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Nu mai credeti toate declaratiile astea care fac referire la viitor. Daca va participa sau nu Rossi la WSBK, vom vedea. Dar atata timp cat el inca are contract in MotoGP si e la varf, nu prea are cum sa spuna exact ce o sa se intample peste cativa ani. Nici el nu stie.


Acum ceva timp anunta ca mai vrea "two more years with Ducati", dupa care a revenit la Yamaha si spunea ca ar fi luat in calcul retragerea daca nu avea aceasta posibilitate de a se intoarce la japonezi. Stoner la fel, nega orice zvon cu privire la retragerea sa, iar dupa cateva etape si-a anuntat plecarea in conferinta de presa :)


Se ivesc multe chestii care pot influenta viitorul, in cariera asta de pilot. D-aia se feresc si ei sa vorbeasca despre asta.

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  • 1 month later...

Se pare ca Rossi nu mai ia in calcul o eventuala trecere in WSBK. Isi va incheia cariera in MotoGp:

Desi J Lorenzo are dreptate in privinta viitorului...tind sa cred ca este adevarat...mai ales la varsta si rezultatele care le vad de ce s ar duce la sbk...probabil o sa l mai vedem pana pe la 40 ani ...

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sunt curios, --ar trebui cautat undeva in arhive-- , oare in epoca moderna, sa zicem dupa anii 80, a castigat vreun pilot Campionatul Mondial la peste 35 de ani?

macar dpdv statistic, ar fi sanse?

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Campionatul nu, dar MP da. Anton Mang, Stefan Dorflinger, Jacques Cornu si Angel Nieto erau peste 35 toți. Știu sigur că Dorflinger (alerga la 80 cmc) avea aproape 40 de ani când a câștigat MP al Spaniei.

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Atata timp cat va reusi sa se tina tare in varf ,sper sa ramana in motogp,altfel nu.

Editat de P T R
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Haha...deci am presupus bine cu ceva posturi inainte ca pana la 40 baga in mgp timp va reusi sa se tina in top nu stim...dar cred ca ne va bucura oricum...cand se va lasa sa vezi atunci...jale si lacrimi:)))))))

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Fruuuuumossss! :)

» Post actualizat in 15 Apr 2015 11:25

Jeremy McWilliams says Valentino Rossi's impressive start to the 2015 MotoGP World Championship bears further testament to the Movistar Yamaha rider's 'incredible' ability.


The 36-year-old currently leads the championship ahead of this weekend's third round in Argentina after clinching a victory in Qatar and finishing third in Austin on the factory M1 and McWilliams – who famously shared the podium with Rossi at the British Grand Prix in 2000 – is in awe of the Italian star's longevity at the top level in motorcycle racing.


“I'm just happy to see a guy who has obviously got an incredible amount of ability - mentally and physically to be able to do what he's doing at that age – to be able to go out and show them all the way round in Qatar,” McWilliams told


“I'd love to see the Ducati get a win too because I knew Gigi Dall'Igna years ago when I was at Aprilia and he's come through and changed it around. It was definitely one of the best races of all time in Qatar and more power to Rossi because you can't rule him out.


“It was incredible to see that the oldest man in the pack had more steam than the rest of them at the end of the race in Qatar. Rossi is and has been a very special rider for many, many years and people should never write him off,” added the Ulsterman.


“If it wasn't for [Marc] Marquez and the special ability that he has got, I think Rossi would be an eight-time MotoGP world champion.”


McWilliams believes Rossi takes extra motivation from those critics who have dismissed his chances of securing another premier class crown because of his age and admits he hopes more victories follow for The Doctor this season.


“Whenever he hears journalists writing him off because of his age that's what gives him even more determination than anything else and I think that happened at the first race,” said McWilliams.


“You can't buy that kind of determination; it doesn't matter how much money you have or how many cars or girlfriends you have, nothing comes close to getting out there and beating the young riders and that feeling has just got better and better for him.


“I hope to see more of it and maybe Yamaha have refined that bike just that little bit more this year but Marquez is something special and what he does with a bike is more than anyone else does with a bike. You can't write him off either because he's got more will to win than any rider I've ever seen.


“We're talking about the oldest guy and the youngest guy in the championship here but you can't forget about the riders in between and you've got [Andrea] Dovizioso who is on the best machinery he's been on for some time and he's hungry, and [Jorge] Lorenzo will come back,” he added.


“It's going to be one of the best years in MotoGP and most people I've spoken to want to see Rossi doing well and let's hope he will.”

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fratilor, lorenzo despre rossi:


"He drove very well," admitted Lorenzo. "It is difficult to understand. It really was a tremendous achievement to to set 1m39's with that extra hard tire, I do not understand how he achieved it, but sometimes in racing you find those things you do not understand. We chose a tire, Valentino has only managed to go fast. Neither Smith nor Pol, nobody has managed to be constant. Crutchlow made with the environment in the last lap his fastest lap, and now I do not know when I have to drive spinning, I know not ride like Valentino, who has done an incredible career. The victory was fully deserved and it is impressive how drove with that tire."


sper sa nu intre si rossi - haterii pe aici, n-am chef de discutii fara sens :D

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