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fratilor, lorenzo despre rossi:


"He drove very well," admitted Lorenzo. "It is difficult to understand. It really was a tremendous achievement to to set 1m39's with that extra hard tire, I do not understand how he achieved it, but sometimes in racing you find those things you do not understand. We chose a tire, Valentino has only managed to go fast. Neither Smith nor Pol, nobody has managed to be constant. Crutchlow made with the environment in the last lap his fastest lap, and now I do not know when I have to drive spinning, I know not ride like Valentino, who has done an incredible career. The victory was fully deserved and it is impressive how drove with that tire."


sper sa nu intre si rossi - haterii pe aici, n-am chef de discutii fara sens :D

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Vizitator 9fingers

Ce mi se pare mie destul penibil e cum se raporteaza atatia "admiratori" ai lui Rossi la varsta lui. Inclusiv Rossi o scoate in evidenta de cate ori are ocazia, si nu numai.

Dar si Gibernau, Barros sau Capirossi, concurenta din perioada lui de aur, se invarteau tot pe la treizeci si cinci de ani atunci. Si nu-i ridica nimeni in slavi cum ca ce minuni fac la varstele lor "inaintate".


Asta-mi arata cat de nesiguri sunt unii legat de abilitatile si talentul lui Rossi. Eu, un asa zis hater, m-am asteptat sa castige curse, si cu ceva noroc sa se lupte la titlu, din primul an in care a revenit la Yamaha. Pe cand fost lui galerie l-a ingropat deja de pe la 33 de ani cu geriatrismele astea.

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Vizitator 9fingers

Pai una e sa participi in m gp si alta e sa te mentii la varful competitiei si sa castigi curse,sa fi capabil de duel ...

Ei erau cei care se luptau cu Rossi pt victorii si titlu. Nu asta asta era varful pe atunci?

Iar Rossi nu s-a "mentinut la varful cometitiei", de 6 ani de zile avand o medie de o victorie pe an.

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fratilor, lorenzo despre rossi:


"He drove very well," admitted Lorenzo. "It is difficult to understand. It really was a tremendous achievement to to set 1m39's with that extra hard tire, I do not understand how he achieved it, but sometimes in racing you find those things you do not understand. We chose a tire, Valentino has only managed to go fast. Neither Smith nor Pol, nobody has managed to be constant. Crutchlow made with the environment in the last lap his fastest lap, and now I do not know when I have to drive spinning, I know not ride like Valentino, who has done an incredible career. The victory was fully deserved and it is impressive how drove with that tire."


sper sa nu intre si rossi - haterii pe aici, n-am chef de discutii fara sens :D

Ce mult difera discursul lui Jlo de acum, fata de cel de prin 2008 sau 2009, cand spunea ca poate unii il vad pe Valentino ca pe un dumnezeu, dar ca pentru el este un simplu om, care poate fi invins. Mi-l aduc aminte cat de infatuat era cand spunea cuvintele alea... acum se pare ca i-au cam disparut ifosele.

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Vizitator 9fingers

Ce mult difera discursul lui Jlo de acum, fata de cel de prin 2008 sau 2009, cand spunea ca poate unii il vad pe Valentino ca pe un dumnezeu, dar ca pentru el este un simplu om, care poate fi invins. Mi-l aduc aminte cat de infatuat era cand spunea cuvintele alea... acum se pare ca i-au cam disparut ifosele.

Era doar un om, pe care l-a invins de atunci pt doua titluri mondiale. Acum, ca Rossi si-ai consumat ifosele de prima donna, isi permite si Lorenzo sa-i arate o latura mai prietenoasa.

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Vizitator 9fingers

Nici Rossi nu s-a batut la titlu de multi ani de zile. Si daca nu vrei statistici ce vrei, impresia artistica?

Astia erau niste piloti care si-au atins forma maxima cand trecusera bine de treizeci de ani. Piloti care ciupeau cateva victorii pe sezon, mai des decat a facut-o Rossi in ultimii ani.

Nu e vreo varsta nemaiauzita. Mai ales ca nu a sfarsit la vreo echipa client, cum se intampla cu pilotii aia de mai demult. Prea-l pensionati unii anticipat.

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Vizitator 9fingers

Cum sa-mi scape, cand mi-am luat avalanse de injuraturi sustinand-o pe aici cu multi ani de zile inainte sa le spuna si Rossi acelasi lucru?

Asta e nivelul lui real, nu ce vedea lumea prin anii '00 cand se lupta cu niste "batranei" mult sub nivelul lui, adunati prin echipele client. Nu e efectul vreunei imbatraniri premature, ci al ridicarii nivelului concurentei. Si de vreo 3 ani de zile, de cand mai prinde victorii din an in paste, au viziuni cu Matusalem.

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Cum sa-mi scape, cand mi-am luat avalanse de injuraturi sustinand-o pe aici cu multi ani de zile inainte sa le spuna si Rossi acelasi lucru?

Asta e nivelul lui real, nu ce vedea lumea prin anii '00 cand se lupta cu niste "batranei" mult sub nivelul lui, adunati prin echipele client. Nu e efectul vreunei imbatraniri premature, ci al ridicarii nivelului concurentei. Si de vreo 3 ani de zile, de cand mai prinde victorii din an in paste, au viziuni cu Matusalem.

Din ce vorbesti tu reiese ca nivelul lui e o chestie constanta.

Daca anul trecut nu era marqez rossi avea sanse sa ia inca un titlu.

» Post actualizat in 29 Apr 2015 10:49


» Post actualizat in 09 May 2015 18:04

When Valentino Rossi crossed the line in third position last weekend in Jerez, the mercurial Italian re-wrote the history books for the umpteenth time in his career.


Precisely 18 years and nine months since he was third in the Austrian 125cc race at the A1-Ring behind Ivan Goi and Dirk Raudies, Rossi’s third in Jerez was the 200th time he has stood on a World Championship podium.


No other rider is even close to such an astonishing accomplishment, with Italian legend Giacomo Agostini closest on 159 podiums.


Rossi’s latest record-breaking endeavor once again demonstrates his incredible longevity at the pinnacle of the sport.


To put Rossi’s staying power into perspective, the Austrian Grand Prix back in 1996 was one day after my 23rd birthday. Now I’m not far off my 42nd birthday.


There were 6847 days between rostrum number one and him reaching the double century in Jerez, or 978 weeks and one day!


Rossi’s achievement is unique; particularly considering he plies his trade in a sport where danger lurks around every corner and the risk of injury is a constant occupational hazard. He’s not picking up a golf club, tennis racket or snooker cue to keep the bank balance ticking over.


And then there are the mental and physical demands of riding a 260bhp race bred MotoGP bike on the absolute limit for three days over 18 weekends.


That requires super human motivation and dedication to keep the mind and body razor sharp.


For me, it is not only the fact that Rossi is still able to compete and beat the likes of Marc Marquez and Jorge Lorenzo that is most impressive.


It is the fact that he still wants to do it.


He doesn’t do it for the money. Rossi is rich beyond his wildest dreams and is financially secure for life.


He does it because he loves it.


He wants to sit in the Movistar Yamaha garage long after the sun has set, pouring over data with his crew and calculating where he can squeeze even just a thousandth-of-a-second more out of his YZR-M1.


He doesn’t shirk the daily visits to the gym to keep himself in peak physical condition. He thrives on constantly making minute tweaks to his riding style to stay competitive. Even at 36, Rossi is proof you can teach an old dog new tricks.


But most of all he loves the thrill of competition and the buzz of wheel to wheel combat. He relishes testing himself against the fast and fearless younger generation headed by the likes of Marquez.


In Jerez last weekend, he was asked how he has been able to keep so motivated and so driven to continue racing at the top.


His answer was: “You can stay at home because it is enough and also don't risk and stay relaxed. But in my case I like very much the race. I love my life, also going around the world and especially working with Yamaha and my team. And the taste of victory is always special. It is a pleasure to work to find that feeling.”


So there you go. He’s as motivated now standing aside Lorenzo and Marquez on the podium as he was nearly 20 years ago with Goi and Raudies.


It’s a good job too because it looks like his title fight with Lorenzo and Marquez is building up to a classic clash of styles and personalities in 2015.


After Lorenzo’s brilliant return to winning ways in Jerez and Marquez’s pain-defying ride to second, the Spanish pair clawed back precious points on Rossi in the Championship battle.


A 201st podium in Le Mans next weekend, preferably on the top step from Rossi’s point of view, will be just what "The Doctor" ordered.

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