsudaJPNSuzuki Ecstar (GSX-RR) +2.209s 22/22304k